By SEYMOUR M. HERSH Last of a five-part series COMPLEX questions about the ultimate solution of the prisoner issue were generally shoved out of sight throughout 1970 by the ever-present publicity campaign. By the end of the year, however, the question of how to get the prisoners out of North Vietnam had become dominant. Some wives and mothers of captured men began arguing that the publicity campaign would not force the release of the pilots but only increase their bargaining value to Hanoi in future negotiations. Typical of the publicity approaches was a macabre exhibit alleged to depict the conditions of Amenican prisoners of war that was installed June 4, in the main Rotunda of the Capitol. Sponsored by H. Ross Perot, who had financed two previous round-the-world trips in support of the prisoners, the exhibit depicted half-starved men living in bamboo cages, earthen holes, and dark cement cells. One prisoner was sitting in the corner of his bare cell, staring dolefully at an empty bowl. A large cockroach was crawling on a nearby pair of chop- sticks, with other cockroaches and a rat nearby. An- other prisoner was lying on his back in a tiny cage with his feet shackled. Placards urged viewers to express their indignation about such treatment to Hanoi. A photograph of a badly burned pilot, his arm in a sling, also was on display. Nowhere was it explained that the pilot's burns resulted from his crash; nor was it explained that no bamboo cages are used in North Vietnam prisons, although some escaped Americans claim such conditions exist in prison camps run by the National Liberation Front in South Vietnam. THE PUBLICITY drive seemed to be paying off from the Administration's point of view: more and more infqrmation was being supplied-albeit via an anti-war group-about prisoners. The men were writ- ing more frequently and seemed to be getting more food. Others, such as Mrs. Cora Weiss of the Copimittee of Liaison, could argue that the improvement in condi- tions stemmed less from the Administration's efforts than from the simple fact that the steady bombing of North Vietnam had ended in Nov. 1968, and since then the standard of living for all of the people there- including the prisoners-has gone up. Largely unnoticed in the public concern over prison- er lists and treatment were signs that the Nixon Ad- ministration's approach on the prisoner issue could be counter-productive. In mid-September, 1970, North Vietnam and the Viet Cong offered a new eight-point peace proposal that elevated the questions of prisoners from the bottom of its list to the top. If the United States declares it would withdraw from South Vietnam, the proposal said, Hanoi and the Viet Cong would immediately begin discussing the question of releasing captured military men. The new peace proposal still demanded that the parties settle all of the political questions concerning solutions: the new government in Saigon and the schedule for U.S. withdrawals before a cease-fire could take effect -points on which the negotiations had been stalled for 18 months. But there was great concern in Washington when Ambassador Bruce rejected the proposals out of hand, 'saying it was "new wine in old bottles (quickly cor- rected by a press spokesman to be "old wine in new bottles"). ALTHOUGH THE Nixon Administration later indi- cated that it considered the Communsts' talk about prisoners to be only "lure" and "bait," it was con- ceivable to the Administration that many wives would be more than willing to accept the release of prisoners as a key to settling the war. President Nixon had spoken often about how much he valued the safety and well-being of the men, and Hanoi and the Viet Cong seemed to be taking advan- tage of the American hretoric. "The prisoners are the single weakest point in our negotiating position," one American diplomat subsequently said. "We want those men back and Hanoi knows it." President Nixon responded to the eight-point pro- posal with a new five-point peace package in early October, asking for a cease fire while the political and military questions were negotiated. The President also made a new and seemingly generous offer for a full ropagan dized exchange of all prisoners of war on both sides; at the not used a time, the South Vietnamese were holding 36,000 enemy of any ofa troops while the number of captured Americans and South Vietnamese being held by the Viet Cong and BY E North Vietnamese was put at 2,000 or 3,000. the Admi But an important condition went unnoticed: the war issue President had in fact coupled his new exchange pro- tests over1 posal with an escalation of American demands. renewed be Nixon's new offer called for the "release of all prise- officials e ners of war, without exception, with conditions . . . plus" for to return to the place of their choice (emphasis aroused en added)." soners-to The question of final repatriation of prisoners had the bombi peen one of the main stumbling blocks during the North Korean War, when many Korean prisoners held in negotiating allied camps decided, after re-education programs, of Son Tay that they did not want to return to, North Korea. Sig- year at Pc nificantly, American officials in Saigon tolds a news- Aftert man after the Nixon talk, that more than 90 percent the usual of the North Vietnamese prisoners held there were chief negc opposed to going home. suggest a troops fron ANOTHER GLARING Administration inconsistency "we can in escaped public attention late in the year. Mrs. Weiss tion." tTh of the Committee of Liaison announced on November 30, 1971 de 13 that Hanoi had reported the death of six more Little prisoners, raising to 11 the number of men known to conditions. have died in captivity. Nine days later, she reported ested. Pres 11 more deaths. ing to wit Her information was subsequently used by Secre- thing in r tary Laird as one of the key reasons he ordered the By thi military to go ahead with the commando raid of the familie November 20 on the Son Tay prison camp in North Rando Vietnam in the face of evidence that the men weren't across the into obscurity as a basis for officially changing the status our men." ARLY DECEMBER, it was apparent that nistration's handling of the prisoner of had effectively cut off any concerted pro- the commando raid and the accompanying ombing of North Vietnam. Some American ven said as much. They claimed a "net the raid that failed because it had still nough sympathy for its goal-freeing pri- offset much of the world criticism over ng. Vietnam, clearly aware of the even greater g value of the prisoners in the aftermath y, made a significant concession late in the aris. the talks on December 17, which produced stalemate, Xuan Thuy, North Vietnam's otiator, proposed that the U.S. should "reasonable date" for withdrawal of its m South Vietnam. "In that case," he said, mmediately consider the American sugges- e U.S. had already rejected Hanoi's June adline. public attention was paid to the new but the wives and mothers were inter- ident Nixon had already said he was go- hdraw, they argued, why not get some- eturn - the prisoners - for doing so? is time, the military's tight control over s and wives was beginning to unravel. m interviews with wives and mothers nation produced increasing signs of scorn "It just seems to me that they do not m e a n to withdraw all the troops ever," said Mrs. Gerry Cartley of Dunedin, Florida, the mother of a cap- tured Navy pilot. "I've gone full circle on it-the war and the situation in Southeast Asia. It seems to me that Nixon's making a big todo a b o u t the prisoners, but he feels that if he hollers enough and makes a big stink, he can get the blame off of him-and blame it on Hanoi. If it boils down to a choice of getting out of Southeast Asia or g e t t i n g the prisoners out of Hanoi, I'd hesitate to say which choice he'd make." ..:t ...,....C... .... ...h"..^.'tJ J::^". ::'VJ^.::t Y:: .... ... .. ..... . ::: .",... ...... .......... .. .......«.......... ... , «. there. "Americans are dying in captivity," he told a hostile Senate Foreign Committee hearing the day after the failure at Son Tay was announced. There was irony in the Pentagon's use of the Com- mittee of Liaison's information. Although the list of dead men was publicly used to justify endangering the lives of the commandos in a high-risk mission, the list was not considered official enough to change the status of men reported to be dead from missing to dead. A spokesman told newsmen in the Pentagon that none of the 22 names supplied by the Committee was reported in the weekly casualty summary and ex- plained why: "Unofficial, uncorroborated reports are and doubt over the ultimate goal of the admin- istration's policy, Many wanted Nixon to agree to withdraw from South Vietnam by a fixed date and thus see is Hanoi would live up to its promise and begin negotiating the release of the prisoners. "It just seems to me that they do not mean to withdraw all the troops ever," said Mrs. Gerry Cart- ley of Dunedin, Florida, the mother of a captured Navy pilot. "I've gone full circle on it -- the war and the situation in Southeast Asia. It seems to me that Nixon's making a big todo about the prisoners, but he feels that if he hollers enough and makes a big stink, he can get the blame off of him - and blame it on Hanoi. If it boils down to a choice of get- POLITICS OF REALITY ting out of Southeast Asia or getting the prisoners out of Hanoi, I'd hesitate to say which choice he'd make." There were other complaints made privately. Some persons close to the POW issue were becoming increasingly upset at the Administration's emphasis on torture and prisoner abuses inside North Viet- nam, instead of sticking to the known facts about the low state of morale and psychological difficulties faced by the captives. FOR MANY WIVES, it was becoming increas- ingly clear at the end of 1970 that Hanoi w o u-1 d never negotiate the release of the prisoners without an overall settlement. Prisoner negotiations h a v e never taken place - in recent years - while a war was still raging. Some women even began wondering why they -- or the Administration - were not more con- cerned about the treatment of Hanoi's prisoners in the South. This year could see the beginning o. a growing demand by the women that President Nixon, who had done so much to encourage POW concern, de- monstrate that he is willing to agree to a withdrawal date. 1 Reporters News Service 4 M Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The Left: Focus on education .w I .i 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich News Phone' /764-j0552 Editorials printed in The Michigon Daily express the individual ooinions'of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: W. E. SCHROCK Nixon doses the Same policies PRESIDENT NIXON'S S t a t e of the World message yesterday reflects the President's misguided view of the role of America in conducting its foreign policy. Although he claims to foresee a world of peace, his proposals indicate that the U.S. will increase its militarist and im- perialist role in foreign endeavors. In his message, Nixon claimed that "Hanoi has stepped up the war in Laos and Cambodia." But he seems to discount the fact that it was South Vietnamese troops which actually invaded Laos and Cambodia. In fact President Thieu has said recently that a march into North Vietnam is immanent. Nixon himself ad- mits this much: "North Vietnamese ac- tions could require high levels of Ameri- can assistance and air operations in order to further Vietnamization and our with- drawals," he said. OCE AGAIN Nixon has justified mili- taristic actions under the guise of speeding up his Vietnamization program. But such blatant disrespect for the rights of another people cannot be tolerated, no matter what excuse is provided. And in fact, the Vietnamization pro- gram is not working. The South Vietna- mese army is being hopelessly destroyed, especially in incidents reported recently in Laos and Cambodia. In addition, the ability of the South Vietnamese army must be questioned. For the Cambodian incursion last spring was billed as dis- playing the skill of South Vietnamese troops; yet the South Vietnamese are still embroiled in Cambodia, have not cap- tured the "enemy headquarters," and all indications are that nothing was accom- c l a i m s, reaching a new high then it should not be necessary for American troops to continue their fighting role. But e v i d e n c e is that there were U.S. ground troops in Laos, and according to Nixon U.S. support is still needed: "as long as North Vietnam continues to hold a single prisoner, we shall remain," he says. MOREOVER, THE President did little to clarify the "Nixon doctrine"-which calls for reducing the policeman role of the United States in favor of giving arms and equipment to allies: He spoke of the dangers of over-involvement, but immedi- ately added that "the other danger-a grave risk we are equally determined to avoid-is underinvolvement." What this seems to mean is that Nixon plans to avoid another Indochina fiasco only if the "ally" involved has enough arms, men and equipment to assure itself of military victory, and then the U.S. will share the spoils. THROUGHOUT HIS speech Nixon es- sentially reiterated his old fear of los- ing to the Communists, offering nothing new whatsoever. This comes in the face of increased opposition from the Ameri- can public. It is questionable how long Americans will tolerate Nixon's piecemeal withdrawal of American troops when they do not see any significant halt in the fighting. In fact, the frustration is increasing among Americans. As an article on this page by Seymour Hersh indicates, many wives of prisoners in North Vietnam are growing suspicious of the sincerity of the By LINDSAY CHANEY "THE NEW LEFT is dead" has b e e n heard frequently during the p a s t several months. "The New Left is under- going a rebirth," says an opposing atti- tude. To a certain extent both sides are cor- rect. The New Left as it was known in the late 60s no longer exists. But what some mistakenly call death is in fact a rechanneling of energy and change in emphasis. Frustrated with the failure of confronta- tion politics and sensing a shrink in stu- dent support, radicals are now focusing their efforts primarily on "educational" activities - designed to introduce radical philosophy to students and the non-stu- dent sector of society, especially the work- ing class. The emphasis is on rational persuasion. "We're socialist revolutionaries," says Ellen Feeney, a member of the Young Workers Liberation League, "but now isn't the time to pick up the gun," Steve Nissen, a member of the Radical Independent party (RIP) says "people realize that change won't be as fast or as easy as we once thought. We're more real- istic now." RADICALS IN Ann Arbor, for the most part, are involved in either the People's Peace Treaty or the Independent Party. The theme common to both activities is the need to extend the, base of the stu- dent movements to include other sectors of society. The people working on the peace treaty are attempting to obtain signatures on a treaty which was ratified by the Student- Youth Conference on a People's Peace, held here at the beginning of this month, The treaty was negotiated by members of the National Students Association and re- presentatives from several Vietnamese stu- dent organizations. It basically calls for the immediate withdrawal of U n i t e d States troops from Indochina and demo- cratic elections in South Vietnam. The treaty is designed as a direct agree- ment between the people of Vietnam and the United States to end the war and live in peace. Since the U.S. government ob- viously has enormous control over the ending of the war, the effort is primarily educational. And while -some dispute the treaty's focus ("regressing back to the petition S.' r says Ellen Feeney. "When people realize that issues like unemployment, racisn and poverty are directly related to the war, you have more people supporting you in their own self-interest." Bill Bachman, an editor of the radical newspaper, Up Against the Wall Street Journal, agrees with Feeney that anti-war or radical movements will have to include working class people in addition to stu- dents. "The student peace movement has gone as far as it can go," he declares. "Now it is important that we involve labor un- ions, especially ones that are somewhat friendly like the United Electrical Work- ers and the meatcutters." To further carry on the theme of edu- cation, Bachman and other members of the Journal, together with members of Brian Mistrust. are planning a series of forums on national actions this spring. "I get a real sense that people want to do something, but they don't know what to do," says Bachman. "With these forums we can hopefully educate people on various plains, "Vote-getting is of secondary im- portance. The important thing is educa- tion." "We want to make people aware of the difference between liberal and radical philosophy," he says. The RIP education campaign now con- sists of a voter registration drive, concen- trated in the first and second precincts of the second ward. "We talk to people, try to convince them of the merits of our party," says Jerry De Grieck, RIP candidate for second ward council seat. After March fifth when voter registra- tion ends, the RIP candidates will begin campaigning door-to-door. Looking beyond the April election. De- Grieck says he hopes the party will "con- tinue to take stands on various University and city issues, and run candidates in the school board election in June," By the city election a year from now, the RIP plans to be on the ballot with a chance of picking up a council seat. It also hopes to continually expand its base iishing a student-run bookstore - these tactics will now more often be used as publicity and education devices. This was an admitted purpose of the re- cent takeover of the LSA Bldg., and the Administration Bldg., according to many participants. Because of its educational nature, people were reluctant to limit the scope of the demands - which included everything from war research to child care and student control over the Course Mart. By limiting the demands, the group would have limited the range of issues around which they could educate outsiders. The same educational philosophy holds for the mass demonstrations, associated with implementing the peace treaty, in May. Few see them as having any effect other than raising the issue strongly and venting frustration. "Unless you have a general strike, or something that will stop the country from functioning, mass ac- tions don't mean anything," says J i m Forrester, who believes the movement should attract more working people to its side. it