By a close vote, the membership of
Local 1583 of the American Federa-
tion of State, County, and Municipal
Employes (AFSCME) yesterday rati-
fied its new contract with the Univer-
The vote, 555 for ratification and 504
against, approved a three-year con-
tract providing a cost-of-living adjust-
ment and an approximately 26 per
cent average wage increase over the
life of the contract.
Union president Charles McCracken
said the tally was close because
"many people did not understand the
wage proposal."
However, it appeared that many
employes voted against the contract
because of dissatisfaction with the
new wage schedule.
One member commented, "I re-
ceived bigger wage increases bfore
I was a member of the union."
Joe King, a union official, ex-
plained to one employe, "I know it
isn't everything but its the most we
could get out of the University at this
McCracken told the membership be-
fore their two-day strike last month
that the union would propose a $2.80
average increase over three years of
a $2 increase for a two-year contract.
Workers in pay grade one, the
lowest pay rate, will receive $2.60 an
hour retroactive to Jan. 3 for this
year, $2.70 the following year, and
$2.85 for the third year. Currently,
workers at this level make between
$2.20 and $2.40 an hour.
Wage increases of the remaining 11
pay grades range from 65 cents to
$1.05 for the three year period,
First year increases vary from a 13
per cent increase for pay grade one
to a five per cent increase for the
highest pay rate.
Earlier in negotiations, President
Robben Fleming said the University
could only afford to give the workers
an eight per cent increase in wages.
According to McCracken, nearly
half the union members will be re-
classified into higher pay grades under
the new contract.
The new agreement also includes
the first cost-of-living adjustment for
the union.
The cost-of-living factor will be
added at the beginning of the third
year of the contract. The factor will
be figured as an additional one cent
for every one-half percent increase in
the cost-of-living index between the
third quarters of 1971 and 1972.
There will be a ten cent per hour
ceiling on this provision, however.
Under the new contract, the longev-
ity, retirement and life insurance
plans of the union remain unchanged.
The union also withdrew its child
care center demand.
The union will, however, begin to re-
ceive the same Blue Cross-Blue Shield
health insurance that other Univer-
sity employes receive, with the Uni-
versity contributing $26 of the cover-
age and picking up any insurance rate
increases, but not more than 75 per
cent of the total cost.
In addition, over the three years
of the contract, the three different pay
rates within each pay grade will be
compressed into one pay rate for each
wage level.
The new contract will be officially
signed by the two negotiating teams
at 2 p.m. on Monday.
Members of the union were not al-
lowed to attend both ratification
See AFSCME, Page 8
McCracken speaks with workers
fbee editorial page
Si4r i~gan
Partly cloudy,
light, variable winds
Vol. LXXXI, No. 109 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 7, 1971 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Rioting in
N. Ireland
BELFAST, Northern Ireland (oP) - Brit-
ish troops And snipers shqt it out last night
in the deserted streets of Belfast. Prime
Minister James Chichester-Clark declared
his government at war with Irish Republican
extremists seeking to unite the two Irelands.
Rioting struck several sections of the
Ulster capital last night, but the streets
cleared when snipers and army troops began
f exchanging rifle and automatic weapons
The army reported two civilians struck by
bullets and police said a 14 year-old boy had
his hand blown off when he tried to throw
a homemade bomb at soldiers.
Rioting also broke out last night in
A Londonderry, Northern Ireland's second city,
but an army spokesman reported it under
It was the fifth night of conflict in the
Northern Ireland capitol where four peo-
ple were killed Friday.
The British Defense Ministry announced in
London that it was dispatching 600 more
troops to reinforce the 7,000 British troops
already in the British province of Ulster.
Many troops have become exhausted by four
nights of fighting in Belfast, where four per-
sons were killed Friday night.
Chichester Clark read a statement from the
steps of Stormont Castle, the seat of govern-
ment in Belfast, vowing his government would
"never surrender to tiny groups of Irish Re-
He told newsmen later the events of the
past nights were "plainly a war with the Pro-
visionals in Belfast."
The Provisionals are an extremist splinter
force of the outlawed Irish Republican Army.
They are pledged to reunite Protestant domi-
nated Northern Ireland with the Roman
Catholic republic to the south at all costs.
Officials said the army now was concerned
with putting down an armed insurrection, with
the soldiers to open fire if rioters use gasoline
bombs or guns.
"We intend to shoot it out," a senior gov-
ernment minister said.
In Dublin, the Irish Republic's prime minis-
ter, Jack Lynch, blamed the Northern Irish
government and the British army for the
deterioration of the situation in Belfast.
Lynch said "political mistakes and tactical
errors" were mainly responsible for the new
wave of violence.
He said that the decision to permit the for-
mation of rifle clubs of ex-B Specials-the
paramilitary police reserves-was an exam-
ple of what he called "insensivity" in dealing
with the Roman Catholic minority and the
failure to impartially conduct arms searches
in Northern Ireland.
"I learned with dismay and regret of the
tragic events in Belfast on Friday night,"
Lynch said. "I condemn unreservedly those
responsible for recourse to violence."
Viets shell U.S. forces
-Daily-Terry McCarthy
Peace conference participants hold discussion
Apoiio en route to earth
after 3 -our lunar visit
in May debated
Passage of a proposal calling for some type
of demonstration in Washington, D.C., this
May appears likely today as the national
Student and Youth Conference on a People's
Peace moves into its third and final day.
Conference organizers estimated that 1,800
people have registered for the conference,
which yesterday held a series of caucuses
with people from various regions and con-
The People's Peace Treaty was negotiated
by representatives from the National Student
Association (NSA) who met with representa-
tives of the North Vietnamese government,
and numerous other groups from all of Viet-
nam. The treaty calls for immediate Ameri-
can withdrawal from Vietnam.
The national conference was called to dis-
cuss the treaty and means of implementing it.
A demonstration proposed for last night by
members of the Boston contingent to protest
the Laotian invasion and the Detroit conspir-
acy trial of three White Panthers accused of
plotting to blow up the CIA office in Ann
Arbor failed to materialize.
The demonstration, scheduled to be a mass
march from the Michigan Union to the Wash-
tenaw County Jail, was opposed by numerous
caucuses that met throughout the day.
Opponents of the demonstration were afraid
that the march might result in violence that
would be detrimental to the peace treaty and
would bring, they said, police repression on
the Ann Arbor student community.
A special dispatch from Madame Nguyen
Thi Binh, head of the Provisional Revolution-
ary Government of South Vietnam's delega-
tion to the Paris peace talks, was sent to the
peace conference late last night.
The message, relayed by a member of the
Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars in
Montreal, read "Alert you Laos invasions by
tens of thousands U.S.-Saigon-Thai troops.
Action intense U.S. Air Force. Earnestly call
you mobilize peace forces your country.
Check U.S. dangerous military ventures
The major item of discussion today will be
a proposed national demonstration in Wash-
ington during the first days of May. A cau-
See MEETING, Page 8
-Daily-Terry McCarthy
Delegates to peace conference crowd Union at lunchtime
NVietnamese art'1lery
hi~ts forces near Lao~s
SPACE CENTER, Houston (fP) - The men
of Apollo 14 rocketed away from the moon
last night and streaked homeward with 108
pounds of precious rock, some of it from
a lunar hill the moon walkers tried and
failed to conquer.
Astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., Edgar D.
Mitchell and Stuart A. Roosa, tired from
their adventure, fired the engine of their
command ship, Kitty Hawk, to start a two
and one-half day trip toward earth and a
splashdown Tuesday in the South Pacific.
"Okay, we got a good burn," Shepard re-
ported after the spacecraft reappeared from
the back of the moonufollowing the rocket
firing. "We are on our way home!"
Hours earlier, Shepard and Mitchell had
thundered off the moon after 33 hours on
its surface, setting up a science station and
collecting rock samples in which scientists
may find clues to the moon's origin.
Although they could not climb to the top
of 400-foot-high Cone Crater, they accomp-
lished their other tasks so well scientists
called the mission the most successful of
man's three moon trips.
Kitty Hawk and the lunar lander Antares
docked smoothly on the first try - a relief
to all because it had taken six attempts to
dock the craft after launch last Sunday.
Antares, named for a star, was abandoned
in lunar orbit and then performed its last
duty for science - self-destruction against
the moon's surface. The crash, not far from
the Apollo 14 landing site, was detected by
seisometers and radioed to scientists on
"And we say Sayonara (goodbye) to An-
tares," Roosa commented as he moved the
command ship away.
Earlier, Antares had soared straight up
and streaked at 4,116 miles an hour into an
nrhi f 1 A b 8 ml
ever, scientists held out hope that the rocks
picked up during the climb may have been
just as fruitful as those they hoped to find
on the rim.
Shepard and Mitchell collected 108 pounds
of rocks compared to the 122.5 pounds total
collected by the Apollo 11 and 12 missions.
The astronauts photographed an area be-
fore scooping up a rock and then photo-
graphed it again. This will allow geologists
to better understand where each rock came
from and how it related to surrounding
Geologists also were pleased with the ap-
parent variety of samples collected and the
graphic description of the lunar geology the
astronauts radioed to earth.
The nuclear powered science station de-
ployed Friday continued to radio data to
earth recording moonquakes and measuring
the minute lunar atmosphere.
SAIGON (W) - -North Vietnamese artillery
opened up for the first time yesterday against
the South Vietnamese and U.S. drive towards
Laos, inflicting the first U.S. combat death
in the week-old offensive.
The action in the northwest corner of South
Vietnam is part of a two-pronged action
against Communist sanctuaries in Laos and
About 20,000 South Vietnamese troops are
involved in each part of the drive, with an
additional 9,000 American troops in South
Vietnam near the Laotian border and several
thousand American troops supporting the
action in Cambodia.
Center holds non-credit classes
Official spokesmen in Saigon continued to
deny repeated Communist charges that South
Vietnamese troops have crossed into southern
The latest claim came from Col. Soth Phe-
thrasy, head of the pro-Communist mission
in Vientiane, capital of Laos.
He told Japanese newsmen Saturday the
SouthVietnamese had invaded and had
reached Sepone, also known as Tchepone, 20
miles inside the country, Kyodo news service
Furthermore, he said, the South Vietna-
iese with U.S. support were moving toward
Muong Phine, 15 miles southwest of Sepong.
The French newspaper Le Monde quoted
French sources in Saigon as saying three
battalions of South Vietnamese rangers had
moved into Laos and were operating between
the border and Sepone.
Newsmen indthe field have found evidence
that only small numbers of South Vietnamese
had entered Laos by helicopters.
Fog and low clouds continued to hamper
air and ground action in the North yesterday.
Units of the U.S. Americal Division, oper-
ating along Route 9 near Laos, found a Com-
munist cache of 135 mortar rounds. It was
one of only about half a dozen small muni-
tions caches turned up so far.
Although advance intelligence had reported
large numbers of North Vietnamese deploy-
ed in the area, it appeared that they have
faded back north across the demilitarized
zone or slipped westward into Laos.
Western sources in Vientiane, Laos, said
that President Nixon would make the final
"Search for the Obscene: Porn-
ography, Privacy and the Law"
and "Love and Identity: Current
Life Styles" are among a number
of courses open to University stu-
dents beginning tomorrow at the
University Center for Adult Edu-
Last term, over 700 persons rep-
resenting all segments of the Ann
Arbor community were enrolled at
the center, located in the Univer-
sity Extension Services Building,
412 Maynard St.
The Ann Arbor center is one
hnrnho to ltrifaen nr-
rollment fees of $15 to $25, en-
compass a variety of disciplines
and are taught by University fac-
ulty and other specialists.
Questions of public morality,
community standards a n d com-
mercial exploitation in relation to
constitutional freedoms will be
discussed in "Search for the Ob-
scene," taught by journalism Prof.
John Stevens.
New concepts in life styles, so-
cial planning, and the ecology will
be analyzed in philosophy Prof.
Terence Tice's "Love and Iden-
tity" course.
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