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March 09, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-29

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See Editorial Page


:43 a t IV

Increasing cloudiness,
snow or rain by evening

Vol. LXXXI, No. 127 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 9, 1971 Ten Cents
Electronic battlefieldi 'U' andthe Indochin
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following Asia to give us an altogether new funding from the Defense Depart- mit offensive aircraft to carry out ics Laboratory and Radiation Lab- contract or the identity of the spon- hanc4
article is thoe frst of atwo-part
series examining the applications of combat capability based on the ment, is one of the primary univer- bombings and strafings of targets. oratory. sor;" Willi
University research to the Indo- concept of an 'instrumented battle- sity centers for developing this type According to comments prepared The disclosure in 1967 of Univer- -For which it could not "disclose Run
china war. field,' " John Foster, director of of warfare. Its current activities In by Pentagon research director Fus- sity participation in a counterin- the purpose and scope of the po- could
By DAVE CHUDWIN defense research and engineering, this area include: ter, "In these areas the University surgency project in Thailand and posed research;" and ponr'
Managing Editor told the House Armed Services -The measurement of heat, ! a- of Michigan has been continually in other secret reserach lead to a con- -Unless the research will "make aren'
University researchers are play- ' committee last year. dar, sound and vibration charac- the forefront of research, making troversy over the participation of a significant contribution to the ad- Ho
ing an important role in developing Already in Laos, Cambodia and teristics of military targets, such important contributions to the de- the University in military esearch. vancement of knowledge" or en' form
the technology for the military's Vietnam, air and ground-based as rockets, tanks and other vehic- velopments and to the state-of-the- Subsequently, all proposals for hance "the research capability of is to
electronic battlefield now being sensors locate Communist forces, les. These measurements are used art in these areas." classified research have been re- the investigator or his unit." expla
tested by U.S. forces in Indochina estimate their numbers and detect by electronic sensors to aid in "These contributions have been viewed by a committee of nine A group of faculty members on quire
for use in future conflicts. their movements. Special radar identifying targets; invaluable in research leading to faculty members and three gracu- Senate Assembly are planning to Sp
This new concept of warfare, and heat photographs provide de- -The development of radar to systems and equipments for battle- ate students, for their appropriate- propose a change in the policy at being
where advanced electronic devices tailed terrain maps 24 hours-a-day take surveillance photographs, and field surveillance and target ac- ness under guidelines approved by the March 15 and 1 Assembly EA-6
detect enemy troops, lead soldiers and in all weather. the refinement of a "moving tar- quisition." the Regents. meeting. 4C
and aircraft to hostile forces and Electronic "black boxes" allow get indicator radar" which tracks Perhaps the major oonribution muc
and aircraft to hostile forces and ~University researchers perform The guidelines state that Univer- byteUirsytohemlay' Sut
evaluate c o m b a t intelligence, bombers to reach their targets by convoys and troops; by the University to the military's Sout
draws heavily on developments confusing hostile radar and mis- -The testing of acoustic and about ary ye sit will , new concept of warfare has been swee
originated and refined at the Uni- siles. Infrared beams permit in- seismic devices which provide search annually, about haf cf for research: the area of remote sensing- Cam
versity's Willow Run Laboratories. fantry to see in the dark and laser means of detecting the sounds and which is classified. -"The specific purpose of which using radar and infrared (heat- "C
"In the area of battlefield sur- searchlights illuminate battlefield vibrations of enemy troop move- Most of the classified reearch is is to destroy or incapacitate hu- measuring) devices for battlefield jungl
veillance, we are concentrating on areas. ments; and done at Willow Run, with smaller man beings; intelligence and to pinpoint targets fly o
exploiting the remote sensor de- Willow Run Laboratories, which -The investigation of advanced amounts at the electrical engineer- -"Which would restrain its free- for destruction. with
velopments of the war in Southeast receives about two-thirds of its countermeasures techniques to per- ing department's Cooley Electron- dom to disclose the existence of the "You want the sensors to en-

Ten Pages
La war
e our military posture," says
am Brown, director of Willow
Laboratories. "Evei ything
be considered part cf wea-
y, even toilet paper. Sensors
t ordnance."
wever, they do provide the in-
ation on where the ordnance
be used, Brown acknowledges,
ining "sensors are used to ac-
ecifically, infrared 7nsors are
g used on the B-57 bomber, the
B Intruder as well as the PF-
Phantom jet whlch provides
h of the combat intelligence in
beast Asia through dauy
ps over Laos, Vietnam and
harlie used to feel safe in his
le redoubts . . . But now we
ver him in RF-4C Phantoms
infrared cameras and take
See 'U', Page 6





by China on







From Wire Service Reports
Premier Chou En-lai warned that the People's Republic
of China has made "adequate preparations" in the light of
continued U.S. war efforts in Indochina, Radio Hanoi report-
ed yesterday.

Speaking luring an oificial visit to ianoli, the Chinese With Senate Assembly son
leader said the Nixon administration "must be responsible to debate the issue, students
for all the serious consequences" arising from such military and faculty members have be-
action, the broadcast said. He did not specify what kind of gun an organized campaign to
preparations China has made.gen ogaiedamigty
"By willfully enlarging their aggressive war in the -Associated Press end classified and military re-
Indochinese area, the U.S. imperialists are imposing a serious th'searchat the University.
threat to China," the premier said. AntrgeiCing te Univrity h
--- _ -- Also yesterday, Secretary of World heavyweight champion Joe Frazier jabs Muhammed Ali in the head with a right in the second contributing to war technology
State William Rogers said the round of last nights title bout in Madison Square Garden. See story, page 9. used by the U.S.military in Indo-
United States should not attenipt ------------- - - china, the organizers are planning
I to dictate South Vietnam's battle a series of activities on the long-
oh rt stratgy in th f t eatthe SELECTIVE PACIFISM REJECTED: standing issue, including a fast, a
strthetnatheseffortumto defeatn dthe,.Iand
ith fraudth Vietnameseo ena trogmass meeting later this week.
Souhtienamsrar assto- "The new campaign against war
as they are, why they should be ' e x e mp tio n research, organized by both stu-
under any restrictions militarily," o tE4 i br s 01 dents and faculty members during
Roes"ad the spring vacaion, appears to be
aRogerssadsgaining a wider range of support
while reviewing the Indochina sit- than have similar campaigns in
ua1gton Rgr ad h taeetorId c i aea ~ cent years.
uation before the winter confer-
Model Cities policy board chair- ence of the Veterans of Foreign Over a score of faculty members,
man Ezra Rowry, an animal tech- Wars. led by history Profs. Sam Warner
nician at the University's medical Following his statement to a WASHINGTON (P) - The Su- tive Service law, closes the door on sonswho oppose participating in all and Ernest Young have organized
center, has perpetrated a pay' meeting of the Veterans of Fore- peeCutysrdy roidRmnChoiswouscbeowa. a petition drive and week-long fast
fraud on the Model Cities program ign Wars, a State Department p eeCot yesterday prohibited Roman Catholics who subscribe to waJustice William . Douglas dis- to protest classified research.
and the University, according to spokesman, Charles Bray, declared claim conscientious objections to thejust war doctrine as well as sented. He said the exemption pro- In addition, Student Govern-
yesterday's Ann Arbor News. that Rogers' context was Laos and the Indochina war but not to all to other selective objectors. vision is unconstitutional i that it ment Council has scheduled an
The News reported that Rowry Cambodia, and did not include wars Marshall said they are subject discriminates in favor of religious educational forum on classified
received sick-pay from the Uni- North Vietnam. to the draft however sincere or re- persons and against humanists and research tomorrow night in the
versity while on conference trips However, Rogers denounced The 8-1 ruling, based on what atheists with similar scruples Michigan Union ballroom.
while simultaneously d r a w i n g North Vietnam's use of safe hav- Justice Thurgood Marshall called ligious they may be. He said Con- against war. The meeting was called, accord-
e wes" ModelCii es rs See CHINA, Page 10 a straightforward reading of Selec- gress intended to exempt only per-; The decision upheld the cevic- ing to SGC Executive Vice-presi-
The News also reported that tion of Guy P. Gillette, 26, of Yon- dn er eGici a
Th ew lo 1ore0ha kes, N.Y., a humanist who said emergency telephone poll of SGC
Model Cities at $165 per week o m e o ga iz locally d e p t" rh ih ol nahl ntddfn h ain onr SGC feels," De Grieck said,
owr ha sworked ful timev foW o~~ men organmze aoal espite hewudhl eedtecutymer.
whior fightiinvacUnitedfNations peace- that the issue is so important that
hiver oty. phevacation from thewkeeping effort but not in Vietnam. it is necessary to start moving on
University.ThemNewsmsad towryourt
has been paid a total of $992 by l ill f'l illruled against Louis A. Negre 23, i medaey
the Model Cities program without lac of action on W omn sDaLu SGC has also called for a mass
he loss of pay from the Univer- of Bakersfield, Calif., a Roman meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in
Catholic who was refused a dis- the SAB to organize actions to-
mty for lost work time.
si y eclinedrk tocmme ntonBy LINDA DREEBEN zations Women's Advocate Claire An ad hoc group of women has charge from the Army. After c'n- ward the cessation of classified
th Nes tor last nigh t Rumelhart. I called a meeting tonight at 8:30 pleting infantry training Negre de- research.
th essoyls ih.International Women's Day, es- reeach
James Thiry, manager of em- tablished to commemorate women "Most of our energy is going in the Student Activities Bldg. to lared his participation in the Viet- The petition being distributed by
ployment relations at the Univer- and their struggles, was not ob- toward the March 13 demonstra- I plan activities building up to Sa- nam war would contradict "a1 that faculty members calls on Senate
sity, said last night that an in- served in Ann Arbor yesterday by tion in Lansing to support repeal turday's abortion law repeal de- I had been taught in my :eligious Assembly-the faculty represen-
vestigation of the allegations in any special activities. of Michigan's abortion law," s h e monstration. training." tative body-to pass a resolution
the News story is underway andSpr added. Buses to Lansing will be ling Both men said the war is un- which urges the Regents to end
an Betw een midterms and ade.puestrLning wilb'evn just and the court did not question casfe eerho aps
Will be completed by this after- Break we couldn't organize and March 8th, proclaimed as Inter- Ann Arbor Saturday morning. the sinceity. classis meeting nex monday and
University officials would make get a program together," com- national Women Day by an In- Tickets will be on sale n the Fish- A Justice Department source said Tuesday, Assembly will hear the
no furthercomment on the case.k mented Office of Student Organi- eetig i 1910 was establied the ruling opens the way for the Classified Research Committee's
The School of Education is government to seek indictments!reort concerning its decisions and

Prof. Young Prof. Warner

<t -


Eased marijuana

because of demonstrations by hun-
sponsoring a county-wide confer- against several alleged draft evad-
dreds of women textile workers on ence of day care and child devel- ers who have raised similar argu-
March 8, 1957 and March 8, 1908. opment on March 13. ments.
The women were protesting pooro-
working conditions, low wages and
the 60-hour work week. SOME AGREEM
Later protests expanded to in-
clude two demands - the right of
women to vote and legislation , *00 10 A
against child labor. 4 1 7 A N d-6 11 CI 1

procedures over the past year.
The fast, in which 23 faculty
See PROFS, Page 6
'*TT "a"Aa1~l it

penalty accepted
byCity Council1
City Council passed into law by a 6-5 vote last night an
ordinance making the possession of marijuana in the city
a misdemeanor,
The ordinance has no effect, however, on present state
law under which possession of marijuana is a felony punish-
able by up to 10 years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines.
A person convicted under the new city ordinance would
be liable to a maximum $100 fine and 90 days in pail.
The city law and state law are both valid in Ann Arbor
leaving the authorities open to choose between them on an
individual case basis.
The determination whether to prosecute under state law
or city ordinance rests with county
prosecutor according to City At-
torney Jerold Lax. Lax said last
night that in the event that the
prosecutor was unwilling to use
the new law other arrangements
ltegotiatemight be sought.
W ill i a m Delhi, Washtenaw
County prosecutor, said last night
highest tribunal in the judiciary that he intended to continue to
use only the existing state law and
the committee's plan, Student police chief Walter Krasny said
nth Coucmittee'S pan, stent, that his department will continue
nt Council and Senate Assembly, to charge persons arrested for
ty representative body, would possession of marijuana with the
slate of candidates for the va- state statute.
on the appellate body to the Other provisions of the new or-
7ho would have to reject the en- dinance would make the dispens-
if they objected to a particular ing of marijuana, not for profit, a
misdemeanor punishable by a
~ en f a i ta a maximum $500 fine and 90 days

Celebrated mostly in socialist
countries. March 8th has only re-
cently been recognized in the Uni-
ted States. One woman active in
the Wayne State University
(WSU) Women's Liberation said
that the re-emergence of a wo-
man's movement has sparked re-
n ,wed interest in commemorating
women's struggles.
WSU Women's Liberation yes-
terday sponsored work-shops and
informal discussions as part of a
day long teach-in celebrating In-


President Robben Fleming and members
of the committee which proposed the Uni-
versity-wide judicial system have reached
agreement on several of the points on
which the Regents and the committee had
Still unresolved, however, is the key
dispute between the committee and the
arlinc-a-in n hem kpiim Ad mwp

the facult
present a
cant seats
Regents, w
tire slate'
T- th

1 ,;

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