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February 23, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-23

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y ligh--35
Freezing rain turning
to snow by evening

Vol. LXXXI, No. 122 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 23, 1971 Ten Cents
BGSprogram: From'inferiority'to accep
EDITOR'S NOTE: In winter, 1969, Brown was referring to the con- Currently, o v e r 1,000 students sented earlier this month to the bit as academically qualified as gram is only second rate - an es-
heG Snera fsuieseted tdegr acheo troversial Bachelor in General are enrolled as candidates for the LSA faculty. The report challenges other LSA students. cape route for students who can-
out language, distribution and con- Studies degree, created two years BGS, an increase of o v e r 700 the widely-held view that a large While the BGS students as a not meet the BA degree require-
centration requirements. The follow- ago by the.literary college faculty within the last year. portion of the students who elect group have slightly lower college ments for one reason or another.
ing article, and two to follow, examine in the aftermath of a long drawn- And while many faculty mem- .the BGS program do so to avoid board scores and high school aca- "I think the fears on the part
theth of te degreprogra, i out dispute with students seeking bers h a v e continually expressed the LSA language requirement. demic records, as well as signifi- of many that the BGS would not
and the orientation of students who the abolition of the college's lang- concern that BGS students would According to the report, many cantly lower language proficiency be successful are rather unfound-
have elected the degree. uage and distribution require- be viewed by graduate school ad- students take t h e BGS because scores, other tests indicate they ed," s a y s psychology Prof. An-
By ROBET SCHREINR ments. missions offices as being less qual- the program allows them greater have a generally higher degree of thony Morris, who authored the
Refusing to remove the require- ified than other applicants, a na- f creativity and "intellectual qual- report on the BGS. "I think the
ments from the Bachelor of Arts tion-wide telephone survey by The for their four years as undergrad ity." report shows this and I think ac-
About three weeks ago, the Re- degree, the faculty instead estab- Daily reveals that most graduate uates. -Given the rapid growth of the ulty members are very surprised."
gents were sitting in their meeting lished the BGS, a new, separate and professional schools hold the program and the apparent accep- The skepticism has existed since
room discussing the merits of the degree program without language, BGS in as high a regard as any that tance which the degree has won the BGS degree was born in April,
distribution and concentration re- other University degree. that: nationwide, it is more than likely 1969, when the LSA faculty voted
pass-fail grading system. "What's quirements. The survey also indicates that -The BGS program has become that the number of BGS students 89-52 to recommend approval of
the name of that other degree we While in its first two years the the BGS program, and other - increasingly popular with the will continue to increase in the the new program to the Regents.
approved a few years back?" asked BGS has been regarded by many grams which offer alternatives to number of degree candidates to- future, until they eventually con- The only requirement for com-
Regent Robert Brown (R-Kala- faculty members and adminis- traditional degree requirements, talling nine per cent of the LSA stitute about 15 per cent of the pleting the degree is that a stu-
mazoo), snapping his fingers as if trators, and even some students, seem to be gaining wide accept- student population; total in the literary college student dent must take 60 hours of 300-
the name was on the tip of his as an academically inferior degree, ance at colleges across the coun- -Judging by traditional aca- population. level and above courses. No more
tongue. "You know what I'm talk- these fears have not stopped the try. demic measures, such as test Such findings would s e e m to than 20 hours in one department
ing about - the degree that's one program from enjoying a phe- These findings are supplement- scores, most students electing the challenge the views of many fac- can be credited toward the degree.
step lower than the BA?" nomenal growth. ed by a report on the BGS pre- BGS program appear to be every ulty members that the BGS pro- See BGS, Page 6

Ten Pages
Prof. Moriis

Spurr named














Vice President and Dean of the Graduate School Stephen
Spurr has been named President of the University of Texas
at Austin.
Spurr will assume his new post on July 1, when the
current president, Norman Hackerman, will step down to
$ become president of Rice University in Houston.
Spurr's appointment was approved unanimously by the
Texas Regents, who will officially confirm the appointment
- " next month.

OSS fails
to act on
The Office of Student Services
(OSS) Policy Board last night de-
ferred action on the University-
wide corporate recruiting policy
enacted by the Regents last Fri-
day, claiming their recruitment
policy is within the new regental
The regental policy appears to
supercede the policy set by the
OSS board last October which de-
nied the use of OSS facilities to any
corporation which operates in a
country that legally discriminates
by race, creed, sex or national
The Regent's decision, however,
bars from the campus any recruit-
ers who intend to place the inter-
viewed students in "discriminating
Deciding not to take action last
night, the board members said they
interpret their policy to be within
the policy set by the Regents last
Although a spokesman from the
Placement Service Office (PSO)
says the OSS policy, which took ef-
fect Jan. 1, will remain enforced
in that office, the regental decision
obligates the University to enforce
their newly adopted policy.
It has been unclear what action
the Regents and the administration
will take to enforce their less-
stringent policy.

Speaking Sunday night in Aus-
tin, Spurr said, "I can honestly
say that I have never aspired to
be a University president." He
added, however, that he was
"deeply honored" with the ap-
As Vice President and Dean of
the Graduate School, Spurr is
responsible for academic services
here such as financial aids and
admissions. In addition, he over-
sees expansion of the Flint and
Dearborn campuses, and supervis-
es the University's graduate
Spurr has been with the Uni-
versity for 19 years, and has serv-
ed as dean of the graduate school
since 1964. He was named vice-
president in 1969.
Sources speculated yesterday
that two individuals might be ap-
pointed to replace Spurr - a new
dean of the graduate school and a
Vice President for Academic Ser-
In addition, University officials
are presently seeking separate
chancellors to supervise the Flnt
and Dearborn campuses individ-
University officials would not
comment yesterday on Spurr's
possible successors.
Commenting on Spurr's appoint-
ment. President Fleming said yes-
terday, "We relinquish Vice Presi-
dent Spurr to the University of
Texas at Austin with the greatest
reluctance. He has been an enor-
mous asset to the University dur-
ing his nineteen years in Ann Ar-
Spurr was selected for the Texas
post from a slate of three top
The other contenders were John
Canton, provost at Michigan State
University and Texas Law School
Dean Page Keeton.

50join all-nighit vigil
to press six demands
Some 50 people early this morning continued a sit-in
begun yesterday noon on the first floor lobby of the LSA
The group hopes to pressure the University into accept-
ance of six long-range demands and is also protesting the
United States recent invasion into Laos.
The group-which ranged from 50 to 75 persons most of
the night, but had reached 150 persons yesterday afternoons-
decided to retain occupation of the building overnight after
a peaceful day there.
They plan to hold a mass meeting in the building to
decide further action some time this afternoon.
Col. Frederick Davids, Univer-
sity Safety Director, last night de-
clined to comment on whether any
action would be taken against the
Earlier in the evening, Ann Ar-
bor Police Chief Walter Krasny Jjf ! Qst at
had indicated that no police had
been requested by the University.
James Brinkerhoff, director of
University business operations,
said that there would be no in-
junction sought unless the demon-
strators became "disruptive." By JOHN MITCHELL
While Brinkerhoff said a "peace- President Robben F 1 e m i n g ,
ful" sit-in would not be acted speaking last night to about 40
against by the University, he im- members of the College Republi-
plied that the University's posi- cans, denounced Governor William
tion may be amended. Milliken's proposed annual budget
A sit-in, while "not necessarily" for the University as "completely
being a violation of the state dis- inadequate" and "destructively de-
ruption law, could be acted against ceptive."
if security officials say the protest "The Governor's pending budget
is no longer peaceful, Brinkerhoff as presented to the legislature
said. obviously disregards the 6 V e r
Under legislation passed by both cent rise in inflation that occurred
the state and the Regents during last year," Fleming said.
students taking part in the "The way the budget was put

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
PROTESTERS peacefully occupy the lobby of the LSA Bldg. yesterday in support of six demands presented to the University. The
crowd, at one time as many as 150 people, dwindled to about 50 individuals who planned to stay in the building all night.

Laos drive stalled by N.


By The Associated Press !against Communist supply bases;
South Vietnamese forces were re- in eastern Cambodia.
ported bogged down in Laos for the The U.S. Command in Vietnam
fifth straight day yesterday as the also announced the loss of two more
Defense Department acknowledged helicopters, bringing to 26 the num-!
the American-backed invision has !ber that have been officially an-
suffered a setback. nounced as lost in the drive, now
Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. Do Cao begmmng its third week.
Tri, South Vietnam's top field
commander, was killed in a heli- Word from the front in southern
copter crash in Cambodia. Tri Laos was that the North Vietna-
was directing 20.000 Saigon troops mese continued to pour hea7y fire

into South Vietnamese ranger po-'
sitions six miles in from the border.i
Advance elements in the push were
still 171/2 miles into Laos along
Highway 9 which leads to Sepone,
believed to be a major junction,
on the Ho Chi Minh trail.
North Vietnamese gunner; struck
at least 10 positions with rockets
and mortars in the most intense
shelling attacks since tha South


Dasenior editors ta
The senior editors of The Daily for 1971-72 took
office Sunday night as their appointments, made by
the outgoing senior editors three weeks ago, went
into effect.
Appointed editor was Robert Kraftowitz, a zoology
major from New York City.
Kraftowitz will supervise the 50-member editorial
staff, which produces the news pages, editorial page
and arts page of The Daily. In addition, he will
serve as spokesman for The Daily and liaison
between the newspaper and the University com-
Aiding in the supervision of the overall operation
ERT KRAFTOWITZ JIM BEATTIE of the newspaper will be Executive Editor Jim
Beattie, a philosophy major from Red Wing, Minn.
Beattie's responsibilities will include direction of the

ke oice
In this capacity, he advises the Board for Student
Publications in setting The Daily's annual budget.
In supervising the editorial staff, the new senior
editors are divided among the news pages, editorial
page and arts page of The Daily.
Steve Koppman, a sociology major from New York
City, was appointed editorial page editor. Koppman's
primary responsibility will be the gathering and
editing of the features and columns which appear on
each day's editorial page, while Beattie will concen-
trate on coordinating the writing and editing of the
formal editorials which appear on the left side of the
Also supervising the editorial page will be the
associate editorial page editor, Rick Perloff, a philos-
ophy major from Pittsburgh, Pa. Perloff will work

Vietnamese moved across the bor-
der, a Saigon spokesman said.
One of the reported objectives
of the South Vietnamese when the
invasion was launched on Feb. 8
was to reach Sepone and to cut'
across the famous supply trail
leading from North Vietnam to
Laos, Cambodia and South Vet-1
In Washington Defense Depart-
ment officials said the South Viet-
namese suffered a setback in Laos
over the weekend, but said this is
"no reason to write off the whole
A similar assessment came from
State Department sources. And at
the White House press secretary
Ronald L. Ziegler said the obyec-i
tive in Laos remains the disrup-
tion of the flow of supplies alc.rg
the Ho Chi Minh trail and this pro-
ject "is being carried out by the
ARVN (South Vietnamese Army)
and the ARVN is performing well."
Ziegler spoke in response to
newsmen's questions about pib-
lished reports that delivery of ene-
my supplies, through use of routes
West of the Ho Chi Minh complex
actually has increased. Ziegler said
the White House has no informaion
to suggest such a development.
The administration assessment of
the situation was in sharp contrast
to that of Sen. George McGovern
who said yesterday his reading of

sit-in could be liable for expul-
sion from he University if they
either "disrupt University func-
tions" or refuse any order by Pres-
ident Robben Fleming or his de-
signated representative to leave
the building.
State legislation last year also
increased the civil penalties for
students convicted of disrupting
University functions to a maxi-
mum of 90 days in jail, and a fine
of between $200 and $1000.
Many of the students who took
part in the LSA Bldg. bookstore
sit-in in September, 1969, were
later convicted of "creating a
contention" by their disruption
See PROTESTERS, page 10
Doctors to
be drafted

President Fleming

WASHINGTON OP) - The De- together and presented hides the
fense Department asked the Selec- real issues from the public and
tive Service System yesterday to the problems which may well re-
draft 2,100 doctors this year in the sult from this cut back should not
first callup of physicians since be underestimated," Fleming con-
1969. tinued.
The Pentagon said the callup of Fleming also explained the
physicians, osteopaths 'nd dentists problems involved with barring

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