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Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday,.Januarv 9. 1971
Ten Ce"ts
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Eight Pages
Harvey plan details
unknown to 3 chiefs
-Daily-Jim Judkis
Harvey in his office recently
25,000 BOND SET-
win release on bail
SAN FRANCISCO (P) - The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
ordered yesterday that the Seattle 7 conspiracy defendants be freed
on $25,000 bail apiece, rejecting a government claim that freeing them
would be "a danger to the community."
Judges Stanley Barnes, Charles Merrill and James R. Browning'
turned down a government request that they reconsider their Dec. 23
order which directed that bail be granted pending an appeal from
contempt sentences handed down Dec. 15.
They were being tried on charges of conspiring to damage the
Federal Courthouse and Federal Building in Seattle during a violent
Three police officials said
yesterday that they had
agreed to participate in Wash-
tenaw County Sheriff Douglas
H a r v e y's proposed "Intelli-
gence Squad" without knowing
of provisions in the grant pro-
posal dealing with "campus
disorders, civil disorders and
union strikes."
Harvey submitted the grant pro-j
posal for the tri-county squad
yesterday, according to the sher-
iff's department. The proposal
asks for federal funding of a
squad which would investigate or-
ganized and syndicated crime,
local traffic in illegal drugs, and
people involved in "civil disorders,
c a m p u s disorders, and union
Herbert Smith, Ypsilanti police
chief, said yesterday that he "had
never seen the proposal," and that
he was not aware of the provis-
ions. Smith said the sheriff had
told him the squad would "be
mainly for narcotics."
Theusheriff never mentioned stu-
dent unrest, civil disorders or un-
ion strikes, according to Smith.
John Hayes, chief of the East-
ern Michigan University (EMU)
campus police, also said he had
not seen the proposal and that he
had no idea it dealt with campus
unrest or civil disorders.
Hayes added the proposal was
explained to him and Smith as a
narcotics and vice-squad.
Lieutenant Hale of the Milan
police department said that his
chief (who was out of town) was
contacted by letter about the
"Washtenaw County Intelligence
Squad." Hale said his chief wrote
to Harvey agreeing to participate
in such a squad but never saw the
actual proposal.
Harvey scrapped plans for a
county intelligence squad Monday
in favor of a tri-county squad. The
tr-county squad, if the grant is
approved, will still be under Wash-
tenaw County Sheriff's Depart-
ment control.
Hale said all he knew about the
new squad proposal was "what
I've read in the Ann Arbor news-
papers." He added that to the best
of his knowledge no one in his
department had been contacted
about the new squad. He was not
aware that the Milan police were
listed in the new grant proposal
as having agreed to participate
in it.
See DETAILS, Page 8
-Associated Press
HARRY GOLDSTEIN, associate commissioner of labor for manpower and employment, briefs news-
men yesterday on unemployment figures for Dec ember.
- - - -- -------
U.S. court orders government
agency to prohibit DDT use
U.S. jobless
rate reaches
9-year high,
WASHINGTON (R) - The nationwide unemployment rate
surged up to 6 per cent in December, approaching recession
levels despite the return of General Motors strikers to their
jobs. The rate was the highest in nine years.
The Labor Department announced yesterday that 4.6 mil-
lion Americans were out of work and seeking it last month.
Retailers hired fewer Christmas workers than normal, in-
dustry laid off more white collar employes, and some plants
apparently did not rehire all the workers laid off as a sec-
ondary result of the automobile strike.
Meantime, inflation has robbed workers of the benefit of
an estimated 3.4 per cent increase in weekly earnings for the
year through November, the Labor Department said. Because
of the approximate 6 per cent _--- - .-- ---_
increase in consumer prices,
weekly earnings were down by:
2.1 per cent in terms of real as
buying power.
The n umnb er of unemployed( i Y1 Y sl
workers was the same as in No- j ..j j (
vember. The rate increased, how-
ever, after allowing for seasonal
factors, from 5.8 to 6rper cent ofa
the civilian labor force, because
the normal December pickup in
employment did not occur. A special Congressional commis-
The average unemployment rate sion has recommended a complete
for the entire year was 4.9 per overhaul of federal criminal laws
cent. This is the figure used by that would abolish capital pun-
Nixon in his last two appearances ishment, ban private ownership of
with reporters; he noted that it handguns, and ease the penalties
was better than all but three of for possession of marijuana.
the "peacetime years" in the past The 12-member National Com-
two decades. mission on Reform of Federal
But the rate is unacceptably Criminal Laws reported Thursday
high, Nixon said, and he has set to President Nixon and to Con-
the administration's sights on a gress. Their 366-page draft is the
goal of 4 per cent by the end of first official effort in the nation's
1972. history toward a comprehensive
federal criminal code.
Asked whether there are any Former California Gov. Edmund
indications of improvement ahead, G. Brown, chairman, said the com-
Harold Goldstein, assistant com-'mG.sBond irmanth om-
missioner of the Bureau of Labor mission did not want to go so far
Statistics, replied: "I am going to as to recommend legalization of
stick with the figures we have and marijuana. But it would make a
not try to predict." $1000 fine the maximum penalty
for possession of the drurfor per-
Many economists expect the un- sonal use. The maximum penalty
employment rate to rise further is now one year in prison.
before taking a downward turn. In Votes on key recommendations
his radio-television interview Mon- were not disclosed by the panel.
day, President Nixon said that in However, two members, Sen. John
1971 "unemployment, which is L. McClellan (D-Ark.), and Sen.
presently too high, will finally Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.) went on
come under control and begin to record as saying the death penalty
recede." should be retained for intentional
The last month in which the murder or treason.
national unemployment stood at Handguns under the proposed
6 per cent was December 1961. In code could be owned only by the
that m o n t h the country was military and police officials, and
emerging from the 1960-61 reces- all firearms would have to be re-
sion; unemployment averaged 6.8 gistered. A minority of the corn-
per cent that year and 7.1 per mission's members opposed any in-
cent in the worst month, May. crease in Federal control.
Total payroll employment rose Under other provisions of the
Tota paroi empoymnt osecode:
by 290,000 in December, after sea- -Juveniles over the age of 15
sonal adjustments; an estimated would be tried as adults, except on
300,000 strikers went back on thec harges of murder, aggravated as-
factory payrolls, Some other work- sault or sex crimes. The present
ers laid off as a result of the GM age limit is 16:
strike were recalled to their jobs, -Congress would prohibit pri-
but total manufacturing employ- vate armies and paramilitary or-
ment in December was still 370,000 ganizations. Brown said this would
below the pre-strike level of Sep- involve the right-wing Minutemen
tember. group, but said the courts would
T h e unemployment rate for have to decide if Black Panther
white workers remained level for units were covered by the prohibi-
the month at 5.5 per cent while tion;
the rate for blacks, which declined -Current anti-obscenity laws
slightly in November, returned to would be retained, in contrast to
its October level of 9.3 per cent. the recommendation by a Presi-
Lpdential commission which u r g e d
Long-term unemployment con- last year that all such laws per-
tinued to rise. The number of taring to adults should be abol-
people who have been jobless fort
_ - ished"
at least 15 weeks topped one mil-
lion, reaching the highest level forms of sexual activity among
since the middle of 1964. The fig- fon s exgaltvituld ng
ures on insured compensation in- consigdulswrdme;
dicated that a number of workers considered a crime;
-Certain crimes committed, by
have exhausted their unemploy- servicemen and some U.S. civil-
ment benefits. See PANEL, Page 8
SU filed in
Kent incident
demonstration last Feb. 17 pro-
testing the Chicago 7 conspiracy
U.S. District Court Judge George
Holdt had ordered the seven de-
fendants jailed after a violent'
courtroom disruption of their trial
in Tacoma, Wash.
WASHINGTON (P) - The Unit-
ed States District Court of Ap-
peals in the District of Columbia
has ordered that William D. Ruck-
elshaus, administrator of the En-
vironmental Protection Agency,
issue immediate notices of can-
cellation for all uses of DDT.
The court also ordered Ruckels-
haus to determine whether DDT
was an imminent hazard to pub-
lic health and whether all inter-
state shipments of DDT should
be suspended.
The court order was directed at
the Environmental Protection
Agency because of the reorganiza-
tion of environmental responsibil-
ity ordered by President N i x o n.'
Previous responsibility for the re-
gulation of pesticides, herbicides
and rodenticides was held by the
Secretary of Agriculture.
The major result of the order
will be the cessation of the spray-
ing of cotton, fruit trees and vege-
tables. DDT is the most widely
used pesticide against the boll
weevil in cotton plants.
It is not yet known whether the
order would be appealed to t h e
Supreme Court by the Environ-
mental Protection Agency al-
though it is believed that t h e
agency will not do so because it is
not as sensitive to pressure from
pesticide manufacturers as t h e
agriculture department.
The decision by the court re-.
presents a considerable victory for
the four citizens groups w h i c h
have spearheaded the drive
against DDT. The groups are the
Sierra Club, The Environmental
Defense Fund, The West Michigan
Environmental Action Council and
the National Audubon Society.
The suit was filed by the groups
after the agriculture department
"placed under study" a request to
begin cancellation procedures for
all uses of DDT and did not re-
spond to a petition to suspend
sales of the pesticide.
Judge David L. Bazelon a n d
Judge Spottswood W. Robinson
ruled that if the department has
any serious doubts about the safe-
ty of DDT to the public it must is-
sue a cancellation notice.
The judges sent the case back to
"the secretary," Ruckelshaus, with
instructions to issue notices with
respect to the remaining uses of
The court said that deciding
whether DDT's dangers outweight
totaling $15 million were filed yes- Bnd tf edogantdba i sting
terday in T.S. District Court here and refused to grant bail pending
in the shooting death of William an appeal of the six-month con-
K. Schroeder and wounding of six temPt sentences he meted out for
other Kent State University stu- all defendants.
dents by Ohio National Guards- The Circuit Court was asked to
men last May 4. grant bail until it could consider
Four students were killed and a the appeal, and ordered on Dec.
total of nine w o u n d e d when~ 23 that Boldt set bail.
guardsmen fired on students on2 The government asked for re-
the Kent State campus. consideration on Dec. 28.
Parents of the other three slain The three judges noted that the
students previously had filed government's response to a re-
wrongful death suits totaling $11 quest for specific evidence to sup-
million in damages, Iport its motion for reconsideration
Friday's suits, all filed by at-Ccontained "voluminous evidence in
torney Fred H. Mandel, named as, the form of threats and belligerent
defendants Ohio Gov. James A. statements directed by the appel-
Rhodes, Adj. Gen. Sylvester T. Del lants to the court and others."
Corso, Brig. Gen. Robert H. Can- T
terbury, Kent. President Robert I. ,the opinion said a substantial
White and other officers and en- lisk of the defendants' flight has
listed guardsmen. developed and the evidence mdi-
Louis A. Schroeder of Lorain, cates clearly a predisposition of
the father of William Schroeder, violence by the defendants direct-
19, asked for $4 million in dam- ed at the court and others.
Registration computer goofs;
',students neither here nor there
As a sign in the LSA freshman-
sophomore counseling office points
out, "Every problem has a solution
-simple, neat, and wrong."
While many students emerged
successfully this week from regis-
tration, others were still flounder-
ing in a maze of red tape, left in
the wake of this semester's at-
tempt at thousands of ideal
Jean Doverspike, '74, found her-
self in the position of being in-
not two-but three places at once.
And a random sampling of irate
students at the LSA counseling
offices, Waterman Gym, and
various dormitories indicated she
was not alone. Schedule problems
abounded and ranged from the;
common switching of unasked-for
8 o'clocks to more complex di- twice the same day-in separate its benefits may be a "delicate
lemmas. buildings and with an hour in be- question" but it must be explor-
Doverspike's problem was typi- tween, ed, "in the sole light of public
cal of many freshmen who had a Dave Soderquist, '73Ed., related hearings and not behind the clos-
late counseling appointment and a tale of woe, beginning with the ed doors of the secretary."
didn't receive a list of closed fact that his two freshman room- The two judges said that, "We
courses before pre-classification. mates were admitted stand on the threshhold of a new
mats wre dmitedto Psychology ea nrltosbtenamn
Her schedule was satisfactory- 171 (now open to all freshmen), era" in relations between admin-
but only for the time being, a class he has been closed out of istrative agencies and the courts;
When school resumed this week, four times but will need next year. an area in which the courts must
Doverspike found that three of her d call agencies to account for their
sections met at the same time, Soderquist also noted that this actions.
on the same day, in three different is the second time he has gone to Judge Roger Robb dissented
buildings. a lecture only to find two classes from the ruling.
So began her first taste of the scheduled in the same room. Last Robb charged his colleagues
jig-saw puzzling and running from year his Anthropology 101 course, with "undertaking to manage the
department to department that scheduled for Aud. B, finally met Department of Agriculture."
has become almost second nature in the education school audi- Bazelon on the other hand said
to many upper classmen. torium, "amidst stage productions that the law requires such notices
Gary Kupper, '74, encountered and desks with no lapboards." "whenever there is a substantivel
a similar problem when his three- This semester Soderquist went question about the safety of a
hour psychology recitation met to his Geography 101 course and registered pesticide."
-- - found a Psych 400-level course
which, he said. "appeared to be an, _W a U0-u7-7
ages. However, the court said "the
The wounded students filing j-overnment has failed to establish
*suits were Douglas Wrentmore. 21, that an appearance bond will not
of Northfield, Ohio, James Rus- adequately assure the appellants'
sell, 23. of Pittsburgh. and Donald presence or that the appellants
S. Mackenzie, 22, of Richboro, Pa., would pose a danger to others if
See SUIT, Page 8 ( released on bail."
" 70 . i -u
'U'facultydiscusses unionization
Unionization, long deemed inappropriate
as a method for strengthening the power
of a college's faculty, appears to be arous-
ing the interest of an increasing number of
University professors.
Noticeably unhappy about the Univer-
sity's failure to keep faculty salary in-
creases in line with inflation, many faculty
members have been actively considering
the idea of organizing as a collective bar-
gaining unit.
And, after discussing the idea for several
are skeptical about being able to gather
enough faculty support for a union in the
near future.
While the idea of unionization of the
faculty is relatively new at this campus,
it has already taken hold at most of the
other major campuses throughout the
Within the last year, faculty at both
Oakland and Central Michigan Universities
have unionized under the state Public Em-
ployes Act of 1965. And CMU's first round
of collective bargaining won its faculty a
turned down because the commission felt
that the only appropriate collective bar-
gaining unit was the entire MSU faculty.
The faculty at each of the state's com-
munity colleges has been unionized, and
local AAUP officials point out that the
raises this year at these institutions, and
at CMU, far exceeded the five per cent
faculty salary increase at the University.
"The chief idea is that the faculty in
this state that have created a strong bar-
gaining unit have done quite well eco-
nomically," says education Prof. Claude
af terthought."
Neither class would consent to
move and, after considering sev-
eral alternatives, both professors
went ahead and passed out hand-
out sheets, promising that the
chaos would be alleviated eventu-
A similar confrontation occurred
between Prof. William Porter's
Journalism 201 class and Prof.
Carl Cohen's Philosophy 363. A
combined philo-journalism course
was suggested for the standing-
room-only crowd, but after Cohen
claimed "squatter's rights," Porter
and his troops retreated to Aud.
B-which was empty during that
time slot anyway.
In the LSA freshman-sopho-
more counseling office, secretary
Finball wizards invade dorms
"Sure I play. I'm addicted."
"It's a self-perpetuating skill. Once you get
good at it you just keep playing."
These two quaddies have joined the Pinball
Wizard in their fascination with the latest in dorm
recreation-pinball machines. The machines, their
flashing lights depicting such solid American in-
stitutions as baseball games and automobile races,
have been installed in Markley, Bursley, South
Quad, and the Law Quad.
South Quad Council President Alan Campbell,
'73, says the quad's machines were installed last
spring. Although Campbell claims, "I've spent only
a dime on them in my entire life," he noted that
many students seem to use the machines almost