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February 18, 1971 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-18

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tI fdBiwu Baily
Eighty years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynord St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Child-care center for the 'U'

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WHEN STUDENTS face the Regents to-
day and tomorrow, it won't be the
first time that the demand for a child
care center has come before the Uni-,
versity administration.
Nor will it be the first time the Re-
gents admit to the importance of a child
care center.
Should the Regents act substantively
to implement the plan, however, it would
mark the first time in the University's
history the Regents have recognized the
child care center as a high priority. This
is a step forward which must be taken.
The need for a child care center has
been pointed out continuously during the
past year, but the intensity with which
support has been expressed in the com-
munity has varied greatly.
When support was high last spring, the
University decided that it could allow
a child care center to operate on Univer-
sity property - open only to families
with some connection with the Univer-
A group of University women operated
the center in Mary Markley dormitory
last year, and this year it has been pro-
vided with three efficiency apartments
in University Terrace.
However, the present center is neither
free nor 24-hour. Because of obvious
financial problems, it currently operates,
only eight hours a day and must charge
50c per child per hour.
This hardly squares with the child
care section of the six demands a group of'
students is discussing with the Regents
today - which calls merely for a "24-
hour child care center" - and the need,
in fact, goes farther than that.
WHAT HAS BEEN continually asked of
the University, and what must now
be implemented, is a free, 24-hour child
care center under parent-child and com-
munity control.
Last October, during an open Regents
hearing, 200 people once again demand-
ed an expanded child care center and
were told vague things about the "tight
money situation." Last week, the Regents
only repeated the same message.
Certainly there is a tight money situa-
tion. Yet when a tight money situation
is closely examined, it really may be re-
duced to a question of priorities, and the
long demanded and often compromised
child care center should certainly be a
high University priority.
The University, with its heralded "af-
firmative action program" for women,
should see the creation of a free 24-hour
child care center as a necessary part of
eliminating discriminatory practices
against women.
Although the demand for a child care

center from Local 1583 of the American
Federation of State, County and Munici-
pal Employes failed to become part of
the union's new contract, the need for
free child care for University employes
was pointed out by its inclusion in union
For example, University employes -
especially those at the hospital - work
unusual hours during which babysitters
are not available, and work for wages that
automatically preclude the possibility of
hiring babysitters.
Students also put in unusual hours, and
the vast majority of students with child-
ren cannot afford babysitters.
TRADITIONALLY, care of the children
has been delegated to the mother. As
a result, women with children, if they
want to work or attend school, must be
prepared to arrange their hours and be
able to afford to pay for a babysitter or
for nursery school. That is a virtual im-
possibility for many women who have to
work, or who want to continue their edu-
Ideally, society should change to give
the father more voice in raising the child,
and ideally, society should arrange to
have children cared for while their par-
ents are occupied. This obviously is a
long way from happening.
More realistically, the University - Ann
Arbor's largest employer - and the city
itself should arrange for child care cen-
ters funded jointly by the University and
the community. Although there have been
groups'lobbying for such action, this too
is a long way from happening.
Yet, the existing child care center is not
enough. The University's responsibility is
greater than merely allowing rooms to
be used for such a center. And this re-
sponsibility can be adequately fulfilled
only if the University finances a center
that can run for 24 hours a day and can
offer child care free of charge. This could
be done perhaps most easily by expand-
ing the present center.
This should not be done only because
the University feels pressure, but because
an extensive child care center is a neces-
sity if the University wishes to offer edu-
cation and employment to women in a
non-discriminatory manner.
THE UNIVERSITY has already stated
by its affirmative action plan that
an end to this discrimination is its goal.
If it does not give the child- care center
the kind of high priority action that is
needed, it will be clear just how seriously
the University regards its supposed prin-

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Dist. Publishers-Hall Sy ndicate


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A conservative view: To stop the Movement

Daily Guest Writer
FOR SOME TIME now there has
been an unusual political sil-
ence on the nation's campuses and
in its cities. This is largely due to
a halt in agitation from the Left.
Silence and inactivitycan be very
ambiguous things and many peo-
ple of the conservative commun-
ity have felt that somehow the
discontent concerning the war
(among other things) has been
This is true to a large extent.
Many people have been convinced
that Richard Nixon's policies are
at least an acceptable way to end
the purported great wrongs and
lead us back to prosperity, peace,
and t h e other American ideals.
But to think this is the whole ex-
planation for the calm is to be
dangerously fooled. The Left is
not dead.
Recently in Ann Arbor the Left
gave the country notice that it
was still alive, still dissatisfied,
and still ready to mobilize t h e
people to put an end to the war in
Indochina, "racism," "repression,"
and so on. The occasion was the

2000-delegate Student-Youth Con-
ference on a People's Peace. Sup-
erficially it was the s a m e old
New Left. There was the usual
late start to an only somewhat or-
ganized plenary session to kick
things off. There was the day of
caucuses and workshops which
were exceedingly dull capped by a
nighttime "cultural event" which
was not very cultural.
Finally there was the day of
consolidation marked by petty dis-
putes over the agenda, confused
speakers out of order, and a cha-
otic politicaladiscussion display-
ing severe factionalization. B u t
out of all this came a hesitant
solidarity behind the peace treaty
which was the object of the con-
ference, Also, there came a pecu-
liar feeling as to the true nature
of the movement.
That these people c o u 1 d lay
dormant so long and still rally in
the numbers they did is awesome.
It is clearly a threat of which con-
servatives should take heed. It was
evident that the base of support
had expanded. The delegates came
from all over the country during
an abysmal political lull. T h e y

were the people who were to or-
ganize around the treaty which
implies a peripheral support that
is considerable. It is a periphery
which was driven to quiescence by
cynicism born from compromise.
co-optation and fatigue rather
than logic.
Most importantly, it is a perip-
hery which can be moved to ac-
tion unlike Nixon's "Silent Ma-
jority," should a political or eco-
nomic crisis develop. And should
such a crisis occur, the American
people will naturally be more in-
clined to listen to an alternative
than usual. It is because the peo-
ple might take them seriously that
the establishment should be frigh-
tened for its own existence.
THE NEW LEFT h a s always
been an appeal AGAINST some-
thing. It is very unclear w h a t
"peace people" are FOR in the
way of government. The confer-
ence showed that the p e a c e
movement had undergone a siz-
able leftward drift. It was evi-
dent that the mood was advocat-
ing victory for the NLF and a
revolution at home.

But what after the revolution?
Peace? Freedom? What do these
mean? Abbie Hoffman says that
they'll get rid of all the pay toil-
ets. It's an attractive phrase for a
slogan-movement. It seems t h a t
very few of these people h a v e
much idea of what they want to
do. Dismaying to the conservative
is the thought t h a t there are
Marxists and quasi-Marxists who
would not hesitate to offer a sug-
gestion should a revolution find
itself without direction.
So the challenge to the con-
servative is to stop this movement
which certainly threatens him.
The press, radio, television, and
the schools have worked against
the right to create a climate where
people, mostly young and mostly
intelligent, can be explosively or-
ganized to a the leftist ideals.
Alarmingly, the Nixon people have
used ignorant methods to combat
this danger. News blackouts, sec-
retive war actions, reliance on the
"Silent Majority" and blindly
nationalistic workers, bumbling
manipulation of the economy,
trials for elaborate conspiracies,
a n d selective marijuana arrests

are not only convincing liberals,
and leftists, but are losing the sup-
port of enlightened rightists.
This strategy seems to be work-
ing now because nothing signi-
ficant has gone wrong for a while.
One can hardly expect this happy
situation to continue much longer.
Obviously a safer and more de-
sirable approach would be a per-
suasion campaign which would
present logical, fundamental, and
convincing reasoning totsupport
the conservative view. Although
there is extant some material of
this type, it'is very little and very
poorly publicized.
going to have a large and worth-
while base of support, efforts
should be directed to this area.
Sometimes I wonder if conserva-
tives care enough about their pol-
itics and personal liberty to con-
duct this type of appeal rather"
than the dull and repressive tac-
tics now used to control fanatics.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The author
is a member of the campus chap-
ter of Young Americans for Free-

Letters: Confron ting the Regents

Garris' victory

JACK GARRIS' victory in M o n d a y' s
mayoral primary is not necessarily
an indication that the conservative wing
of the Ann Arbor Republican party is
gaining strength. Rather, it reflects the
success of the tactic of "switching over"
employed by many members of the local
Democratic electorate.
"Switching over" is an old political
trick in Michigan. It works because Mich-
igan law does not require citizens to
register a party affiliation before vot-
ing in the primary.
Frequently, one party's candidate runs
unopposed, and is assured nomination.
Thus, members of that party will often
vote for the weakest candidate of the
other party in order to weaken the op-
position to their own candidate.
This is exactly what happened in Mon-
day's primary. Many Democratic voters
apparently realized that a vote for Gar-
ris would be the most effective way of
helping to re-elect Mayor Robert Harris,
and voted accordingly.
THE EVIDENCE of this tactic is quite
clear. In Monday's primary election
the three Republican mayoral contenders
garnered a total of 9,333 votes. Two years
ago in the city's -April general election
the Republican candidate for mayor re-
ceived only 10,399 votes. The turnout in
primary elections is generally well under
70 per cent of the general election turn-

votes, in the culmination of a hard
fought campaign.
The most reasonable assumption there-
fore, appears to be that Democrats
"switched over" to vote for Garris. This
is lent further credence by the fact that
Harris only got 3,243 votes.
OBVIOUS EXAMPLES of switching over
occurred in the Second Ward. Garris
won in both the first and second pre-
cincts. These precincts are roughly
bounded by Hill St., Huron, Washtenaw,
and Main, and are primarily inhabited by
students. These are the wards that gave
the greatest support to Democrat David
Bloom, a radical candidate for C i t y
Garris' nomination will undoubtedly
help Harris. Garris ran a campaign
based on "law and order", exploiting mid-
dle-class prejudices, and promising to
alleviate fears of radicalism, drugs and
crime that he himself was largely re-
sponsible for instilling in the community.
He has no support from moderate Repub-
licans, and offers a much less significant
threat to Harris than Louis Belcher would
have posed.
Belcher is a moderate Republican who
has the support of most local party lead-
ers. He is conservative enough to ap-
peal to the mass of the Republican elec-
torate, yet sufficiently moderate to draw
some Democratic votes away from Harris.
Tn thie mlih+. ~ris' voirv seems: a

To the Daily:
THE REGENTS are having an
open forum today at 4 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom to discuss the de-
cision of the Office of Student Serv-
ices policy board to ban recruiters
representing companies who do
business in South Africa, and Fri-
day there is an open session at 2
p.m. in the Administration building.
It is important that people be at
these meetings, and it is more im-
portant that they understand why,
and what can be gained there.
We all know that the Regents
do not represent, as they claim.
the desires of the majority of the
Ann Arbor community, or of the
university community. The Univer-
sity still is, and always has been,
involved in war research; allows
i'ecruiters from racist and sexist
companies on campus, and gener-
ally assumes a role of complicity
with the goals, values and inter-
ests of a life destroying society.
The University and its illegiti-
mate sons, the Regents, have to be
stopped. But it is crucial that we
understand their true role in the
destruction of humanity, in order
that we can deal with them in per-
spective, and in a way that will
also keep a mass movement grow-
Disrupting any specific functions
of the University, will not by itself
stop the war. And stopping the war
won't cure the sickness of society,
but rather deal with only an espe-
cially painful symptom. These iso-
lated reforms in the policies of op-
pressive structures are only bene-
ficial in the context of real social
change; when the power to make
decisions flows from the people
who are affected by thetdecisions.
WE ARE RIGHT to act against
the illegitimacy of the Regents in
their attempts to control and influ-
ence the lives of the people in this
community, and their willingness
to perpetuate and support the de-
structiveness of corporate society.
We must react militantly to a so-
ciety that is violent in its oppres-
sion of people; we must react to
an aggressive enemy.
We should not look upon any ac-
tion on Friday as an isolated act of
frustration against the crossing of
an arbitrary border in Indochina,
or even something that can solve
any specific problem in the univer-
sity as it exists now. But Friday

But it will be successful only if
you are there to help make those

-The Steering
tee for the
Group to End
Feb. 17

To The Daily:
EVEN THE MOST chauvinistic
of Britons could not fail to see the
point of Jonathan Miller's rather
jabbing article on "British cur-

Ad Hoc
the War

ic community will answer for the
present state of math teaching in
British schools, but at least this
Briton is able to affirm that pre-
cisely because of 1,200 years of ex-
perience with a duodecimal system
we are in excellent shape to han-
dle just about anything. The col-
umnist's previous suggestion that
we should have adopted a system
of dollars and cents was partic-
ularly insensitive. With a g a o d
part of our economy already in
hock to American capital, the tra-
ditional British stiff upper lip is

Daily last week. While I was cor-
rectly quoted, my sympathy is nit
with the views expressedl publicly
by the "U. of M. Action Commit-
tee to Protest Japanese Aggres-
sion Against Tiao Yu Tai Islands."
Typical language alleging "i ecent
Japanese aggression on Chinese
territory" and "exposing the Japa-
nese militarist aggression in re-
gard to Tiao Yu Tai" not only is
without any basis in fact. It mocks
the pretensions of this group in its

Committee. Specifically, neither by*,
the terminology of the Japanese
surrender declaration nor through
subsquent peace treaties signed
with various Allied aowers, includ-
ing on separate occasions the Re-
public of China and the United
States, has the territory of Taiwan,
the Pescadores, or any other asN
sociated islands formerly held by
the Japanese Empire been formally
and finally ceded to the Republic of
China. The sole legal consequence
of these actions and documents has
been to divest Japan of ownership.
The Republic of China continues to
administer Taiwan and the Pesca-
dores as an occupying regime ex-
ercising de facto but not de Jure
sovereignty. There one major pre-
mise of the argument collapses.
Moreover it is questionable what
international legal consequence
follows from a municipal court rul-
ing. Without determining this one*
can hardly assert that uninhabited
islands 120 miles northeast of Tai-
wan necessarily are part of Tai-
Finally, whether the continental
shelf principle according exclusive
exploitation rights of ownership on
the basis of continuous depth ap*4
plies indefinitely, regardless of the
distance from coastal territory (in
this case more than 200 miles from
the Chinese mainland) is again sub-
ject to legal interpretation which
must include principles of comity
or practice as well as of treaty
THIS IS NOT to deny or affirm
either side's claim in this dispute.
It does, however, suggest that any
one sincerely interested in "peace
with justice" would seem better
advised to abandon insulting, pro-
vocative, and inflammatory lan-
guage in favor of demanding that"
such matters be taken by both sides
to the International Court of Jus-
tice. Both the Republic of China
and Japan are members of the
United Nations and both have
pledged their support to its Char -
ter and its bodies. The Court is nor
so overworked as to be unable to
take up this case in prompt order.
While its ruling would be compli-
cated by the lack of legal sov-
ereignity over Taiwan, an adv sory'
ruling couldat least d"spose of the
question concerning J'pan's claim
as part of the Ryukyus.
-Prof. Allen S. Whiting
Department of Political
Feb. 8

"..Guam.. Okinawa ..San Fernando Veterans Hospital"

rency: Chaos over Coins." Alas, we

fast thawing. Please, Mr. Miller,
I-sr rnr .nndn Rrrig._ake ia or

appeal for public support aimed at
"neae with justice."

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