see editorial page
Ci 4c
Si'r tAa
Mostly cloudy,
not so cold
Vol. LXXXI, No. 112 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 11, 1971 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Gov. William Milliken's pro-
posed budget increase for the
University for the 1971-72 fis-
cal year will total only $2.7
million, falling drastically
short of the University's $22
million requested increase,
well-informed sources in the
4 University administration said I
last night.
This would set the state's total,
appropriations at $71.7 million
rather than the University's pro-
posed figure of $91.7 million, mak-
ing a tuition hike likely.
The appropriations request,
which will be made public in Mil-
liken's annual budget message to-
day, reflects both a stringent belt-
tightening in the state expend-
tures and a severe financial dilem-
ma for the University.
With a state austerity cut of
one per cent from the University's
$69 million allocation for the cur-
rent fiscal year, University of fi-
cials were counting on a sizeable'
increase to offset current econ-
omy measures.
An appropriations increase of
only $2.7 million would increase
the likelihood that the University,
will raise tuition for the second
consecutive year. Since state ap-
propriations usually amount to
approximately two-thirds of the
University budget, they are con-
sidered crucial in determining
whether a tuition increase is ne-
Faculty pay, which has failed
to keep up with increases at other
schools and amounted to $10 mil-
lion of the University's increase'
request, stands particularly threat-
ened by the relatively small in-1
* Faculty pay has gone up less{
at the University than at other Big
Ten schools in the past five years,
with many incensed faculty mem-
bers recently advocating unioniza-
tion as a means to achieve greater
wage hikes.
Although the exact break-down
of the appropriations were n o t
available, United Press Interna-
tional reported that only $1.7 mil-
lion of the increases would go
toward the Ann Arbor campus,
with the remaining $1 million go-
ing to the Flint and Dearborn
Michigan State reportedly will
receive a $4 million increase over
its $70 million budget, and Wayne
receiving a $5.7 million increase
over its current $45 million.
The cut looms all the more om-
inous, observers say, in light of
recent statements by University
administrators expressing fears a
substantial budget cut will jeo-
pardize "essential programs" of
the University.
The University's proposed $91
million figure, which was consid-
ered by administrators as v e r y
"tight" due to the recent AFS-
CME settlement, was first sub-
mitted to the state Bureau of thet
Budget last October.E
Since then, President Robben
Fleming, Fedele Fauri, vice-presi-t
dent for state relations and plan-
ning, and the University's Legisla- I
More than 4,000 demonstra-
tors marched to a rally at City
Hall yesterday afternoon in a
protest against widening U.S.
involvement in Laos.
After the march, a meeting of
250 people, in the Union formu-
lated a list of six demands, to be
presented to the Regents at their
special meeting tomorrow.
The group resolved that "the
administrative functions of the
University will be shut down Mon-
day". if the demands are not met.
The demands are that the Uni-
versity abolish ROTC, end war re-
search, ban all recruiting on cam-
pus by corporations that practice
discrimination, establish a 24-hour
child care center, allow students
to control the Course Mart pro-
gram, and maske University facili-
ties available to publicize the
anti-war movement.
Also last night, Student Govern-
ment Council called for a demon-
stration at next week's Friday Re-
gents meeting to demand an end
to military and classified research.
The meeting after the march
voted to organize a rally this Fri-
day to protest the presence of
General Motors recruiters who
will be at the business school to-
day and tomorrow.
A steering committee was set up
to coordinate this week's actions
and a mass meeting was called
for Sunday night at 7 p.m. on the
second floor of the SAB.
A resolution was also passed
that last night's meeting support
"any and all anti-war activities."
The march was called Monday
night by a group of 300 people
who assembled to discuss anti-war
actions in Ann Arbor.
'See MARCH, Page 8
SGC ca
Student Government C o u n c i
(SGC) last n i g h t unanimously
called for an end to both military
and classified research on campus,
and pledged itself to working in
"effective, but non-violent" ways
to bring about such action.
As part of what it calls "pre-
liminary steps" to make known its
,t. :
From Wire Service Reports
U.S. soldiers in South Vietnam said last night that at
least 100 American ground troops have been fighting Com-
munist forces in Laos, an action which may violate congres-
sional restrictions, United Press International reported.
The report contradicts repeated assertions by Nixon
administration officials that no U.S. ground troops would
participate in the recent invasion of Laos by 20,000 South
Vietnamese troops. However, the administration has pledged
full American air and artillery support.
While the drive in Laos continued, South Vietnamese
Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky said an invasion of North
Vietnam across the demilitarized zone might be necessary.
"One must realize that at a certain point, one will have to
cross (into North Vietnam) -
and attack the rear bases of
the North Vietnamese troops F rin1 t
on their own territory," KyF i ng o
-Daily-Sara Krulwich
Various signs head yesterday's march to City Hall
Demonstrators across
of Laos
Meanwhile, the Associated Press
reported early this morning that
the United States has rushed a
special landing force of 1,500
marines off the northern coast of
South Vietnam to counter a pos-
sible N o r t h Vietnamese drive
across the demilitarized zone.
in the UPI report, correspon-
dent Kenneth Braddick quoted U.S.
soldiers based at Khe Sanh, South
Vietnam, as saying that 100 U.S.
ground troops from the 3rd pla-
toon, Delta Troop, 7th battalion,
of the 17th Air Cavalry were
operating on the ground in Laos
during the past three days.
Braddick's report has been de-
nied by U.S. officials in Saigon
and Washington.
The soldiers quoted by Braddick
said the 100 ground troops were
members of an "aero-rifle" group
that is flown by helicopter into
areas where ground forces are'
needed on short notice.
According to the Associated
Press, the U.S. Command said this
morning that American teams are;
flown into Laos to recover downed
helicopters. But the Command de-
By GERI SPRUNG disperse the crowd in Berkeley that nothing provocative should be A b o u t 750 demonstrators re-
Demonstrations, most of them and demonstrators and policemen done because it might interfere grouped on campus and began
peaceful, were held on campuses were injured in Baltimore. In with preparations for a strike by marching again. At this point,
all over the country yesterday Madison, 500 students took over a the non-academic community. The an Atomic Energy Commission
protesting the extended U.S. in-. building at the University of Wis- rest of the crowd, however, called staff car was overturned and set
volvement in Indochina. Violence consin. for militant action to protest the on fire. As the protesters progress-
did break out, however, at the At Berkeley, according to the invasion of Laos and university ed down the street they were tear
University of Wisconsin. the Uni- Daily Californian, a noon rally in Eties to the Defense Department. gassed.
versity of California at Berkeley, front of the administration build- About 1,500 people decided to Skirmishes continued over the
and in Baltimore. ing attracted 5,000 people. The act and began marching through area and a number of people were
The largest demonstrations oc- assembled groups could not agree campus chanting anti-war slogans. arrested.
curred in Berkeley, Boston, and on what kind of action to take. As they left the campus, the Ber- At Johns Hopkins University in
Ann Arbor. Tear gas was used to About half the crowd argued keley police dispersed the crowd. Baltimore there was a peaceful
demonstration by about 350 per-
sons. According to the Johns Hop-
kins student newspaper, one of
the speakers announced at the
S send of the rally, "We're going to
Federal Plaza. Here's the phone
number of a bondsman. If you get
arrested we have money to get
ed rseach o ca pusyou out."
The crowd then began to move
through the streets of downtown
Early this morning, SGC also that SGC adopted, SGC chargers claims of neutrality are "morally Baltimore towards Federal Plaza.
took action to support the de- the University with "conducting indefensive," as long as military Along the way windows of the
mands of the anti-war group that million of dollars worth of re- contracts are accepted, and de- First National Bank were broken.
met in the Union Ballroom last search to perfect Weapon systems clares invalid the argument that Police barred all but 30-40 dem-
night. SGC joined that group in and subsystems which are being the results of military research onstrators from entering the plaza
calling for a demonstration at to- used by the military to kill and can be used for peaceful purposes. and then cleared those who had
morrow's Regent's meeting. incapacitate other human beings."' In other action, SGC voted that entered by shooting mace at them.
"If the Regents fail to accept "When the University accepts'they would no longer appoint stu- As that group was dispersed, the
the demands, SGC will hold the contracts from the Department of dents to serve on committees that rest of the crowd continued
Regents responsible for the crisis Defense," the resolution states, "it are purely advisory to the Univer- marching and there were skir-
that will follow," the resolution provides the military with more sity's executive officers, and called mishes with police.
said. effective ways to destroy and kill." for the establishment of policy' Police said 23 demonstrators
The demands include an end to The paper says that University boards under each vice president. See INVASION, Page 8
d ebated
Last week's firing of Robert
Hunter as assistant director of tike
city Human Relations Department
(HRD) has brought mixed reac-
tion from the community.
The firing was announced by
HRD Director James Slaughter,
who released a statement Feb. 4
saying, "Mr. Hunter was no longer
performing the required duties of
his position in an efficient and
responsible manner. . . It is in the
best interests of the city and Mr.
Hunter to detail no further his
release from city employment."
Slaughter declined to clarify the
specific reasons for the firing when
contacted y e s t e r d a y. Hunter,
meanwhile, has charged his dis-
missal was politically motivated.
The firing was the subject of a
verbal barrage levelled at Monday
night's City Council meeting by
members of the black community.
Demaris Booker, speaking for
Black P e o p 1 e United, praised
Hunter as a black man "dedi-
cated to the struggle of the black
people who feels that human re-
lations means more than making
the black man palatable to the
white man."
"I'm convinced that justice has
gone bankrupt in this city as far
as black people are concerned,"
she added.
Dr. Albert Wheeler spoke on
behalf of the local branch of the
NAACP, calling Hunter "the only
man in City Hall who would com-
bat racism."
Wheeler said Hunter, "had the
'audacity to challenge the city's
sacred cow, the Police Department.
It would be very wise, expedient
and in the interests of good rela-
See HRD, Page 8
nied the UPI report.
"If troops thought they
operating in Laos they were
See U.S., Page 8
Regents to '
study judie
The Regents and the University's
top executive officers will hold a
special meeting here tomorrow to
s t u d y the proposed University-
wide judicial system in an attempt
to reach agreement on a judiciary
No formal action will be taken
at tomorrow's closed session.
According to Regent Robert
Nederlander (D-Detroit), the Re-
gents will also study alternative
See REGENTS, Page 8
tive lobbyist. Richard Augenstein, stand. SGC called for a mass dem-
have been actively promoting it onstration at next Friday's regular
to legislators and state officials. I Regents meeting.
Canterbury agrees to
allot BEDL $10,000,
military and classified research,
an end to ROTC, a 24 houriday-
care center, and making available
University facilities for the anti-
war group.
SGC is demanding that all re-
search contracts be available to
anyone in the University, and that
me-tings of the classified research
committee, which are presently
held in closed session, be immedi-
ately opened.
It is also demanding an end to
"all research funded by the De-
partment of Defense or any other
military agency."~
University researcherssperformI
about s.4 million of research for l
the Defense Department annually.
The Board of Trustees of Can-
terbury House, the church-affil-
iated coffeehouse, voted yester-
day to transfer $10,000 of i t s
Sassets in "reparation" to t h e
Black Economic Development
League - Welfare Rights Organ-
ization (BEDL-WRO). bringing
to an,, P a .thr.P, nv -it-in by
began Monday at the coffee-
A statement issued yesterday
by Canterbury House -explained
that the action recognized the
legitimacy of claims by blacks,
the poor and the disenfranch-
ised, that "some of the wealth
of churches and synagogues in
this country needs to be devoted
Daily News Analysis
The national Student-Youth Conference
on a People's Peace held at the University
over the weekend was often confused and
disunified. But considering the severe time
limitations and the basic conflict between
the goals of devising a national program
the participants was: Now that we have
the treaty, what can we do with it?
The attention given a "May Day" dem-
onstration scheduled in Washington, D.C.
tended to misrepresent the real tone of the
conference. Most of the delegates at the
conference were primarily concerned with
regional organizing.
The conference participants, most of
x rnmw *1 th miPVPC a nti-wa V fmove-.
mass organizing
that will not always be as visible to the
national media as a large demonstration,
but which will in the long run be more
People must be organized to work for
the ratification and implementation of the
treaty on a local level with the under-
standing that it will be a long, protracted
struggle, according to many conference
nar1ticiflO ntis