'U' AND SEX DISCRIMINATION See Editorial Page 4hp A6P t r4 t A an ~Iai13J IRRESOLUTE High-35 Low-21 Cloudy, chance of light snow Vol. LXXXI, No. 128 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 10, 1971 Ten Cents S'U'develops new battle de EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is the Run Laboratories, has played a major role in Even beyond Indochina, the Defense Depart- a new anti-infil astion o University research tothe Indoa - 'the electronic battlefield-a new type of war in ment forsees a wide use of electronic battle- the Ho Chi Mit war. which advanced instruments find enemy field techniques in future conflicts. North Vietnam By DAVE CHUDWIN troops, direct ground and air forces to targets "One of the most promising developments in plies into Cam Managing Editor for attack and safeguard the attackers from Vietnam that might apply to Europe or else- "Some sensc In developing the electronic battlefield, a retaliation. where is the use of sensors," Foster explains even voices t new concept of warfare now being used and In the Indochina conflict, the electronic bat- in an interview reprinted in the Congressional which in turn evaluated by U.S. forces in Indochina, the Pen- tlefield has proved almost essential, according Record of Nov. 25, 1970. computers ats tagon has turned to the University and other to Pentagon officials. Besides infrared and radar sensing, one of and World Rep academic institutions because of their unique "By mid-1968, the successful use of sensors the major areas in which the University has "Another se capabilities to do military-oriented research. at Khe Sanh had evolved into a major require- made a contribution to the electronic battle- buries itself i "The primary mission of defense demands ment to support tactical operations in South field has been in the development of devices which is shape the best weapons, whose development is critic- Vietnam," Gen. Jack Lavelle told the House to measure the sounds and vibrations of enemy ally dependent upon first-rank technology," Armed Services Committee last year. forces. Among the s states John Foster, director of defense research According to the University administration, These acoustic and seismic devices transmit use in Vietnam and engineering. researchers here have had a direct role in their information to command posts which pro- sion Detector, - "This can be achieved only by the best and making this possible. ceed to send , artillery, bombs and ground ground sensor most highly trained minds, and these are fre- "The importance of some of the present and troops against the targets found. New York Tin quently found in universities." past programs of the Willow Run staff, espe- "The sensors can be put in place by hand or The Air-Deli * The Department of Defense is tapping the cially in reconaissance and surveillance tech- dropped from aircraft," Foster -says in the tor, priced at a minds of researchers here by supporting $10.4 nology, was brought into sharper focus by the interview. "They can report to our operators as part of form million of military research annually, about situation in Vietnam where allied forces rely the sound and seismic disturbance caused by McNamara's p half of which is classified. heavily upon aerial surveillance for military people or by trucks and tanks in the area. and North Viet This classified research, most of which is intelligence," explains the 1965-66 President's Seismic and acoustics sensors are playing University r Officers inspect acoustic sensors being performed by the University's Willow Report to the University. an important role in Operation Igloo White, Eight Pages vices tration system now in use along nh trail. The route used -by the ese to transport troops and sup- bodia and South Vietnam. rs transmit truck noises and o airplanes orbiting overhead, relay the signals to a set of a rear base area," U.S. News fort says. nsor, dropped by air plane, the ground up to the aerial, d to resemble a jungle plant." pecific seismic devices now in are a Miniature Seismic Intru- a hand-emplaced unattended costing about $1,700 each, the ies reports. vered Seismic Intrusion Detec- bout $1,900 each, was developed ner Secretary of Defen-e Robert lan for a barrier between South nam. esearchers at Willow Run have See 'U', Page 8 CLASSIFIED, MILITARY PROJECTS Research unit issues reports By MARK DILLEN The S e n a t e Assembly Classified Research Committee ~ released its annual report on its activities during the past year yesterday, revealing that the group has approved a. record * number of requests for classified projects at the University. The report paves the way for scheduled debate before Senate Assembly next week over the appropriateness of con- t tinued classified and military research by University scient- ists. Several groups hope to convince the faculty representa- tive body to end war-related research. The 62-page report includes, for the first time, short summaries of classified contracts awarded during the past year, as well as a separate minority report by committee member M i c h a e 1 Knox. He otest f charges that the committee . has consistently ignored rules under which the body is sup- posed to operate. e arc h According to the report, 80 pre- y liminary requests for classified re- search were reviewed and approved by the committee during the year ' set ending March 1, amounting to over $22 million in requests to spon- t toay by soring defense agencies. However, sm" a By TONY SCHWARTZ only a portion of these contracts A week-long series of cthn by weactually funded by the gov- students and faculty members pro- eNo rooal er ejcedb testing military and classified re- thet rop osan Ke or tcree search begins today with both a;thgruadKoneftre fast initiated by several faculty graduate students on the 12-man members, and a forum on the board, contends in many of the issue. 4 proposals approved during the per- iod violate hUniversity guidelines The organizers of the campaign and policies set up to govern clas- charge the University with contri- sified research on campus. mRst, buting to war technology used by Specifically, Knox charges the outside last month's Regents meeting. Seated from left are Ed Kuss; the U.S. military in Indochina. committee has consistently vio- Judiciary, SGC President Marty Scott and SGC Executive Vice Presi History Prof. Ernest Young. an lated a policy forbidding "research organizer of the fast, called the ac- the specific purpose of which is to tion a "way of expressing our in- destroy human life or to incapaci- i tensity of feeling in a way that fs tate human beings." S G lik e l tp li the mood of the moment." Such research, according to inAbout 24 professors along ith Senate Assembly policies, "is not s other supporters will participate consonant with the values of a nmd in the fast, consisting of a diet o university." rne se r nthe mk fruit juice and water for one week. However, Knox claims destruc- hs n.nn p ns In addition to the faculty actdond tive research is inherent in most, Student Government Council has if not all, classified military re- Student Government Council additional funding of student gov- scheduled an educational fo:um on search. early this morning agreed "i ernments at the University classified research tonight at 7:30 While the result of military re-t p.m. in the Union Ballroom. search is not weapons in the tra- principle" to place a referendum Council also voted last night Organizers have drawn up Pe- ditional sense, according to Knox, ion University participation in to urge the University administra- titioDN calling on Senate AsseAby-- the projects constitute "military classified and military research tion to prevent a repetition of the the faculty representative body- ;systems and subsystems which areI, to pass a resolution at its meeting being used by the military to kill ;on the ballot in the SGC elections !circumstances which led to a con- next week urging the Regent to and injure other human beings." 1this month. frontation between police and stu- end classified research on canaptis. In addition, Knox lists the fol-. Council will meet Saturday to 'dents outside the Administration The petition specifically calls on lowing objections to the commit- finalize the approval of the re- Bldg. last month. -Ir Assembly and the Regents to. tee's conduct for the past year, search referendum, as well as Inarslto asduai -Refuse federal funds for 2o- charging: referenda on the People's Peace Inarsltopseduni search that must be classified; -"The committee is not broad- Treaty and on a proposal that tui- I mously, Council also called on the See PROFS, Page 8 !See UNIT, Page 8 'tion be increased to allow for administration "to do everything' NATURAL RESOURCES UNI\IT School revamp Scurriculum_ su to 1HE hiring By TAMMY JACOBS University administrators have filed with the Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare goals and time- tables for implementing t h e University's affirmative action program for equal employ- ment of women. The statement of specific pro- posals, made public yesterday, was filed with a nine-point program in accordance with a 90-day dead- line set by HEW Dec. 8, 1970. HEW will now review. the pro- posals and accept or reject them. The University's Commission on Women, created in January to review the affirmative action pro- gram and make recommendations towards insuring equal opportuni- ties for women, has not yet con- sidered the Universities' state- ment. According to Barbara Newell, chairwoman of the Commission, the goals and timetables ,were formulated by the University ad- ministration, and will be discus- sed at the commission's regular wrmeeting Friday. Members of the Commission met e with members of PROBE, a Wo- man's group concerned with the role of women in the University last night, but refused to com- ment on the goals and timetables, which most of the women had not yet seen. Newell said the Commission worked on the affirmative action program statement and made sug- gestions as to its composition. IAmong the numerical goals set by the University is a raise from 411 women in the instructional staff in 1970-71 to 550 in 1973-74. Included in this numerical goal is a raise from 47 female pro- fessors in 1970-71 to 78 in 1973- bmits W on goals equal of women -Daily-Tom Gottlieb night discuss the disturbance sy, chairman of Central Student dent Jerry De Grieck. aice war, in balIlot it can" to secure the dismissal of charges against three students ar- rested who participated in the skir- mish. The resolution criticized the use of locked doors, police, and secur- ity guards to prevent the demon- strators from entering the Admin- istration Bldg. The protesters weref -Daily-Tom Gottlieb THE UNIVERSITY'S Commission on Women meet last night with PROBE, a local women's group, to discuss the role of the Commission. LAOS DRIVE: N. Viets pushed, back, U.S. says By The Associated Press The U.S. Command yesterday assessed the Laos operation against the Ho Chi Minh trail supply network as having set North Vietnam's effort against the South back five months. By SUE STARK The natural resources school is cur- rently revamping its curriculum in an effort to make its course offerings more responsive to the rapidly changing environ- mental field, says James McFadden, dean of the school. The new curriculum plan, approved by the school's faculty at a meeting last month, eliminates distinct departmental divisions within the school in order to facilitate interdisciplinary teaching and learning. The plan calls for the creation of two school's present 674 students, as well as expansion of the school's facilities, are contingent upon regental approval. McFadden calls the reorganization a major "educational innovation" and com- pares it to the school's 1940 departure from a specialized program in forestry and conservation to one encompassing natural resources in general. Approval of the new plan, scheduled to be in full operation by next fall, followed nearly six months of deliberation by a committee that included McFadden, four facul y members and four students. According to McFadden. one of the main pline groups": biological and physical sciences; resource policy, planning, man- agement and administration; and environ- mental design. These groupings, however, do not con- fine professors to one discipline, but allow, them to work in several of the academic programs offered by the school. On the undergraduate level, the cur- riculum provides "a broad and flexible program" in which students with no spe- cific career goal can obtain a "liberal, en- vironmentally-oriented bachelor's degree," the faculty-adopted plan stated. In addi- tion. the school will continue to offer sev- trin o ttn te eensIf the drive continues until the end of pri as e ,e tryin to tten theRegets4, as compared with a raise from, monthly public meeting Feb. 19. 995 male professors to 1099. it could mean another nine months of time gained for the The administration has -said it The total academic and non- South Vietnamese, the command added. ordered the building to be heavily academic staff of the Univeristy "Every day they remain in Laos it is advantageous to the guarded because of reports that the numbers 15,183 now with a proje- Vietnamization process," a high U.S. military official said. tion for 15,578 in 1973-74. This I t ie h itaeetm obidu hiriig demonstrators would disrupt the would include a raise from 7354 "It gives the Vietnamese time to build up their training. meeting. In addition, administra- See HEW, Page 8 Time is on the side of the Vietnamese." tors said there were not enough - The U.S. Command figured a seats for those seeking to attend. day's full load of war materials "We