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February 09, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-09

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In an unprecedented move, a
member of the committee which
oversees secret research on campus
has strongly criticized military re-
search here, claiming the Univer-
sity is perfecting weapon systems
"which are being used by the mili-
The text of Knox's letter is
printed on today's editorial
tary to kill and incapacitate other
human beings."
Michael Knox, a member of the
Senate Assembly Committee on
Classified Research, says the com-
mittee has approved projects
which are "making a significant
contribution to the war technology

which is currently being used to
destroy and kill in Southeast
Knox's statement, in a letter to
history Prof. Gerhard Weinberg,
chairman of Senate Assembly, is
believed to be the first public crit-
icism of the projects by a member
of the student-faculty committee.
The committee was set up in
1968 following a controversy over
classified research the year be-
fore. A faculty report, later adopt-
ed by the Regents, prohibited re-
search "the specific purpose of
which is to kill or incapacitate
human beings."
Through last March, the latest
period for which figures are avail-
able, the committee had approved
119 proposals and rejected one.
"As a committee member I have
had the opportunity to review
summaries of all classified pro-

jects written during the past two
and one-half years," says Knox, a
graduate student in the social
work school. "At this point it is
clear to me that most of this
secret research is inconsistent with
the goals and philosophy of our
University scientists and engi-
neers perform about $10.4 million
of research for the Defense De-
partment each year, about half of
which is classified. The University
receives about five per cent of
the U.S. military's total expendi-
tures for research on the nation's
Specifically, Knox's letter in-
cludes charges that:
--"University researchers are
developing devices to protect bomb
and napalm-carrying aircraft so
they can reach their targets;"
-"They are perfecting systems

which can locate human targets so
that they can be destroyed;"
-"University laboratories a r e
improving military missile capa-
bilities;" and
-University scientists and en-
gineers are "developing methods
of reducing the detectability of
military aircraft and tanks so that
they can reach their targets."
Knox says in the letter that this
"war research is able to continue
here, I believe, because it is veiled
in a cloud of secrecy."
He urges that steps be taken to
permit informed discussion of the
issue and that Senate Assembly,
the faculty representative body,
reevaluate classified research and
reconsider the "appropriateness of
conducting war research at the
Although he does not propose
stopping all classified projects,

ts 'U'
Knox' recommends in the letter
that all "war research funded by
the Department of Defense agen-
cies" be immediately halted.
While declining to comment on
the specific content of the letter.
Weinberg said last night, "I am
assuming these matters will be
considered in the normal course
when the annual report of the
committee is before Senate As-
The Committee of Classified Re-
search is required to submit a
yearly summary of its activities to
Senate Assembly in March for its
for its review.
Contacted last night, K n o x
said he wrote the letter because
he wanted to "raise the level of
concern on campus."
"If the University community
was aware of the research going on
See MEMBER, Page 8



Michael Knox

Prof. Weinberg

LAOS AND THE 4p4p'.i
See editorial pagettt
Vol. LXXXI, No. 1 10 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 9, 1971 Ten Cents

Partly cloudy,
chance of flurries
Eight Pages

U . .,
13 allies
killed in





Viet continue

Laos drive
Plan peaceful march
to finish at City Hall
After nearly two hours of debate, some 300 people from
throughout the local community called last night for a non-
violent march tomorrow to protest the invasion of Laos by
U.S.-aided South Vietnamese troops.
The meeting at the SAB, which included members of
various local peace groups, was prompted by a resolution by
the recent Student and Youth Conference on a People's Peace
calling on demonstrations throughout the nation tomorrow,
in response to the invasion.
Many of the details of the march were left undecided as
the meeting adjourned. However, it was agreed that the
march should start at 4:30 p.m. and proceed from the campus

-Daily-Tom G
Signing of contract
Union president Charles McCracken officially signs the con
between the University and Local 1583 of the American Fed
tion of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFSCME)
Parsons convicted
in recruiter inc1 ei
A Washtenaw C o u n t y Circuit Court jury yest
convicted Robert T. Parsons, '70, on a charge of res
arrest. The case stemmed from last year's General El
recruiter lock-in.
The jury took only five minutes to reach its verdict
charge is classified as a "high court misdemeanor" and c
a maximum penalty of two years in prison.
Parsons allegedly struck Det. Paul Bunten of the
Arbor Police Department on the face mask as Bunter
--- Deputy Police Chief H

By The Associated Press
The invasion of Laos by 20,-
000 South Vietnamese troops,
accompanied by U.S. fighter,
bombers and-helicopter gun-
ships continued yesterday,
drawing fire from Communist
ottlie forces which resulted in t h e
deaths of four Americans and
nine South Vietnamese.
tract Ten of the 13 fatalities caime
Iera- when Communist gunners shot
er- down five U.S. helicopters which
yes- werentransporting South Vietnam-
ese troops across the Vietnamese-
Laotian border into Laos.
Three South Vietnamese ground
troops were killed and 20 wounded
in skirmishes along their drive-
toward the town of Sepone.
The thrust into Laos began at
dawn yesterday in an effort by -Daily-Tom Gottieb
alied fori es to croute sed by th A PARTICIPANT at last night's meeting at the SAB addresses the crowd. Nearly 300 people attended
t North Vietnamese to transport to organize a protest against the Laos invasion.
troops and supplies into So u t h
Vietnam and Cambodia. i L ITT .

-- ^,

t. The
a and

While 9,000 American support
troops remained at the border,'
U.S. officials pledged to provide
full air and artillery support for
the invasion. Last week, 10,000
South Vietnamese troops provid-
ed with American air support be-
gan a related drive into Cambodia,
which is believed to be aimed at
cutting off the Ho Chi Minh trail
from the south.
The U.S. troops remaining on the
Vietnamese side of the border

E a-a vv JlL..


Marijuana ordinance
passes first reading

area to City Hall where a brief
rally is planned. Planners of
the march hope to secure .a
parade permit from city offi-
cials for a route west along
Liberty Ave. to Main St., then
turning n o r t h toward City
Despite the overwhelming opin-
ion that the march be non-violent,
the group defeated a motion that
would have designated "marshalls"
among the marchers to guard
against violence. Instead, it was
decided that the marchers would
"police themselves."
Among other forms of protest
that were brought up and later dis-
missed were having "symbolic"
signings of the Peace Treaty at
the ROTC facilities at North Hall
or in the Ann Arbor offices of Con-
gressman Marvin Esch (R-Ann
Arbor). Others advocated a silent
protest in which participants
would march wearing black arm-
bands, signifying the recent news
blackout on news from the Laotian
battle zone.
Most of the sometimes noisy de-
bate centered on whether there
should be "educational" activities
connected with the march and
whether a class strike should be
called in conjunction with t h e
march. Both proposals were de-
See ASK, Page 8

critical of
Laos move
By The Associated Press
Several members of the Senate
and House, numerous anti-war ac-
tivists, and a number of foreign
governments criticized the cur-
rent American-supported South
Vietnamese invasion of Laos, but x
initial reaction yesterday was gen-
erally muted compared with pro-
tests following the U.S. invasion
of Cambodia last spring.
On Capitol Hill, Senate Major-
ity Leader Mike Mansfield (D-
Mo.) said that if the effort to cut
Communist supply and infiltration
routes failed, "It would create a
situation which would be extreme-
ly serious, which could mean, de-
spite the President's intentions,
and they're of the best, there
would be a shift in that policy of
U.S. troop withdrawal."
At the United Nations, Secre-
tary-General U Thant issued'a
statement saying, "The reported
incursion . . . is one more deplor-
able episode in the long history
of the barbarous war in Indo-
Immediate reaction by the

Death sat
*Belfast riot
BELFAST, Northern Ireland (P)
-Street moles, enraged at the death
of a five-year-old girl run over by:
a British scout car, set fire to ve-
hicles and attacked British soldiers
4 in Belfast yesterday.
One soldier was wounded severe-
ly by rifle fire and another suf-
fered cuts from a home-made nail
bomb when two army vehicles were
ambushed in a Roman Catholic
Four children were wounded by
a spray of submachine gun bullets'
in a nearby district as violence
ripped Northern Ireland for the
seventh straight night.
British forces prepared for what
they forsee as a prolonged and
bloody battle with guerrilla gunmen'
determined to end the partition of
Ireland and bring largely Protest-
ant N. Ireland under control of the
Roman Catholic republic to the

Olson attempted to arrest him came under attacK. te U . 5. cU-
d u r i n g the disturbanceAimand reported, with two Ameri-
# cans killed and 15 wounded. Mili-
front of the West Engineering tary sources said the deaths came
Bldg. on Feb. 18. in ,an ambush northeast of Khe
The lock-in was the fourth in a Sanh, where the base of the new
series action by Students for a offensive is located. The battle toll
Democratic Society (SDS) pro- for the Communist forces were un-
testing the presence of various re- known yesterday.
cruiters on campus. 13 people in- Besides the five helicopters shotI
cluding Parsons were arrested dur- down inside Laos, two others:
ing the incident. crashed due to mechanical failure.
See PARSONS, Page 8 See 13, Page 8

By CHRIS PARKS The law would be in addition to
By a vote of 6 to 5 last night, the existing state law which im-
Ann Arbor City Council passed on poses a felony for possession of
first reading the city's controver- marijuana; the city could choose
sial marijuana law. to prosecute under either statute
For the ordinance to go into The voting went largely as ex-
effect under Ann Arbor law, it pected with councilmen H. C
must pass two successive readings. Curry (D-1st ward), James Ste-
The deciding second reading was phenson (R-4th ward), Roy Web-
scheduled for Council's March 8 er (R-4th ward), Joe Edwards (R-
meeting. 3rd ward) and Lloyd Fairbanks
If passed, the law will make it (R-5th ward) voting against the
a misdemeanor under city law to o r d i n a n c e. Councilmen Henry
possess marijuana in Ann Arbor. Stadler (D-5th ward), Robert


Weaver (D-2nd ward), Nicholas,
Kazarinoff (D-3rd ward), Robert
Faber (D-2nd ward) and Jack
Kirscht (D-lst ward) voted in
Mayor Robert Harris cast the
deciding vote in favor of the or-1
dinance, giving it a 6 to 5 majority.;
The future of the ordinance ati
the second reading remains in,
doubt, however. Weaver stated last
night that his support of the or-
dinance on first reading didn't
necessarily g u a r a nt e esupport
when it cane up for second read-
Weaver indicated his vote on
second reading depended largely
on a forthcoming report from City
Administrator Guy Larcom and
Police Chief Walter Krasny on the
matter of enforcement of the law.
Those opposing the ordinance
were led by Stephenson. He argued
the ordinance would "mean noth-
ing" because the option to prose-
cute under felony or misdemeanor
was already open to judges under
state law which contains a mis-
demeanor penalty for use of the
Stephenson said judges often

Conference, plans peace drive

While participants in t h i s
weekend's peace conference
united in calling for nationwide
demonstrations to protest t h e
Laos invasion, discussion at
Sunday's meetings indicated a
variety of views on political ob-
jectives related to ending t h e

a statement calling for people
to organize around the treaty
in fighting racism, sexism and
A spokesman for the group
urged the audience to support
"political prisoners of war"
naming Angela Davis, Bobby
Seale and Ericka Huggins, and
to recognize the right to self-
determination and self-defense


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