See Editorial Page
:43 i1]y
Cloudy, cold.
chance of freezing rain
Vol. LXXXI, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 18, 1971 Ten Cents
ew demaIns revive long-standing'i
EDITOR'S NOTE The fonowing At a meeting which followed last in Sept., 1969, and the takeover of tions which operate in countries used
Krtoana ysfrwas written by Roe Wednesday's mass march to pro- North Hall, the ROTC classroom where discrimination is legally en- Asia,
by Dave chudwin, Hester Pulling, test the Laos invasion, 250 of the and office building. Last winter's forced, such as South frica. Th
Bob Schreiner, and W. E. Schrock. 4,000 demonstrators assembled a disruptive protests of on-campus Aside from prompting mass ac. recy
Still feeling the lethargy which list of demands on these issues, de- job and recruiters from corpora- tions and confrontations, the is- does
has dominated political activity on termining to channel their dismay tions charged with racism and mil- suance of similar demands in the Univ
this campus for the past 10 months, over the Southeast Asian situation tarism- past has generated considerable de- schol
-y nthe University community has re- into University affairs. Such displays of militance ap- bate within the University com- and
TE.rrm Fs w em tr gsacted quietly to the sudden rebirth But the subsequent lack of sup- pear out of harmony with the munity as to their merits. Mo
o a ce hicdstdlpro y port for the demands seems to n- calmness of the campus since the Th e or versied a
> ; 6express itself at the Regents meat- dicate that most of Wednesday's beginning of the current academic research began in 1967, when afre
instoaindtmorw marchers are not ready to convert year , as do last week's threats to seisofatclsieTeDildx
i{xYThe period that followed the in- their revived antipathy for the war shut down "the administrative plored the millions of dollars of re- not h
vasion of Laos last week saw the into a new campaign against on- functions of the Universty" if de- search which the University pr- san,
revival of the political issues which campus, activities which aid the mands are not met, forms for the Defense Department Ot
have stirred considerable ferment military effort, such as classified Nnetheless, the group which as- each year. wron
at the University during the last rsac n h OCporm sembled the demands has called Subsequently, both segments of fns
four years-abolition of war re- This apparent lack of interest for disruption of the Regents the student body and the faculty resul
search, ROTC, corporate job re- seems strange in a student body monthly public meeting tomorrow. expressed criticism of the Lniver- peac
-Daily-Denny Gainer cruiting-along with two recent is- which has in the past seen fit to And they have urged students sity's involvement in minlitary re- Th
PRTETES arh ro te isbol o emnsrae gans asues-the establishment of a child- take concerted action on most of " harrass" the Regents todaty at an search, maintaining that it is in- to m
POETR mac frmteFhow todmntaeaanta care center, and student control of these issues. open hearing on the proposal to appropriate for a University to en- agai.
General Motors recruiter on campus last Friday. the literary college Course Mart. The disruption of ROTC classes ban job recruiters from corpora- gage in research which is being
Ten Pages
to kill people tn Southeast
and, elsewhere.
ey further argue that the see-
inherent in classified research
not fit with the concept of the
ersity as a free community of
ars engaged in open debate
st defenders of military e-
ch say the University would
Ige a researcher's academic
tomn if it told him whether or
he could engage in seecret re-
hers say that there is nothing
g with contributing to the de-
eof one's nation and that the
Its of military researvch have
:eful applications.
.e arguments of those opposed
ilitary research were put forth
n during the dispute over the
on recruiting
At their monthly meeting today and tomorrow, the
Regents will discuss two on-going controversies within the
academic community-the proposed University judiciary and
the University's policy on recruiting by corporations charged
with discrimination.
The recruiting policy will be the subject of an open
hearing at 4 p.m. today in the Regents room of the Adminis-
tration Bldg. The Regents expect to take final action today
on the Office of Student Services (OSS) decision to ban
companies which have dealings in South Africa from OSS
recruiting offices.
At a mass meeting last Sunday, called by an ad hoc
- radical group on campus, stu-
dents were urged to attend the
U tu en t open hearing and to "harass"
the Regents in support of six
anti-war demands.
l The group's demands call for an
U11IS 11 end to ROTC and war research on
campus, a ban on all recruiting
at the University by corporations
practicing discrimination, the es-
m eeti g tablishment of a 24-hour child
care center, student control over
the Course Mart program and the
In an effort to promote an aware- use of University facilities for
ness of their common problems and anti-war publicity.
interests, delegates from 13 of the Last October, the OSS policy
University's student governments board decided to prevent corpora-
tions which have business opera-
will participate in an Intergovern- tions in South Africa from using
ment Symposium this Saturday. their placement offices.
Rebecca Shank, delegate to the The decision was based on that
symposium for the Student Gov- country's apartheid policy, which
ernment Council (SGC), ,ays the policy board members felt was
symposium should help break down contrary to University anti-dis-
separatism between student gov- crimination policies.
ernments and open feedback than- fThe move, which has thus far
nels between them. affected six prospective corporate
recruiters, could be applied to over
"In that way each government* 250 American corporations with
can learn from the other experi- holdings in the segregated nation.
ences," she adds. "As well, uni- The decision, however, affected
fled student governments will be only OSS services, not separate
more capable of securing funds and placement services in the various
academic reform." schools and colleges.
Shank adds that bickering be- The OSS policy must be ap-
tween feuding governments may proved by the Regents in order to
have been another impetus for tremain in effect.
planning the symposium. Preceeding today's hearing, the
Regents are expected to continue
Marty Scott, SGC president, secret talks on the proposed Uni-
hopes that "proposals for an on- versity judiciary with members of
going inter-government communi- the drafting committee during
cative body will come out of the their private session. A likely topic
symposium." of discussion will be how the Re-
Councils from the schools of gents' amendments to the pro-,
Education, LSA, Engineering, Li- posal, which were formulated a'
brary Science, Nursing, Dental week ago. can be reconciled with!
Health, Social Work, Public the original.
Health, Business Administration, Student members of the stu-
Pharmacy, and Law, as well as the dent - faculty committee w h i c h
Graduate Assembly and SGC, will authored the proposal have said
be represented at the symposium. I See REGENTS, Page 10
By The Associated Press
President N i x o n declared
yesterday he will place no
limits on use of American air-
power anywhere in Indochina,
except to bar the use of tac-
tical nuclear weapons.
Speaking at an unexpected news
conference, Nixon declined yester-
day to comment on a possible push
by Saigon troops into North Viet-
But he said that if any Ameri-
can forces would be involved in
such an undertaking, it would
have to be approved in Wash-
Meanwhile, in South Vietnam,
North Vietnamese troops sur-
rounded and attacked an Ameri-
can infantry position northeast of
Khe Sanh, but were driven back
by heavy U.S. artillery and air
strikes, military spokesmen said
last night.
The North Vietnamese also in-
tensified attacks against South
Vietnamese troops in Laos.
-Associated Press
Kalamazoo confrontation.
Demonstrators in Kalamazoo, protesting U.S. involvement in Laosa
prepare to charge the downtown county building yesterday (above).F
park, about 150 people marched to the county building-jail complex
After they briefly entered the county building with a burned U.S. fl
State court refuses S
appeal of marijuana
From Wire Service Reports the sentence is cruel and unusual
The state appeals court has up-* punishment.
held the sentence of White Pan- Although Judge S. Jerome Bron-
ther Party Chairman John Sin- son concurred on the decision, he
issued a strongly worded opinion
Clair to 91/ to 10 years in prison declaring that "reason mandates
for giving two joints of marijuana reform of our marijuana statutes."
to an undercover agent. Sinclair was convicted on Au-
A three-man appellate panel yes- gust 28, 1969 in Detroit Recorder's
terday rejected all nine of Sin- Court.
clair's pleas, which ranged from Chief Judge T. John Lesinski
alleged entrapment to claims that wrote the controlling opinion say-
and conditions in the county jail,
After a peaceful rally in a nearby At his news conference, Nixon
where they clashed with police. also said that:
ag, they flee the entrance (below). -Communist China has no rea-
- - son to interpret the South Viet-
namese drive into Laos as a threat -Daily-Jim Judkis
to their security; picket A&P
-In the Laotian operation, Protesters
South Vietnamese forces have al-
ready cut three major Communist
in cl ir, supply trails leading to South tx:Vienam
n boycott group
" " -As long as North Vietnam
Conviction hd U.S. forces will remain in Vietnamorganizes uopoo
"to give them the incentive to
ing that a prison sentence within release the men.
the statutory maximum "is not -The United States will use By TED STEIN
cruel or unusual." neither ground forces nor advis- The boycott of the A&P on Huron St. moved into a new
ce odteusucu.'' ors in Laos or Cambodia and has
He noted the first count of il no intention of ever using them phase yesterday as a group of students who have been picket-
ega sa eo narcouics was dis in North Vietnam. ing the store since last Thursday organized a car pool to
missed on entrapment grounds. The North Vietnamese stepped sutesopr onnAPfo trs
"Assuming, without deciding, upteratcsysedyo shuttle shoppers to non-A&P food stores.
up their attacks yesterday on Three store employes were suspended last week for their
_that defendant was entrapped into South Vietnamese troops in Laos he tr mlye eesseddlatweIo hi
selling marijuana, he still may be and on U.S. forces supporting the failure to comply with A&P Personal Appearance Standards,
convicted of illegal sale," Lesinski drive from bases in South Viet- which specify that employes' hair must be "trimmed, and
said. nam. combed, properly tapered . . . and not half-way down the
Chuck Ravitz, attorney for John American infantrymen in a forehead."
Sinclair, said the case will be ap- night defensive position 10 miles According to Art Wightman, one of the suspended em
pealed to the U.S. Supreme Court northeast of the American support Aroeofthe supede ie
in about two months. base at Khe Sanh were hit late ployes, the new shuttle service
He described the decision as Tuesday by perhaps 200 North - is for people who have said
very sterile and shallow, but typi- Vietnamese. HigJ1 II they would buy their food at
cal of judicial decisions today." Fighting went on through the other stores if they had means
According to him, "There is night withthe NorthVietnamese' of transportation to them,
nothing of any intelligence or throwing in heavy mortar barr- 1~ - jj h t Wgta adta h oct
depth in the majority opinion. How- ages, rocket and small arms fire Wightman said that the boycott
ever, Judge Bronson goes on to from all sides of the U.S. position.I has been effective in keeping much
discuss many of the issues in an Meanwhile, fire swept through a Two Ypsilanti schools, the scene of the University community away
intelligent manner." section of an ammunition dump of racial violence during the past from the store. "Most of the stu-
In his statement, Bronson said last night at the Quang Tri com- week, remained calm yesterday. dents who have read about the
"If several of the issues nresented bat base 19 miles south of the de- Officials at Williow Run high boycott are supporting it.
in this case were matters of first militarized zone. One officer esti- school cancelled classes for the "We've turned away about half
impression, I would dissent from m0 toes00 tonsu othird consecutive day yesterday, the people who he come to
the opinion of the majority. How- niton was destroyed, but no ca- while Edmonson Junior .High, site the juPt he ads"e pe
ever, since I am bound by the de- skes were re- of minor disturbances, was re-,wr jtt
cisions of our state Supreme Court, ,Akdi h osa h qae boycott."
I ns mu rstccur."eaddedmile storage point would affect opene wit no inciens - A&P Assistant Manager Warren
I must concur.' U.S. operations in support of the fence. Wheelock declined to comment
However, he added, "the esti- South Vietnamese Laotian cam- Racial tempers flared at the two yesterday on the effectiveness of
mate of the number of people who paign, an officer said: "That's schools during the past week, cul- the boycott.
aign an - ffer...minati in the csino of hoth r..
It's much easier to get in than out
"The dorms are the biggest ripoffs in
the world," one dorm resident says.
"I can't see why anyone would want
to live in one. It has nothing but rotten
food, cold impersonal people and lousy
rooms," another adds.
These feelings are typical among a
growing number of students who are now
feverishly working to break their housing
The University housing contract, which
"A friend of mine got out of his con-
tract by lying to Health Service," s a y s
Harry Griff, '74. "He was allowed to break
his lease for mental health reasons."
"I decided to play by the rules hoping
they would treat me like a human being.
I told them that dorm life just wasn't
for me. The bastards turned me down,"
Griff says.
Another student, Peggy Wilkinson, '72,
says a health problem prevented her from
eating dorm food. When she petitioned