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January 06, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-06

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Vol LXXXI, No. 81'

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 6, 1971

Free Issue


welve Pages

Sheriff to seek



campus surveillance

Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey has
announced his intention of seek-
ing federal funds for the purpose
of creating an "Intelligence
Squad" which will engage in the
political surveillance of students
at the University among other ac-
But James Brinkerhoff, Direct-
or of Business Operations at the
University said last night t h a t,
"Sheriff Harvey has not contoet-
ed anybody in an official positibn
at the University as to the ap-
propriateness of the grant re-
Any Mayor Robert Harris h a s
refused to allow the Ann Arbor po-
lice to participate in what he calls
the sheriff's idea of a squad en-
gaged in "political surveillance on
Harvey retorted to the Harris

statement with the accusation
that, "In the short time of two
years Harris has gagged his police
chief, he has demoralized his po-
lice department ,he has hampered
law enforcement and he has con-
tributed to explosive situations by
making political decisions on
police matters."X
The sheriffs proposed squad
would be under the operational
command of the Washtenaw
County Undersheriff, Harold
Owings. The over-all planning and
policymaking for the tri-county
.wide group would be in the heads
of all departments taking part in
the operation.
Those are the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Sheriff's department, The Mon-
roe County Sheriff's department,
the Livingston County Sheriff's
department, the city police depart-
ments of Ypsilanti, Milan, Monroe,

Dexter, Chelsea, Brighton, Howell
and Saline, the Eastern Michigan
University campus police and the
prosecutor's offices of the t h r e e
The Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity campus police are deputized
by, and derive their powers of ar-
rest from, Sheriff Harvey.
Harris, who wants any such
squad to be under State Police
control, criticized the regional
scope of the Harvey proposal, say-
ing that, "The sheriff seems firm-
ly wedded to a county, rather than
a regional agency, and efforts to
explore putting these men under
the Detroit Metro Squad lead no-
where since he apparently is in a
hurry to put in his application in
its present form."
"Our main problem is the flow
of hard drugs from Wayne Coun-
ty into the city. The sheriffs pro-

posal is not a response to our
needs," he added.
In the meantime Mayor Harris
said that he has every intention
of persuing the course of action
proposed by him to city council,
a region-wide anti-hard drugs
squad using borrowed personnel
from police departments in t h e
Southeast Michigan Area.
The goals of. the sheriff's pro-
posed squad are itemized, h o w -
ever, as:
-The creation of a unit to
"concentrate a significant portion
of its efforts" towards the prob-
lem of organized crime.
-The development of data and
the co-ordination of data on or-
ganized crime with State agencies.
-The assisting of other agen-
cies in research into syndicated
-The development of public

education into, and prosecution of
those involved in, syndicated
-The development of a more
effective capability to deal w i t h
organized criminal elements to in-
crease apprehension and convic-
tion of "this type of criminal."
-An attempt to stem the flow
of narcotics, including marijuana,
by identifying and apprehending
the major suppliers and tracing
the drug back to its source, and,
-The provision of a source of
intelligence for civil disorders
which would enable the police and
other public officials to more ef-
fectively deal with the situation.
The proposal states that, "We
(The Washtenaw County Sheriff's
Department) have experienced
several civil disorders in the past
three years. Riots, sit-ins and de-

monstrations are becoming com-
mon place."
"We have not had an intelli-
gence unit in this department and
we have had to improvise with un-
trained personnel and to rely on
other departments for intelligence
"With campus disorders, civil
disorders and union strikes an in-
telligence unit is desperately need-
ed in this community," it c o n-
A reliable source at city hall
says that part of the money re-
quested will be used for the pur-
chase of electronic wiretapping
and bugging devices. No budget
information has been released by
the sheriff, either as to the size
of the requested grant or the
actual purpose upon which it will
be spent.
See SHERIFF, Page 2

Sheriff Harvey

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SUnion tals HEW


proposal s








The current contract between the University and Local
1583 of the American Federation of State, County, and Mu-
nicipal Employes (AFSCME) has been extended to Jan. 14,
which, according to negotiators, will give the two groups more
#ktime to reach a settlement.
The present contract between the union, which repre-
sents 2,700 University service and maintenance employes, and
the University was due to expire Dec. 31. However, on Dec. 30,
--®-- - - - - negotiators for the two groups
agreed to extend the contract
for two more weeks.
4*SA CA 1iIn addition. a mediator has been
appointed from the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commission.
SaPP OvesThe mediator would make recom-
mendations for a settlement in
the event the negotiations reach
* 0 a stalemate.
a However, the mediator has not'
yet been called in. According to a
statement released by the chief
By HESTER PULLING negotiators for the two sides, "Pro-
grs is being made in negotiations
The Senate Advisory Committee and it is felt that the mediator's
on University Affairs (SACUA)- set-vices are not needed."
the top faculty body-Monday . Negotiations between the Uni-
urged Senate Assembly, the fac- versity and the union began Oct.
*ulty representative unit, to en- 5, a month earlier than originally
dorse the University-wide disci- scheduled. Since that time, nego-
plinary plan proposed last month tiations have been conducted for
by an ad-hoc judiciary committee. more than 200 hours in twice-
Senate Assembly will meet Jan. weekly sessions. For the next two
18 and 20 to discuss the judiciary weeks, the groups will be meeting
plan. daily.
The proposed judiciary provides The recommpendations of theI
for an all-student jury to decide mediator, if called in when the
guilt and punishment in cases xpiration date passes, are not
where students are defendantsbinding on the negotiators. If the
Trials would be presided over by mediator's decision is not accepted,
an outside legal expert along with afact-finder can then be called in,
student and faculty associate under stipulations laid out in the
Michigan Public Employes Act.
judges. Fact-finding would involve a
In a well attended faculty meet- formal hearing with each side pre-
ing yesterday, the medical school senting its case. However, under
unanimously voted to support the State law, the decision of the fact- 3
proposed judiciary system. finder is also not binding, though
The Regents also discussed the it is sometimes accepted by labor
proposed plan at their December and management when an im-
meeting. Although the Regents passe in negotiations occurs.
did not comment on specific fea-I Eastern Michigan University.
tures of the proposal, President Wayne State University and Ferris
Robben Fleming said all the Re- State University have made settle-'
gents expressed doubts about the ments with various AFSCME lo-
judiciary. cals over the past year. New con-
"No Regent etirely accepts the tracts were not settled with those'
plan as it is written," Fleming universities until an average ofci
three months beyond the expira-
told members of the judiciary tion of the old contracts. HE
committee at a special afternoon At EMU, a contract agreement m
session Dec. 19. was reached after AFSCME went w
Regent William Cudlip R-De- on strike for five days, closing an
troit) urged the judiciary commit- down the university. The strike ot
tee to find a successful plan in was settled after Circuit CourtI
See SACUA, Page 2 - See UNION, Page 2 1 co

Contract ban lifted as
3-month dispute ends
The University has reached agreement with the Depart-
ment of Health, Education, and Welfare on a program to
promote equal employment opportunities for women.
Three months of disagreement between HEW and the
University ended last week with HEW acceptance of a plan
proposed by the University. The plan includes a committment
by the University to pay back wages to any woman paid less
than male employes in comparable job categories.
HEW officials met with University spokesmen Dec. 21
and settled the final points of dispute over a proposal sub-
mitted by the University last,

Slaves to the vNunber 2 pencil
Body contact, closed course tears, and occasional fits of hysteria kept untold masses of social security
ritual self-sacrifice of winter registration. One student (right) scattering class cards about, lost inc
resignation to his fate, rests before struggling into another line.


Harris to
Mayor Robert Harris has an- Party a
ounced his candidacy for the for the
ty's mayoral election this spring. Garri
e will oppose the winner of next promin
onth's Republican primary in politics
hich Louis Belcher, Jack Garris Arbor
nd Lewis Ernst will oppose each at one
her. Harris.
Belcher, choice of the local GOP Ernst
mmittee, is currently the chair- porterc

run for secon

the Ann Arbor Republican j A spokesman for the city's new
nd is -seeking elective office independent radical party said the
first time. party will decide at its January
Is is a local attorney and a convention whether to support its
is is anlocalrattorneydand a
ent conservative in city own mayoral candidate,
He was a founder of Ann Highly reliable sources had dis-
Concerned Citizens which closed last month that Harris, a
time attempted to recall Democrat, would not seek a second

month. The negotiations were
completed last week.
HEW had charged the Univer-
sity Oct. 6 with discriminatory
hiring practices against women
and blocked some new and renew-
able federal contracts to the Uni-
versity pending acceptance of a
corrective program.
This block has been removed,
said Roy McKinney, deputy di-
<> rector of HEW's contract compli-
ance division.
"We are now in agreement on
all issues." he said yesterday. "Ac-
ceptable committments have been
Daily-Jim Judkis made which fulfill compliance re-
quirements for the purpose of con-
tract awards."
numbers busily performing the The program will be supervised
confused anxiety and defeated by Vice President Fedele Fauri and
a commission of women which
will, Fauri said, be named this
"We are in the process of for-
mulating a complete- affirmative
action plan with time tables and
goals," Fauri said yesterday.
"Hopefully we will be able to pro-
dceed with a system which will
assure that we won't discriminate
against women."
Democratic party nomination, will HEW regional civil rights di-
contest for the Third Ward seat. rector John Hodgdon said yester-
In the Fourth Ward, Richard day his office will be "monitoring
Hadler and Ronald West will op- what the University does." He
pose each other of the Republican said HEW planned to observe the
nomination, The winner will vie implementation of the program
with Gilbert Lee, Democratic through regular reports from the
choice for the seat. University.
An informed source said yester-
Also unopposed in their parties, day that at least $3,924,000 in con-
Republican John McCormick and tracts had been withheld as of
Democrat Donald Warren will op- Dec. 15, pending agreement be-
pose each other for the Fifth Ward tween HEW and the University.
seat. See HEW, Page 2
Regents delayaction
on new sports bld.
The Regents last month delayed
their decision whether to build a
new Sports Service Bldg. pending
a report from a special study group
of the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA) in-
vestigating the feasibility of the

'U' keeps
high ACE,
The University's graduate pro-
gram faculty ranks among the top
five institutions in the nation in
12 departments, according to a
survey by the American Council
on Education (ACE).
In one department, population
biology, the University ranked
first in the country, while in
botany it ranked second. ACE also
ranked the University second in
psychology and geography.
The' ACE survey data gathered
in 1969 rated 23 of the Univer-
sity's graduate programs among
the top 10 in the nation. In a
1964 survey, 22 of the University's
graduate programs were in the
top 10.
The 1969 ACE survey covered
36 departments at 130 institutions
while the 1964 survey included 29
departments at 106 schools.
Vice President and Dean of
Graduate School Stephen Spurr
said that while the University con-
tinues in the top rank, the ACE
survey has limitations and "it is
a serious error to judge the over-
all quality of the graduate school
from the ACE ratings."
Spurr noted "the ACE ratings
record prestige as viewed by a de-
partment's peer faculty members
across the country and do not
necessarily reflect quality either
of the faculty or of the graduate
Furthermore, Spurr pointed out
that the survey covers only about
two-thirds of the University's
graduate offerings in liberal arts,
engineering and medical science
Ph.D. programs, while other pro-
fessional schools and smaller
fields are not covered.

t, who is retired, is a sup-
of local peace groups.


Local radicals

plan campaign

Ann Arbor's new independent, radical
party held its first convention last month
to decide how the party will conduct its
upcoming city elections campaign.
Approximately seventy-five c i t i z e n s,
miostly students, attended the five-hour
session, called by an ad hoc group-dissatis-
fied with the Harris administration and
the two-party system in general. The ad
hoc group formed the party to provide Ann
Arbor voters with a "democratic left alter-

-To support AFSCME employees in the
current contract negotiations;
-To hold a second convention January
22-24 for the purpose of nominating candi-
dates, formulating a platform, and organ-
izing a permanent party structure;
-To elect a temporary steering commit-
tee to act until the January convention.
The convention decided to run a "write-
in sticker campaign" after debating and
rejecting the possibility of appearing on
thel hont h uing- the name of GArae

believed that people would ignore the name
and the association with Wallace.
However, David Goldstein, a lawyer,
countered that "the key issue is what will
happen after April. The party needs in
identity. You doi't get that identity by
running on AlP."
Although the conyention decided to run
a "write-in/sticker campaign" it did not
specify which races it would enter and left
this decision to the second convention to
he held in January.

term due to waning support from'
student and black constitutencies
whose heavy turnout had assured
his upset victory in 1969.
Immediately following their dis-
closure, however, high level Demo-'
crats held. a closed meeting at
which members of the student and
black communities, it was learned,
assured Harris of their constiu-
tencies' support.
A source close to the mayor,
said last night that the outcome1
of this meeting, along with hisl
desire to defend rather than de-
sert his administration, were Har-
ris' major reasons for seeking aj
second term.
In addition to the mayorship,
five City Council seats will be con-
tested in this spring's balloting.
Only one councilman, Robert Fa-I
ber (D-2nd Ward), will seek re-1
election to his seat.
In the First Ward, which is
heavily Democratic, Republican

Spurr said, "We have shown
improvement in 14 fields, pri-
marily in the social sciences, and
a loss in rating in 13 fields, re-
maining constant in one of the 28
in whic wpw~r ra- over the

The action was a result of a re-

samma :..

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