CONTROLLING RECRUITING See Editorial Page Yl r e Lwa &UIM& TORRID High--45 Lom---31 Mostly cloudy, chance of rain Vol. LXXXI, No. 117 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 17, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages THIRD DAY: Us.S NJ/ bombs tietnam Regents alter parts ofI judiciary plan; SAIGON P-American fighter-bombers attacked surface to air missile sites 150 miles south of Hanoi yesterday in the deepest penetration of North Vietnamese territory in three successive days of air strikes. The U.S. Command in Saigon reported early this morn- ing that two Navy A6 Intruders escorting an unarmed recon- naissance jet fired Shrike missiles at North Vietnamese radar positions six miles northeast of Vinh, a coastal city situated 119 miles north of the demilitarized zone. On the previous two days, the air strikes were directed at SAM sites near the North Vietnamese-Laotian border., The U.S. Command said the SAM sites were threatening B52 _ d1bombers engaged in missions supporting t h e invasion of 1 I Yesterday's attacks on North 1r Vietnamese missile sites were the thirteenth and fourteenth "protec- 1 e m s tive reaction" strikes inside North Vietnam reported by the U.S. Com- ~mand this year-more than were reported during all of last year. Stay in race The A6 pilots said they did not m.observe any SAMS fired at them committee objects or at the reconnaissance plane The Radical Independent Party but their electronics gear told them (RIP) yesterday claimed that North Vietnamese radar was Democrats "switched over" to tracking them - a step prepara- vote for Republican Jack Garris tory to firing. in the city's mayoral primary in The command's protective re- order to defeat Republican Louis action policy allows American Belcher for the Republican nom.- pilots the right to strike first under # nation, those circumstances. "They did this," the party's state- _ Meanwhile, in Laos the stiffening ment said, "because incuibent resistance by Communist forces, Democratic Mayor Robert Harris deadly North Vietnamese antiair- and the Democrats know they will craft fire, and heavy drizzle and easily beat Garris, who even the fog that forecasters say may con- Republicans don't like, but they tinue for the next week seem t might not have beaten Belcher," indicate that the invasion drive i had he won the Republican normi- bogged down for the time being. nation for the April election. According to the U.S. Command "Garris will have very few votes the South Vietnamese troopsmcar in the election and Harris will have ryingout the major thrust of th virtually no challenge," the state- invasionuhave gained little mor went continued. . than a mile in the past three days. RIP mayoral candidate Doug Most of the attacks by Com Cornell said yesterday that he munist forces were aimed at the would continue to run for mayor. 9,000. U.S. troops on the South Viet- The RIP is staging a write-in cam- namese side of the Laotian border paign for the April elections. Two ambushes and two ground There had been speculation after attacks Monday and yesterday kill- the primary that Cornell wc d ed nine Americans and wounded 12, withdraw from the mayoral race,, allowing liberals and radicals in Although resistance by Com- the community to consolidate be- munist forces has been reported hind Harris for a Garris defeat. to be on a small scale it has been The RIP's statement voiced the steady. There have been increased party's feeling that Harris will "be rocket and mortar attacks on al- trying to get some conservative lied bases both in the northwestern votes that otherwise might go to part of South Vietnam and across Garris," and that he will "move I!the border in Laos. to the right." In Laos, U.S. and Laotian au- The party accused Harris of ig- thorities are investigating the ac- noring "urgent needs in the com- cidental bombing of a government munity," and claimed that Garris army containing an office of the would do the same. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Harris has "failed to move to- U.S. HELICOPTERS (above) return t = reconnaissance unit at a helicopter cr northeast of Phnom Penh advance on s dia continue. , DORMS AFFECTED: eH . t- -Associated Press o their home base at Khe Sanh after landing a South Vietnamese ash site in Laas. Below, members of a 19,000-man force operating Communist positions as South Vietnamese operations in Cambo- Policy Board .i T deci lettu Wo (UF Ti prov lettu ing UFW meet ards backs boycott on lettuce By JANET FREY ment, no lettuce at all will be pur- have been repeatedly ignored in he H o u s i n g Policy Board chased. their efforts to hold representa- ded yesterday to boycott. all The nationwide boycott of non- tion elections and to form a union ace not picked by United Farm UFWOC lettuce was called by more responsive to their needs. r k e r s Organizing Committee labor leader Cesar Chavez in Sep- According to the UFWOC, Team- WOC) union members. tember. It seeks to support the ster locals signed five-year con- he motion, unanimously ap- right 'of farm workers to negotiate tracts with some growers without 'ed, states that only UFWOC through their own bargaining consulting their field-workers for ace will be purchased for serv- agent, rather than through the ratification of the contracts. in the dorms, and that if no union which their employers chose. In addition to supporting the VOC lettuce is available which The TeamstersUnion has been boycott, the housing board formed is the cost and quality stand- representing the workers since an ad hoc committee of three of of the purchasing depart- 1961, but workers claim ,that they ismembers to deal with anv By HESTER PULLING The Regents have drafted several revisions in the pro- posed University judicial sys- tem, suggesting changes which student members of the com- mittee that proposed the plan said last night they would not accept. The regental draft of the judi- ciary plan, released yesterday by the University administration, al- tered the section of the plan deal- ing with the makeup and powers of the panel that will preside over trials under the new judiciary. While they retained a key ele- ment of the proposal-the use of a randomly - selected all - student jury to decide guilt and punish- ment in trials of students-they stated that the jury would make decisions by a majority vote. The committee had proposed that de- cisions be made unanimously. Although the Regents will not make a decision on whether to adopt the plan at their meetings this week, they will meet with the judiciary in closed session tomor- rowsto review the proposed revi- sions. Last week the Regents stressed that their revised draft was "negotiable" and that no per- manent decisions had been made. On Friday, the Regents will hold an open hearing on the judiciary at 10 a.m. The administration is re- quiring persons whowish to speak at the hearing to contact Richard Kennedy, secretary of the Univer- sity. At a meeting last night, the stu- dent members of the drafting committee said the change in the presiding panel was unacceptable. Under the regental draft, the pre- siding panel would consist of a judge, who would be an attorney selected from outside the Univer- sity community, accompanied by two associate judges, one student and one faculty member. The committee had proposed this composition of the presiding panel for the first half of the one- , year trial period of the new ju- diciary. For the second half, the com- mittee had suggested use of a plan favored by Student Government Council and other student groups -the use of two students and one faculty member as associate judges in trials of students, and two fac- ulty members and one student as associate judges in trials of fac- ulty members. At the end of the trial period, one of the two plans would be, made permanent. However, in their draft of the judiciary plan, the Regents de- leted the plan favored by the stu- dents, an action which prompted considerable criticism at I a s t night's meeting of the judiciary committee. "There is no way this judiciary will go into operation without the experimentation plan," M i c h a e 1 Davis, a student member of the committee said. Agreeing with Davis, Ed Kussy, another student member, added, ''This plan is the essence of the compromise, the heart of the agreement." The committee also levelled cri- ticism at several other changes drafted by the Regents, including: -The use of a majority vote rather than unanimity in jury de- cisions; See REGENTS, Page 8 -Daily-Jim Judkia PARTICIPANTS at last night's meeting on the judiciary plan listen to discussion. From left to right, they are law Prof. Theodore St. Antoine, member of the judiciary committee, Richard Ken- nedy, University secretary, and Roger Lind, also a member of the committee. PETITIONS CIRCULATED: Committee formed to support Angela Davis By GENE ROBINSON The Free Angela Davis Committee, a newly-formed or- ganization designed to help "free Angela Davis and all other political prisoners," held its first meeting Monday night and formulated plans for future actions. Patrick Thomas, a member of the group, reported that the committee is currently circulating a petition advocating free- dom for Angela Davis. Joel Block, another member, said that the petition has over three hundred signatures. The petitions will be used in further activities sUch as i wards any form of community control of police or other commute- ity services," the statement said, citing that the RIP platform "has specific proposals for community control of all city seivices." Although the RIP statement stressed that party's position is to use the campaign more to "edu- cate people to the possibility of radical change through local elec- toral politics," than to win, it said that "it is quite possible" that Jerry De Grieck, the party's cm- didate for second ward councilmen, will be elected. "Because Harris will be moving to the right in order to insure his *victory," the statement said. "it is very important to have a radical voice on City Council." According to a party analysis, a total of 1,500 votes in the ,econdj ward would assure De Grieck election. Adhoc group meets to discuss as for women s studies By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN tions and to investigate possibili- women and not by the several de- An ad-hoc group of University ties for such a program here. The partments which would be in- women, most of them graduate Chicago conference is sponsored volved in women's studies. students, met last night to discuss jointly by the New University Con- The departments cited most fre-: plans for a women's studies pro- ference and the Chicago Women's quently as potential areas for gram. LUwomen to explore were English, Although no c o n c r e t e plans Last night's meeting stressed the psychology and sociology. emerged from the session, the need for independence from the Claire Rumelhart, the women's group decided to continue plan- administration in establishing the advocate in the Office of Student ning a program on women for program. Leslie Bluestone, Grad., Organizations, said the University eventual presentation to the ap- emphasized the need for autonomy will probably deny that it can propriate administrative body. in appointments, afford to pay for a women's studies Many members of the 17-person "We need a director hired by program. group plan to attend a women's women; not the University," she R " studies conference in Chicago this said. Bluestone added that within Rumelhart said, "It should be weekend to learn more about ex- the program, faculty or staff ap- their problem where to get the isting programs at other institu- pointments must be made by money. But our original proposal should outline the costs." Although some women wanted to approach foundations for a grant to sponsor the program, it was decided to continue asking the1 University for full support. "It is definitely the University's responsibility," Rumelhart said.! "We shouldn't have to depend on foundations." Some women wanted to decide specifically where to draw the: money for women's studies, but again, it was decided to leave this responsibility to the University. A suggestion wos made that pro- ' ceeds from men's athletic events ,> abe rechannelled for women's stu- dies, but participants expressed fear that such a request could arouse public hostility against the entire women's movement. Throughout the meetingthe women reiterated their desire to remain separate from the Univer- sity structure.- u " "The biggest fear I have," said{ Rumelhart, "is that it (the pro- - granm) will be under the control of -.- 1VU1 -- a +u u l 1441 tiny problems arising from the new policy. The committee, consisting of Housing Director John Feldkamp, chemistry Prof. Peter Smith, and SGC Vice President Jerry De Grieck, will provide dorm resi- dents with informationdexplaining the reasons for the boycott. It may also take a survey of the students being affected if there seems to be significant opposition to the boycott. The effect of the policy board's resolution on the dormitories re- mains uncertain. In December, the purchasing department b o u g h t UFWOC lettuce on only three of 22 occasions, according to Feld- kamp, because of University price and quality restrictions. However, since that time one more major grower has signed with the UFOWC, bringing the total to five, and it is hoped that lettuce will be available fairly of- ten in the dorms. When it is not served, alternate salads will be available. In other action, the board de- cided to meet tomorrow at noon See 'U', Page 8 public readings, Thomas add- ed. He said the signatures were a "statement of commit- ment" of t h e committee's goals. Davis is currently being held in California pending trial, charged with conspiracy and murder. The charges stem from the "Soledad Brothers" incident in which sev- eral persons, including a judge, were killed in an attempted es- cape from a courtroom. The weapons used in the inci- dent allegedly belong to Davis, and under California state law, the owner of weapons used in a crime can also be charged with the crime. The committee is open to all members of t h e community. Thomas said he hopes "everybody on campus" will sign t h e peti- tions, which set a nationwide goal of one million signatures. At a table in the Fishbowl, the See FREE, Page 8 WillowRun High closes, Willow Run High School remain- ed closed yesterday, after three days of racial disturbances caused the school to close down on Mon- day. A school official said that Wil- low Run will not reopen until "we can find some solution to the prob- lem." Meanwhile, tensions in class- rooms and hallways at Edmonson Junior High School resulted in a shutdown of that school yesterday. Acting S c h o o I Superintendent James Quigley claimed that the problems at Edmonson were di- rectly related to the earlier trou- ble at Willow Run High School. See WILLOW, Page 8 AAUP POLL Interestin By JIM IRWIN Faculty members who responded to a re- cent poll by the University's chapter of the American Association of University Profes- sors (AAUP) appear interested in organiz- ing as a collective bargaining unit as a way to gain salary increases. Questionnaires were distributed in mid- January to the University's approximately 2800 faculty members, excluding teaching fellows. About one-fourth of the faculty re- sponded to the poll. facuity union grows, -That no action be taken on collective bargaining: 158 votes. About 200 of the University's faculty are now members of the local chapter of the AAUP. "The poll indicates more interest than we expected in collective bargaining," says Prof. Wilbert McKeachie, president of AAUP's local chapter and chairman of the psychology department. "A second import- ant finding is the open-mindedness of most faculty." Unionization has long been deemed by enthusiastic about organizing, but if it ap- pears coming anyway, or necessary in order to achieve equal priority with those groups already organized, he will support such a move." Faculty pay scales have been particularly threatened recently by the relatively small increase in state appropriations received by the University. Faculty members had orig- inally been promised salary raises which would require $10 million in new funds. Gov. William Milliken's proposal to cut .