Wednesday, March 10, 197 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday throughFriday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 5 55 j I fi i FOR RENT FOR RENT MUSICAL MDSE., { RADIOS, REPAIRS ROOM FOR GIRL in Co-op. $85/mo. ROOMMATES WANTED - We need 2 room and board. Laura, 761-4281. men to complete a super nice 4-man ASTROROCOM-MARLUX TAPE DECK; 73C53 apt. for fal. Spacious, mod., conven- unused Empire 999VEX cartridge. 668- ient, Call Ron 663-3995, now. 85C50 7241.99X52 SUBLET TILL MAY - Single furnished 724-. 99X5- room. 902 Baldwin. Call Ted, 761-4360 FEMALE. Modern Apartment. Available or 61-475 5459 immediately. Near campus. Garage. GUITAR, Martin D-28, immaculate con- or 761-9475. 54C59 Nercmus"aae _76____7-imeitl.dition, financial difficulty, must sell. 761-'8073. 88X29 Dai,71236r35 FEMALE share modern 4-man, 2 bdrm. David, 761-2366. 13X52' $75 immed. occupancy. Call 662-4147.--. ---_--- - MODERN 3-BDRM. semi-furnished apt. HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO _ avail. May to May, $240. 761-9699. Acoustic, electric instruments, acces-' SUMMER SUBLET - 2 bdrm., 2/3 man, 50C53 sories, David lessons-repair. Gibson, near I-M. Offstreet parking. Cheap. Harmony. 209 S. State, 665-8001, 10-7 BUSINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL PUBLICITY PHOTO- TOGRAPHY taken of groups or solo artists in performance or at request. Also model portfolios taken. Contact Farkas Photography, 665-4772. 07J53 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Will type term papers, theses, let-I ters, etc. Charge is 60c/page. (Pica type). Will provide paper. Phone, 761-3632. 68J49, EXPERIENCED TYPIST available for home typing. Mrs. Seraphin. 761-3250. 46J48 THESES. PAPERS (incl. technical) typ- ed. Experienced, professional; IBM Selectric. Quick service. 663-6291. 42Jtc APARTMENT CLEANING weekly or bi-I weekly. 761-7427. 11J9 KEY-PUNCHING, evening and week- ends-Joyce, 769-2838. 08J85 EXPERIENCED TYPIST, IBM exec elec.), high quality, pickup and de- livery. same day service. Call Renee,. 2 ~ 999R-7 BIKES AND SCOOTERS GUARANTEED MOTORCYCLE REPAIR 3 trained mechanics John, 761-0607 Rodger, 769-7829 CZtc BSA 1970 250ce, 8000m. Call evenings. 764-6860_ 40Z52 MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET every Sat. and Sun. Hours 9-6, Ann Arbor, 6780 Jackson Rd. (next to drive-in the-1 ater). Free admission. Over 60 deal- ers. For space contact Beverly Aslin. Allen, Mich. Phone 517-869-2414. 29M661 FOR SALE FORD VAN. 1963, and girls 5-speed bi- cycle. eBst offer. 761-3525, 337 E. .Jefferson, No. 2, 76B48I BEAN-BAG CHAIRS, lowest prices any- where, $27.50. All colors. On display Darby's Clothing Store, or call 761- 0349. 81B53 NEED A TV? We have a1arge selectin PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONA L WIN A DOZEN BAGELS/WK. for a yr.'ODD JOBS WANTED-Student desires Name our new deep-fried cinammon work of any kind: rug shampooing, raisin bagel. The Bagel Factory. wall washing, etc. Call 662-4736. FD 62F58$ TONIGHT LIKE THAT BLUEGRASS MUSIC? The R.F.D. Boys play it at LUMS North Campus, 663-1740 DISCOUNT BOOKSTORE? We've been discounting diamonds in Ann Arbor for years. Austin Diamond-1209, S. University FOLKSINGERS Catherine & Robert at Rive Gauche. 9 p.m. Free. 47F48 SIGHT & SOUND, INC. A FILM PRODUCTION STUDIO offers related services 1. Sound Recording (studio/location) 2. Still Photography 3. Specialized Color & B&W lab work 7155 Jackson Rd. 665-3316 j 49F40 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hand- made. infinite design, various colors and texts you can dig. To see, call 665-5478 evenings or weekends, Ftc WHY BUY mass-produced wedding bands? Have yours personally design- ed. White or yellow gold. Reasonable prices. Call Jhan. 769.7550 after 4:00. F79 EUROPE $159.00 SUMMER: Detroit Departures 769-0330 after 6 p.m. 17C49 IMMED. OCC. Female. Own rm. in house. 769-7940. Joanne. 761-3063 after 5. 38048 SUMMER APARTMENT, 4-man furnish- ed apartment, spacious, near campus. All conveniences, $160. Call 662-6840. 79C50 HILL STREET-one bedroom furnished apartment. March 1-August 31, $170.1 Call' 769-3230. 00042. LUXURIOUS 2 BEDROOM BI-LEVEL, AIR - CONDITIONED, 5 MINUTES FROM DIAG. BALCONY, DISHWASH- ER, GARBAGE DISPOSAL. 912 SOUTH FOREST No. 22. 761-5889. 42051 FURN ISHED APARTMENTS 4 for Summer and Fall 8-Month Fall/Winter Lease Special Rates fors 2, 4 Month Summer Lease Single Liability Model Open Daily University Towers j 536 S. Forest SUBLET, May-Aug. 2 bdrm., 4-man, air conditioned. Parking. Hospital, cam- pus area. 761-1639. 78050j ROYAL DUTCH apartments for fall. 715 Church St. within walking dis- tance of campus, furnished and air- conditioned. Call 761-6156, 769-2164, ,761-3466. 96C49 FEMALE needed immediately for 1 bed- room furnished apt. near campus. $61.50. Call 761-8487 after 5:00 p.m. MOVE UP NOW, occupy immediately. great modern bi-level 1-2 man on campus, parking, A/C, furnished, ap- pliances. Price negotiable, 769-8776. 86C48 EDINBURGH apartments' for fall. 912 Brown St. Convenient campus loca- tion. All minor .conveniences. Call 761-6156 or 761-3466. 94C49 GEDDES OBSERVATORY } - j 4-MAN FALL 663-410O1 337 E. Huron CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. Ctc NEED A STEREO? Short for cash? New quality components or systems!7642 0825, 7-9 p m. week nights. 07X52 DYNAGO PAT-4 PREAMP/STEREO 35 POWER AMP - $110. SONY ST-80W/ TUNER - $55. 761-4360 or 761-9475.- TED. 56X491 KLH Model 41 TAPE DECK with Dolby noise reduction unit; 5 mos. old; 761- 2579. 70X50 TOM and HARRY'S An Arbor Waterbed F1 4 team has been accepted as a member of the Intergalactic Waterbed Con- DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE! and com- ference (I.W.C.) Team. F fort with double knit slax from Mar- ; - - -- - -- - ty's. Farah, Wrights, and Male $16- AM TRYING to organize course in sci- $22. Marty's Men Fashion Clothing. 3101 ence fiction. Any TF interested in S. State St. CFtc teaching please call Lin. 665-0172. ---.- --- - - 69F49 SUN.: Popular and Folk Thurs.: Folk and Blues. GAY MALE Grad seeks same for room- Weds., Fri. and Sat.: Rock-BUFFOON mate beginning summer half-herm. Music at the VILLAGE INN Send name, address, phone, etc to: (next to Arborland) 88F53 Genesius Guild, P.O. 'Box 1386. AA. -.......,- 48106. 35F52 TOM and HARRY'S Waterbed teams first Head to Head (?) competition 10% OFF begins Sat. nite. Tryouts for team all On everything! Student Book Service week at 214 E. Washington mF 34F67 ---- ------ - ------- - A CHILD CARE in my home for 2X2-5 yr. MAGIC IS FUN! olds, half or full days, creative facil- You should have a magician at your ities, vegetarian lunches, transporta-I next party. Call Bill 764-0731. CFtc tion provided. Good rates. 971-4780. 05F481 "STOP THE WORLD-I WANT TO GET _ OFF." Before you do-call 76-GUIDE to discuss alternatives. 14F48 Creative Photography - - - ^ WEDDINGS and portraits. Professional PROFESSIONAL Publicity Photography quality at student rates. Call Jim taken of groups or solo artists in per- Evans at 769-0053 for appointment to formance or at request. Also model see portfolio . F60 portfolios taken. Contact Farkas ___ . _.. . - - _ Photography. 665-4772. 08F53 th d NOW 1 HARMON KARDON 50 watt Stereo sys- _U6_....._of reconditioned black and white tem, FM Tuner included. Call 662- For Professional Typing, TVs at low prices ($19.95 and up). 8557 after 6. 64X49 term papers and theses Also RCA Color with remote-$168. GOOD CHEAP SOUND-Portable Mag-CALL DIANA - 439-1313 Stereos, too. 662-5495 evenings. 30Jtc 60B50 navox Stereo-$40. 662-5054. 21X48 --- ----peker, _motho EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires PARKWOOD 1966 3 bedroom. Excellentj HI-FI Equipment - Top-rated Aztec- work in her home. Thesis, technical condition, lot available. Call 493-8337 Rembrandt Speakers, 3 months old, and check Rated Shure M-91e Stereo typing, stuffing etc. IBM selectric after 6 p.m. 49B52 cartridge, never used. $350 value, ask- Cal Jeanette 971-2463.HART PROS 195 cm Rachle Boots 9 ing $200, for all. Lew-769-7283 , eve- medium. 668-6238, Chris. 71B52 nings. 86X48 SALES CONSULTANT "PLACING SALESMEN IS OUR' FOR SALE: Singer Touch and Sew, FRAMUS solid body electric guitar, two ONLY BUSINESS" brand new. $60. Polaroid Color Pack pickups, laminated neck, mute, vi- 2155 Jackson Rd., Suite 101. 769-8270 2. $15. Lynn, 769-2241. 52B49 bbrato tailpiece. Reasonable, 764-2135. -tc 12X45 ; --_ _------ ---- --- FOR SALE-1963 Volkswagen Beetle. 3. 5/2 -6'6 Det/Ams/Det. $159 4. 5'5 -6/25 Det/Ams/Det $169 5. 5/16-8/16 Det Ams/Det $189 6. 6/25-8/29 Det/Ams/Det $209 7. 7/1 -8/15 Det/Ams/Det $209 8. 8/1 -9/2 Det/Ams/Det $219 SUMMER: New York Departures 9. 5/28-6/27 NY/Lon/NY $199 10. 7/12-8/1 NY/Ams/NY $209 Also, a Complete Range of Travel Services: Rail Passes, Car Leases & Purchases; Motorcycles; Intra-Eu- ropean Charters & Many More. PLEASE PHONE OR STOP BY AT EITHER-OF OUR TWO OFFICES: WORLD-WIDE CHARTER 211 South State Street or 611 Church Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Dial: "ON-A-TRIP" 66-2-8747 Oren onlv to U of M student f l P.A. SYSTEM-2 No. 2 Lansing speak- ers $125; 100 watt Bogen amp $75; E. E. V. microphone $25. 763-2683 John. 08X42 ELECTRONIC REPAIR T.V. stereo, radio. Call Ed Dunn, 769- 9159 between 6 and 9 p.m. Jtc HARMONY Elec. Guitar and good am- plifier. 66 watt Heathkit amplifier. Call Mike, 662-3353. 56X11 WORLD FAMOUS MARTIN GUITARS complete stock Let's trade Apollo Music Center 322 S. Main-Ann Arbor 769-1400 X1 76 1 -2680 1 OR 2 GIRLS immediately-Spacious! 5958 apt. Call Marla before 5 p.m., after ________6, 769-7185. 45C85 A l AF L RE L 4% MO. LEASE in professional frat. $70/mo. from Dec. 20-2250 Fuller Rd., 761-0825 after 6. 21079 1 and 2 bedroom ats. FALL-CAMPUS-SUMMER j USED CARS DEAR LON, MY VW BUS MUST GO; new motor and tires, good persou:l- ity, $700. Call Neil, 769-7619. 84N53 1970 TRIUMPH Spitfire Convertible. Yellow. $1850. 1327 Wilmot, Apt. No. 4. 53N52 '66 VW, whitewalls, radio, 39,000 miles. $650. 971-2249 after 6. 91N50 1963 FORD Fairlane '500'. Excellent driv- ing condition. Reasonable price. Call 769-1957 or 764-1734. 04N52 FIREBIRD 400, 1967, cony., A/C, 4 spd. I many accessories. Good mech. cond.' Body needs work-$1300, or best of-: fer. 761-7635. 45N52 LEAVING COUNTRY March 1. Must sell 1966 Thunderbird. All power, air, am-fm, best offer. 665-3221. 89N45 Call Laura or Jim at 769-7293 any-s time before 10 pi. BE BEAULIEU 16 MM CAMERA. 1 yr. old. Reglomatic plus 200-ft. cartridge, bat- tery, and charger. Dead Tach., no lens. Listed for $1,355-asking $800. 764-6326. 09H19 WATERBEDS, $40. Wholesale prices available. Call 769-8163 or 761-4361. 70B4E HE: i SKIS. Cubco bindings. Exc. cond. Cheap! Jim, 769-0421. 98B40 FOR SALE-Head Standards 190's $35. Henke boots, size 9M. $30. Offer, Call Bruce, 761-0791. 14842 - ------ - - FOR SALE: Corvair '62. Fairly good con- dition. $200. Phone 971-5347. 7B42 Rare Persian MINIATURE PAINTINGS on IVORY. Antique. (sizes 1" x 3"- 4" x 6") $10 to $100. 665-0765 . 6B45 COME! If you want a photograph just like BRENDA BOOZLEY'S V-BELL the one your parents had-go to Friday, 9:00. SS. JW. PB. PF. 92F50 ANY studio. Call me only if you can apppreciate my talents and style. BOARDER WANTED. Own room avail- Richard Lee, Inc. 761-9452 able in downtown apartment. $15 per. Ftc week-short-term leases only. 662-- 5495 evenings. 57F48 PAINTING-Student seeks work paint- DISCOVER EUROPE ON A BIKE -. ing, wall washing etc. Five years ofj DICVE UOP N BIE- experience. Call 662-4736. FD Travel the fastest, easiest, and most ______n__ _____-4 _._D exciting way-by Euro-Bike. Euro- PRIVATE JEWELRY CLASSES. Ten wk. Bike offers you a nex tax free motor- course beginning in March. $40.00. cycle or dune buggy, completely 1l Call 665-4915 for information. 87F53 censed. registered, and insured, plus air shipment for your bike back to CREATIVE ARTS FESTIVAL, Crafts the U.S. Euro-Bike can even arrange Fair. Sel your wares, for information economy jet travel between New call 769-0753. 1OF50 York and London. oCntact: Euro- -- - --- -----------__-_--- ---- Bike. Inc.. Suite 703, 810 18th St. NW. GERHARD HEIDERSBERGER Washington, D.C.. 20006. (202) 347-: GE 0766. Area Agent needed. 36F52 ' PHOTO SERVICES wETDIN(' G ANN)UNCEMENT i kPll wiy L 1AlS D, aCu try, staff, and immediate families. EXCITING ENCHANTMENT - You should have a magician entertain at your next party. Call Bill, 764-0731. Ftc UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER presents EUROPE $159.00 SUMMER: DETROIT DEPARTURES CA007 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/8 $159.00 CP049 D-Ams-Lon-D 5/6 - 6 8 $179.00 CA008 Det-Lon-Det 5/6 - 6/24 $159.00 CA008-A Det-Lon-Det 5 6 - 6/24 $159.00 CP071 D-Ams-Lon-Det 5/15 - 6/6 $189.00 CA009 Det-Lon-Det 5/15 - 8/15 $199.00 CA001 Det-Lon-Det 6/28 - 8/28 $?19.00 CA002 Det-Lon-Det 6/29 - 8/26 $219.00 CA010 Det-Lon-Det 7/2 - 8/19 $219.00 CA051 Det-Lon-Det 8/1 - 9/1 $219.00 SUMMER: N.Y. DEPARTURES AT095 NY-Frankfort-NY 6/11 - 8/10 E $193.00 -A014 N.Y.-Lon-N.Y. 5/31-8/13 $199.00 CA013 N.Y.-Lon-N..Y. 6/29 - 7/30 $209.00 Administrative and Travel Services by Students International UAC Travel,.2nd floor Michigan Union 763-2147 or 769-5790. 2Fto New buildings and houses4 from $130-$270 Listing available at the qffice SUMMIT ASSOCIATES & HAMGI LTON MGMT. 761-8055 1Ctc FURN. 2 BDRM. DUPLEX, pking. avail, May 1. $180/mo. 663-5098 evenings. 51052 FALL-CAMPUS-SUMMER 911 S. Forest FURNISHED-SPACIOUS-MODERN 4 man--2 bedroom 668-6906 Ctc 418 E. Washington ROOMMATES WANTED WhW~lvU l NUUNLB~bN1J n a style you can dig. Custom designs. To do your thing call 761-0942 any- time, day or night. 5F48 -- - near Frieze and Angell LARGE-FURNISHED-ONE BEDRO 4 or 2 or 3 students 668-6906 August Occupancy jALL-2 Girls, $65, no utilities, State _ -. . .. - --- . - -- - and Ann, own room, May to May 1964 CORVAIR. 110 hp, 4-sp. Monza.; OM lease. 769-4552. 89Y52 $150. 761-1577. 46N381 LIBERATED FEMALES only-Two non- '70 BUICK GS455, 4-speed, RamAir. likeI chauvinist males need two roommates new, 662-9858 persistently. 04N331 Ctc to fill % of 8-man house. Own room, ---- - ------ -- ----- - share kitchen. $71/mo.-12 mo. plus 1969 TRIUMPH Spitfire, very good con-, utilities. Five man from campus. Call dition. 630 Packard, No. 2. 88N10 soon: 71-4338. 748 - BRAND NEW Girl's Schwinn Collegiate CONGRATULATIONS Tom and Harry, 5-speed bike, must sell-$60. 764-7916 for improving the Karma of Ann Ar- after 9 p.m. 76B42 bor. The Great Cosmic Ranger. F 334 Nickels Arc. European Trade License, 13 yrs. experience Serving University, private industry and public Complete studio, dark room and location facilities Please phone or pick up free brochure and price list 761 -5305 i Arbor Forest , FEMALE ROOMMATE for fall, 1971. Willing to keep Kosher. Call Leah,F 769-0430 83Y53 Sumptuous 4-man units in -- -.. - -. modern secure bldg. on campus FEMALE, 21 with car, dishes, and funds, avail. as roommate to anyone Shown by appt. Call 663-6052 with apt., for fall . . . Contact C. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. M-F, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Sat. Hastings, 35 Clairehaven Hudson, Ohio 44236. Please. 37Y49 Ctc -------_ - -- SHELP-Replace roommate lost to the draft. Mod. 2-bdrm., 4-man. 769-1223 after 5:30. 66Y48 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed immedi- ely. East Ann. $45/mo. Call 769-4018a Nytyime. 99Y45 VW, 1968 BUG. Radio, run root, excel- lent cond. $1295. 971-7848. 72N40a PHOTO SUPPLIES CHEAP PROCESSING Movies, Slides. 769-7069.t 6-MO, OLD DOUBLE. BED and frame, i $65. 434-0511. 41B40 PERSONAL ROOM AND BOARD - sorority; sign- ing contracts for fall and winter '71- '72. Undergrad and grad women. 663- 0656 for interview. 11E52 GRAD COFFEE HOUR -- TODAY, 4-6 p.m. 4th floor Rackham. 66F48 MCAT EXAM. Kaplan tutoring course to begin Sat., March 13 for infor- mation and enrollment 851--5265 or 626-4651. 94F51 BLOOD DONORS REAL, LIVE CARING PEOPLE answerr J 95F53 the phones at 76-GUIDE. 15F48 Tired of confrontation? RICHARD LEE, Inc. Why not try moderation? PLEASE, don't price me against the Join the THIRD SOCIETAL FORCE- businessmen operating studios. I'm an alternative reform movement. Org. NOT THE CHEAPEST Photographer meeting Wed., Mar. 10. Rm. 126 # -the best is slightly more expensive Greene House, Residenitial College. than the rest. Call 761-9452 for { East Quad, at noon. DF54 quality. Ftc URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive, $10 & $12 Rh neg- ative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-4. Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need par- ent's permission. Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 'I t KODAK REFLEX special movie camera. BAHA'I FIRESIDE, Joy Earl. Wed. 7:30.1 16mm-synchronous motor 800. Ask Mosher Lounge. 764-0926. 74F48 for Andy Rauer. 761-6085. 80D53 -- - FALL OR SUMMER 521 Walnut campus, hospital area 3 man-2 bedroom 668-6906 Ctc 4TH GIRL needed immediately, for cam- pus apt. $67.50. 761-0370. 92049( LUXURY APARTMENTS South Forest between S. Univ. & Hill Electronic security system 4-Man for Fal 663-6052 Inquire Apt. 102, 721 S. Forest ARBOR FOREST APARTMENTS Ctc BARGAIN CORNER HAS SUCCESS spoiled Tom and Harry? Of course, but you can still buy $69 waterbeds for $39. 214 E. Washington, 769-9020. Wave of the Future Water- bed Co. W Are Now Being Taken for Our New, Furnished Campus Apartments DAHLMAN N APARTMENTS 545 Church 761-7600 2 GIRLS NEEDED for 2-bedroom. 4-man apartment on campus. 608 Monroe, No. 7. 761-3861. 18Y23 THIRD GIRL NEEDED NOW - only $60/mo. Good location. Nice friendly roommates. Undergrad preferred. Call Joan, 665-7651 after 5. 02Y23 KODAK K-100 TURRET 16mm Movie Camera. 3 lenses including 3 inch telephoto F1.9. 769-5455. 72D51 HELP WANTED MALE COUNSELORS, boys' camp in Michigan. June 23 to Aug. 15-Water- front, sailing, canoeing, nature, judo, tennis, field sports, general, crafts, trips (must be 21). Write giving ex- perience, background. Flying Eagle, 1401 N. Fairview, Lansing, Michigan, 48912. 12H50 OPEN HEARINGS ON rr e'tc ww -- FALL-NEEDED 2 roommates, furnish- NEED 2 DISHWASHERS for meal job, ed, modern 4-man. $75/man. Ric, I 2mas/a.Pi1pio-Fe.10 721-6398 23Y7 2 meadls/day. Psi Upsilon Frat. 1000 Hill St. Phone 761-1055 between 12 e-a I na-W-r.p.m. and 10 p.m. 98H52 ADIIOA SUBLET WQRK IN SPARE TIME in and around I HAVE half a modern 2-man apart- campus. No car necessary. Call af ment to summer sublet. Call Jim, 761- 6 p.m., 434-0453.9 2975. 90U49 KIH HL W T 1W- --- .---- --- - *KITCHEN HELP WANTED, 112 W. fter 93B BEST TWO-MAN in town. 1223 Hill, Apt. 3. Open for summer sublet. Call (best after 11 p.m.) 761-1367. 75U52 W BAB WANTED by May 15th (for full year)- ch 3-4 room unfurnished apt. near law ow quad; as clean, sunny and roomy as 2, possible for around $135. Barbara! Betsey, 11 Lakeville Rd., Jamaica - Plain, Massachusetts. 98U53 ashington. Call between 2-5 p.m. 87H50 BYSITTER for faculty family's twc harming daughters. Some housework, wn transportation essential. $2/hour. 3, or 4 afternoons/week. 663-9531. 82H52 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT BNCa 2 z BDRM. FURN. units on campus. avail, for fall. McKinley Assoc.,663 I AIR-CONDITIONED APT. 2 BDRM., 2 Lifeguards-18 yrs. old, WSI Assistant 6448. tc BATH, 2 BALCONIES 3 mins. from manager-20 yrs old, WSI, coaching campus, 829 Tappan, Apt. 306, 769- expperience. Salaries based on quali- 1-2 BEDROOM 6857. 19U59 fications. Send resume to: Orchard Valley Swim and Racquet Club, Inc., Fumnished oportments for fall MODERN air-conditioned.very .tear 7085 Beverly Crest Dr., Birmingham. Includes modern furnishings, carpet- campus. 2 or 3-man. May-August. Michigan 48010 or call Drent Meyers ing, drapes, air-cond., dishwasher, Rent negotiable. Call evenings, 769- 626-2530. 13H44 balcony, laundry and parking. 7670. 54U48 I- AL TECHNLOG T A . CAL-F- - 662-96--47- MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS ASCP or CALL 662-9607 ONE OR TWO PLACES available in 4- eligible. For expanding modern clin- after 1 p.m. man apt. at 425 Hill. From May ical laboratory, 460-bed general hos- 42C43 thru Aug. Air conditioning. $40/mo. pital. Start $693/moonth ,increases to1 rent. Call 769-3742. 97U44 $900. Paid vacations, insurance and AVAILABLE for summer - 3 bedroom -- ._--_- _____-__-_--_------- holidays. Write or apply in confi- house. Call 665-8163. 57048 MODERN TOWNHOUSE - 1 bedroom. dence, Personnel Department, Ed- -_ -i bi-level. Beautifully furnished, a/c, ward W. Sparrow Hospital, 1215 E. parking. Conv to campus. Available Michigan Ave., Lansing, Michigan CHOICE mid-May. Rent negotiable. 663-9452., 48912 16H43 .. . f ... !-2-RAB 'T -- - - - - -r iimm r ........I APARTMENT HOUSING The Housing Policy Board has passed a proposal for the University to build 1000 units of apartment housing. The housing would be funded by HUD at no cost to the University. Proposed features of the Housing " 1000 unitsby Fa l, 1975. " 250 units by Fall, 1972. a Located just north of Huron High School. s Lease--3 year lease with 60 day notice for termination at any time. Open to all University students and employees Includes Community Center and Child Care Facilities Approximate Rents: Efficiency $80inld 1 Bedroom $110 2 Bedroom $160 utilities 3 Bedroom $230 The Housina Policy Board will be holding these hearings to gather support, criticism, com- SAM'S STO RE LEVI DENIMS. Bell Bottoms .... Traditionals .... Button Flys..... Super Slims. LEVI CORDUROY Bell's . (several colors) Slim Fits ....... LEVI STA-PRESS SLIM FITS Five Colors ... .$8.00 $7.50 $6.98 $8.50 .$6.98 $7.50 $5.98 APARTMENTS FOR FALL Reserve Yours Now PRICE LIST AVAILABLE Rental Office 815 South State - Apt. 9 662-5740 ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. Property Management Dept. 769-2800 921-S. Division 2 bdrm., 3 or 4 man apt. air cond., balcony, parking Call Greg, 769-4228 WANTED TO RENT 3-MAN apartment for summer. Good location, air conditioning. 769-7341. 15U42 I EXPANSIVE SUMMER SPECIAL: 1-2 bi-level, sumptuous double balconies, air-conditioned, quiet, great location. 543 Church. Cheap. Negotiable. 769- 9463. 99C35 LOST AND FOUND LOST: outside Union, a green tote bag containing books. Especially need green notebook. No questions asked. Call 764-8625. 09A50! LOST: orange-buff male cat, short hair, answers to "Tik-Tok".Firstsand Jefferson area. 769-3666. 96A51 LOST: black Labrador puppy, has a Ctc distinct limp with stitches on left hind leg. Was lost on State near Slater's Sun. nite. Call Noel at 665- 9358. 03A49{ LOST: miniature grey Schnauzer near campus. Black collar with silver studs.I 5RC44 $40 Reward. Call 761-6460. 02A53 LOST: Long hair grey male spiritual START WORKING IMMEDIATELY " Men, Women, Couples * Partor Fuli Time i High hourly Earnings " Flexible Hours for details come to . I r% 1 LEVI SLIM FITS Five Colors . . LEVI FLARES In many solids and cfr;,Mc I --. - - -- cat. Green eyes, perpetually spaced