Page Eight
Friday, January 8, 1971
regents present philosophies
Fleming opposes Harvey plan
for campus surveillance squad
Paul Brown
(Continued from Page 1)
grams on campus, Brown says he favors
training officers at a liberal arts college
such as the University, rather than at a
military institution.
According to Brown, officers trained at
non-military schools are needed to liber-
alize and balance the armed forces. "I'd
rather have had an officer at My Lai
that had a liberal arts background than
a West Point graduate with just military
training," he says. "I'm sure there would
have been more My Lai's if this were not
the case," Brown adds.
Duscussing the University's recent dis-
pute with the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare on a, program to
promote equal employment opportunities
for women, Brown says he feels the Uni-
versity should "rectify the situation if.
the allegations are true.
"If women are getting lower pay for the
same jobs, I guess you are being involved
in discrimination," he adds.
Commenting on student dissatisfac-
tion with what they see as a lack of
student representation and student voice
in the administeering of the University,
Brown says he favors more student par-
ticipation at Regents meetings. "I do
think towards the idea of having students
represented at the meetings since in a
way the vice presidents represent the
administration and faculty," he says.
Any such participation, Brown adds,
should not be full scale. He says that
Regent meetings could not be entirely
public since "clearly, some things have
to be handled at closed meetings."
Brown feels the Regents should be able
to "walk a reasonable line" between
"those people who are mad at students
and think administrators have been too
soft" and those students who "advocate
acts contrary to law." Violence, Brown
says, is "never justified as an attempt to
achieve political or social change."
Because of past campus disorders in-
volving class disruptions and damaged
property, Brown feels there is a com-
munication gap between members of the
University community and the rest of
the state's citizens.
Brown feels that an important part of
his job as regent is to balance the in-
terest of these two constitutencies.
Brown says his voting policy at the
meetings will be based on an "argument's
merit and not merely whether it's sup-
porters are st'udents or the voting public."
Brown gives only a brief summary of
his background: high school in Detroit,
a year at Princeton University, trans-
ferring to the University for his B.A.
and Law degrees.
Currently, Brown is partner in a five-
man law firm and director of a bank in
St. Ignace, Mich., while being on the
board of directors of.North Central Mich-
igan Community College, a small county
college near Petoskey. (Brown says he'll
quit the North Central board if it is
ruled conflict of interest by the attorney
James Waters
(Continued from Page 1)
ing an issue if it was backed by the vast
majority of students," he says. "After i'
issues are out, then comes the pressure
from the outside. I'd be more inclined to
settle things within the community."
A major concern of Waters centers
around the minority admissions program
established last spring.
"Getting young blacks involved," says
Waters, will be one of his "main priori-
ties" as Regent. "There are certain pri-
orities, such as minority admissions-my
priorities are in racial problems-in try-
ing to get blacks general equality."
Though he places limits on how far he
will support students, his present will-
ingness to work closely with them de-
parts from the position of many previous
and present regents. Although he doesn't
support the idea of all Regents meetings
being open to the public ("there are some
things you can do better in private"), he
is sympathetic to students involved in
political demonstrations and those work-
ing for political and social change.
Citing recent criminal court battles
over student involvement in last year's
Black Action Movement strike he says,
"all those students wouldn't have been
there if it hadn't been for unjust policies."
Before running for regent, Waters was
also active in Muskegon politics. Soon
after his graduation from high school,
he worked in an air-conditioning factory
for five years to support a wife and son.
While working as a union steward.
also became involved in local Democra
politics and the NAACP.
Then, after four years at West(
Michigan University and three at1
University's law school, he ran for rege
"We need to get more young blacks
volved," he says.
"If you have someone on the boz
who is just out of s'chool he understar
(the student's problems) better," Wab
says. "They say that once you're out
school awhile you become more cons(
vative and others tend to pass you
so the best time to try it is right now . .
Yet Waters faces many problems ot
than opposition he might receive fi
other Regents. Admittedly inexperien(
in his new position ("there are a lot
things Paul Brown and I don't knov
he expects it will take some time:
him to learn the duties connected x
his office.
Another problem Waters might f
is money. Just recently admitted tof
bar, W a t e r s expressed uncertain
whether he'll be able to afford the ti
off from his practice spent in his nc
paying post as regent. Waters says it
"partically impossible" for anyonei
"moderately well-off" to act as a Rege
As he begins his six-year term, Wat
seems most interested in getting the
operation of students and administrat
"You can't say everything you thi
sometimes in order to get in a posit
to do something about it," he says. "
best way to judge is by a person's ac
program grammatic educ. research and deve
to M.A., tivities.
oustat. 212 S.A.B. (lower level)
dF felo- Applications available for ParkF
t. echers er positions throughout the stal
teachersi Mich., 212 SABI; applic. deadline
the Nat'l. 25 for exam on Feb. 27.
sing the
ad. study
major in
al or soc-
Liner ses-
r educa-
idents to
in pro- B
of them
(Continued from Page 1) and tired of the Free Press," he
described to him by Owings as a added.
"narcotics squad." An article in yesterday's A n n
Harvey yesterday accused t h e Arbor News quoted the sheriff as
Detroit Free Press of misquoting saying, "What is police work any-
him when it reported he said, "We way if its not spying? We're do-
will continue, as we always haveinh nhin meore nor less nh ator
lth undercover men an ba t h Eastern Michigan University than
campuses. we've ever done."
"I have no undercover men, Mayor Robert Harris, who has
Harvey said. "We have inform-' refused to allow the Ann Arbor
ants all over, in the city and on pole to aticite in Ar-
the campuses, but we have no paidI police to participate in the sher-a
undercover men. I don't care iff's planned squad, said yesterday
what's in the Free Press. I'm sick that he still hopes for success in
- -- establishing an anti-hard dr u g s
squad under the control of t h e
Cell forces Michigan State Police.
Harvey's squad would be un-
der the control of Undersheriff
SBS utbck Owings.
Harris said that the Harvey pro-
posal, for a squad which will cover
(Continued from Page 1) Monroe, Livingston and Washte-
ness that the Cellar has attract- naw counties, is of little value to
ed from their relatively large- Ann Arbor.
scale operations. However, Ulrich "Our major problem is the flow
said he is confident that his long- of hard drugs into the city from
established store will continue to Wayne County," Harris said.
prosper, while Graham expressed Harris believes the squad should
the belief that people will continue concentrate on narcotic d r u g s.
such as heroin, and reels a federal
grant is unnecessary.
The mayor added that e a c h
community should "lend" one per
cent of its policemen to the squad
with the rest of the administrative
cost being shared proportionally
by the communities.
Committee on
}women named
(Continued from Page 1)
Also included on the commission
are Chinese Prof. Harriet Mills,
Barbara Murphy, a procedures
analyst at the Survey Research
Center, Jean Robinson, assistant
director at University Hospital's
social work department, J a n e
Schultz, a research associate in
the human genetics department,
Mary Scott, secretary to the di-
rector of the Population Studies
Center, and biostatistics Prof. Bet-
ty Ullman.
co- to patronie Follett's forse
c-books, which he says his stow,
ors. sells at 25 per cent off the books'
ink list price when new.
Lion At Overbeck's, on South Univer-
The sity Ave., the employes said it isI
ts." "business as usual." They expect
that the Cellar will cut into some
el. ac- of the store's sales in larger cours-
es, but believe the store will con-
CES tinue to prosper because of its
complete stock of books for
Rang- courses in the law school and
.te of health science schools, as well as
Jan. its extensive stock in reference
Regular 99c value
".::.: r: : ra. ::.:::>:: ::: ::=.. Building; Jan 20, 4 " '..: . :f# : . ... ......... "a. ....uilding'.........r...:Spanish............:.Jan... iri .20... 4 ." p . pm.,p~ .
2003 Angell Hall.
Spanish T.C., Jan. 18, 4 p.m., 2003
Angell Hall; Speech, Feb. 4, 4 p.m.,
2235 Angell Hall; Zoology, Feb. 9, 5 p.m.,
Bachelor in General Studies, Individ-
FRIDAY, JANUARY 8' 1 2235 Angell Hall; Chemistry, Feb. 17,1
7:30 p.m., 3005 Chemistry Bilding;1
Economics, Feb. 17, 4 p.m., 2235 Angell
l(ay Calen dr I Hall; English, Jan. 27, 4 p.m., 2235 An-
gell Hall.1
Engineering Placement Meeting No. 2:
Prof. J. G. Young, ""Engineering Ca- Agl al rnhadFec ..
reers", lm. 311 W. Engin.,, 4 & 7:30 p.m.s Feb. 2,l 4plm.,223 rAngell Hall; Geo-
graphy, Feb .10, 4 p.m., 4050 LSA Build-
G ren gl;Notices I Geology & Mineralogy, Jan. 18, 4
p.m., 1007 Angell Hall;-German, Jan. 20,a
The Queen's Univ., Belfast, Ireland: 4:10 p.m., 1007 Angell Hall; History andr
Offers exchange scholarship for a U-M History T.C., Jan. 25, 4 p.m., 2235 Angell
graduate; scholarship provides f e e s, Hall.
board and lodging for academic yr. History and History T.L., Feb. 2, 4
1971-72; a grant of $400 will be made p.m., 1035 Angell Hall; History of Art,
by the Graduate School to partially Feb. 9, 4 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall; Journal-
defray cost of travel; study may be ism, Jan. 12, 4 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall;
carried on in any academic discipline Linguistics, Jan. 28, 4 p.m., 190 Frieze
offered at Queen's Univ.; info. and ap- Bldg.; Mathematics, Feb. 2, 4 p.m., 25
plication forms available at Graduate Angell Hall; Mathematics T.C., Feb. 3,
Fellowship Office, 1014 Rackham; dead- 4 p.m., 35 Angell Hall.
line for receipt of applies. is Jan 22, Microbiology, Feb. 8, 4:30 p.m., 1007
1971. AngellHall; Philosophy,.Jan. 25, 4 p.m.,
* * * * 35 Angell Hall; Physics, Jan. 15, 4 p.m.,
COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, 110 Physics-Astronomy Building; Poli-
SCIENCE AND THE ARTS tical Science, Jan. 20, 4 p.m., 231 Angell
CONCENTRATION PROGRAM Hall; Prelegal, Jan. 19, 4 p.m., 231 An-
ME"JTINGS FOR SOPHOMORES gell Hall; Pre-med and Pre-dent., Jan.
American Culture, Feb. 3, 4 p.m., 1007 11, 4 p.m., 231 Angell Hall.
Angell Hall; Anthropology, Jan. 20, Psychology, Feb. 16, 11 a.m., 1035 An-
5:30 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall; Biology gell Hall; Psychology, Feb. 17, 4 p.m., 35
(Students planning to major in Biol- Angell Hall; Russian & East European,
ogy must attend concentration meet- Jan. 27, 5:30 p.m., 200 Lane Hall; Sociol-
ing), Jan. 25, 5 p.m., 1007 Angell Hall; ogy, Feb. 19, 4 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall;
Business Administration, Jan. 26, 4 p.m., Social Work, Jan. 21, 5 p.m., 3527 Frieze
ual Concentration, Liberal Studies, Jan.
13, 4 p.m.. 231 Angell Hall.
Dearborn Campus: Business Admin-
istration, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Jan,
14, 4 pm., 2235 Angell Hall.
3200 S.A.B.
For further information about these
announcements, contact Career Plan-
ning, 3200 S.A.B.
Saint Francis College, grad.
in industrial relations, leading
must have 24 hours in social
at least 6 in econ., and 3 in
Univ. of Pa., S.S. Huebner
tion for Insurance Educ., gra
ships for prospective insurance
George Washington Univ., T
Law Center offers courses in
mental law, civil rights, hou
poor, and consumer protectio
Washington State Univ., gre
in Air Pollution; undergrad.
engineering, physical, biologics
ial sci. Two sem. and a sumr
si on.
Southwest Regional Lab. fo
tional research and develop., c
ity for outstanding grad stu
obtain brief practical exper.
American) STUDENTS
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The goal of this course is to develop an analysis of how social
change is and can be produced in American society. The
course is relevant to the political needs of students since it
recognizes political activity as a legitimate part of the learn-
ing process.
It will be mode up of Study-Action Sections and weekly topical debates.
The Sections will examine appropriate theory, will demotrically deter-
mine political actions to test that theory. In the debates, reformist and
revolutionary actions will be considered as possible strategies for social
Other sections can be added, depending on student interest
Grades and Course Policy will be determined
jointly by Students and leaching Fellows
-- ..._..,)_ _
~- ti (
The organizational meeting of the course will be Tuesday,
January 12, 7:30 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium
If you are interested in the course, please come to this
meeting even if you are not yet officially registered.