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February 25, 1971 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-25

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Page Six


Thursday, February 25, 1971

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 25, 1971

W.eHURON Federal conspiracy charges
MAXX cause strong church reactions
NEW YORK 0P) - The govern- and skeptical of charges they of one of the roles that Christ to
ment's recent conspiracy charges planned to blow up heating sys- upon Himself."
against six persons, including three tems in Washington, D.C., and kid- In New York, a play, "The Tr
Catholic priests, an ex priest and nap presidential adviser Henry of the Catonsville 9" written1
a nun, has ignited strong reactions Kissinger. poet Dan Berrigan about the tr
in religious circles this month. A group of 77 faculty members that sent him and his brother
' -'' "i Much of the furor has centered and seminarians at St. Mary's prison for burning draft record
on the brother priests, the Revs. Seminary in Baltimore linked the opened this month at a Manhatt
+ Philip and Daniel Berrigan, al- case to a "demoralizing effort to Presbyterian church.
though the latter is not among the associate all dissent with anarchy" In Baltimore where Cardin
U six defendants, but is cited among and said: "We are appalled at the Lawrence Shehan was the fi
BUSINESS STAFF 44 seven others as coconspirators in government's on-going conspiracy visitor to priests arrested int
an alleged kidnap-bombing plot to to stifle all forms of dissent." case and into whose custody thi
protest the Vietnam war. The National Council of Chur- later were released, a group
'announces new "Catholics Concerned" demo
uW"They are a strange mixture of ches in a resolution, urged Ameri- statei n rne"
exhibitionism and anti-American- cans to abide by traditional stand- e prot.
Department Managers and Associates ism," a priest columnist, the Rev. ards of justice presuming the group They distributed flyers cha
Daniel Lyons, who supports the innocent, unless proved otherwise. ing a "destructive trend" in I
Vietnam war, writes of the Berri- The "Holy Cross Quarterly," church linked to "terrorist acti
Dans.II alumni publication of a Jesuit col- ity" and called for witliholdi
But a Presbyterian theologian lege in Worcester, Mass., devoted hurch contributions ntil pie
and war critic, the Rev. Robert its entire 80-page current issue to
Manager: DOUG BUCHANAN 4 McAfee Brown, voices confidence the Berrigans. groups are removed from their
in their inocence and says: "If the "To some they are anathema; H ow ,o B
SAssociate Managers: BI LL ABBOTT Berrigans are guilty,' so are we."'t teste reaglc"sy However, the two Baltimo
BILA B TI asae'git, oaew. to others they are angelic,' says priests accused were promptlya
L INDA HANDMAN They themselves have called the the editor, the Rev. William Van s
L AMcharges a "fabrication by the gov- Etten Casey. As for himself, he eternally grateful," said the Re
ernent." p
Most of the reaction in churlh !added in a lead editorial: "I am Joseph Wenderoth. He calledt
CLASSI F I E D A DV E R T ISgNGgroups and publications has been for them and with them. I believe charges "completely unthinkabl
sympathetic to the accused group, that they are the living extensions . In Trenton, N.J., seven prie
issued a statement of backing:
Manager: BETH GREELEY the accused priests and nuns,d
Glaring themselves "in chains wi
Associate Manager: DONNA SI LLS them es 'incnsa
them; partners in a conspiracy
foster life . . . justice . . . truth
In Harrisburg, Pa., where thed
NATIONAL ADVERTISING fendants pleaded innocent th
month,.a group of 100 supporte
Manager: FRAN HYMEN stood in peaceful vigil outside.
MHspecial committee of Protesta
and Catholics, set up in Ne w Yo
is currently raising defense fun
Associate Manager: DON WORTMAN SPR
W Manager: CARYN MILLER "Aqua Culture-
with: DR.
I kr f"V r" e7:30 P.M.
Manager: KAREN BRANCHEAU din o
' Associate Manager: LOIS ROWE
Associate Manager: ALAN KLEIN +
6EA At

BGS students: Unconventional,
looking for broader education

s0- 1

(Continued from Page 1)
Students in BGS, assessing
the value of the program, place
primary stress on the freedom
the program offers to allow
them to evolve their own course
of study.
"I like the BGS because I can
take what I want and what serv-
es me best," explains Boby Lip-
shutz, '73. "Also, t h e r e 's no
counselor's signature required,
so its easy to get into courses."
Lipshutz, who has fulfilled the
LSA language requirement, adds
that she intends to go to grad-
uate school in public health.
"I was alienated in grade
school against foreign language,
so I got into the BGS. Besides,
I only want to be a high school
teacher anyway," another soph-
omore adds.
"I'm in the BGS mainly be-
cause I don't feel I can benefic-
ially pick a major like they want
me to," says another sophomore.
"I'm not going to get a specific
degree because I won't use it
A senior graduating in April
says he plans to use his BGS
to go to graduate, school "even-
tually". He explains he was a
chemistry and mathematics
honors major for two years, had
fulfilled the language and dis-
tribution requirements and had
,received a National Science
Foundation grant when he
switched into the BGS last year.
"I just got fed up with every-
one I was working with," he ex-
plains. "Finally I just said to
hell with it and switched into
the BGS."

Dean Baker. LSA assistant
dean and chairman of junior
and senior counseling, recalls
that "a lot of people assumed
the BGS was going to be sole-
ly a refuge for goof-offs.
"You do get a certain number
of people who are going on it be-
cause they have had difficulty
with language, science or some
other requirements," he c o n-
tinues. "But on the other hand,
you also get people with v e r y
good records who want, it be-
cause they find the major too
Psychology Prof. Ronald Ti-"
kof sky. secretary ofthe LSA
curriculum committee, questions
the validity of criticizing stu-
dents who elect the BGS to get
out of the language requirement.
"One must not ask what to do
about those students, but rather
one must ask why they are in
fact trying to get out of the re-
quirement," Tikofsky s a y s .
"Many students not taking the
BGS may be taking so much
time with language that' it is
detrimental to their other sub-
He adds, "BGS students are
no different from any o t h e r
students. It is.being elected in
part to get a liberal, broad edu-
In view of the projected
growth of the BGS program at
W aterbei

the University. it is quite likely
that the various kinds of study
undertaken and the motivation
for electing the tBGS will in-
crease along with the number
of students entering the pro-
'One thing is clear." says LSA
Acting Dean Alfred Sussman.
"and that is an acceptance of
the BGS degree on the part of
the University community, es-
pecially students."
Commenting on the initial
BGS report, Sussman says
"there seems to be some dif-
ferences between students w h o
elect the degree and students
who don't - and they are in-
"The question is just how sig-
nificant these differences are,
and they will require more
study." he adds.
Earlier in the month, the LSA
faculty decided to keep a close
watch on the BGS program in
the future. Facultymembers
called for a follow-up to the in-
itial BGS report within the next
two years.
Based on its present status,
however, and taking into ac-
count its rapid growth, the posi-
tive reaction which graduate
schools have for the degree, and
the highly capable student
which it seems to be attracting,
the future of the BGS program
at the University seems secure.



L1Ll !aLlI" Y ""



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11UUU13 UUIIII 1.111 L
e Ecology Center (Continued from Page 1 area. The issue has been referred
I NG PROGRAM SERIES- Should a waterbed spring a leak to William Joy of the Environnien-
from a carelessly tossed cigarette tal Health and Safety service.
Sing w ih the Ea rth or from other mishaps, the water Several landlords have expressed
will not come gushing out in tor- concern but after investigation
Presents 2nd Program- rents. Repair kits, like those found most have allowed their tenants to
-Food rr with inner-tubes, are provided with install waterbeds. One, F.D. Plot-
each model and guarantess are be- ner, says that he sees nothing
Food of the uure ing respected in this area. wrong with them. "In fact."
JOHN BARDACH Waterbed dealerssreport unlimit- comments, "the city inspector was
UGLI Multipurpose Room ed satisfaction from their custo-' here recently and we both think
U-M Campus mers. When asked how the acquis- they're great!"
ition of a waterbed had affected Some limitations must be placed
their sex lives, owners responded, on the use of waterbeds, howver.
"nothing but improvement," "great Caution should be used when smok-
when stoned," "unique," "every- ing on a waterbed and care must
one should have one," "like being be taken to avoid electric shock.
0aon a seashore," "you just don't Waterbeds take more than an
MO run into many things that feel like hour to fill, a process usually un-
that," and "no change-but I don't dnae ihagre oe
o D tOFFEE think it's the fault of the water- Waim water is advisable since the
f"~ bed." mattress reaches room. tempera-
O Jim Williams, '72, notes that it tune faster.
CIwas a before-after effect. "After I Tohdrain waterbeds, several own-
()0Q tgotmy waterbed everything began Iers have syphoned them into the
looking up," he says, "there must shower or out the window without
O f4oo rbe some correlation!" any problem. Companies recom-
SROn the other extreme, his room- mend draining them once a year
mate Dave Tuturea, '72, who has as well as adding a spoonful of
0Po gone through three waterbeds, ve- bleach to the water to ward off
Uhemently hopes he never sees an- the growth of algae.
0 dtSCu5sti$ d other one. "My sex life hasn't
changed since I got my waterbed-
PQS rY I just spend half my life filling
) L*y (ET L~and draining them," he decla ng Coiiege V .
BE INgovt.
Rr hdgWaterbeds seem to be more pop-
~ ~ ~mm m mm. m m mm~ m;ular with guys than girls and f -oruni t all
apartment rather than dorm t
dwellers. Susan Menlove, '74, is an
* exception to both generalizations,
OT H E R however. As the first in her dorm on revenues
to have a waterbed, she says there
* are people in her fifth floor room (Continie from Page 1)
jumping up and down constantly,
at first hesitant to try it and then Graduate Assembly (GA) said,
gaining confidence. "We simply do not have enough in-
Asked about her sex life, Men- formation at this time to act on
such a major issue. He also point-
* love replies, "The ad-says that two ed out that such a program could
things are better on a waterbed- require two to three years for to-
one of them is sleeping!" tal implementation.
Robert Hughes , Gerald Burk- The weekend symposium was at-
house, David Williamson and Ed tended by delegates from SGC and
A N D ! Salowitz, directors of University; other college representative gov-
ehousing,are just becoming aware ernments from the schools of LSA,
24H U Se rise of waterbeds o cam- engineering, nursing, business ad-
24pus. They have frmulated no spe- ministration, education, public
2 cific policy and, although they health, library science, the gradu-
ast served don't seem too worried, they are ate school and the Residential Col-
leaving the issue open for invest:- lege.
Lietya~tion. Stressing the need to. "justify the
.. Liberty f Allagreed that there could be proposal and its workability to
some problms wthh g of ourselves" before making a formal
Sthe beds as well as with possible presentation to the University com-
water damage. These could e- munity, Jack Eisner, delegate from
Islands with this coupon come problems, they say, if a Students ,or Educational Innova-
larger proportion of students have tion (SEI), added that the proposal.
m m mm.mm mm.mm mm mm!mm mmmmmm .. waterbeds concentrated in a small although a potential benefit to all


Sale ends Saturday, February 27


Come In and Reserve Your Unit




Model 20 AM
Model 20
Model 24 AM
(as shown)
Model 24



ai Independent Party
Mass Meeting
" The campaign
" Registration drive and demonstration
" Finances
" Platform expansion
* City charter commission
" The steering committee

governments, was primarily di-
rected toward SGC.
Eisner chaired the symposium's
discussion on governmental fund-
ing and criticized the administra-
tion for not providing for the day
to day operations of the many stu-
dent government organizations.
"As long as students are clerks,"
he said, "they will always be kept
down on the farm. This is abomi-
"Maintenance of student govern-
ment is a legitimate expense ox the
University," Scott added. lie has
urged the quickest possible action
to enable the proposal to be placed
before the student body as a refer-
endum in the March SGC elec-
The symposium also dealt with
questions of representation. stu-
dent government effectiveness,
leadership, legitimacy and apathy,
resulting in the creation of the
forum to facilitate inter-govern-



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