Friday, January 8, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Pc.e Fiv 1 9 I. l++r. . .. - -A .... - . Daily Classified' LOST AND FOUND HELP WANTED BIKES AND SCOOTERS FOUND: grey kitten with turquoise NEED BABYSITTER 3 afternoons 1.DUCATI 1967 MONZA 250 c.c. Good con- collar and bell, Found about WktS. wk. between 12-4 p.m. (approx.), $100 ditlin. $175. 662-~0593, 01Z77 before Christmas. Call 662-5456 per- er hr. 663-0867 -~-6 - sistently. AF TRIUMPH, 1969 TR6C, 650 cc.. low ---® mileage, mint con d. Call 769-0380. LOST: Black and white Siberian husky BABYSITTER WANTED Tues. 1:30-5:30 9-03 puppy female, brown leather collar, for 3 friendly pre-schoolers. Near area Packard and Hill. Reward. 662- Packard and E.U. Good pay. 761-0614. 1 26H3 PETS AND SUPPLIES PERSONAL PERSONAL ULTRA-PLUSH APT. Unbelievable at RIVE GAUCHE the ONLY REAL stu- $78 mo. On campus, 668-8114 after 5. dent coffee house, invites you Jan, 79E4 12, 7:30 p.m., Assembly Hall (M Union - - basement) to something special. 17F79 FEMALE GRAD seeks apt. nearby, --- --- - - -. friendly roommatets). Gini, 769-7267. BOWLING TABLE TENNIS BILLIARDS 75E4 reduced 9-noon Mon.-Sat. Union PERSONAL WHY BUY mass-produced wedding bands? Have yours personally design- ed. White or yellow gold. Reasonable prices. Call Jhan. 769-7550 after 4:00. F79 EUROPE $159.00 4 FOR RENT CLEAN, QUIET ROOMS for rent at low7 rates. Premises,son central campus, include TV, washer, dryer, parking. Call 761-9220. 1806 SINGLE ROOM, share kitchen and bath with 3 other girls. $70/mo. Available' immediately. 662-7502. 1904l 42 MO. LEASE in professional frat.' $70/mo. from Dec. 20-2250 Fuller Rd. 761-0825 after 6. 21079 2 ROOMS available, $30 and $35 per mo. Call 769-1164 after 4. 940 Green- wood. 1405, ROOM AND BOARD contract immedia-; tely available for 1 male at Co-opt house on North Campus. R & B $100. mo. Call 663-6206 for details. 1008 ROOM FOR RENT. 769-1256 between 5 and 7 p.m. 0805 QUIET ROOM - men - $50/mo.-thru April - 952 Greenwood, off E. Univ. 434-3537, Mr. Parish. 9305 5TH MAN needed to share double in luxurious 5-man apt. Decent rent. 1335 S. Unv. 665-6665. 8105 1 OR 2 GIRLS immediately-Spacious apt. Call Marla before 5 p.m., after,! 6, 769-7185. 45085 5TH MAN NEEDED to share double int luxurious 5-man apt. Decent rent. 1335 S. Univ. 665-6665. 8805 APT. 1 BLOCK from campus. Rent ne- gotiable. 4/mo, lease. Kathy, 663-5117. 89C 4TH MAN NEEDED for modern .apt. $50/mo. 768-0458. 35083 CLEAN, QUIET, warm room for man. No cooking. Linens, lease. 723 Packard near State. 31085 ROOMMATE WANTED-Male to fill 4- man modern apt. $75/mo. 769-1307. 84C CHINCE-IN-LIFTIME - Graduate male student seeks Iapartment-matentc share two-man, two-bedroom apart- ment complete with ktchen, living . room and puppy dog. At corner of Church St. and Geddes Ave. In heart of Wolverineland. Occupancy as soon as possible. Rent at $75 per man monthly. Call Steve F. after 6 p.m.I CC FOR RENT FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted, prefer- ably over 23 yrs. Call 663-3572. 58C83 1 BEDROOM furnished apt., air cond., disposal, balcony. Call 769-8660. 7305 ROOM FOR RENT for man, Call 662- 5456 persistently. 1305 LOOKING Why not tell people what you areI loo)Kng for? Tell them cheaply, yet effectively in Daily classifieds, 764- 0557, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., 764-0557. CD68 PARKING SPACES for rent on E. Uni- versity. Call 769-7975. CC 1 BDRM. FURN. units on campus. avail, for tail. McKinley Assoc., 663- I ......... _ ®.® .. .. _.... .. _... ... _ .® ._. yi k REWARD for return of purple hand- GIRL TO STAY with handicapped col- knit hat lost in vicinity of University lege student weekends. Sat. noon- Cellar 1/6. 769-3787, 11A7 Sun. 6 p.m. $15. Driver's license ne- _.cessary. 769-0182 or 1-229-9198. 61H86 LOST-2 year old charcoal gray male cat. Short hair, white spot on neck. GUYS! Lost between Ellsworth and Hill. Re- If you are 5'3" or shorter-call Laura sponds to Kitty Kat. Call 971-4227 after at 763-0810 immediately! 76H3 5:30. 63A83- ..~-.-- ---- NEED 15 STUDENTS to work from 9 FOUND-RING with initial PWR. 663- am.-5 p.m. Saturday. Can make $1.75/ 2935. AD hr. Must be neat. Call 971-6609. 6-9 FOUND- Letter addressed to M. S.- p.m. 77H9 Ibrahim, 3362 Bluett Dr. Call Chuck, WAu 761-2384. AD WANTED-Female student to live in FREE LOVE can be yours from one of these beautiful black sort of Labra- dor puppies. The puppies are free too! Call 663-3815. 30T8 AKC DALMATIAN. 4 mo. old. Shots, housebroken. 761-3144. 30T84 PUPPIES! Four left, all free, We de- liver. 769-3856. 20T84 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS FOR SALE -- ASTROCOM - Marlux. INTERESTED in arbortion repeal/re- form? Come to a legislative action workshop for '71, Mon.. Jan. 11. 7:34 p.m., Rm. 1040 Nat. Resources BlFd. Sponsor-ZPG. 13F84 UM BARBERS 8:30-5:15 p.m. Mon-Sat. Union F82 T.G. 5:30 Fri., Jan. 8-Nu Sigma Nu Medical Frat.. 1912 Geddes. 87F3 HELP! SUMMER: 3. 5 4-6 6 4 Det Ams Det 4. 5 5-6 26 7 Det Ams.Det 5. 5 15-8 15 12 Det/Ams.Det 6. 6 26-8/26 8 Del,. ms-Det 7. 7/1-8 15 6 Det A.ns Det 8, 8 1-9 1 4 Del/Ams/Del Doni Koster had to shell out *tou8.27 personally to clear up campaign debts, If you appreciated his effo t, lay a buck on him. He isn't rich, only honest Send money and other valuables *159 $169 $189 $209 S209 $219 ana receive room and board in ex- Tape Deck, one month old - cost CAT LOST near Law Quad. She is grey change for babysitting. 665-2138. Close $469, sell for $340 or best offer. 668- and white and has stitches in her to-campus. 83H5 7241. 07X5 abdomen. Call 769-8287. 19A84 BABYSITTER to live-in in e SL - Dulcimers$. e 5. 6448. 15Ctc ROOMMATES WANTED! Charter Realty "Fine Carpus Apartments" 1335 '. Univ.-665-8825 ROOMMATES NEEDED! Albert Terrace 1700 Geddes '61-1717 665-8825 FALL RESERVATION Are Now Being Accepted at Our Campus Locations New, Furnished Student Apartment DAHLMANN APARTMENT 545 Church REWARD for info leading to return of for room and board. 769-2729. 651185 Bowed Psalterys $24. CLARK GAIEN- man's brown leather coat, taken ._._...._..-.. NIE - MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MA- from Phid House Oct. 25, 1970. Call PART TIME WORK KER. 1715 Dexter Ave. 668-6869. Xtc 971-5612 after 6 p.m. 69A62 -- 9 1 a p5 people needed for special interview SONY 530 Stereo Tape Recorder, Ger- LOST: I collie pup, 8 mo. old, black work. If you enjoy talking to people, ard Lab 80 turntable. Best offer. 761- 19Ctc with white tail, ruff, and feet, brown can maintain a neat appearance, and 1628. 27X5 mask. Wearing collar with ,2 a red can work the hours between 3:30 p.m. bare o t.Knw hr ae:R2 a and 9:30 p.m. call 665-0665. 91H3 GUITAR AMP. - Ampeg B-12-XT. 60 barrel on it. Knows her name: Rama. wt.Ecletcnx r.od 6- Call 769-4289 or 769-7761. Reward. ' HO* EEPI----ro wts. Excellet condx. 2 yrs. old. 761 ____ _ ___ LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING for profes-; 4313 after 5. 6X6 LOST-Man's beige jacket with red lin- sional couple with 2 school age girls. ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769- 3-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Must have own HAMMOND Spinet M-3 and 145 Leslie. 20Ctc 7656. AE car. 668-8983 evenings. 33H84 Best for group or lounge. Call 453- : 1 RA:; UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER to: and STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL KOSTER DEFICIT present 1611 Wells St. EUROPE $159.00 Ann Arbor SUMMER: DETROIT DEPARTURES 12F82 CA007 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/8 $159.00 -- - - C-'49 Det-Ams-Det 5/6 - 6/6 $179.00 420 MAYNARD CA008 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/24 $159.00 Watch this space every day for the CA009 Det-Lon-Det 5/15 - 8/15 $199.00 sordid, senseless, silly, suspenseful; CA001 Det-Lon-Det 6/28 - 8/28 $219.00 saga of a fictional college newspaper, CA002 Det-Lon-Det 6/29 - 8/26 $219.00 its staff and hangers on, FC CA010 Det-Lon-Det 7/2 - 8/19 $219.00 -- CA051 Det-Lon-Det 8/1 - 9/1 $219.00 DESPERATELY NEED APT. for winter W0052 Det-Tok-Det 7/31 - 8/31 $429.00 term, Call Peggy, 761-6998. FD SUMMER: N.Y. DEPARTURES ~ CA014 Bost-Lon-Bost 5/14 - 8/13 $199.00 LOOKING FOR A JOB? C'.030 N.Y.-Lan-N.Y. 6/26 " 9/1 $209,00 Talented or experienced or interested CA013 N.Y.-Lon-N..Y. 6/29 - 7/30 $209.00 a particular fied? Try placing a Also, a Complete Range of Travel Services: Rail Passes: Car Leases & Purchases: Motorcycles: Intra-Eu- ropean Charters & Many More. Open only to U of 1M students, fa- culty. staff and their immediate families. PLEASE PHONE OR STOP BY AT EITHER OF OUR TWO OFFICES: WORLD-WI DE CHARTER 211 South State Street or 611 Church Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Dial: "ON-A-TRIP" 66-2-8747 WAITRESSES, and other restaurant employees, past and present: The Daily wants info on conditions in %it- chens in local restaurants. Call Dan- Itel Zwerdling at 764-0562, leave mes- sage. Ftc FREE LOVE PARTY I need a date (F) for a non-coercive, fun, free love party. Must be 21. 662- 4161. 10F83 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive, $10 & $12 Rh neg- S ativa. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-4. Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need par- ent's permission. Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 1 Fte _ __ S S LOST: Man's beige jacket with red lin- RELIABLE BABYSITTER for 2 yr. old Mc ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769-7656. boy. References required. Call 769- MARTIN 12-stringcase; $330.Ampe -__ ----__---------b-y.96,eferencsrqird 2l 6H95 stereo cassett e tape recorder and 3 evenings. 261185 tapes, $150. Over $275. 769-9263. 7-10 ROOMMATES 'WANTED 4096 p__m.__60X84 ------- - ------- --- WANTED: experienced typist for cor- p.m. ROOMMATE WANTED, own room in rections mathematical Ph.D. disser- HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO modern apt., 4 mo. lease, $100/mo. tation, Nov. 20. Must have access IBM Acoustic, electric instruments, acces- Morris, 761-6093. 98Y5 selectric. Write Katz, 5008 W. Iowa, sories, David lessons-repairs. Gibson,j ROOMMATE A Chicago 60651. 4H64 Harmony. 209 S. State, 665-8001, 10-7 ROOMMATE WANTED, own bdrm. in---------------------------- '- p.M. X fine apt. State and Ann. Prefer older WANTED-Responsible student to baby - student. 663-4630. 97YV jIsit for an 18 month old. 3:30-5:30- HI-FI, COLOR TV, RADIO repair. Rea- ___ A__- d $---- d t- Wed. & Fri. $1/hr. 12 min. walk from sonable. 769-6250. XF {ROOMIE WANTED- own bedroom in~ campus. Call 668-6037. 21H182 --.- -.._ house with 2 grads - $55 and util- - -- - --'HI-FI, COLOR TY, RADIO repair. Rea- ities. 761-6.752 persistently. 05Y5 HOUSEWIVES - Earn extra income. sonable. 769-6250. XDt c MODERN__ ---- A--T -NT -is ned - Part-time independent sales person - - MODERN APARTMENT. Girls need needed for soap distributor. Located SPINET-CONSOLE PIANO roommate. 971-3140 or 769-3532. 04Y9 inYpsilanti. 30'f commission. Cali Wanted, responsible party to take over' - J. P. Crawford, 483-1173. - 441182 spinet piano. Can be seen locally. E E t Open only to U of M students, facul- try, staff, and immediate families. UAC Travel, 2nd floor Michigan Union 763-2147 or 769-5790. 2Ftc 8-TRACK STEREO TAPES TOP 200 ALBUMS $3.75 SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE UNIVERSAL TAPE DISTRIBUTORS P.O. BOX 1072 SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 32F95 COULD SOMEONE teach *me to play the bass guitar? Can't pay much but would be real grateful. Call Al at 769-0511. FE INTRO-ACT-Weekly groups--an emo- tional re-education using encounter, gestalt, and sensitivity technique Call 663-7616. 80F SINCE ALMOST all gem diamonds come from Africa, a brand label for a ring mounting does not guarantee the quality of the major diamond in .the ring. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univ. 663-7151. F When you think of MEDICINE, think of us. Village Apothecary, 1112 South University. 20Fte MEN - Don't take chances! Now, you can get imported and international- ly, known male contraceptives thru the privacy of the mails. Details free. no obligation. Write: POPSERVE. Box 1205-NQ, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. 13F82 i Michigan Daily "BUSINESS SERV- ICES" or "PERSONAL" ad-and help a job find YOU. HDtc R RICHARD LEE, Inc. Professional PHOTOGRAPHY for the discerning, not for the massest Call 761-9452 anytime. Studio or location. Ftc For those with eclectic tastes: NEW RECORDS FOR SALE Captn Beefheart's Trout mask replica (double album) $5.00;'Tony Williams newest $2.50; Wild Sanctuary $2.00. Call Amy, 769-7761 between 5-7 p.m. FDto bdrm. apt. with female psych. grad ABYSITTER WANTED 4 days weekly, 92.50/mo, 769-2376. 956 3-12 p.m. Call before 3. 663-0660. 18H83 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED forI apartment near hospital. Swimming1 pool, washer, dryer, parking. Call 665-9698 or 665-0322 after 6. 1Y7 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED. $55/mo. 2 blocks from camnus. 761-8617. SPACES AVAILABLE month lease, close Towers. 761-2680. in furn. units. 4- to campus. Univ. 41084 " 7L1 7f~4V~90Y5 4TAILLESS CAT, turtle, and friendly j1# FEMALE GRAD STUDENT seeks room-I female need roommate. Apartment in Ctc mate to share one bedroom apart- old house. 769-0712. 59083 -- --- --- - ment near central campus. $87.50 ROOM IN HOME fr rent Female BUSINESS SERVICES per person. Call 761-5318, 78Y5 prices and terms negotiable. Burns --- _- _ -____1FEMALE RMMTE.-Own room in largo Park area. 761-7928. 62085 FLUTE PLAYER will teach beginning house with fireplace. 665-5149. 51YS students. $3/hr. Call Susan, 769-0985 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Large, or 769-2148. 12J8 FOURTH FEMALE roommate wanted' furnished, 2-bedroom, modern apart-----__ for 2-bdrm~, 4-man apt. from Jan.- Sent, 101 N. Ingalls. 662-6228. 2383 OKB IG books, peridicals. Aug.. Good location, cheap. Call 769- -___- not es. paperbacks, almost anything. 0118 52Y85 OF DOUBLE-T.V., washer, dryer, 1i- 426-8081. 20J7. rary, parking, meals optional, serious 1 MALE for mod., 3-man, 8 mo. at $751' students only. Call Mr. Kahn, 761- KEY-PUNCHING; evening and week- mo,' or B.O. 665-8273. 54Y83a 9417 29082 ends-Joyce, 769-2838. 08J85 ----------- -_-_- -2 MEN NEEDED to fille 4-man apt, IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for women stu- WEDDING INVITATIONS - Various Lease 'til Sept. $57.50/mo. Near cam- dents. Room and board. Friends Cen- colors and designs. Do your own pus. 665-0824. 57Y7 ter Co-op, International Living. Call thing. Call eve., 665-5478. 47J8: ._.._-want.Hous. 662-6083 or 761-7435, ^25C83~ ~ 4 GRADSTUDENTS want 5th. House! EXPERIENCED TYPIST, IBM exec on Packard. $74. 663-4428. 74Y3 OR 2 MEN NEEDED to sublet 2-man elec.), high quality, pickup and de- j -- -- --- -. mod. apt. Good location: 913 Mary livery. same day service. Call Renee, NEED FOURTH MAN for modern apt. Call 668-8161 after 5:30. 6808 662-6282. 84J79 663-3478. 14Y84: 4TH GIRL NEEDED for mod. 2 bdrn. DESPERATE! WANTED AT ONCE! 2 ROOMMATES wanted. Good location. apt., over 21. Call 761-3198 or 761-1758. ANY JOB OF CLEANING OFFICE, 523 Packard, Apt. No. 1. 769-3969, '69C4 APT., HOME., ETC. YOU NAME IT! 15Y82 WE CLEAN IT! GENE'S SERVICE _..w_ --..___....._- COUNTRY HOME CO. 663-8998. 01J79 THIRD FEMALE roommate needed for T shr 6mle not oftw.- --- ----- - - - - -a 3-bdrm. modern home. Call after T Wanted: 1-2 persons or couple. Call For Professional Typing, 6:00 for further information. 769- 22C84 term papers and theses 8679. 46Y84 662-9939 after 5. CALL DIANA - 439-1313 _ - -------- - 3-BDRM. FURN. APT., $165 month. 426- 30Jtc ROOMMATES NEEDED. 4-month lease, 5843. Call persistently, 8140 Forest HEE - E - te -- ) y- completely furn. apts. on bampus. Dexter. 40082 THESES, PAPERS (incl, technical) typ 761-2680. 42Y84 1___. ed. Experienced, professional: IBM - WHITMORE LAKE-Room for rent in Selectric. Quick service. 663-6291. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted - Jan.- house. Your own bdrm.4-right on 42Jtc April, near campus. Take highest lake-John, 449-2743 or 865-5188. 48084 --- --__-- offer. 769-1675. 16Y831 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires _ BARGAIN CORNER , work in her home. Thesis. technical 4TH GIRL needed for mod. 2 bdrm. 1 tvn i n L fifi Pte t)iBM s , i t a.n. on., F r atI. Jan. A il_1 70/m FOR SALE FOR SALE- NEW copy of Kelso for Ant hro 131. Best offer. Call 761-7305 after 6, tonight. BEj SCM Deluxe Port. 860. SCM Port. elec. $85. Both ex. cond., 769-0728 eve. 764- 9303 day. Marge. 24B8 1968 12x50 Amer. Mobile Home. 2 bedrn. Dishwasher, skirted on lot, furn., 484- j0059. 17138 BEAUTIFUL warm muskrat coat, ex- cellent condition. $65. Call 663-1810. 15B5 SKIS: Kneissel Red Stars, good cond.. evenings 761-0349. Ken. 09B3 Easy terms.7Write Credit Manager, P.D. Box 276, Shelbyville, Indiana' 46176. 36X88 STANDEL Studio X Amplifier. 2 10" speakers-Jensen Speakers vibrato-re- verb. 70 watts. Phone: 761-6877. 28X83 GUITAR FOR SALE. 12 string Harmony. $140 or best offer. Call 482-6185 eves. 27X82 MISCELLANEOUS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY If you are dissatisfied with your pre- sent position and earnings and would like to break into the life insurance field in the AA area, a nationally known company offers an opportun- SKIERS ATTENTION "International Skiers for Peace" Multi-colored Ski patch and Bronze Medallion w. chain. Both have ISP insignia and are available now for the first time in U.S. only through Student Travel Services. Special In- ternational Student price of 50c for patch and $1 for medallion. Far out gift ideal Join the ISP today; Mail to: Student Travel Services, P.O. Boy 19384, Sacramento, Cal, 95819. "Good Skiing-Peace." 71F4 STUDENT TRIPPERS WORK-EUROPE-TRAVEL Could you dig a far out month working for extra travel money at an Inter- national Youth Hostel and being free to roam the Continent for the rest or the summer? This is the oppor- tunity of a, lifetime for the experience of a lifetime. Co-ordinated Interna- tional Staffing Deadlines must be met so send for the exciting details without delay. Mail 50c to Student Travel Services, P.O. Box 19384, Sao- ramento, Cal. 95819. 72F4 The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- crimination in housing. Qu~estions should be directed to Off-Campus Housing, 764-7400, --,,, -,...CLIP AND SAVE..... - LOW COST, SAFE, LEGAL ! I ! 1ABORTION IN NEW YORK SCHEDULED IMMEDIATELY ! PROFESSIONAL SCHEDOUUN SERVIC, l10.1 545 Fifth Ave., New York City 10017 i There is a fee for our service. BREAKING UP housekeeping sale - lamps and tables, single bed, large gold mirror, bpokshelves, drapes, as- sorted kitchen items, luggage, etc. Sat., Jan. 9. 9-6. 2822 Pittsfield or call 971-6594. 64B83 SKI BOOTS-Lange Pro, exc. cond., $60.1 Call 475-2973 after 5:30 p.m. 66B4 PHOTO SUPPLIES AT CENTURY The Best in Good Used Cameras WE BUY. SELL, TRADE Everything Photographic DARKROOM SUPPLIES SLUMINOUS PAPER Repairs on all makes Century Camera iAt our new location) 4254 N. Woodward, Royal Oak Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd. LI 9-6355 Take 1-94 toi Southfield Expr. North to 13 Mile Road-then East to ity to several earnest, men, Our plan ---- includes a salary of up to $700 per' HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO month plus commissions, group life Instruments and accessories, new and and hospitalization insurance and used. Lessons, repairs. 209 S. State. pension plan. Sales background would 665-8001. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X be helpful although it is not essen-j-_-- - tial. Should be married and possess OLYMPUS PEN-FT half-frame single a pleasing and aggressive personal- lens reflex with thru the lens meter. ity hounded out by some sound busi- Auto 60mm f1.5, also Auto zoom 50- ness experience and be capable of 90mm f3.5 lenses. Slightly used, cheap meeting and talking to professional at $200. Call Richard Lee, 761-9452. people. Ft } I a i i a I a a f {1 I I i For confidential interview Call 485-1667 between 9 and 5 STUDENT TRAVELS, TRIPS, CHAR- 2M5 TERS. EUROPE, ORIENT, AROUND THE WORLD. Write S.T.O.P., 21500 Shattuck, Kerkeley, CA. 94704, OR SEE PERSONAL TRAVEL AGENT. - 07782 MICH. DAILY NEEDS REPORTERS - CLASSIC GUITAR. lessons, inexpensive. no experience nececcary, Call Judy Call Paul, 764-4639 evenings. 50F82 IKahn at 764-0562 or come to 420 -.__--- --__.-. Maynard St. any evening between THE AGELESS SCIENCE OF YOGA- 7:30 and 8:30. FD Classes in the yoga exercise. Sponsored ------by Self-Realization Fellowship. 761- "THE WATER BEDS ARE COMING!!! !" 9825 eves. 56F87 aDF9-- - --__- - -9RE YOU up against a wall? If not MEET ALL THE FRIENDS YOU NEVER get next to MARTY's Wall of Slax. MADE . . . AT THE GRAD COFFEE Marty's Saffell & Bush HOUR . . . this Wednesday. 32F3 310 South State Street MICH. DAILY NEEDS REPORTERS - EUROPE from $185 Round Trip. Em- no experience necessary. Call Judy ployment opportunities (U.K.) Dis- Kahn at 764-0562 or come to 420 counts, Travel service, Low Car Hire Maynard St. any evening between rentals for Members. Anglo American 7:30 a'nd 8:30. FD Association, 60A Pyle St., Newport, - - -- --------- I.W., England. Ftc FEMALE CHILDREN between 15 and 30 - --- - months wanted to participate in a Now there's dancing at the VILLAGE study of play behavior and language. INN, 3411 Washtenaw. The BUFFOON Involves child in normalistic play set- play Fri. & Sat. RFD BOYS starting ting to be videotaped. $1.50 per sub- soon on Wed. Dollar a pitcher every ject. If interested call Adrienne Tent- Mon. NEVER A COVER. 11F83 ler, 764-6572, 761-0923. 3F7 - - ---- FREE Bowling Exhibition-Buzz Fazio "THE WATER BEDS ARE COMING!!!" Wed., Jan. 20, 1-3 & 6-8 p.m. Union DF9 F82 Bells and Flares Galore at Jack's Store in all Exciting Fabrics, Patterns For Guys and Gals TALL and small, JACK'S STORE 118 E. Washington St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 14W19tc y~pna. sTUT ng eTC tt. s eecric apt. on . rorest j an.-sprt . i/m. Call .Jeanette. 971-2463. 12Jtc Susie, 662-3907. 56Y79 A1 MAN to share luxury apt. Convenient SALES CONSULTANT location. 761-2069. 10Y751 "PLACING SALESMEN IS OUR I ONLY BUSINESS" 4th MAN WANTED for 4-man, two- 2155 Jackson Rd., Suite 101. 769-8270 bedroom modern apt. near campus, Ftc med. center. $66.25/mo. Call 665-7501. - - - - - - -Ytc WANTED TO RENT FALL-NEEDED 2 roommates, furnish- NEED SINGLE ROOM or apartment for odern 4-man, $75/man. R - Fall Term 1971, near campus. Call 7169 37 John, 764-9600. LC - USED CARS College Course 321 "Analysis of Social and Environmental Problems" A course for non-science students from any field who are inter- ested in analyzing public policy problems from a quantitative or physical point of view. Technical tools that are needed will be simple and will be taught as needed. Classes: MWF 1:00 in 1041 Randall Instructor: Gordon Kane Office: 1071 Randall, 764-4451 NE WOFFICE ,; has several part time positions open to students Big Salary 1.60/hr. for 12-20 hrs. per week for appointment -61 - 045 11I a. m.-3 p.m. Sat., Sun., or Mon. Woodward and North (Michigan Bank. Security and Di> er Charges accepted) D- WANTED TO BUY T 3 FEMALE GRADS want to rent 3 - --- bdrm. apt. 665-7492 evenings. 16L5 '66 VAUXHALL; standard shift; 36 miles per gallon; with snow tires; call 971'- WANTED TO RENT: 1 bdrm. efficiency 3119 after 7 p.m. 96N9 apt. or private bedrm. in a house or apartment. Parking, 4 mo. lease. MERCEDES-BENZ - GAS - 1962. Ask- Contact Howard, 662-5318. 92L4 ing $350 or best offer. Call 971-4687 afternoons or evenings. 99N5 RESEARCHER HERE 3 day weekend. _------ -- -- would like quiet, clean accommoda- MG-B, clean, low mileage. Call 663- tions or apt. 662-1989. Miss Atkinson. 5482 after 5. 22N8 23L5 ~ ~~-- t i ONE DOUBLE MATTRESS. 663-2935 67K x& HAIRDRYER WANTED - Hard plastic hood-type. Call Frances, 761-7636 eve- nings, 5-7. 34K84 WANTED-Annual N.Y. Acad. Sci., Vol 122, Art. No. 1, 1965, Research in De- myelinating Diseases. 665-0958. 06K82 -8 I Cyr ..;{{qs "::{.< ::; ".y "":{.. ;.;y:"}:.}'4;:; ".".q.}rv.F'"::?::"i"'.}i's:::'".v."r:>:."."".".v;.:;.v,,;r,;{.;:eq.}:" h }s};.Y. .,,.........:s:: : :"+.ti : : :: a, xg, :,:;.v. ;.:::r,'r':, : rfit:;?;";:;: :: ::k"::".s^ : :":::"::ti ..,:{:;,". :'f : : ::+.'i3 "r,,;,t.;..t,:+ s ' :,- .fi en A : : i ; ,+.kssub'' For your tape players! We have a good selection of OPEN REEL & CASSETTE TAPES get all of your favorites at the P p S. .::' Sam s Store NEED SINGLE ROOM or Fell Term 1971, near John, 764-9600. TWO GRADS wants to apt. Mike. 761-9316. apartment for campus. Call LC rent 2-bdrm. 17L82: ; TRIUMPH TR-4 1965, 50.000 miles. Ex- celent. $925. 761-7170. 00N9 417 E. Liberty MlUSHP Phone NO 2-0675 S A L E HOUSE OR HOUSE APT, wanted for Fall '71. Call Barb, 764-4935 or Monica, 764-4956. 52L6 Buy USED BOOKS at FOLLETTS 1961 INTERNATIONAL Harvester Step- Van. Runs well. Sky-lite, stereo, bed. 761-6521. ND HAADRHEON- CHEAP SOUP AND GOOD PRICES AT Canterbury House Mon.-Fri. 11:30-1:00 ':::'J: J: .:51'': " .,.......: '.. . .. . . BOOKS and SUPPLIES Do SMEDICINE, DENTISTRY NURSING' PUBLIC HFAI TI- Our store is specially equipped to fill your every need, and a well informed staff, including MEDICAL and DENTAL students will serve you. Sam s Store 122 E. Washington YOU NiFFI) H-FIPR WITH CAMPIK~ 11 i I 11 I