See Editorial Page
Sit i~r
Chance of
Vol. LXXXI, No. 125
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 26, 1971
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
The Housing Policy Board yesterday approved a proposal
o build 1,000 low-rent housing units before the fall of 1975.
The site approved for the first 250 units-scheduled for
completion in the fall of 1972-is a 70 acre parcel of land on
North Campus just north of Huron High School.
The proposal as approved by the Housing Policy Board
will be submitted to the Office of Student Services Policy
Board for its approval. An open hearing on the issue is sched-
#led in two weeks.
Aftet being reviewed by the executive officers, the pro-
posal is submitted to the Regents for final approval. It must
From Wire Service Reports
In the face of the continuing
inability of U.S.-backed South
Vietnamese to push further
into Laos, American officials
yesterday indicated a major
reduction in the objectives of
the invasion.
be submitted to the federal
xate hike,
A new ilter-student government
forum met yesterday to discuss a
proposemd S t u d e n t Government
Council referendum asking for a
4wo-dollar tuition increase. The
symposium was attended by 10
representatives of various Univer-
sity schools and colleges.
The referendum, proposed for the
SGC election ballot at the end of
larch, suggests the money would
be given to SGC for two uses.
First, one dollar of the two
would be granted to the student
governments of the individual
schools and colleges for innovatior
and expansion of their programs.
The other half of the proposed in.-
crease would be used by SGC itself
tpr projects that benefit students in
general, such as picking up the
leases on defunct fraternity houses
or loans for abortions.
Students for Educational Inno-
vation member Jack Eisner argued
that since some of the 17 schools
and colleges in the University do
*ot have student governments or
adequate organizations, SGC would
be at a loss to effectively allocate
the money.
SGC President' Marty Scott also
noted that many graduate students
do not neatly fit into any school
constituency, thus adding to the
4"head count problem" of fair al-
The symposium called for pub-
lication of specific plans of both
the SGC and the schools and col-
leges regarding their proposed use
of the monies. Students could then
evaluate the legitimacy of a tui-
tion increase for those purposes.
Several members of Graduate
Assembly present argued that the
referendum should be attached to
registration to make the proposal
more "objective" and increase stu-
dent voting.
Scott, however, argued keeping
the referendun on the SGC ballot.
"If we want a turnout, we can gel
it," he said.
There will be another meeting tc
elaborate referendum proposals
Tuesday at 7:30-p.m. in the SAB
council meeting room.
* Spokesmen said SGC members
and anyone representing a school
or college are eligible to attend.
office of Housing and Urban
4 Development (HUD) b e f o r e
May 1.
The proposed apartments would
be open to any University student
or employe.
The new housing would not be
a financial burden for the Uni-
versity, sources said, since the pro-
ject will ' be funded through the
federal College Housing .Program
(CHP). The CHP is administered
by HUD.
Under the CHP, the University
would obtain a commercial loan
to build the new housing. The gov-
ernment would pay all interest on
the loan except for three per cent.
Rent from the housing project
will repay the loan and the three
per cent annual interest.
The University may borrow up
to $5 million per year under the
terms of the CHP.
The issue of low-cost housing
began with the tent-in on the Diag
by/ the Tenants Union (TU) last
fall. The TU was demanding the
University provide 1,000 additional
units of low-cost housing. The
Housing Policy Board subsequent-
Sly took up the question.
An ad hoc committee under the
Housing Board was assigned the
task .of determining--how to ob-
tain financing for the project. The
i committee finally determined the
project could be funded through
the CHP.
The housing units on the ap-
proved site will be a mix of low
land medium rise apartments. They
will have parking spaces for the
tenants and will also be served by
r the University buses.
Sites under consideration for the
remainder of the 1,000 units in-
clude land near the watertower on
Plymouth Rd., andhacreage near
the Huron river that was once
splanned as a campus for the Resi-
I dential College.
Main campus sites include the
Perry School area at the corner of
Packard and Madison and the
- See BOARD, Page 8
{j4 t
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i' 1
-Associated Press
A SOUTH VIETNAMESE SOLDIER' (upper left) identifies the body of a South Vietnamese trooper
killed yesterday in Laos. President Nixon (upper right) poses after delivering his State of the World
Address in which he charged Hanoi with widen'ng the Vietnam war into an Indochina conflict.
South Vietnamese troops (below) board helicopters for lift into Laos.
Since the start of the invasion
18 days ago, the stated aim of the
invading forces has been the seal-
ing off of the Ho Chi Minh trail,
the route used by the North Viet-
namese to transport troops and
supplies into South Vietnam and
However, U.S. officials said yes- k.?
terday the current aim was mere-
ly to destroy Communist supply
d;pots along the trail.
Meanwhile, South Vietnamese
President Nguyen Van Thieu in-
dicated that an invasion of North
Vietnam-may be imminent.
Thieu made the' remark in a
soeech Wednesday at Pleiku, in
the central highlands, but gov-
ernment spokesmen have refused
further comment.
However, Sen. Walter Mondale SOUTH VIETNAMESE GUNNER reset
(D-Minn.) and 18 other senators Howitzer at Dong Da, inside Laos yeste
introduced a bill yesterday which suspected North Vietnamese position in1
would bar a U.S. invasion of . - - ____
North Vietnam.
The measure also would pro- O UTLOOK UNCLEAR:
hibit U.S. combat air support for____________________
a South Vietnamese thrust across
the Demilitarized Zone into the
The apparent reduction of in-
vasion objectives was made as the!*f
South Vietnamese were bogged
down in Laos for the eighth day in m arnL 'r
a row.
According to Gen. Creighton
Abrams, commander of U.S. forces By CHRIS PARE
in Indochina, the Laotian invas- Chances of retaining the agreeme
ion now has a much more limitedsiyadtecyfoctyiran o
objective,hthe destruction ofNor Sity and the city for city fire and po
Vietnamese supply stockpiles. were termed "fair" by City Administ
Abrams -said this was designed terday, following two days of lobbyi
to prevent a Communist offensive government officials.
in the northern provinces of South The agreement, which amounts t
Vietnam later this year. for the city, is one of the areas prop
Further, he said, if there is no William Milliken's new higher educat
significant North Vietnamese mili-
tary effort in South Vietnam after The revenues collected under thi
the rainy 'season ends in July, and over 10 per cent of the city's budget
before the October presidential com, the cutting of the program woul
elections in South Vietnam, then ter" for the city.
the operation can be considered a
success. Mayor Robert Harris, council-
Meanwhile, South Vietnamese men Nicholas Kazarinoff (D-3rd
paratroopers beat back a fierce ward),James Stephenson (R-4th_1.
ward), and Larcom talked in Lans-
ing Wednesday and yesterday with
a group of senators and represent-
atives, in a meeting arranged by
state Rep. Raymond Smit (R-{
Ann Arbor). 0e
-Associated Press
s sights of his 105mm
rday, as shell bursts on
'Sate of thi
From Wire Service Reports
Response was varied yesterday
to President Nixon's "State of the
World" message, in which Nixon
placed the blame for the widened
Indochina war on Hanoi.
Communist delegates to the
Vietnam peace talks charged Presi-
dent Nixon lied in contending that
North Vietnam has broadened the
Vietnam war into the Indochina
Reacting sharply to Nixon's re-
From Wire Service Reports Nixon warned that some hard in air operations to further Viet-
In an apparent response to choices lie ahead in Indochina, namization.
widespread criticism of the U.S.- and said that heavy U.S. help may -Possibilities for a negotiated
backed invasion into Laos and be needed for operations in Laos Vietnam peace have been stymied
Cambodia, President Nixon yester- and Cambodia. . by North Vietnamese demands
day placed the blame for widen- Included in the Presidents 65,- of free elections and immediate
ing the Indochina war squarely 000-word message, presented to allied troop withdrawal, which,
on the shoulders of Hanoi. Congress, were that: Nixon said, would amount to a
In his second annual "State of "guaranteed political takeover" of
the World" message, Nixon also -Hanoi has stepped up the war the South.
stheW Unld"tmestateswixoals o-inIndochina, posing "hard choices -The United States may accel-
said the United States will streng- about the deployment of allied erate development of nuclear wea-
then its nuclear striking forceI troops as we persue our own with-posiRuiascretlwdn
if the current Soviet slowdown in srn pons if Russia's current slowdown
missile deployment proves to be drawals." North Vietnamese ac- in missile deployment "turns out'
merely a prelude to a new Rus-- tions, Nixon added, could require to be predatory to a new intensifi-
sian arms push. high levels of American assistance cation of the strategic arms race."
-A new U.S. defense study shows
the United States should proceed
/ t]s Ix n swith its Safeguard anti-ballistic
e d after missile system in the absence of a
disarmament agreement at the
U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Limi-
tation talks.
-The Nixon doctrine reflects
changed world conditions. Ameri-
port to congress, the North Viet- Most congressional leaders de cans want to carry less of the bur-
p den around the world, Nixon said,
namese and Viet Cong accused clined comment on the President's as other countries are increasing-
Nixon of preparing to attack North speech pending a study of the ly able to play a larger role. While
Vietnam. The drive into Laos and lengthy report, including Sens. J. "cutting back overseas the United
"threat" to North Vietnam con- W. Fulbright, (D-Ark.), and John States will still have to live up to
stitute a menace to Communist J. Sparkman, (D-Ala.), chairman its treaty committments."
China, Xuan Thuy, the North Viet- and ranking Democrat on the For- In his discussion of Indochina,
namese chief delegate, repeated. eign Relations Committee. the President touched on the mili-
Nixon told Congress that "Hanoi Byrd, noting that Nixon said tary situation. He declared that in
has made the war an Indochina troop withdrawals from Europe spite of heavy losses the N o r t h
conflict" and estimated total North should be placed on a mutual Vietnamese still pose a "consid-
Vietnamese troops in South Viet- basis, said "in view of the grow- erable threat" to the the Northern
nam, Cambodia and Laos at 240,- ing economic and military military regions of South Viet-
000 strength of Western Europe, we nam.
ought to go ahead with the partial Alternatively, the North Viet-
The Soviet News agency Tass withdrawal of our forces." "We namese forces step up pressurej
said Nixon's message shows the ought to initiate it," he added. See NIXON, Page 81
lobby to
ent between the Univer
lice protection payment
rator Guy Larcom yes-
ing in Lansing by city
o over $1 million a year
posed to be cut in Gov.
tion budget.
s agreement amount to
and, according to Lar-
A rqsult in "fiscal disas-
" i
atition to
op probed-
Gen. Abrams
Larcom described the legislators
as "interested" and "willing to
listen," but said they suggested
the city should "analyze and re-
consider" the program.
Although Larcom said chances
of retaining the present program
are uncertain, he said there was
"hope" the program could be re-
tained with "certain modifica-
Among modifications he thought
likely to be imposed would be a
provision freezing any increase in
the amount of money paid to the
city, under the agreement.
Larcom said such modifications
would hurt the city but saidthey
are preferrable to the loss of the
program and said the city "could
live with" such changes.
Action by the State Legislature
on the proposed higher education
budget is slated for early in July.
North Vietnamese tank assault on
Hill 31 in Laos, U.S. officers said.
The Saigon troops knocked out
five of eight enemy tanks yester-
day, U.S. officers said. The t h r e e
remaining tanks pulled back from
the assault on the hill about 10
miles inside Laos, where the South
Vietnamese have encountered
tough North Vietnamese resist-
ance in their 18-day-old drive
against the Ho Chi Minh trail.
From Wire Service Reports
KALAMAZOO - A circuit court
judge dismissed a petition today
from nine youths who sought to
prevent the Kalamazoo County
grand jury from investigating last
week's disturbance at the county
Judge Raymond Fox ruled that no
one has any reason to fear the
grand jury probe if they are in-
nocent. He further argued t h a t
despite the heavy news coverage of
the incident, the grand jury can
and will make an impartial in-
'i'he youths, however, contend
that publicity given the disorders
which developed from a peaceful
march protesting the invasion of
Laos, prevents an impartial in-
See PETITION, Page 8
United States "remains on its old
position of imposing imperialist
terms on the people of Vietna "
at the Paris peace talks.
__ __
.: ::.:
It said the President's speech
indicates future U.S. policy in Laos
and Cambodia will continue on
"the established course . .. aimed
at suppressing by force of arms the
national liberation movement in
Southeast Asia."
However, Sen. Robert Byrd, the
assistant Senate Democratic lead-
er, called Nixon's message "a wel
thought out, low key, constructive
House Republican leader Gerald
R. Ford of Michigan, was stronger
in his praise, calling the speech
"an excellent exposition of Ameid
cain foreign policy" which, he said.
First Dearborn chancellor
By SARA FITZGERALD port to him, the new chancellor would ri
Robert Maier, vice chancellor of the the campus "essentially autonomously.'
University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, Commenting on the desirability of com
was named yesterday as the first chancel- plete autonomy for the Dearborn campu
or of the University's Dearborn campus. Maier said, "Because Dearborn is a parto
Maier was one of four candidates re- one of the greatest university systemsi
s' commended to President Robben Fleming the United States, it has much bette
by a 14-member Chancellor Selection possibilities in staying within that sy
Committee made up of students, faculty, tem."
and area citizens. The appointment, which Maier added he would have been "mu'
followed an eight month search, is expect- less interested" in the chancellorship
in born, the University "should have a majdr
" urban thrust so that young men and
a- women are able to take a responsible role
is, in the community."
of "The actual plan," Maier continued, "is
in not the important thing. It is the process
er by which programs are created which is
s- exciting and enjoyable."
Maier also said that increased admis-
eh sions of blacks "should be one of the mis-
if sions of a metropolitan campus."
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