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Partly cloudy,
Vol. LXXXI, No. 123 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 24, 1971 Ten Cents
BGS'degree wins graduate school accepi
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following students receiving the Bachelor in ance, and the courses he selected language an important prerequi- The receptiveness of graduate 1,000 students are presently en- dist
article is the second in a series
examining the Bachelor in General General Studies degree, with its to fill his program, site for admission. They will ac- schools to a relatively loose under- rolled in the program, an increase BAd
Studies, the literary college degree lack of language, distribution "We regard an application as cept a student with a BGS de- graduate studies program appears of 700 from last year at this time. W
without language, distribution, and and concentration requirements, coming from a graduate of the gree, but he will have had to take to be accompanied by a marked The Morris report also chal- kept
concentration requirements. will not fare well when they apply University of Michigan - the de- undergraduate language courses. trend at colleges and universities lenges the idely-held vie t ha men
to graduate and proessinaltroun thdcoutryhowardtheaed
By ROBERT SCHREINER g professional gree is secondary," explains El- In other words, while neither around the country toward the the BGS is an escape route for a de
Second of three parts schools. mer Vaumer, associate dean of language courses nor a specific un- initiation of programs along the students with little interest in least
"The BGS degree is like a two This concern that has been pre- the graduate school at Ohio State dergraduate concentration pro- lines of the University's BGS pro- academics, or who could not ful- court
dollar bill - It is perfectly legal valent in the college since the LSA University. "The content of the gram are required of BGS candi- gram. fill the LSA language and dis- aivh
and right, but for some reason aculty created the degree t w o student's program is most im- dates, a student may find himself This adds to the evidence that tribution requirements.adva
people regard it with suspicion.' yerpsr hich makes it all the portant." compelled to follow, at least to the BGS degree has attained a Rather, the report states, BGS limit
* *t*
graduate and professional schools And it is here that graduate and some extent, a traditional Bache- certain "legitimacy" outside the students are a fairly even match one
"We know that counselors have around the country view the BGS professional schools express their for of Arts or Bachelor of Sci- University - which many had for BA students in performance in In
advised good students to avoid the degree as favorably as any other only reservations about the BGS. ence program. been skeptical about. And the traditional measures of academic initi
progr'am. I think that if the new baccalaureate degree from t h e They believe that if a BGS stu- The key difference is that the rapidly growing number of BGS competence, such as test scores gree
degree can gain acceptance b o t h University. dent wishes to enroll in a speci- BGS student is not bound to the students may thus be more sure of and grades. In addition, they fore- mor
within and outside the University, In a telephone survey by The fic graduate program, like psy- specific requirements of an under- their degree program, see applying to graduate and pro- be l
we will find that some of the col- Daily of 30 graduate and profes- chology or medicine, he should in- graduate concentration program. While only 20 students h a ve fessional schools with about t h e uate
lege's top students will be attract- sional schools, most admissions of- elude in his undergraduate p r o- The graduate schools merely ex- graduated with the BGS degree to same frequency as BA candidates. H
ed to it." ficers indicate that the type of de- gram sufficient courses in t h a t pect him to elect courses which date, over 200 will be awarded the The BGS was approved by the veal
* * * gree held by an applicant is not field. demonstrate both interest and degree this spring. And a recent literary college faculty two years post
These are comments by LSA fa- as important as the student's un- In addition, certain graduate "competence" in the field he wish- study by psychology Prof. Char- ago after a heated campaign by fairl;
culty members, concerned t h a t dergraduate academic perform- departments find skill in a foreign es to pursue. les Morris indicates that o v e r students to abolish language and
ibution requirements in the
hile the requirements were
in the BA, the only require-
t in the BGS stipulated that
gree candidate must elect at
60 hours of advance-level
ses (300 level and above),
no more than 20 of these
nced hours in any one de-
ment. There is a 40-hour
on courses taken within any
its brief two year history, the
al skepticism about the de-
has been directed more and
at whether the degree will
oked upon favorably by grad-
and professional schools.
)wever, the Daily survey re-
that the various types of
-baccalaureate schools seem
y receptive to the BGS:
See GRAD, Page 8
. U.S.
invasion stalled
By The Associated Press
The U.S. command an-
nounced its heaviest air strikes
in N o r t h Vietnam in three
months yesterday, and report-
° ~ ed no new progress in the Q
South Vietnamesecd r i v e in
Southern Laos.
American planes attacked mis-.
sile sites in North Vietnam early
this morning, U.S. spokesmen said.
Spokesmen also reported that 50
U.S. fighter-bombers, accompanied
by 20 support planes, attacked
SAM missile sites and other anti-
3~ aircraft positions in North Viet-
nam Saturday and Sunday.
Word of the raids was with-t
held until yesterday, a spokesmanY
said, "mostlydon security reasons."
SHe gave no details on the results
Sof the strikes.
In Washington, Defense Secre-
tary Melvin Laird said South Viet-
namese troops may be embroiled
in heavy fighting in Cambodia
soon as well as in Laos. He em-
phasized South Vietnamese gains
in Laos despite the slowdown and
said: "Their objectives are being
achieved." DEMONSTRATORS in the Administration Bldg. yesterday react as Chief Sec
atJuIn Laos, no major new fighting Gainsley informs them they are violating several state laws and the Regents
-Daily-Jim Judkss was reported nor was there any
report of progress by the 16,000 Rules.
Mayor Robert Harris speaks at debate South Vietnamese troops who be-
gan the incursion Feb. 8.!
H aeA South Vietnamese spokesman
arr1S ornell claSR*insisted that the forces had no in-
tention of moving farther into
Laos than the 16 air miles he said
they were now from the Vietna-*
ebate electin n topics mese border. Other sources, how- aito
ever, said a drive farther wests
might be in the works.
By TED STEIN However, a South Vietnamese
TwoBfytetree' moneera th speare oBy MARK DILLEN 'now faced with a new test: can child care
Two of the three candidates in April's mayoral election oerive across Lao a quoted Daily News Analysis they salvage the organization de- University
clashed last night in a debate before 150 people in the Natural in an ABC interview yesterday as Teoa veloped thus far and formulate ef- organizing
Science Aud. Absent from the discussion was Republican saying: "There's no reason to stay the renewed effort by a coali fective tactics? Office of
art nominee Jack Garris. in bad country . . . when you can- ng Plagued by the traditional diffi- recruiting
par,, University policies long debated in trol. of the
Mayor Robert Harris, the Democraticpat candidate,; not move.". Unvriyplcelogdbtdn culties inherent in developing atrloth
Lpartyo Bui The Dung was in- the academic community is ap movemes in support of their orig gram, the
and Radical Independent Party (RIP) candidate Doug Cor- terviewed by ABC news orines proaching a crucial test of its ef- inal demands, the ad-hoc coalition failed to e
nell covered many key election issues during the course of pondent Howard Tuckner at the fectiveness as a result of yester- which formed nearly two weeks for chang
the discussion. Both candidates criticized Garris, as well as advance post of his Task Force II day's abortive sit-in. ago to protest the U.S. invasion of frontation.
each other. about 16 miles inside Laos. The After leaving the second floor of Laos and University involvement At the s
Harris accused the RIP of being "a single issue party, not South Vietnamese have not ad- the Administration Bldg. yesterday with the military has faced addi- g
seiu bu lcigayoyt ntig"Crelr-vanced in six days. when University officials threat- ih hciltryhsfaenad- group a
serious about electing anybody to anything." Cornell re- Elsewhere, the command re- ened to invoke the state "disrup- tional setbacks. Though including eir atte
torted by attacking the Democratic party for "not dealing See U.S., Page 8 tion" statute, the protesv7rs are in their list of demands a 24-hour which wou
-Daily-Jim Judkis
urity Officer Roland
Interim Disciplinary
center, the free use of
facilities for anti-war
the extension of the
Student Services (OSS)
policy and student con-
LSA Course Mart pro-
group has apparently
ngender enough support
e through acts of con-
ame time, those in the
lost strongly favoring
ave been frustrated in
mpt to devise tactics
Ad be successful without
ult is that causes still
uch as the movement to
from campus, are sup-
ough tactics which their
admit have little sup-
s, the mood prevailing
past two days' sit-ins
SA and Administration
s often pessimistic and
there was "nothing bet-
y that might be success-
e day-long sit-in at the
was allowed to proceed,
ervention by the Admin-
the subsequent threat of
ugh toend the Adminis-
g. sit-in. Thus, the future
Over 100 demonstrators occupied the second floor of the
Administration Bldg. for two and a half hours yesterday, but
left peacefully after a University official formally notified
them that they were in violation of the law.
The demonstrators had moved to the Administration
Bldg. after a 27-hour occupation of the first floor lobby of
the LSA Bldg., where 50 persons stayed Monday night.
The warning to leave, given by Chief Security Of-
ficer Roland Gainsley, was the first time new rules passed
by both the Regents and the State Legislature in 1970 have
been used at the University.
According to the new legislation, students taking part in
a sit-in could be liable for expulsion if they "disrupt Univer-
sity functions," or refuse an --
order to leave given by Presi-
dent Robben Fleming, or his1
designated representative. IC ity o
State legislation last year also g
increases the civil penalties for
students convicted of disrupting t r t s
functions at any of the state's uni-
versities to a maximum of 90 days
in jail, and a fine of between $200
and $1,000.
Students convicted of contention
in last year's LSA Bldg. bookstore
sit-in faced maximum penalties of By CHRIS PARKS
90 days in jail and a $200 fine. Mayor Robert Harris, City Ad-
Yesterday's Administration Bldg. ministrator Guy L a r c o m, and
sit-in was apparently the last in a several councilmen will travel to
three-week-long series of meetings Lansing today and tomorrow to
and actions that began as a result protest Gov. William Milliken's
of the invasion of Laos and became proposed budget cuts.
focused around six demands for The officials will discuss with
mulated by an ad hoc anti-war state legislators Milliken's proposal
group. to cut the $1.1 million from the
The demands included proposals budget which the University pays
that the University abolish ROTC, annually to the city for police and
end war research, ban recruiters fire protection.
from discriminatory companies, es- In his annual budget message
tablish a 24 hour child care center, Milliken said the state would pro-
grant student control of Course vide $500,000 to the University to
Mart, and allow the use of Univer- set up separate police and fire
sity facilities to the anti-war move- protection services.
The LSA bldg. sit-in which moved Millikennalsosaid any losses in
to the Administration Bldg. was a revenue incurred by the city as a
continuation of a demonstration result of dropping the program
oudlast Friday which supported the would be covered by the state's
demands and protested the arrest proposed revenue sharing and tax
of two students at a regental redistribution programs.
"open" hearing earlier Friday. In a letter to Lansing this week,
See GROUP, Page 8 Larcom urged the governor to re-
consider the dropping of the
~agreement from the Univers ity's
Sbudget,claiming it would result
Sinia "fin scal disaster" for the city.
Larcom also told council at its
lmeeting Monday night the drop-
iei r ping of the protection agreement
' would result in cuts of almost 20
per cent from thecity's police and
cut p lant fire department budgets. He added
he would have "no answer" for
The Office of Student Services such a cut.
housing policy board decided yes- Larcom further called the Uni-
terday to reconsider the proposal versity campus "an integral and
to eliminate linen service next year physical part of the City of Ann
in University Housing. Arbor" and said any separation of
'The proposal had been suggested services between the University
as a means to reduce by $12 the and the city would be "costly and
proposed dorm rate increase. hazardous."
The 'committee also heard a re- Harris denied the revenue shar-
with political content anct
blasted Harris for "throwing
out tidbits .to please variousl
interest groups he hopes will
vote for him."
The format of the debate in-
cluded 25-minute opening presen-
tations by the mayoral contestants
followed by rebuttal time. Ques-
tions from the audience to the
candidates concluded the program.
Harris in his presentation de-j
fended the Democratic Party, pre-
senting what he felt were its suc-
*cesses, in such areas as housing
and transportation.
"We've built and are continuing
to build public housing," Harris
Former exile aids
dep t.
After eight years of exile, Robert Wil-
liams, the former president of the Republic
of New Africa, (RNA) has come to work
at the University.
Williams, who has cut his formal ties
with the black nationalist group, has been
working since October as a consultant in
the2 Chinese stud,-ies department.iunde~r a
black nationalist groups which has suppos-
edly been organizing the formation of a
separatist black nation in five southern
states since 1968.
Discussing his work here, Williams says
the Chinese Studies department has sought
people with "the latest and most profound
information on China." His "information"
comes from living as a refugee in com-
involving c
The rest
popular, st
ban ROTC
ported thr
port. Thus
during the
at the L
bldgs. was
many felt
ter" to try
After th
LSA Bldg.
without int
istration, t
it was eno
tration bld