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February 13, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-13

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CSee editorial page




Maybe more snow or rain,
cloudy and overcast

Vol. LXXXI, No. 114 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 13, 1971 Ten Cents
State'appropriations slash imperiL
By MARK DILLEN -A seven per cent increase in posed allotment, negating the ef- versity had promised the faculty crease of just over $26 million for tuition would rise about $126 to to cr
Daily News Analysis tuition, the fourth hike in five fect of the University's action. raises which would require $10 all state four-year colleges and uni- $1926 per year, npnt
With Gov. William Milliken intent years, designed to raise over $2 In total, Milliken figures the million in new funds. versities, most of which is going The University had already ernm
on a severe reduction in the state's million; tuition increase, the appropriation The governor's proposal also pro- toward expansion of smaller cam- planned a reallocation from already nuall
financial contribution to the Uni- -Dropping the University's $1.1 increase, plus the funds saved by vides for a 5.5 per cent fund in- puses. trimmed school and college bud- servi
versity, this campus appears head- million fee paid annually to the city reducing enrollment and teaching crease for "inflationary rises" in Though some legislative opposi- gets to the tune of nearly.$3 mil- Ins
ed for its worst financial crisis in for police, fire protection and other staff will yield nearly $9 million non-salary categories. ticn has been voiced over Milliken's lion-approximately what the 3 per gover
several years. services and, instead, creating a to cover inflationary increases in Though the governor's recom- proposed allotments for education, cent cut amounts to. "pub
Last Thursday, Milliken, in his separate campus police force; and University expenses. mendations must be approved by the Democrat-controlled House is But as Fedele Fauri, Vice-presi- creat
annual budget message to the Leg- -A three per cent reduction in Yet even the $9 million far from the Legislature before they take likely to first argue against cur- dent for state relations puts it, Mil- for t
islature, asked for a bare $2.8 mil- the University's faculty and staff, covers the expected increases in effect, the Legislature has not, in tailments affecting their local liken'i proposal "wipes out" the In
lion increase in the state appropria- and a corresponding three per cent expenditures from the University's the past several years, approved school districts. University's plans to make up for eled
tion to the University for the next increase in the "productivity" of general fund. an appropriation substantially Bscll M etthis year's austerity measures. trato
fiscal year. the remaining members of the According to the governor's pro- above them. In fact, it has usually BusbakyMdokn "The effort which has been put unecc
Recognizing that a $2.8 million teaching staff. posal, only $7.5 million would be cut education appropriations. quest breaks down as an attempt into figuring out how three per critic
increase in state aid would fall University administrators had allocated for all University salary State funds, which comprise to provide for modest salary i- cent could be saved in order to be nue.
drastically short of what is needed already asked departments last increases. some two-thirds of the University'sssmfority(theaUnitat - able to reward deserving faculty Cu
just to keep pace with inflation, the November to prepare cuts of three This would allow only a 6.5 per general fund budget, are a peren- sity's main priority) with a mini and staff wruld, under the gover- vides
governor proposed that the Uni- per cent for fiscal 1971-72 in order cent wage increase-the standard nial problem for the University, mum assistance from the state. nor's recommendation, become just work
versity take several drastic auster- to free $3 million which was de- Milliken is using for wage hikes which must compete, with other If the tuition hike is approved by a way of counter-balancing a three mind
ity measures, including: signed to supplement the increase throughout his proposed budget. state schools for its share of the the Regents, undergraduate in- per cent cutback." the
-A decrease of 294 in enrollment in state appropriations. Aware of faculty discontent that its annual increases in the state's state students would pay about A potentially sensitive step the aster
at the Ann Arbor campus, after six However, Milliken accounted for salaries have not kept up with other higher education appropriation. $600 a year, an increase of $40, University would have to take un- "It
years of growth. this in preparing the state's pro- schools in recent years, the Uni- Milliken requested a total in- while out-of-state undergraduate der Milliken's program would be

Eight Pages
eate a campus police depart-
while depriving the city gov-
ent of $1.1 million paid an-
y for police, fire and other
tead of these pvyments, the
nor provides $500,000 for
lic safety"-apparently for the
ion of a separate pelice force
he campus.
addition to the criticism lev-
at it by University adminis-
rs for being impractical and
nomical, the move would
ally lower Ann Arbor's reve-
rently the University pro-
over 25 per cent of the city's
ing funds. And with this in
Mayor Robert Harris calls
governor's proposal a "dis-
amounts to a body blow for
See CRISIS, Page 8



Further reports of







The Regents yesterday held a special meeting to discuss
the proposed University judicial system, and draft any altera-
tions they intend to make in the plan.
The Regents contacted after the meeting said they made
mostly technical changes to help clarify language, making
no substantial changes in the judiciary plan. However, they
did not specify what changes they will recommend.
The Regents will meet in closed session next Thursday
with the judiciary committee to discuss the proposed changes.
In their open meeting the next day, the Regents may make
a final decision on the judicial system for the University
Richard Kennedy, secretary of the University, who was

loss at 3-year

_CO status
WASHINGTON 0P) - A Selective
Service task force has recom-
mended that local draft boards ao-
tomatically grant requests of c-n-
scientious objectors for alternativr,
* service assignments in the Pea'e
Corps, Teacher Corps or VISTA.
The proposal, yet to be approved
by Selective Service headquarters.
would apply only to those youths
granted CO. status-not to all whd
are seeking such classification.
It was one of several recommen-
dations to flow from the task force.
which met privately last fall with
conscientious objector and draft
counseling groups.
The panel drafted new alterna-
tive service guidelines in an effolt
to find nonmilitary public service
jobs for the growing ranks of CO's.
Selective Service estimates there
is a backlog of about 6,000 CO's
awaiting assignment to cuerent;y
allowable jobs in hospitals or other
nonprofit social agencies.
One proposal before the task,

4present at yesterday's closed
s e s s i o n also indicated that
there was basic agreement up-
on "essential principles" of the
proposed j u d i c i a r y. He de-
clined further comment on re-
visions proposed by the Re-
Regent James Waters (D-Mus-
kegon) said most of the Regents
favored the proposed judiciary's
plan of using randomly-selected
student juries in cases involving
student defendants.
Several student groups on cam-
pus have said the jury-by-peer
provision is essential to their sup-
port of the plan.
On Thursday, President Robben
d Fleming-who also attended yes-
terday's session - indicated he
favors a judiciary which uses a
mixed jury of students and faculty
members to try all defendants.
However, Regent Paul Brown
(D-Petoskey) said, "I think an
all-student jury will be acceptable
by a majority of the Regents,"
adding that only afew voiced ob
jections to the jury-by-peer pro-
Waters said the Regents may
revise the judiciary's requirement
for unanimity in some jury deci-
Waters indicated that the Re-
gents discussed the possibility of
the jury determining punishmentt
by a majority vote and guilt by aI
unanimous one.,
A reliable source close to the1

-Daily-Denny Gainer

Protesters march toward business school

From Wire Service Reports
Reports of involvement by
U.S. ground forces inside Laos
-continued yesterday w h i le
American helicopter losses
reached a three-year high.
In a radio broadcast yester-
day the Pathet Lao, the Lao-
tian equivalent of the South
Vietnamese Provisional Revo-
lutionary Government, repeat- y
°d charges that U.S. ground
troops were engaged in fight-
ing inside Laos.
They claimed to have recovered
six American bodies among South
Vietnam-se troops killed fighting
I yesterday south of Highway Nine,
South Vietnam's main route into
ABC newsman Howard Tuckner
reported yesterday that he saw a
U.S. helicopter pick up American
bodies inside Laos. He said the
pilot, who was on the ground for
30 minutes, told him he was wait-
ing to pick up the bodies of four
U.S. helicopter pilots who were ,.
shot down. The South Vietnamese Assotlated Press
unexpectedly brought to the heli- SOUTH VIETNAMESE troops board helicopters in the northern
copter a fifth American body, in a corner of South Vietnam to join the Laotian invasion.
South Vietnamese uniform, Tuck,-__
ner reported.
The U.S. command denied the PROTEST FEE:
Communist anti - aircraft f i r e
brought five more U.S. helicoptersI
down over Laos yesterday, bring-Residents sue board,
ing to 15 the number lost in the
past five days, the heaviest Ameri-
can aircraft loss since 1967.
One American pilot interviewed
at the northern base of QuangI
Tri said. "We are in over our By GERI SPRUNG
heads. We are simply outclassed Twenty - one residents of University - run Northwood
by the enemy's anti-aircraft fire."d
Other admitted losses include a Apartments and University Terrace have filed suit against
C-123 transport aircraft and a the Regents and the Ann Arbor School Board to halt the
fighter-bomber. At least 16 Amer:- continuation of a $6 monthly assessment the Regents have
cans are reported killed and seven been collecting to cover the costs of educating the residents'
wounded in the total of 20 crashes. children.
The U.S. command said thatf Ten
American helicopters flew 500 mis- The suit was filed i the state Court of Appeals Wednes
sions across the border of Laos and Clay.
South Vietnam yesterday, includ- The suit also requests that $53,000 that has already been
See AIR, Page 8 - collected from the residents be
jkThe Regents agreed last year to
pay the school board $252,000 this
fiscal year for the use of its facili-
ties by school-age children in 1,245


refuse to act



By ZACH SCHILLER After being informed of the
and TED STEIN gents' reply to their demands
protesters went to the SAB w
The Regents at their special teytrsnt t the SAg f
sessionsyesterday declined to con- tmrrow night at 7 p.m. in
sidem syitw endspresentiestoUnion Ballroom to discuss fu
them by two representatives fr
over 100 protesters who gathered strategy and actions.
in the lobby of the Administration The demands presented to
Bldg. Regents are that the Unve
The demonstrators arrived at the abolish ROTC, end war researe
Administration Bldg. after 150 peo- campus, ban all recruiting by
ple marched from the Fishbowl to porations that practice disc
the business school to protest tbe nation, establish a 24-hour
presence of a job recruiter from care center, allow students to
General Motors Corp. (GM). trol the Course Mart programn

force-that orientation centers be Regents said no final decisions
set up for "CO's who will not re-, were made at the meeting, how-
spond to reasonable work offers"'ever. "The Regents' p r o p o s e d
changes to the judicial plan are'
was dropped after it ran into con- still negotiable," the source re-.
troversy. ported.I


Re. make University facilities avail-
the able to publicize the anti-war
vhere movement.
r to- The rally, originally scneduled
the for the Diag, was moved to the
rtner Fishbowl due to bad weather.
There spokesmen for the march
addressed the gathering, citing
} the GM's alleged support of the Viet-
nam war and its continued recruit-
ch on ment on campus as reasons for the
cor- protest.
rcmi- The march moved to the Business
child Administration Bldg. steps, where
col- Bill Bachman, a member of the
steering committee which planned
the rally, gave a short speech con-
demning GM.
After the crowd moved inside the
building, Bachmann listed several
weapons produced by GM which he
said are used in Southeast Asia,'
and denounced GM's involvement
in South Africa as "racist."
Business School officials would
rt not admit that there were recruit-
es ers in the building. However, they
locked the doors of the second floor
d in advance of the demonstrators
te approach.
Two rooms in particular were
guarded by University security
men. A sign on one of the doors an-
u nounced that "all doors should be
h locked on Feb. 12".
Several demonstrators expressed
ys Ia desire to see the recruiters. Most

M Ir T r"mYe-lk "AL r



Council hopefuls vie in primar

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a
two-part series on Monday's city primary
election. Today, races for City Council
nominations will bt examined followed tomor-
row by an article on the contests for the
mayoral candidacies.
First of two parts
Next Monday the voters of Ann Arbor
will go to the polls to choose candidates
for City Council "seats in three of the
city's 10 wards. At stake in the pri-
mary are the Republican nomination in

It is an attempt, Bloom says, to make
politics more representative.
He calls the matter of representation
the major issue of his campaign against
Faber. Calling Faber "unrepresentative",
Bloom claims Faber represents the weal-
thy, suburban part of the ward.
He says Faber "can't understand t h e
problems" of those who live downtown
and in the student sections.
Criticizing Faber as "a compromiser."

he feels he will ultimately have to suppor
it because it might lessen the penaltie
for marijuana possession.
He adds the city should also "gat ri
of undercover agents' 'and concentrat
on "hard drugs."
Faber responds to Bloom's charge of b&
ing unrepresentative by saying that "yo
don't have to share the same lifestyle wit
people to represent them."
While admitting he was not alway


tax-free University apartments for
married students and staff mem-
bers. Of that sum, the Regents
decided that $87,384 would be
raised by the assessment.
About 200 families living in the
apartments have children and a
total of about 386 children from
the apartments are enrolled within
the Ann Arbor public school sys-
tem, according to the residents'
Since University housing is tax-
exempt, there has been a long dis-
pute between the University and
the school board, the board con-


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