GLF AND CIVIL LIBERTIES See editorial page Y SirP A6F 4:3att]Y HIBERNATE High--5 ow-l5 Windy, cloudy, occasional snow flurries Vol. LXXXI, No. 108 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 6, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages People' Peace conference Participants ask march to jail following rally at U nion tonight The national Student and Youth Conference on a People's Peace began last night as 1,600 people attended the first plenary session at Hill Aud. A mass march to support a proposed people's peace treaty and to protest the Laotian invasion has been announced for tonight at 7:30 p.m. The march, proposed by members of the conference, will run from the Michigan Union to the Washtenaw County Jail. The audience heard speakers plead for unity within the anti-war movement and urge that the peace treaty be used as the nucleus for a national campaign to end the Indochinak war. opens s. Vietnam troops mount daily forays 1 Following the march w U.S. files app'eal inc SCIA ease WASHINGTON (/P) - The gov ernment, in a brief filed yester- day, asked the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals to order a district cour judge in Detroit to abandon hi ruling that wiretapping of do mestic groups without a warrant i unconstitutional. Government attorneys had an- nounced last week that they would appeal Judge Damon Keith's or- der. Unless the order is vacated by next Tuesday, the government claims it will be faced with drop ping bombing charges agains White Panther Lawrence "Pun' Plamondon, or jeopardizing the national security by giving him logs of a wiretap on his phone. The Justice Department seeks ruling ordering Keith to vacat one of two recent court decisions limiting the government's wiretap- ping powers. The brief does not ask a re- view of the judge's order; rather the writ sought would require Keith to reverse himself. The ruling came on a motion by lawyers for Plamondon who is or trial for bombing the office of the Central Intelligence Agency i Ann Arbor. Keith ruled electronic eavesdrop- ping on Plamondon by the gov- ernment was unconstitutional and ordered that logs of the surveil- lance be turned over to his at- torney. He gave the government unti Tuesday to comply with the order "The effect of Keith's order commanding disclosure limits the government to only two courses N of action, either of which would result in grave and irreparabl harm to legitimate government in- terests" the Justice Department said in a brief signed by Robert C Mardian, assistant attorney gen- eral in charge of internal secur- ity. "First . .. disclosure of the in- formation contained in the sealed exhibit in compliance with Keith's order would prejudice the na tional security," he said. "The only other course of ac- tion available to the government s to refuse to comply with Keith's order in order to protect the national security. This would, of course, rescult in a dismissal of an indictment charging the de-. fendant Plumondon with the bombing." Keith's order said the gov. ernment tends to view alike "a dis- sident domestic organization" and 'an unfriendly foreign power." The government contends the at- torney general has constitutional authority to wiretap domestic groups whose activities may af- feet the national security. will be a multi-media cultural event at the Union. One of last night's speakers said the combination of the march and the cultural event typifies a life style learned from the Vietnamese. The People's Peace Treaty was negotiated by a delegation from NSA who .has been to North Viet- nam and met with representatives of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of - South Vietnam (PRG), the North - Vietnamese government, and nu- t merous antiwar groups from all of t Vietnam. s The nine point treaty calls for - immediate American withdrawal s from Vietnam, the initiation of dis- cussions to secure the release of all - American prisoners, and the for- d mation of a provisional coalition government to organize democra- tic elections. y The plenary session in Hill Aud. Lt last night began with statements written by Black Panther Chair- t man Bobby Seale and his co-defen- dant in a New Haven murder trial, n ErickaHuggins, read by Chicago n "Conspiracy" defendant J o h n Froines. a Huggins and Seale called upon e the members of the conference to s make their trial a focal point for - the movement to free political pri- soners. - Huggins wrote of the need for massive demonstrations and politi- .cal education reaching- all seg- ments of American society instead of effort based on "heroes and y rhetoric." n Allyne Rosenthal, a member of f the conference coordinating com- n mittee, spoke of the need for the conference to escalate the anti-war - movement. - She called attention to what she d termed President Nixon's refusal - to seek a peaceful settlement by staging the recent invasions of Laos and Cambodia. i Rosenthal said that conference . participants had "no alternative but to struggle with all our might to build a peace," using the treaty s to reach every American. She emphasized that ratification e of the treaty could not be separ ated from its implementation. t |Also read was a statement by Nguyen Thi Binh, leader of the PRG delegation to the Paris peace See PEOPLE'S, Page 8 1 overI From Wire Service Reports S o u t h Vietnamese recon- naissance u n i t s are making daily forays into southern Laos along the Ho Chi Minh trail, it was confirmed yesterday, but the Associated Press re- ported f i n d i n g no evidence that Saigon troops have cross- ed the Laotian border in siz- able numbers. In Saigon, the U.S. command reported no major ground action yesterday in the drive which in- volves 29,000 South Vietnamese y and American troops. Inclement weather slowed the massive allied operation in the northwestern cor- ner of South Vietnam. The U.S. command also report- ed a B52 bomber raid into Cam- bodia. first since Jan. 18. The raid was apparently in sup- port of the offensive in Cambodia where 20,000 more South Viet- namese. provided with American air support, are involved in the other phase of the two front sweep. No new action has been reported there since Saigon forces engaged Communist forces Thurs- day, killing 69 soldiers and taking losses of seven killed and 28 wounded. Field reports indicated that the South Vietnamese were sending scouting parties by helicopter into Ls border -Daily-Denny Gainer DELEGATES (above) to the Student and Youth Conference on the People's Peace register in the Union Assembly Hall yesterday afternoon for the weekend meeting. Later, "Conspiracy 7" defend- ant John Froines (below) speaks to a plenary session of the conference in Hill Aud. last night. TWO U.S. SOLDIERS erect a war them to cross the border from S border is 200 meters beyond the sig Forces camp of Lang Vei. V VO TE SET FOR TODAY: Union reveals p contract wage d By HESTER PULLING Several major aspects of the wage package in the tentative con- tract agreement between Local 1583 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) were re- vealed yesterday by union Presi- dent Charles McCracken. However, a complete listing of wage details will not be released until this morning. The union membership will voteI today on whether to ratify the proposed three-year contract be- tween the union and University. According the McCracken, the average wage increase for workers in the first year of the proposed three-year contract is 22 cents an hour. However, he stressed that by the third year workers would receive a substantial wage increase rang- ing from 65 cents per hour for em- ployes in the lowest pay grade to $1.15 per hour for those in the top pay classification. The average wage increase over' the three year period will be 91 cents an hour - an approximate increase of 26 per cent. McCracken added that a cost of living clause has been retained in the proposed contract. The Daily ' incorrectly reported yesterday that the union's cost of living demand had been dropped.' southern Laos to reconnoiter. -- - I Associated Press correspondent CLASSES CLOSED: William Barton, returning from a trip to the Laotian frontier, said he saw about 20 troop-carrying " elicopters fly across the border 1i SCH OO artialhitino Laos Wednesday.Ctys ol bBarton said a front line opera- h ions center told him the choppers, b lack IS j a type that usually carries eight troops each, were transporting South Vietnamese soldiers. Such scouting forays could pres- The summary suspension of a age a South Vietnamese drive in sythe Junior High School as well as The union's negotiating team force into southern Laos. the cancelling of classes Thursday had previously told its membership Reportedly, however, President ning. it would aim for an average wage Nguyen Van Thieu of South Viet- "I feel the only thing I am guilt increase of $2.80 an hour over a nam has left the decision on mov- be creative and giving them the rig three-year period, or $2 an hour ing the remaining troops across explained Rebecca Vanderhorst, ou over two years. the boarder entirely up to Presi- coordinator of next week's proposed At that time, President Robben dent Nixon. Fleming said the union's total Nine thousand U.S. troops are package came to over a 40 per taking part in the big operation or unusual incidents reported. O- cent increase in wages. He claimed which has been named Dewey I have been branded the black the University could not afford Canyon II, but U.S. officials have militant and accused of being too ] more than an eight per cent raise. said repeatedly no American lenient with the black students in On Thursday, union officials re- ground troops will cross the organizing a Black History Weekg leased some non-wage aspects of border. program, Vanderhorst said during the tentative contract. Under the The U.S. Command announced the day of talks. s proposed settlement there would that American fighter bombers at- pay after an incident Wednesday be no changes made in the life tacked two antiaircraft missile at which about 60 black students nsurance, retirement, or longe- sites in North Vietnam Thursday. gathered in the corridors to dis-F vity plans of the old contract. It was the 10th "protective re- cuss a flyer printed by Vander- n These were areas of major con- action" strike on missiles sites in horst. The flyer claimed that Van- 1 tention when an impasse in nego- North Vietnam since the start of derhorst was being forced to resign s tiations was reached Jan. 18, the this year. U.S. officials said the her post as coordinator of Black it night the two-day strike by the strike was made to counter the History Week. union membership began. The un- threat of missiles being fired at The flyer also accused other t ion also rescinded its demand for U.S. bombers hitting the Ho Chi teachers of opposing the Black a a child care center. Minh trail in Laos west of the allied History Week concept and of re- n However, under the new con- push. moving signs advertising the pro- r tract the University would not be The focal point of such an oper- gram. p allowed to discharge any employe ation would be Route 9, which runs Vanderhorst charged the school's andthent discussfing the unith east west across the southern part administration with taking over r andt discussingrthcken o edthatpof Laos and the Ho Chi Minh trail. the program and organizing it i it. c~rcke alo sresed hatthemselves. This incident, she said, N' the University would now have to U.S. Army engineers opened "is a culmination of years of re- F give union members first priority Route 9 across the northern part pression of black students a n d s in job offerings. of South Vietnam as far as the Laos black teachers who have attempt- I "Previously it was left to the border earlier this week. ed to help them." p University who would get the job, A prime target of any South School officials had no comment f and they could always go outside Vietnamese push into Laos would on the charge last night. c of the union and hire somebody," be the town of Sepone, 3 miles Vanderhorst said that she re- McCracken said. "That w a ythey west of the South Vietnamese bor- ceived little cooperation from other didn't have to promote people." der. See CITY, Page 8 a -Associated Press rning sign to others forbidding South Vietnam into Laos. The gn, near the abandoned Special I suspends )ry teacher "militant" black teacher at For- confusion among students led to for a day of dialogue and plan- y of is allowing black students to ght to plan their own program," sted unified studies teacher and Black History Week program, med yesterday, with no problems Free Press asks legal pot In an editorial today, the Detroit Free Press urged the legalization of marijuana, claiming that enforc- ing marijuana laws has "diverted ociety's spotlight from more ser- ous drug problems." The editorial calls the attempts o suppress marijuana a "failure," and cites a recent Gallup poll that showed that 42 per cent of the nation's college students have tried pot. "Moreover," it continues, "the most reputable medical testimony, icluding this week's report of the National Institute for Mental Health, is that marijuana does no hort-term damage to the body. ts possible long-term effects ap- ear to be substantially less harm- ul than those of tobacco or al- ohol." The Free Press also charges that its illegality invites both defi- ance and ignorance." Apollo 14 astronauts explore moon's surface, collect rocks 4 x i I 4' x i I , , ; ,3 . , . SPACE CENTER, Houston Apollo 14's moonwalkers, pr the secrets of an alien land plored the dusty surface o moon yesterday after a bull landing that was almost can because of a computer probl( Alan B. Shepard, Jr. becam fifth human to leave his impr the black lunar soil. He st4 from the lunar lander Antar 9:54 a.m. yesterday and was inside 4 hours 40 minutes lat Edgar D. Mitchell followed down the ladder and was of (P)- obing 1, ex- f the 's-eye l1r dI 9 E 1 4 hours and 20 minutes. During the peared puffy and smoke-like on excursion they set up an array of TV, the two explorers loped over scieptific instruments, collected the moon's surface, revealing the! rocks and raised a U.S. flag. effect of the low gravity of that! Both men settled down to eat stark and dead creation. e. and rest, anticipating another four, The astronauts breathing heav- em. to five hour geology field trip this ily at times and obviously working ie the morning. It was scheduled to start vigorously, set up complex instru- int in at 5:51 a.m. ments that will detect moonquakes,. epped Tfmeteorites, invisible rays from1 es at The third man of the expedition, space, the solar wind and the at- back Stuart A. Roosa, reported spotting spe the mwn em. Antares on the surface as he flew mosphere of the moon. i him a lonely orbit overhead, awaiting utside the return of the moon explorers onE this afternoon. 3' z a 2ND ANNIVERSARY Widespread rioting hits North Ireland BELFAST, Northern Ireland W) - The long-simmering con- flict between minority Catho- lics and Protestants broke into widespread violence early t h i s morning in Belfast, claiming three lives. Two Irish civilians and a Brit- ish soldier were killed, as dis- orders spread from Belfast to Londonderry for the first time Several soldiers were report- ed injured by the missles. Troop reinforcements immed- iately moved into the seething Ardoyne area and more snipers opened up on them from a fac- tory roof and a block of high- rise apartments. Five soldiers were wounded when snipers used a machine gun to keep an army foot patrol IA at hnv nn 4 a irhnrr "It's been a long way, but we're here," said Shepard as he placed his yellow booted foot down upon the moon's soil. Shepard had to fly Antares man- ually to the landing strip because, of a computer problem that de- veloped shortly before their de- scent. But he and Mitchell came down only a few feet off target on the slope of bowl shaped terrain. The men encountered other prob- lems along the way-a thunder- storm delayed launch at Cape Ken- nedy Sunday, a docking problem occurred when the command ship and the lunar module separated TU:I By GERI SPRUNG Two years ago this month, the Ann Arbor Tenants Union engineered a rent strike of some 2,000 students and community residents, receiving national publicity in its attempt to force down the price of off-campus housing in the city. Today, however, the TU has phased out striking and now deals primarily with individual tenant-landlord problems. The Union estimates that approximately 200 students are stills triking .1thongh the union From rent strikes .o service er TU member. At that time, she explains, the organization was primarily a political organ- ization with emphasis on the housing situation. TU was aiming for tenant control over housing, she adds. Steve Burghardt, former TU general co-or- dinator who left the union, suggested that the TU's new situation has less to do with the organization than with the community it deals with. "Students are constantly changing where they live and changing landlords," he says. t "TervfrP ei r views nn housine rchance as we HMEMe Wt w