Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 9, 1971 # Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 9, 1971 4 State University of New York 1971 SUMMER ACADEMI( PROGRAMS in ISRAEL 9 Semester Credits, Scholarships available FOR INQUIRIES WRITE TO: Professor Yonah Alexander Co-Ordinator, SUNY Summer Programs in Israel College at Oneonta Oneonta, New York 13820 STUDENT SALESMAN We are about to select a student to be our distributor of products consumed by stu- dents on campus. Must be aggressive, organizer, and de- sirous of earning $200/week. Work 3-4 hours per day. Car essential. Write for a per- sonal interview stating age, class, phone, 4 references to Allan Kay, 1810 S. Anthony, Ft. Wayne, Ind. C i N . a 1 t i i I i °- 'III__I, Applications now being taken to fill: 1 vacancy on Student Government Council (member-at-large seat) 4 openings on 'U' Cellar Board of Directors (Bookstore policy board) 3 Student openings on University Council (proposes uniform conduct rules and investigates procedures concerning police on campus) Pick up applications and sign up for interviews at 1546 Student Activities Building (For 'U' Cellar Board-also can get applications at 'U' Cellar) APPLICATIONS DUE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Ba net! By TERRI FOUCHEY Karl Bagnell has spent almost 15 years suffering the conse- quences of a passing suicidal urge he had at age seven. One day the team Bagnell was on in the Squirt division didn't have a goalie and, as he says, "so I played. I figured I'd at least get the chance to play 60 min- utes." Aside from one-half year at eight on defense and a one- game-stand there at 14, Bagnell has continued to get the chance for 60 minutes of play, bom- bardment, and being the target. He obviously enjoys it and has managed to keep the quiet, easy- going manner his teammates ad- mire which has helped them all through some of the rough spots they have experienced this sea- son. Defenseman Jerry Lefebvre comments, "Karl inspires a lot of confidence in the team be- cause he's back there. I know he's saved my life a couple of times." Bagnell views this as his pri- mary responsibility in goal, "That's the name of the game - I'm supposed to cover up for everyone else's mistakes. If I make one mistake it shows on the scoreboard, the others aren't necessarily so fatal and it's my job to see they aren't." Another defenseman, Punch Cartier, adds his assessment of Bagnell. "He always comes up buoys icers with big with the key save, even when we back up so far that it's a blind shot, he still stops it. He doesn't talk much on the ice; you have to look at him to know if he's there or not. He really encourages h i s defensemen, though. He always has congrat- ulations to give for a good play." Bagnell finds that his voice puts him at a disadvantage when attempting to help h i s teammates. "I've experimented a few times in practice with yelling but they said they could only hear me once. If t h e y can't hear me in practice they won't during a game with the crowd around." He continues, "I do a fair amount of yelling at the defense. I just try to give as much help as I can. I feel that you have to know when to get upset at them and hope that they'll get mad in return and play a little better." Cartier concludes his apprais- al of Bagnell with, "He's prob- ably the only one who never lets down. Even if the team is down, he's still giving 100 per cent." This team allegiance combin- ed with a lessening of his suici- dal urge outside of game situa- tions prompts Bagnell to let up, he feels, on some shots in prac-. tice. "Shots I'd stop in a game, I don't in practice because I don't want to risk getting hurt. I don't feel I can afford to be hurt because that would be kind of letting the team down." Coach Al Renfrew agrees with these evaluations and offers his own. "Karl's kept us alive this season and been the heart of our team. He's one of the bet- ter goalies in the league." Renfrew continues, "He doesn't have great size, but he's extremely quick and that makes up for the lack of size. He ov- ercompensates for little bad habits with his overall play. "A goaltender should h a v e good eyes, quick reactions, and the ability to stay off his feet. Karl has the first two and has been improving on the third." Bagnell himself has noticed the improvement, "I don't flop as much as I used to. I'm stand- ing up more during games. I'm also standing out farther, which is something I learned here. I'm playing more for tip-ins." Renfrew adds that one of Bag- nell's strengths is "moving back and beating a fellow at his own game. He's very good at this" Bagnell explains this mgneu- ver. "Forwards will try to deke a lot and it's a matter of back- ing in covering the angles all right. I like to have the guys practice dekes on me because there's only a few and getting used to them helps with cover- age. If I cover a deke correctly in practice, perhaps in a game when faced with the same situa- tion I may do the right thing because of practice instinct." If perchance lie doesn't do the right thing and there is a goal, Bagnell trysanot to be too upset by it. "Once it's in, there's noth- ing you can really do. The best thing is just to forget about it. If you get angry, it'll affect your game and take away from your concentration and that doesn't do any good." Bagnell also views it rather phJlosophically, "The way I see it, at least one more person had to make a mistake before the guy got in to score on me." Defenseman Brian Skinner, who met Bagnell the weekend they were both being recruited and formed a roommate part- nership which has endured for three years, attests to Bagnell's attitude. "He . takes it a 11 in stride. He doesn't seem to let it bother him too much." Bagnell does let it bother him when rehashing games at home, "Brian and I will stay up till all hours talking about games. It's 10 times worse going over aii the mistakes." These late night sessions ccm- pounded with Bagnell's tendency toward lateness lead to some 0 heart 4 . -Daily-Terry McCarthy Karl Bagnell stops a shot 213 S. STATE ST. U. of M. Payroll Checks cashed here OPEN 9-9 Mon., p7 9-6 Tues.-Sat. Ph 761-8816 Phone 761-8816 N O G AME S * N O GI MMI CKS COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON SPECIAL 2 oz. 9 2oz. 100's 8 Oz. EVERY DAY PRICE BARNES-HINDS ALL WETTING JERGENS VITAMIN C SOFT & DRY CIGARETTES LOTION DEODORANT 3 PKGS. SOLUTION Handy Y C$1 $108HdCC1Dispenser 100 MG. Limit 2 Expires 2/15/71 Limit 2 Expires 2/15/71 Limit 2 Expires 2/15/71 Limit 1 Expires 2/15/71 No Limit COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON 6 oz. 1.2 oz. 12 oz. 10's 49c! NYQUIL CLEARASIL SCOPE CONTAC BLiSTEX WHITE VANISHING COLD MEDICINE CREAM MOUTHWASH COLD CAPSULES Large C C C Size 8 Limit 1 Expires 2/15/71 Limit 2 Expires 2/15/71 Limit 2 Expires 2/15/71 Limit 1 Expires 2/15/71 Limit 2 Expires 2/15/71 COUPON' COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON LIQUID 16 oz.I25's 4oz. 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No Limit Limit 3 Expires 2/15/71 No Limit Limit 2 Expires 2/15/71 Limit 2 Expires 2/15/71 COUPON * COUPON , COUPON ' COUPON COUPON difficulty with arriving on time for classes and to some odd eat- ing habits., Skinner presents his case. "If he didn't have a roommate to get him up, he wouldn't have made any of his eight o'clocks. Since he's always late, he usu- ally just has a handful of chips for breakfast. If he has time, though, he'll make toast'and put ketchup on it. He puts ketchup on just about everything except potato chips.'' Bagnell retorts, "Freshman year he did get me to classes on time, b u t I'm getting better. This year I at least set my own clock. "As far as the ketchup goes, it's good for you and will make you big and strong like me (5-6, 150). I got the habit from my dad; he eats it more than I do. Now I eat it when what we have in the refrigerator is down so low that I have no choice but to put some in between a couple of slices of bread if I'm hung- ry." Bagnell has reformed some in regards to lateness Skinner ad- mits, "He's started b e i n g on time to meet his fiancee." His fiancee is Sue Hume, a secretary at Health Service who's never missed a game he's played at Michigan. They plan to be married on May eighth of this year. "She gets mad when we're not playing well," Bagnell doesn't adhere to any hard and fast superstitions. He believes in utilizing anything that works once as long as it keeps working. However he does have one durable item which has kept favor through ups and downs. This is a pair of orange socks which he wears in lieu of the ones his teammates wear. "The orange ones are thicker," he explains. "The ones the team gives me are thin a n d don't keep my feet as warm. Also, the orange ones were just lying around. I got them as a present and I wouldn't wear them any- where else." While wearing his orange socks, Bagnell expects some sup- port from his thinsocked team- mates. The necessary compon- ents of this aid are, "Forwards who are willing to go both ways. If your wings don't come back on defense, the defensemen have to be supermen or everything's lost. "It never hurts to have of- fensive-minded defensemen, but as far as the goalie's concerned, a defensive-minded defenseman is nice, too." With Valentine's Day coming soon, perhaps Lady Luck will start being kind to t h e Wol- verine icers with their heart of Bagnell. *4 ,," For the student body: LEVI'S CORDUROY Slim Fits ......$6.98 (All Colors) Bells ........$8.50 DENIM i The Ecology Center Announces Its Spring Seminar Series "Living With the Earth" FIRST SEMINAR: The Community Organic Garden for Ann Arbor 11 Bush Jeans Bells ...... Pre-Shrunk Super Slims. ..$10.00 ... $8.00 ... $7.50 ... $7.00 Speaker: DR. ROBERT ZAHNER 7:30 UGLI Multi-purpose Room FEB. 10 I I 11 State Street at Liberty Subscribe To THE MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 764-0558 'I r t WANTED: College men and women for man- agement positions in government. Must meet physical requirements. Financial aid available for in- college trainees, or applicants can enroll in special training course on graduation. Stateside and/or overseas travel guaranteed. Here's a government position with a real future for both men and women. An officer's job in the Air Force. A management level job in anybody's book. Certainly, there's no better way to get the experience and train- ing needed for executive responsi- bility. If you have two years of college remaining, you could find yourself earning an Air Force commission while you learn. through the Air lege, you can get your commission through the Air Force Officer Train- ing Program. It is open to all college nrr d bth mn and wnmen who F-C I USAF Military Personnel Center I Dept.A I Randolph AFB, Texas 78148 g' s, qualify Che Air Foi someth differe nautic with al ingflyii . I Please send me more information I ck it out. You'll find that the I on: rce is ore career that offers i Officer Training School hing for everyone. Nearly430 nt jobs, ranging from aero- I Air Force ROTC Program al engineering to zoology, AGE most everything else, includ- i NAME (please prin ng, in between. But whatever1!