Eli f~dtgnDaily Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Super-spy strives for Order under Law Maynord St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michioan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, JANUARY 8, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ rU' plan to end sex bias: Rhetorie or commitment? IT IS QUESTIONABLE whether the com- mitments offered by the University to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare for ending descrimination against women in hiring practices will be achieved on more than a theoretical level. After three months of dispute with HEW, the University agreed last week to follow a list of proposals designed to rec- tify sex bias in employment. The Univer- sity yesterday named a commission of ten women and two men to work with Vice President Fedele Fauri to supervise the implementation of the proposals. However, there are several vague pro- visions within the University's "affirma- tive action plan" which could greatly limit the impact of its enactment. These aspects must be further clarified by the University before it can begin to achieve equity in hiring methods; The University commits itself, for ex- ample, to "achieving salary equity for males and females in the same job classi- fication." This proposal neglects to deal with a more fundamental problem - the problem of women consistently being hired for positions beneath their training and abilities. FURTHERMORE, this provision will not effect the secretaries employed by the University since there is no substantial group of male secretaries with whom to compare salaries. For the provision to ,be meaningful, then, there must be a mech- anism to insure that women and men are hired on a' completely equal basis. Another problem with the University plan concerns the provision to compen- sate women who "have lost wages due to discrimination by the University because of their sex." The provision extends 'to the date of ascertained discrimination, but not prior to October 1968, when the Executive Order forbidding sex discrim- ination in hiring was enacted. However, it is difficult to ascertain the date from which a woman is discrim- inated against until "discrimination"' is adequately defined. For example, is a woman hired into a lower position than she is qualified for or a student wife hired as a "temporary employe" discrim- inated against? 'HE UNIVERSITY must establish un- complicated procedures for women who wish to present complaints against the University. Women at the University have so far been hesitant to appear before HEW investigators for fear of losing their jobs. Some leaders of the groups which spearheaded the investigation maintained anonymity for this reason. Dozens of replies to a questionnaire sent out by a women's group to University women em- ployes have been returned unsigned, presumably as a result of this fear. The University must make the griev- ance mechanism an easy one, with strong assurances to the women that there will be no penalty for presenting a complaint. THE UNIVERSITY plan further states that qualified women in clerical or non- academic positions seeking promotion will be given priority consideration over men for higher positions. While this in theory is admirable, it ignores women in academic positions. Will women profes- sors continue to occupy positions as lec- turers and assistant professors while their male counterparts move up more quickly to full professorships? Throughout the dispute with HEW, the University until now has displayed a belligerent attitude toward compliance with HEW requests. For two months, Sci- ence magazine has reported, the Univer- sity tried to enlist the support of other universities in an effort to resist the HEW demands. Their first plan, which was re- j ected by HEW, glossed over the issues without promising specific programs or results. Throughout the controversy, too, women at the University were kept in ig- norance of the situation until its settle- ment. In light of its past foot-dragging, the University must now prove its sincer- ity in ending job discrimination. THE COMMISSION which was appointed to implement the proposals will report to Vice President Fedele Fauri and hope- fully, its recommendations will be carried out without being weakened by bureau- cratic manipulation. The dispute over the affirmative ac- tion plan has served to sensitize the Uni- versity community to the problems of discrimination in hiring. And like open housing ordinances, the plan looks good on paper. But whether the plan succeeds in actually affecting employment prac- tices and in becoming more than a list of paper platitudes depends upon both the sincerity of the commission and upon continued support and pressure from wo- men employes at the University. Affirma- tion alone is not enough; the commitment must be followed through with action. -SARA FITZGERALD -LYNN WEINER . LAST SEMESTER I began hear- ing rumors about a huge sur- veillance network operating n e a r Ann Arbor. The rumors didn't specify who was doing the sur- veilling, so keeping in mind re- cent disclosures about Army and FBI spying, I set out to find out. I contacted the police, sheriff, Army, Navy, Air Force, FBI, CIA, and IRS, but all to no avail. It was therefore a pleasant sur- prise, when, shortly before Christ- mas, I received a telephone c a 11 and the muffled voice on the other end of the line told me to be at the corner of Williams and State at 10 'p.m. the next evening if I wanted to learn about the sur- veillance operation. At the appointed time a n d place a black Volkswagon arrived to transport me to "headquarters"' as the driver called it. I was blind- folded both going and returning and we drove around for t h r e e hours each time, so I cannot say where this headquarters is locat- ed. WHEN MY BLINDFOLD was re- moved, I was facing an ordinary- looking man who appeared to be about 60 years old. "Hello Mr. Chaney," he s a i d curtly. "My friends and neighbors know me as a meek, mild-manner- ed, retired Army Colonel. But be- hind that facade lurks the soul of a man dedicated to the preserva- tion of Truth, Justice, and t hi e American Way. A relentless guard- ian of the public's right to Order under Law, I am known to all at Headquarters as The Major." "That's very nice," I said. "I understand that you think Headquarters is the nerve center for a surveillance operation that includes Ann Arbor," continued The Major. "Well, you're abso- lutely correct. We believe that the best way to protect the p u b i c against possible outbreaks of law- lessness is to be fully informed of current developments and to be on top of the situation at all times. This necessitates surveillance methods." "I see." I said. "But just who is 'we?' That is, are you part of the Army, the FBI or the Wash- tenaw County Sheriff?" "We include elements of all three," The Major replied. "But I can't give you any more informa- tion than that - security reasons, you know." WE WE WALKED into a large, brightly lit room, the walls of which were lined with computers and other assorted equipment of the same nature. "This is the heart of Headquart- ers," beamed The Major proud- ly. "We have five IBM 360/67 computers and additional memory banks. All the names we collect are stored here on magnetic tape, and can be retrieved at the push of a button." "I see," I said. "How m a n y names do you have?" "Hundreds of thousands," re- plied The Major, "all cross-re- ferenced by name, place of birth, height, skin color and brand of toothpaste used." "Very impressive," I said. "Where do you get the names from?" "Well, we have many ways," said The Major. "There's a store in Ann Arbor that sells the so-called toothbrush could have been sabo- taged." The Major said matter-of- tactly. "That's all a lot of work for a toothbrush," I said, rather sur- prised. "IT'S TIllS TYPE of meticulous attention to detail that will en- able us to turn the tide against the forces of lawlessness." replied The Major. "I se.," I said. "But tell me, do you deal much with organized crime?" "Do you mean thlieMafia?"asked The Major softly. "Yes." I said. "We don't mess with them at all." he answered. "Don't you real- ize that if we start fooling around with them, they could put us out of business like that?" and he snapped his fingers to emphasize the point. "I see," I said. Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to M a r y Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters sub- mitted. 4 "underground" newspapers. We "Major! Major! Your toothbrush have a hidden camera that takes is on fire!" a picture of everyone who stops The Major mumbled a curse and in front of the newspaper rack. ran out, shouting back at me, Our men then trace the people in "Stay where you are or you'll be the pictures, learn their back- shot!!" ground, and enter this information After about 15 minutes The Ma- into the computer. That's just one jor returned. "It's all right now," way." he said. "I had my toothbrush hanging over a candle to dry, but fire. It's completely ruined, but we stopped the fire before it spread to the tile walls." "Quite heroic of you people," I observed. "I've got seven men going over the whole bathroom and the toothbrush to check for finger- prints. We'll feed all the informa- tion into our computer and see if there's any possibility that the "WHAT ARE some of the other ways?" I asked. "We also collect the names and investigate the backgrounds of every person who is arrested for any felony or misdemeanor, and every person who is arrested for a traffic violation or given a park- ing ticket." said The Major. "But why keep names of people who get parking tickets?" I wanted to know. "That's quite simple to explain and involves one of our proudest discoveries," said The Major proudly. "A survey showed that of people arrested in left-wing build- ing takeovers in 1969, 93 per cent had previously received parking tickets. There's a definite correla- tion there." "Do you have any other methods of collecting names?" I inquired. "We have one other main way," explained The Major. "We have undercover agents who infiltrate radical groups and take pictures of the people they meet. Other agents then trace down the people in the pictures, just like we do with people who stop at the under- ground newspaper rack." "All this must take a lot of money," I observed. "You better believe it," rejoin- ed The Major heartily. "But we believe the taxpayers in t h i s great country want the best pro- tection possible against the forces of lawlessness and anarchy." AT THIS moment a man dress- ed in a brown uniform rushed into the computer room shouting, The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any- one who wishes to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1.000 words. it fell into the candle and caught &. ~; .rI 1c ( 4 7 I 193,The RR' and TnbW'C syndicae . A r ? y ai gi _,!, . L5%W.A,.S'1 "I don't know about food, but bomb deliveries only take 30 minutes!" The decine of innocence, the death of an age By RICK PERLOFF OURS WAS AN AGE of innocence, a play- ful bask in the froth of our affluence., a look to the quixotic: to peace, equalil y. hap- piness; a vision, an ideal, a hope, a dream of a decent, compassionate America. It lasted a decade, but now it is over. We are no longer children; we h a v e neither flowers nor a crusade. We've tarnished a bit; frustrated and cynical. We grow old, we grew old and our era of romantics is closed. We'll protest less and when we do, it will be at a lower pitch. Campuses will be quiet- er; students will no longer identify as a movement, with the idealism that all could be solved in a joyous crusade to change America. We have more patience now. Idealistic, but we watch the clock. We won't be alive forever, the time we have to help is finite before our eyes. It is winter, the second of the '7Os. Innocence has 1 e f t the student movement; it will not return. ONCE IT WAS bright, full of spirit - the pilgrimage South of the early '60s - hopes were clean a n d goals could be achieved. With organization and dedication. they could open schools, restaurants. neighborhoods; blacks would be registered to vote: w i t h work and a little hope. it could be done. It would be done too - came the bursting open of youth with the Beatles and rock to surfing: and in Berkeley began the picket- ing, leafletting. then demonstrating, occupy- ing for student rights, to stop the war, to hit back at the bureaucracy - activity al- lence was a shimmer of change, a new hope after the failures of softer tactics. It all was. We are no longer what we once were. NOW FRUSTRATED with politics, cyni- cal, run out of movement, tactics, strategies. Electoral politics, a bright hope with Mc- Carthy is dismal, changes little. Mass pro- tes s have proved unsuccessful and after five years, we tire. Finally violence - we see its horrid potential to backfire; Weath- ermen killed in New York with their own arms. Kent and Jackson State and Wiscon- sin staring behind us - frightful examples. What then is left? You expect to s e e significant changes within a decade, I i k e ending a war and changing national priorities since you were brought up with computers that give an- swers within seconds, and technology that produces new foods and drugs within years. When you don't, there is frustration, the situation in May when North Hall was taken over. There were so many issues floating around that building then - Gay Lib, Wo- men's Lib, low-cost housing, ROTC, imper- ialistic recruiting. One didn't know where to start. So one didn't start at all. North Hall was left quietly one Friday evening with some property wrecked, but no closer to the goals 1 a spectacle of helpless stu- dents, something from Kafka. WHERE DO YOU start, to change a sys- tem, an entire system, of dirt farmers in Nebraska and secretaries in HEW, all be- hind the government and business. T h i s frustration charred our innocence. We know now that building a movement is no simple crusade of romantics, but hard work, difficult work, perspiring and sweaty work - involving dirty consequences like deaths, and it isn't going to be solved as we innocently thought, in mere years. People used to speak only half in jest - they do no longer - of days "after the revolution" as if the revolution were a fixed point in time that we all would witness. No, it isn't a matter of simply ending a war or registering blacks to vote, we know now there is more to the System than that. It isn't a matter of gathering as many of our generation as we could, for electoral pol- itics and mass protests aren't about to free the millions of Americans from the habits of the past. We've grown, lost that glorious naivete, of changing their minds by.shouts or flowers or arguing rationally or protesting irrationally. No, we doth protest too much. We know that now. So it will not be a revolution, but an evo- lution, yet it took a while to realize that. WHEN A GIRL ran after one of the sol- diers marching in Ann Arbor's Veterans Day Parade last term and began talking with him, perhaps handing him a flower, what could one do but smile on the old spirit, of the Haight and those funky-dressed, spooky- smelling hippies on a crusade to be good and gentle. One could smile, then look to the Haight now, infested with junkies and heroin and the freaks sick on the drugs, then at the tragedy at Altamont and the communes with so many selfish grabbers and bored peo- ple, One could recall the feeling that we could change it all, if we acted as a group and now one sees the group spirit deteriorating. Not- ing the self-righteous indignation of so many radicals, no better than anyone else, the rampant conformity, the chauvinism, the laziness. What can one feel but that this generation is, after all, human, that it is not a group so good and different from its parents, but a group, with weaknesses too. but perhaps a little better because so many 4 Movement. As they better the group, they better themselves. But this is not the same for ecology, low- cost housing, opposition to university war research. So after a time they lost their spirit. A RETURN to individual pursuits. The freshmen this year, at places like Columbia. Yale. Reed, M.I.T. and here are concerned with self-knowledge more than work f o r change. Thev ae much 1lss radical t h a n last what they can do as individuals to improve the country a little. But all this is much different from the past. and is evident in the widespread pop- ularity of Charles Reich's book, "The Greening of America." Reich maintains that the way to bring about change is not through political organizing, simply by liv- ing and doing the credo of the new culture, by spreading the life-style of community, honesty and spontaneity. "Last year." says Frank Rich, the chair- man of the Harvard Crimson in Time, (stu-