Wednesday & Thursday March 10th & 11 th Department of Speech-Student Laboratory Theatre presents GEORGE WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE- by KENNETH KOCH AND THE INDIAN WANTS THE BRONX by ISRAEL HOROW ITZ ARENA THEATRE, Frieze Building 4:10 p.m. or earlier if Theatre is filled ADMISSION FREE p~age l-three im4c £ftrigitn ttt1y NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Tuesday, March 9, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWIN Page Three fj newsbriefs By The Associated Press THE SUPREME COURT ruled yesterday that job tests which screen out blacks without realistically measuring their qualifica- tions for the job are unconstitutional. The unanimous decision ruled out such things as general intelligence tests and educational requirements which cannot be directly related to the job in question. The ruling came in the appeal of 13 black employes of a power station at Draper, N.C., who said such requirements kept them from advancing to jobs held by whites. * * * CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS announced yesterday a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the bombing of the Senate wing of the Capitol one week ago. A statement issued by the Congressmen said "the money has been made available by private sources," and emphasized that "sources of information will be regarded as completely confidential." Among those who signed the statement were Senate Republican leader Hugh Scott, Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield and Rep. Gerald Ford, (R-Mich.). SEN. WILLIAM PROXMIRE, (D-Wis.), told state legislators yesterday Congress is not likely to stop the supersonic transport and that the task of opposing it may fall to the states. Proxmire, an opponent of the SST, said well-financed industry lobbying, more vigorous administration support and the reported back- ing of AFL-CIO President George Meany may shift the balance of power in Congress to proponents of the plane. "The chances for defeating the SST in Congress are at best 50-50," he told six state legislators working to ban the plane from their states. "What has happened is that the opposition is organized thizynar ac thev wx r nn.t ln s eari U~L~J L'AC~ ~ ULJ VY~ ~ 1(" J Medina to face ai charge ATLANTA, Ga. (M - Military sources reported yesterday that Capt. Ernest Medina has been ordered court-martialed in connection with the assault on My Lai three years ago. The Army had been considering for two months whether to bring Medina to court-martial. He is charged with three specifications of premediated murder and two specifications of assault with a dangerous weapon. Medina could face the death penalty, the Army said in announcing that the charges will be referred as a capital case. No trial date was set. The 34-year-old Medina commanded a company from the American division which i I OF -Associated Press B~ritish demonstraition A group of the British Young Liberals wear mock Ku Klux Klan robes in London Sunday as they protest a government-sponsored immigration bill which they term "blatantly racialist." CEASE FIRE ENDED: ySyrian leader calls on Arabs to mobilize By The Associat-ed Press I Ls ye r as Lffy were ast yed. Syria's strong man, Lt. Gen. Hafez Assad, called on the Arab world yesterday to mobilize for a "war of liberation" against Israel. A BOMB THREAT closed the State Office Building in Columbus, Hours after he issued the call, Israeli sources ig Tiberias said a Ohio yesterday after an estimated 800 black demonstrators protest- volley of rockets fired from Jordan struck an Israeli settlement in the ing allegedly racist school policies temporarily took over educa- Beisan Valley shattering a four-month halt to the shooting across the tion department offices in the building. Jordan River. But the sources added that the rockets apparently were The demonstrators issued five complaints including charges of ra- fired by Palestinian guerrillas. No casualties were reported. cism in the schools, charges of unfair punishment of black students, Hafez addressed a mass rally in Damascus as guerrilla leaders and and a demand for black administrators in predominately black schools.: Arab newspapers throughout the Middle East expressed jubilation over The protest ended after demonstrators were assured by city and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's decision not to extend the cease-fire state officials that a review of the complaints would be made. with Israel. It expired at midnight Sunday. -- -------- - - "The only way 'left open for the Arabs to recover their occupied 7-WEEK STRIKE ENDS land is that of armed combat," As- sad told cheering thousands in the Syrian capital. British mailmen return to work :Wthyunlimited political, mili . 1 ' T tary economic backing from the United States, Israel is seeking LONDON (Y') - British postmen went back to of mail on hand when the strike started Jan. 20. to dictate surrender on the Arab their rounds yesterday after a seven-week strike Post Office officials maintained an international countries under the pretext of that left 71 million pieces of mail and parcels un- embargo on 60 million pieces of mail piled up peace," Assad declared. delivered, abroad. Assad said the United States is The workers went back without any pay increase The entire recovery operation was complicated "asdeadly an enemy of the Arabs on basic wages of $36 to $65 a week. Now they by Britain's new decimal currency and by higher as Israel." are at the mercy of a three-man commission which postal charges-both of which went into effect by Although he had steered Syria will conduct a public inquiry later this week. prior schedule during the strike itself. into a close alliance with Egypt, The workers demanded a 15 per cent pay increase;Asdhsbecrtalo dt' Tndcurktrs 13mande1 per cent.The t Ofincereds 8 While pleading with the public to mail only neces- peace moves. per cent and bettered that to 9 per cent tied to sary letters for a few days, the Post Office had Assad vowed that he would not inrea d dtty, workers begin ripping seals off mail boxes. "tolerate any attempt to liquidate incrasedprodctivty.the guerrilla movement.'' Despite scattered rebellion, the Post Office re- The sudden finish to the postal strike was a vic- "The Palestinian commandos will ported "a general return to work by postal and tory foi' the Conservative government, which has remain among the major armed counter staff in all parts of the country." been battling inflation by demanding a 10 per cent forces of the Arabs in the coming While the returnees were sorting 11 million pieces ceiling on wage increases. liberation battle," he said. assaulted the tiny Vietnamese village during an infantry op- eration. A platoon leader in the com- pany, Lt. William Calley, is on trial at Fort Benning, Ga., ac- cused of the murder of 102 Viet- namese civilians. In his testimony, Calley h a s claimed that Medina five times ordered him to kill civilians. To be tried in addition to Me- dina and Calley are Capt. Eugene Kotouc, charged with maiming and assault during interrogation of a Vietnamese, and Col. Oran Henderson who is accused of con- cealing the alleged murders. At Ft. McPherson, Ga., Medina denied the charges. "I am innocent of the charges against me," he said. "I am sur- prised and dismayed that the Ar- my has taken this action. My trust in the military has caused me to consistently resort to proper mili- tary channels in seeking justice." Of the 25 officers and men orig- inally charged either with com- mitting crimes at My Lai or cov- ering up the tradegy, only four face court-martial. The others have either been acquitted of the charges or have had them dis- missed by Army investigators. Meanwhile in the Calley trial, an ex-GI testified yesterday that the defendant took part in the slaying of an unarmed Vietna- mese farmer some weeks before My Lai. The ex-soldier, Bill Carney, said that the Vietnamese rice farmer was thrown into a well and shot- either by Calley or one of his men. The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan.News phone: 764-0552. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier, $10 by mail. Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5 by carrier, $5 by mal. Kidnaped airmen released ANKARA, Turkeyd (P)-- Four .U.S. airmen were freed unharmed" last night after nearly six days in the hands of leftist kidnappers. The airmen walked into their billets in Ankara just before mid- night. The kidnapers, members of the Turkish people's Liberation Army, h a d demanded $400,000 ransom, threatening to put the Americans in front of a revolutionary firing squad if it was not paid by Sat- urday morning. U.S. Ambassador William Hand- ley issued a statement on the re- lease, saying, "I am happy that reason has prevailed and that a senseless tragedy has been avert- ed. The airmen were captured by five armed Turks on Thursday as they left t h e radar-communica- tions base where they worked out- side 'Ankara. State Department officials in Washington h a d virtually ,ruled out payment of ransom. Infor- mants said they felt yielding to ransom demands would encourage other kidnapings. A Turkish government spokes- man said 2,000 police and militia- men searching Ankara before the release Monday worked on th e theory that the kidnapers were university students or graduates of middle-class background. T h e y were assumed to be hiding with friends,. who sympathized with their extreme leftist views. Authorities shifted the hunt to the city's upper-class residential districts after searchers w h o combed a local university campus found illegal arms and ammuni- tion but no sign of the kidnapers. YY 11116 11G 1 G4Ul tlGGO vY Ga G .Iva uaaas s..a aaaaaaavaa N vv...., vv..ra .Lj .. . .. p ..____ _ > AAFC 75c TONIGHT- Zeiffirelli's (of Romeo & Juliet) Taming of the Shrew Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor Aud. A Angell Hall 7-9:30 AR YU HEREAL SUPERMAN ? I 1l FINISHING! L F-mf'vO'MENT OICE ! /rl Uo I i '".. O 0 U Ur(IJr/'-' 0