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February 14, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-14

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Chance of snow

Vol. LXXXI, No. 115 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 14, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

A&P hit
for long
hair rule
The A&P store on Huron St. summoned a
deective to its premises yesterday after-
noon after about 25 demonstrators blocked
check-out counters with loaded shopping carts
in protest of the store's policy barring long-
haired men from employment.
Det. Paul Bunten of the Ann Arbor police
department said yesterday he intended to
"seek authorization from the prosecutor for
arrest warrants for those who can be iden-
tified," as having been responsible for the
disruption of the store.
He did not specify which law the demon-
strators were alleged to have broken saying
only that it was "a matter for the prose-
Yesterday's ;demonstration occurred after
several long-aired employes refused to get
their hair trimmed in compliance with an
order from the store manager, Warren Hart-
* man.
A&P Personal Appearance Standards state
that male employes hair must be "trimmed
and combed, properly taperd above shirt
collar and not below half-way down the fore-
Hartman gave the employes a week to
comply, and the deadline expired Friday. An
ad hoc group of students yesterday prepared
to protest the policy. I
Student Government Council passed a reso-
lution Wednesday calling for a boycott of the
During yesterday's demonstration, soft
goods such as eggs and cakes were placed
on the bottom of many shopping carts, with
heavy cans and bottles placed over them.
Hartman showed a reporter a squashed
vanilla cake saying, "That's a dollar nine-
teen right there."
He was unable to give a complete figure of
losses however.
"They just came in, filled 'em up and left
them there," he added, indicating laden shop-
ping carts strewn around the check-out
A store official said about 15-20 "buggies"
were abandoned in this manner.
in one typical incident, a man with shoulder
length hair arrived at a check-out counter
where a woman employe began to ring up the
purchases on a cash register.
He asked her if it was true that long haired
male employes were being fired, and she said
He then announced that if thetstore would
not employ long-haired men, it would not
profit from long-haired customers. He then
left the store leaving the full "buggie" at the
Stock-boys, some of them in short-haired
wigs, deemed by the store to be in compli-
ance with the hair regulations, were kept
busy emptying shopping carts as they ac-
cumulated at the check out counters.
Bob Taylor, Retail Clerks Union 876 stew-
ard at the store said that he felt the A&P
should revise its policy against long hair,
but added that he could not recommend the
rehiring of those workers fired because of the
Robert Quiroz, one worker threatened with
firing-said yesterday, "I don't think I should
have to cut my hair to keep my job."
City Council
hears Model

Cities debate
City Council decided last night it had no
jurisdiction in a case regarding the recent
firing of four employes of the city's Model
City Program.
The employes, Gwen Andrews, senior clerk
typist; Gerald Ulmer, community organizer
in economic development; Nancy Berla, as-
sistant to the director; and Charlotte Sallee,
clerk typist, were fired Wednesday by Wil-
liam Stewart, director of the program.
City Attorney Jerold Lax explained at the
meeting there is no formalized grievance
procedure in this type of case.
Mayor Robert Harris said that since the
members of the Model Cities Policy Board
were elected in a city election, the Council
could not act as an appellate court to over-
rule the Board's action.
reborah Grubbs, a policy Board member,
and Councilman H.C. Curry objected to Har-
ris' statement charging that the majority
of the people on the Board are not repre-








-Daily-Terry McCarthy
PROTESTING the Huron St. A&P's hiring policy which bars long-haired men from employment. some 25 demonstrators staged a
"shop-in" at the local food store yesterday. Picketers outside the A&P (top left) attrmpt to dissuade customers from shopping at
the store. Meanwhile, inside the store (top right), over-loaded carts, abandoned by protesters, are emptied by stockboys (bottom).

From Wire Service Reports
The invasion of Laos went into high gear
yesterday as the United States doubled its
air support of the invading South Vietna-
mese troops, flying 1,000 missions into the
beleaguered country.
South Vietnamese forces reported the
wreckage of North Vietnamese base camps
and supply depots on the Ho Chi Minh trail
in Laos, as well as the seizure of vast
amounts of food stuffs and other stores.
Early this morning, North Vietnamese
troops launched their first ground assault
against the Long Cheng guerrilla base in the
northern sector of Laos, and field reports
said heavy casualties included at least one
agent of the U.S. Central Intelligence
An Associated Press correspondent report-
ed from Vientiane that Communist soldiers
entered the perimeter of the base under
cover of mortar fire and rockets. The base
has been under heavy pressure from Com-
munist forces for several months. It is fi-
nanced by the CIA.
In Washington, White House Communica-
tions Director Herbert Klein reiterated the
administration's claim that American ground
combat troops are not being used in the Laos
invasion. The statement was in reference
to a variety of reports over the last four
days stating that U.S. ground combat troops
were fighting Communist forces in Laos.
The aim of the invasion is to cut off the
Ho Chi Minh trail, the route used by North
Vietnamese troops to transport troops and
supplies into South Vietnam and Cambodia.
In a related drive, 20,000 South Vietnamese
troops with full U.S. air support are operat-
ing in Cambodia, in an effort at cutting off
the Ho Chi Minh trail from the south.
The invasion of Laos has prompted large
demonstrations, some with violence, at the
major college campuses in the United States.
Although the demonstrations are not as
large as those that followed the U.S. inva-
sion of Cambodia last May, anti-war or-
ganizers are planning an organizing cam-
paign which would culminate in a massive
demonstration in Washington during the
first week of May.
The organizers say the Laos invasion,
coupled with the recent drafting of a peace
treaty between Vietnamese and American
student groups will take the anti-war move-
ment out of the lethargy which followed the
demonstrations against the Cambodian in-
In Laos yesterday, one South Vietnamese
field officer reported that the North Viet-
namese Army was on retreat An his unit's
sector 12 miles inside Laos south of Highway
9, the east-west road that cuts across the
Ho Chi Minh trail.
At Long Chen, several planes run by Air
America, which flies U.S. non-military aid
missions, received ground fire, and the civil-
ian pilots called for air support from the
U.S. air force.
Some Air America pilots refused to fly
into the area without protection from fire
Meanwhile, in South Vietnam, U.S. mili-
tary spokesmen said North Vietnamese gun-
ners fired a barrage of 25 large rockets into
the town of Dong Ha, near the demilitarized
zone, killing one civilian and wounding seven
civilians and a South Vietnamese soldier.
The rocket firings seemed to support spec-
ulation that the North Vietnamese intend
to increase pressure in eastern areas of
South Vietnam near the DMZ, as a response
to the Laos invasion.




candidates vie


nomima tion;,Hri

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the secondof a
two-part series on tomorrow's city primary
election. Today, the contests for the mayoral
candidacies are examined.
Three candidates will vie for the Republi-
can mayoral nomination in tomorrow's pri-
mary election. Mayor Robert Harris will run
unopposed for the Democratic nomination.
The three Republican hopefuls are Louis
Belcher, Lewis Ernst and Jack Garris.
Belcher, 31, has the support of most promi-
nent local Republicans.
In his campaign, Belcher calls for the for-
mation of an Environmental Impact Com-
mission which would play a role in all city
planning. The proposed commission would
"report on the environmental impact of every
city project" he says,but he emphasizes that
he will not let it interfere with the "inevit-
able" growth of the city.
Belcher criticizes Harris for supporting the
proposed city ordinance to make marijuana
possession a misdemeanor. He calls it "a
hypocritical ordinance" adding, "I don't
think it changes the law one bit." He says
that since County police officers make arrests
in the city, only marijuana legislation passed
by the State Legislature can be truly effec-
Belcher says that although the present drug
laws "may- be bad," the police "should
vigorously enforce the laweven if it means
raiding the communes once a week."
Calling the Ann Arbor police "one of the
finest municipal police departments in the
country", Belcher charges that Harris has
restrained them. "Let the police operate on a
day-to-day basis," he urges.
"The only way to sound financial manage-
ment (of the city)," he says, "is to identify
revenue levels, set priority program spend-
ing and to eliminate those costs not included
within these priorities."
Belcher says he is not sure where costs
can be cut. "One of the first things I'll look at
is Model Cities," he says, however.
"If I am elected mayor," says 64-year-old
retiree Ernst, "I shall try to do without the
Human Relations (Department) and Ozone

its subscribers with clearer reception and
more program variety, in addition to earning
money for the city.
He further advocates redesigning parking
in the downtown area. His plan calls for a
double lane of diagonally parked cars in the
center of the street with the two outside lanes
becoming the "travelled lanes." Ernst says
this would please local merchants by making
their signs and window displays more easily
viewed from the street.
Garris, 51, an attorney, is a founder of the
Concerned Citizens of Ann Arbor-a contro-
versial group that two years ago attempted to
recall Harris and six Democratic councilmen
because of their allegedly mishandling the
South University riots during June 1969. Gar-
ris said at the time that the Harris adminis-
tration had failed to assure "safety and
morality in the city."
"If you elect me as your mayor," he says,
"I will do everything I can to stop the crimi-
nal, the purveyor of pornography, and the
revolutionary who advocates the overthrow
and destruction of our American way of life
from making Ann Arbor a haven for run-
away crime.

un opposed
"I support our police wholeheartedly as
they represent the final barrier of our very
survival," lie says. "As mayor I promise the
businessman every effort will be made to re-
duce robbery, arson, intimidation and ex-
Garris says he hopes to "educate our youth
to avoid the pitfalls of a drug culture," by
rehabilitating addicts, and apprehending and
convicting drug pushers.
Garris' experience includes 20 years of law
practice, two years on the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Board of Supervisors, and 14 years as Cir-
cuit Court Commissioner.
He says "Citizens want an environment
where business will thrive and private capi-
tal would construct industry, commerce and
housing, providing full employment.
- "I would give the Ann Arbor Police Dept.
a free hand to enforce the laws," he con-
tinues. "I would allow law enforcement agen-
cies to do their job without political inter-
Garris adds that "Citizens are most inter-
ested" in living where they are "free from
fear, attack, intimidation of their person
and destruction of their property."

-Associated Press
Hunger strike
A 56-hour hunger strike passes the half-
way mark yesterday in Louisville, Ky., as
volunteers demonstrate what life may
be like in the year 2,000 because of
over-population and food shortage, (See
story, page 10.)
Group to plan
war prote'st'
action tonight'
An ad-hoc student group has called for a
strategy meeting at 7 p.m. in the Union ball-
room tonight to plan, future campus anti-war
activities and to discuss the Regents response
to six demands presented last Friday.
The demands called for an end to ROTC
and war research on campus, a ban on all
rcruiting at the University by corporations
that practice discrimination, the establish-
ment of a 24-hour child care center, student
control over the Course Mart program, and
the availability of University facilities to pub-
licize the anti-war movement.
Over 100 people presented the demands on
Friday to the Regents, who declined to con-
sider them at that time.
At an earlier meeting on Wednesday, some
250 people voted to disrupt the administrative
functions of the University if the demands
were not immediately met.
Plans for tonight's discussion stem from
the Wednesday meeting called to protest last
week's invasion of Laos.
According to a spoksman for the ad-hoc
group, the general purpose of tonight's meet-
ing is "to end the University's complicity
with the war in Southeast Asia."
Discussion tonight will also center around
"means of implementing plans to shut down
the hadministrative operations," the spokes-
man stated.

Era of ferment:

With the football and holi
dry spell has set in for at lea
nessmen-the liquor retailers.
But despite the levelingc
this time of the year, a ma
community's collective thirst
State Liquor Control Comn
Arbor area report an increase
fiscal year 1970 of six per cer
a 14 per cent increase overI
several campus area liquor st
cates that drinking in the sti
up only slightly over the lastf
Over the past year severa
that among their student con
a trend towards wine.

Changing spirits
TH COHN cording to his store's sales, wine will probably take over
iday seasons already past, a an even larger part of the liquor market in the future.
ast a handful of area busi- Concerning students' tastes in wines, champagne and
other expensive wines are out of the reach of a large
off of alcohol sales during percentage of students.
arket remains-the campus Thus the trend, besides inclining toward cheaper
still needs quenching, brands such as Bali H'ai and Spanada, has favored vin
mission records for the Ann roses over red or white wines. "Roses have good, in-be-
in gross liquor sales during tween flavors," Kokalis adds, "not too sweet and not
nt over the previous year- too dry."
1968. However, a survey of
ores and sales figures di- Among the distilled spirits, there appears to be a
sudent community has gone definite trend away from straight bourbon and blended
few years. whiskey toward scotch, and to a lesser degree, rum.
1 liquor store owners report Kokalis maintains that traditionally "young people
zsumers there appears to be cannot get used to whiskey, often preferring it only with
a sweetener. More young people are going to scotch,

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