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February 20, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-20

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EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article
is the first of a two-part series on the
"human potential movement" at the
University. Today the philosophy of T-
groups will be discussed followed tomorrow
by an examination of the controversies
surrounding such efforts.'
i Maligned and extolled, called both a
panacea and a nightmare, the "human
potential movement" at the University-
variously titled sensitivity training, T-
groups or encounter groups-seems to fit
neither of these extremes.
Despite the controversy, the movement
a has flowered, both in size and scope,
since the inception of the first Project
Outreach T-group in 1965.
The specific aims of the human poten-
tial movement vary according to leader
and group. Psychology and sociology
Prof. Ronald Lippitt, one of the origina-
4tors of the T-group notion, believes there
is a growing desire to escape deperson-

alization and to "find a basis for personal
identity and meaning - and one of the
means to this search is finding intimate
relations with a few others."
Bart Grossman, one of the coordina-
tors of Project Outreach T-groups, puts
it, "We want to offer anX opportunity to
experience one's self in a different way,
to help people find the potential in them-
selves to change."
Although he is skeptical about the
value of groups, psychology Prof. How-
ard Wolowitz attributes the rapid growth
of the movement to "a general recogni-
tion and growing awareness of the right
of the individual to be happy in a way
that is more immediate, morepersonal
and more interpersonal."
He points out that, despite the fact
that much of this generation has attained
material security, many people have not
found resulting happiness and fullfil-

ment. People search for alternatives, he
says, and "the quality of human rela-
tionships count more."
The methods for working toward de-
sired goals vary as much as the types
of groups. There are hundreds of "exer-
cises" employed in T-groups, either when
they appear to fit an individual's spe-
cific needs or when a leader views them
as potentially beneficial to a group.
Although the majority of the groups at
the University appear to be unstructured
in this sense, the following exercises are
among those more popular and more
prevalent among groups around the
-Blind leading. A blindfolded person
is taken on an extended walk by another
person. They are often given the oppor-
tunity to feel a variety of objects which
they are used to experiencing only vis-

The purposes of the wa
about a physical awarene
roundings, to make one:
able in a dependent rolea
the trust between the tw
-Breaking in. A tight c
by members of a groupa
is left outside the circle, w
to try to force his way in
is used for people who feel
or alienated by the rest of
The struggle to join th
lieved to be a release, an
ful completion of the tas
"outcast" new initiative
part of the group emotion
-Falling. This exercise
tions. In the first, one pe
the middle of a circle co
rest of the group. He close

lk are to bring falls back, allowing the group to main-
ss of one's sur- tain his balance as he is passed around
more comfort- the circle.
and 'to increase The second variation involves only two
o people. people. One stands behind the other and
ircle is formed is expected to fall backwards, without
and one person looking, until he is caught.
ith instructions Both exercises are designed to test the
n. The exercise degree of trust between people, and ul-
1 removed from timately to build, it up where it is l%' -
f the group. ing.
e group is be- Of the T-groups now in operation at the
nd the success- University, the largest, most well-known
k can give the and most carefully supervised are those
to become a in Project Outreach (Psychology 483).
ally as well as A wide variety of other T-groups are
offered, however, including a choice of
has two varia- four in the Free University this semes-
ter: "Experiments in Human Warmth",
arson stands in "Perspectives", Sensitivity Groups" and
amposed of the "Advanced Encounter Groups".
es his eyes and See ENCOUNTER, Page 2

Prof. Lippitt

Bart Grossman

See Editorial Page

YI e

111k rigau


Windy, showers,
chance of thundershowers

Vol. LXXXI, No. 120

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 20, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pnaes

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Police, demonstrators

n policy

Turn down ~
OSS plan
The Regents at their month-
ly meeting yesterday rejected
the current recruiting policy
of the Office of Student Serv-
ices (OSS) Placement Office
which bars any "profit cor-
poration operating where dis-
crimination is 1 e g a11y en-
forced" such as South Africa
from recruiting in its office.



-Daily-Andy Sacks
A UNIVERSITY fire marshall, Russell Downing, grapples with a
youth on the first floor of the Administration Bldg. yesterday during
a rush to enter when a side door was momentarily opened. A group
of students was attempting to get into the Regents public session
to present a list of demands.
Judi pl an objections
eXpresse to Regents

Objections to the proposed Uni-
versity judicial system were voic-
ed yesterday as members of the
Faculty Reform Coalition and a
law school professor spoke at a
Regents open hearing.
No formal action was taken at
4he hearing and the Regents have
tentatively scheduled another dis-
cussion session next month with
the committee which drafted the
Judiciary plan.
The faculty members in the
Coalition - a faculty group of
over 200 attempting to increase
Oaculty influence in University de-
cision-making - criticized four
areas of the proposed judiciary.
Law Prof. L. Hart Wright ex-
pressed strong disagreement with
one aspect of the plan but gen-
erally supported the rest of the
udicial plan.
Earlier in the week, the Regents
released a revised draft of the
proposed judiciary which suggest-
ed several major alterations in
the plan.
The judiciary committee, which
met on Tuesday to review the re-
,Aental draft, voiced sharp objec-'
on at that time to some of the
Regents revisions and proposed
several alternatives to the changes.
In yesterday's hearing the Re-
form Coalition agreed to support
a key element of the proposed ju-
diciary - use of a randomly se-
mted student jury - but voiced
arp opposition to the section
of the plan requiring the jury
to determine guilt or innocence
and punishment by a unanimous

The judiciary committee p r o-I
posed two alternative plans for;
the composition of the presiding
panel, each to run a trial periodI
of one-half year.E
The presiding panel make up
favored by faculty members of
the judiciary committee wouldl
consist of a judge selected from!
outside the University community
flanked by two associate judges,;
one student and one faculty mem-
For the second half of the trial1
period, the committee suggestedI
use of a plan favored by student
groups - the use of two stu-1
dents and one faculty member as$
associate judges in trials of stu-
dents, and two faculty members'
and one student in trials of faculty

In its place, the Regents adopted
a University-wide policy which only
excludes corporations from using<
the various campus placement
services to recruit persons for em-
ployment in countries which san-edy y
tion legal ys discrimination.
The Regents decision came after
an open hearing Thursday wheressergsA
the merits of extending the 0hr
policy to the various other place-
ment servicesgon campus were de-
The new policy states: "No
placement services shall be made -Daily-Denny Gainer
available to any organization or DEMONSTRATORS crowd outside the Administration Bldg. yesterday seeking admission to the month-
individual that discriminates in ly public session of the Regents. Two people were arrested following a skirmish with Ann Arbor police
recruitment or employment against officers who were posted at the door to prevent the crowd from entering.
any person because of race, color ,
creed, sex, religion, or national
"Neither shall any placement!
service be made available for the
purpose of recruitment for employ- "AI C
ment i any country where dis -1/
crimination a enforce o a oe inaos
the basis of race, color, creed, sex,
religion or national origin."
The Regents further directedykhTd
President Robben Fleming, in con- mat ry positon. cout
slainwtitththdenanplc-ment service directors, to:
-Provide for the effective im-SnORhatmiapiNts etaseriareari
plementation and enforcement of SIO I)-Cmuittop ot itaeemltr ul-trzdznnrhato h
thepolcy n al Uivesit plce-yesterday enveloped a South Viet- u hc h ..cmadsi ah
teplcinalUiestplc-namese artillery base and attacked!u wicThe U..aomantsidaah action erupted with
went services; and anifnrIoiin was menacing the 9,000 man Amer-conratkigNthVeams
-Provide information that can anifnrpoiinIconetakngNthVtams
be obtained by all University place- These were the first major bat- ican task force that serves as rear striking at South Vietnamese po-
ment services and prospective em- tles in the 12-day-old Laotian in- guard for the South Vietnamese sitions on both sides of Route 9.
ployes on the extent to which em- vasion, aimed at cutting the Ho invading troops. Saigon headquarters said the at-
ployers using their facilities oper- Chi Minh trail, which routes Com- The Stratafortress b o m b e r s tack on an infantry position south
ate in nations which legally dis- munist supplies and military equip- dropped nearly 200 tons of bombs of Route 9 was driven back and 17
criminate. ment throughout Indochina. on the North Vietnamese positions North Vietnamese were slain. It
See REGENTS, Page 8 Meanwhile U.S. B-52's bombed a several miles south of the demili-|reported three defenders wounded.
Field reports said the stiffest
fighting was north of the high-
NEW COUNTY AIRPORT |way, where government rangers
defending an artillery base suffer-
ed heavy casualties.

Two arrested during
protests at Ad Bldg.
The University was hit yesterday by a day-long series of
demonstrations following a violent confrontation between
the Ann Arbor Police and people demanding entrance to the
Regents monthly public meeting.
The police, called to the Administration Bldg. by Uni-
versity officials, arrested two of a small group of demon-
strators attempting to force their way into the locked Ad-
ninistration Bldg.
Angered by the arrests, a group of about 200 people
later marched through campus and occupied the LSA Bldg.
for several hours to discuss possible future actions.
Although the group left the LSA Bldg. by 6 p.m. last
night, members pledged to -
return at noon Mounday tto
hold a continuation of the aa ytt i es
demonstration.A ires
The group decided to organize
for Monday's gathering over the dn
weekend and voted to make it reMnore n
clear that the meeting would con-
stitute a sit-in, but that partici-
pants at that time would decide
her he disruptions started at 11
a.m., when students found them-
selves locked out of the Admin- The A&P grocery on E. Huron
istration Bldg. where they had yesterday laid off nine employes
planned to present demands to as a boycott attacking the super-
the Regents. I market's dress regulations con-
During the ensuing demonstra- tinued for the sixth day, a boycott
tion, the two students were ar- organizer reported.
rested. An additional employe, Mike
At a 2 p.m. rally to protest the Palid, was fired Thursday, al-
arrests, demonstrators decided to legedly for picketing the s t o r e
occupy the LSA Bldg., and, once during his work break.
there, decided to march through Mtore Manager Warren Hart-
campus, ending at the engineer- man last night refused to com-
ing college's placement offices, ment on the situation.
where they staged a demonstra- The boycott, marked by picket-
tion against a Lincoln Laborator- in otsdethestore. is in pro-

ies recruiter. test of the firing last Friday of
Lincoln Labs, based at the Mas- three employes whose hair w a s
sachusetts Institute of Technology, longer than that permited by
is involved in military research. company dress regulations.
After the march, demonstrators Boycott organizer Art Wight-
returned again to the LSA Bldg. man claimed that the nine were
The demonstration began when laid off because the boycott's ef-
a group of about 50 persons met fect left the A&P unable to pay
in front of the Administration its entire staff. Wightman esti-
Bldg. for a scheduled disruption mated that the picketers had dis-
of the Regent's meeting in order
to present the Regents with six suaded "about half" of yester-
demands. day's prospective customers from
See PROTESTERS, Page 8 entering the A&P.



FT'T @ N N

A major expansion of University-owned
Willow Run Airport by 1980-85 to accom-
modate cargo and private flights from
Metropolitan Airport has been proposed by
the Wayne County Road Commission.
The commission, which operates Metro,
has recommended a $100 million expan-
sion of Willow Run in order to build two
new runways, 12,000 and 10,000 feet long,
to acc:mmodate intercontinental freight

un expansion sought

cause the "saturation point" is rapidly be-
ing approached at Metro.
Metro is currently operating at about 85
per cent capacity, with 360,000 takeoffs and
landings per year, according to the Air
Transport Association.
The University has owned Willow Run
since 1947, maintaining airline and research
facilities there.
However, the expansion, slated for the
east side of the airport, may force the re-
.e-of enf ..A.f li T.iv1.i.- -a

land priced at $5.4 million would be under-
taken if justified by "airfield demand,
economic feasibility, and operational ca-
The airport was operated by the Airlines
Terminal Corporation until 1966, when the
University took over management of the
facility as well.
At that time, most passenger airplanes
moved to Metro, with Willow Run handling
air cargo-crriei~s and airplanes from sev-
0- flr"C a hn lcfe ,onl 7 rn, O r

Informed U .S. sources in the Ijjta l 11
northern zone said the base, six
,miles inside Laos and astride a
branch of the Ho Chi Minh trail, j
was under attack by one North I
Vietnamese regiment while a
second regiment was believed mov-
ing in to join the battle.
mg storceattoe.icopt State officials have announced
U.S. sources said no helicopters a new appropriations cut for
entered the artillery base yestei- the University totaling $176,000
day because of "intense anti-air- - the second budget slash order-j
craft fire."dL ed by Lansing during the current
Since the drive into Laos began,' fiscal year.
12 U.S. helicopters have been shot However, University officials
down and destroyed. Seven more Hywevcr,,Uniresiy a ffeciesi
have been lost on the Vietnamese say the cut, forced by a decline in
state revenue, is less than they

uns again
committee along with the presi-
dents of other state universities
and colleges and asked for a re-
duction in the proposed cut in
funding educational institutions.
The $176,000 reduction repre-
sents approximately three-fourths
of one per cent of the funds not
already spent for the remainder



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