Friday, February 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pace Five. P. -y Fi. ROOMMATES WANTED HELP WANTED TICKETS Daily Classif ieds FOR RENT IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, 2 spaces available at N. Campus Co-ops. 663-; 6206. 01C32 GRAD: WAN9TS ROOM May 71-May 72. Quiet surroundings, 1-869-3594. 98033 ROOM FOR RENT.Call between 59eand 7 p.m. 769-1256. 95028 AVAILABLE for immediate occupancy. Modern 4-man apartment. 2 bed- r rooms, balcony, parking, $260/mo. No lease, Prime location, S. University and Forest, 668-7517. 88037 WANTED FOR FALL: 3-man 2-bedroom apt. near campus; around $240/mo. Call Hannah at 761-6642, Robin at 761-9889, or Joanne at 764-9620. CD FOR RENT 1 -2-3 BEDROOM Furnished apartments for fal, includes modern furnishings, carpet- ing, drapes, air-cond., dishwasher, balcony, laundry and parking. CALL 662-9607 42C43 CAMPUS - FALL 3 and 4-man, 2-bedroom Furnished, air, balconies 911 S. Forest Call 668-6906 for appts. Ctc 1 MAN WANTED for 2-bdrm. apt. 665- CHEAP, Unfurnished Apt, with furn- '61 TEMPEST-fair condition, new tires, 0958. 82Y331 ished kitchen wanted for fall. Call needs some repairs. Call Vicky, 761- AT -e tsr -pr-- 769-0511 or 769-4711 HD 3957. 11N27 WANTED - 1 female to share apart- .- - --- --- ------- - ment for fall. Call Becky, 764-1669. THE INDIAN'S PAINTBRUSH has both 1963 VW, $300 or best offer. 761-5931, 15Y28 full and part-time salesgirl positions 05N28 - -_. aavilable immediately and will have -- OWN ROOM in 3-man apt. Hill and more through the spring and sum- FOR SALE Oakland, Feb.-April, $66.66. Call 769- mer. Apply at The Indian's Paint- - 3768. 14Y27 brush in the University Cellar begin- FOR SALE: Men's Lange Ski Boots. _-----__--------- - ning Monday, February 1. 57H27 size 81 medium. Never been skied in. NEED A CHANGE OF ENVIRONMENT? ,n.------ $100. Call after 6. 769-7459. 02B29 We need a 4th person in a modern.- 2-bedroom apartment. Fine location. BUSINESS SERVICES OLYMPIA deluxe manual portable type- IMMEDIATE occupancy. $65 month GAL WANTS UNSKILLED labor: lan- writer. Excellent condition. $50. Call? 66 -59 . 2Y 7 dry housekeeping, babysitting, etc., 761-8446. 94B28 _ ONE GIRL to sublet modern apt. Rea- need transportation. 971-4756. 90J42 HEATED WATERBEDS. CALL 662-065,1 sonable. 761-0337, evenings. 88Y29 -- noon-5 :30. 84B28 WILL BABYSIT weekday mornings 7:00- _ FOURTH ROOMMATE wanted. Two 11:30 a.m. Own transportation, 764-' 1000 GOLD STRIPE gummed return ad- bedroom moderl7 apt. South Forest- 5829 96J30 dress labels, $1.00. G. Fiala, No. 2128,. monthly lease. Call Sherry, 662-9348. --E A PAPERor dissertti.m_ 8800 S. Harlem, Oaklawn, Ill. 51B271 98Y29 NEED A PAPER o dissertation re- PERSONAL Mini Motor Home Custom-built 1971 Antelope Motor Home. 5000 miles. Hot and cold run- ning water with bath and shower. AM-FM stereo tape player. Indoor- outdoor carpet. 60 lb. bottled gas, Completely self-maintained, ideal for couple. Built on 1969 VW Bus. 23 mi./! gallon. Full factory warranties. Live in this with no house payments, rent, etc. Travel at your own leisure. Cruis- es 50-70 mph. Paid $6250, must sell $3995. Will take car, etc. in trade. Phone 449-2369 persistently. 10F39, CAMPUS-HOSPITAL FALL 4-man CHOICE APARTMENT FOR FALL Reserve Yours Now PRICE LIST AVAILABLE Rental Office 815 South State - Apt 9 FEMALE GRAD student wanted to share 1 bedroom furnished apart- ment. 769-2105. 72Y28, 2 GIRLS NEEDED for 2-bedroom, 4-manI apartment on campus. 608 Monroe. No. 7. 761-3861. 18Y23 THIRD GIRL NEEDED NOW - only $60/mo. Good location. Nice friendlyj roommates. Undergrad preferred. CallI Joan, 665-7651 after 5. 02Y23 FALL-NEEDED 2 roommates, furnish- ed, modern 4-man. $75/man. Ric, 1- 721-6398 23Y71 TRANSPORTATION written, edited? Professional editor, WATERBEDS $65, call 761-4361 or 769- consultant in technical writing, also 8163. 73B31 background in free-lance fiction writ- ing. 769-1924. Anytime. 68J32 GUITAR - Framis 12-string with case. - Excellent condition, $150. Call Dee, EXPRESS "YOUR THING" GRAPHI- 769-3879. 30B27 CALLY! We type leaflets, pamphlets, - and bulletins in a variety of type- WATER BEDS $65. Ann Arbor's lowest faces or hand lettering. Duplication price, highest quality. Buy or rent. arrangements made, free delivery. Quantity discounts.65-90. 769317 NEED FEMALE COMPANION for trip1 west - Mexico via Aspen. Share ex-. penses. 761-7349. 66F28 NEED A PAPER or dissertation re- written, edited? Professional editor, iconsultant in technical writing, also background in free-lance fiction writ- ing. 769-1924 anytime. 58F32 JEROME LOVES FRAN - A lot. 60F29 INTRO-ACT-Weekly groups--an emo- tional re-education using encounter, gestalt, and sensitivity techniques Call 663-7616. 80F PERSONAL A Non-profit ABORTION That is safe, legal, and inexpensive. Can be set up on an out-patient ba-; sis by calling (215) 722-5360. 7 days- 24 hours. For confidential informa. tion. WE ARE CONCERNED WITH YOUR PREGNANCY PROBLEM. A non-profit organization. 02F34 WOULD LIKE a ride west (Arizona) over spring break. Will share expenses, driving, company. Call Bob, 769-4289. Ftc REWARD-$75 for return of camera etc. taken from Nat. Sci. bldg. Thurs,, Jan. 21. Special sentimental value; important research material on film. No questions asked. Call Larry, 764- 1484. 81F28 BEGINNING MONDAY, February 1 the Flower Cart is located in the Uni-, versity Cellar. 56F27 ANOTHER FAMOUS Pappas Coney Is- land. Open 24 hours. Breakfast served, 510 E. Liberty. 98F25 WE E s S 4- 5. 4. 6. 7. 8. A Sc P r 7 769-2911. 44J30' APARTMENT CLEANING weekly or bi- weekly. 761-7427. 11J9 KEY-PUNCHING, evening and week- ends-Joyce, 769-2838. 08J85 EXPERIENCED TYPIST, IBM exec elec.). high quality, pickup and dc-I ....LAST WEEK TO QUALIFY 29B30 FOR SALE-Diamond Engagement Ring. FOR ACEK TUENT r EDUCATION at its best. Austin DiaF-:RA.C.U. STUDENT FURNISHED 4-BDRM. and study house. mond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. BOWLING TOURNAMENT! NA' May 1971-Aug. 1972. 665-8785. 17B30 Ft' SIGN UP NOW AT UNION LANES cle _-__-_ C76f 1968 OPAL sport coupe. Radio, snow MEN'S Contraceptives. Imported and F27 tires. Excellent condition. $1000. Call best American brands. Details free. 434-2454. 63B27 Samples and catalogue $1.00. POP- - - - - SERVE, Box 1205-QP4, Chapel Hill, WHEN YOU think of COSMETICS,.i Wan 2 MO. OLD Masterwork 4-track stereo N.C. 27514. pa think of us. Village Apothecary, '1112 ic PERSONAL Creative Photography DDINGS and portraits. Professional uality at student rates. Call Jim vans at 769-0053 for appointment to ee portfolio . F60 EUROPE $159.00 UMMER: 5.4-6 6 4 DetAms Det $159 5. 5-6 26 Det Ams Det $169 i 15-8 15 12 Det'Ams/Det $189 1. 626-8 26 8 Det, 4m- .K et $209 7 1-8/15 6 Detlans Det $209 8 1-9.1 4 Det/Ams/Det $219 lso, a Complete Range of Travel ervices: Rail Passes: Car Leases & urchases: Motorcycles; Intra-Eu- opean Charters & Many More. PLEASE PHONE OR STOP BY AT EITHER OF OUR TWO OFFICES: WORLD-WIDE CHARTER 211 South State Street or 611 Church Street Ann Arbor Michigan Dial: "ON-A-TRIP" 66-2-8747 pen only to U of M students, facul- y, staff, and immediate families. TAL HOROSCOPES CAST $3.00. Cir- e Books-215 S. State, 2nd floor. 9-1583. 52F28 NASSAU :t 8 hot days? Go to Nassau. Serv- ed by Students International. Sign i at UAC Travel, 2nd floor Union. 663-4101 337 E. Huron Campus Management, I nc. Ctc FOR RENT-2 bdrms., available bedroom house. $50/mo., no Call 769-0808. FEMALE ROOMMATE - own bec Beautiful apt. very close to cax Call 761-0714 after 5 Thurs. (A otherwise). Cheap. ONE GIRL - Opportunity to 1: international' community. Rene, lease expires April. Call Margf 665-7873. NEW FURNISHED APTS. availabl immediate occupancy for 1 or 2 sons. Dahlmann Apts. 761-7600. FOR RENT-2 bdrms. available' bedroom house. $50/mo., no leas 769-0808. 1 BDRM. in 3 bdrm. apt. for rent, negotiable. Call 769-5819. Next fall is not far away. The best campus apartme are renting right now. Give us a call. CHARTER REALTY, 665-8825 CAMPUS-LARGE-FAI 521 Walnut St. Modern, dishwasher, furnishe very large 2-bedrooms, 4-man Information 668-6906 appointmea KING'S INN apartments for fall Dewey. Modern apartment bul air-cond. and furnished. Undergr parking available. Call 761-8364. 6156, 761-3466. ROYAL DUTCH Apartments for 715 Church St. Within walking tance of campus, furnished and conditioned. Call 761-6156, 7689 761-3466. CAMP US-i BLO( 418 E. Washington Frieze and Angell Hall area MODERN ONE BEDROOMS Furnished for 2 or 3 students Information 668-6906 appointmea EDINBURGH Apartments for fall Brown St. Convenient campus tion. All minor conveniences. 761-6156 or 761-3466. FIFTH ROOMMATE for house. Pr room. No lease. Primitive 15 mi: campus. Students only. 769-0931 COMFORTABLE ROOM for rent garage, 3 min. to campus. $70. 4403.s 2 or 3-MAN MODERN APT. Clo campus. Sublet May thru Au Call after 5:00. 761-8012. r BARGAIN CORNER IUlively, same day service. Call Renee. tape recorder and Resco Dynamic pro- _ - .. __ RIDE NEEDED to MSU Friday the 5th 662-6282. 34J79! fessional mike and stand. S$1HT00UNfNor. after 5 p.m. Return Sunday. Call 764- -onl76-k42antime. $100 for SIGHT & SOUNDINC __ --- - both. 761-8542 anytime. 04B18 A IMPOUTO STDI 8852 after 6. G DESPERATE! WANTED AT ONCE! A FILM PRODUCTION STUDIO ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. ( d ANY JOB OF CLEANING OFFICE. CORVEF HARDTOP, Black, Fi '63 offers related services Nry gnD .Eng RIE to N.Y. (o . a EAPT., HOME., ETC. YOU NAME IT! to '67. $150. Call 663-0338. B 1. Sound Recording (studio/location) 4Property Management Dept. leaving Fri. Please Call Bob.761-6093. WE CLEAN IT! GENE'S SERVICE ---- ----- 2. Still Photography 769-2800 74G27 CO. 663-8998. 01J79 SONY 230 tape-corder. 1 yr. List $219. 3. Specialized Color & B&W lab work 76E-AT00 Ci-g.-a -a- BNow $125. Howard, 761-6592. 06B17 7155 Jackson Rd. 665-3316 RIDE WANTED to Chicago. Can leave '70 BUICK GS455, 4-speed, RamAir, like ~~~5~~ ---n31 Friday, return Sun. Will share driv-new, 662-9858 persistently. 04N33 BEAULIEU 16 MM CAMERA. 1 yr. old. Fi Gtn . 969,TRIUMPHS6itfire.very gd cn- Rglomatic plus 200-ft. cartridge, bat- MEN - Don't take chances! Now, you ___d[t69 TIM pitfr, vr godcn- tery, and charger. Dead Tach. no can get imported and international- YOU- -OUL-hdition.g 630nPackardP NO.SU2. ESN---lens. Listed for 1.355-asking $800. ly known male contraceptives thru next party. You'll be a remembered For Professional Typing, N 764-6326. 09HI9 hekprfly oflthe mals. Details ee,i host. Call Bill, 764-0731. Ctc OLYMPUS PEN FT with 20 mm f35 term papers and theses OLD FURS from capes to full length no obligation. Write: POPSERVE, Boi ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ lens and 70 mm. f2.0 lens, filters, and CALL DIANA - 439-1313 coats. Rosanis Furs. 15974 Woodward 1205-NQ. Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. IF YOU WILL COOK your own meals, s-30Jtc Ave. 4 blks south of Six Mile Rd 13F82 and occasionally one for me, I will accessories, $200. Call Mike, 434-3683.eHil ~ give you free room and board in my 00D3 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desiree -EhanXPrk.8c_ 48B31 HAVE BUS home. If you can type a few letters T SPOTOMATIC lens. $200. work in her home. Thesis, technical BIKES AND SCOOTERS 769-1844 it would help. Prefer mature female Call 761-9444. 20D27 typing, stuffing etc. IBM selectric B graduate student. No heavy cleaning. Cl_--9444. 20D27 Call Jeanette, 971-2463. 12Jtc DUCAT17 MNA 2WI LL TRAVEL Adult household. 668-7312. 25E27 ROLLEI and LECIA equipment and dition. $175. 662-0593 01Z77 49F28 C fA I CCt' rAtICIr'It TA & South University. 38F3 ul The money you save with a dollar spent,- at the University Cellar will buy flower at THE INDIAN'S PAINT- BRUS4. Located in the University Cellar sellink flowers, plants, and containers beginning Monday, Feb. 1. 54F27 $1 at STUDENT SKI RATES W BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED 7.50 Rh positive, $10 & $12 Rh neg- tie. Mon., Tues., Thur., Pri. 9-4. Ved., 1-7. 18-21 years old need par- nt's permission. Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 Ftc - - I 11F41 $4/PERSON --on 4/room discount to gals a in 4- RIDICULOUSLY CLOSE to campus-2 e, call bdrm. modern apt.; across from Rack- 62029 ham; furnished. 663-5883 before 5 p.m. Ctc Price ----- 64629 CLEAN, QUIET single room for men, no cooking, linens. 723 Packard near State. 69C27 nts SPACIOUS I BDRM. furnished apt. near campus, for 1 or 2 persons, available now. Best offer. Come to 904 S. State, Apt. 301. 59C23 - FALL RESERVATIONS 08 Are Now Being LL~ Taken for Our d, New, Furnished '( 'mmnl I accessories. 662-9641 after 6 p.m. 0OD27 AT CENTURY The Best in Good Used Cameras WE BUY, SELL. TRADE Everything Photographic DARKROOM SUPPLIES LUMINOUS PAPER Repairs on all makes Century Camera (At our new location) 4254 N. Woodward, Royal Oak Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd. LI 9-6355 Take 1-94 to Southfield Expr. North to 13 Mile Road-then East to Woodward and North (Michigan Bank, Security and Diner Charges accepted) SALES CONSULTANT " "PLACING SALESMEN IS OUR PERSONAL ONLY BUSINESS" '- . 2155 Jackson Rd., Suite 101. 769-8270 LOLITA this weekend at 331 Thompson, Ftc St. 8 and 10:30 p.m. Tonight-Satur- -- - .- - - day-Sunday. For info 761-9751. TYPING, in my home, electric, draft or LOLITA this weekend. 09F27 tapes, medical and scIentific termi- - ------- nology. Call 485-2463. Pick up and FOR A COFFEE BREAK come to the delivery. 24Jtc RIVE GAUCHE. It's friendly and you S - -can be yourself. Corner East Univer- PROFESSIONAL TYPING sity and Hill St. Open nightly 8-12. Will type term papers, theses, etc. 07F32 Phone: 761-3632. 60J12 --- --^-- IIMAGINE blacks ignoring slave's his- PETS AND SUPPLIES tory. Jewish grads remember the Holocaust. Sunday, Hillel. 6-deli. 7- SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIES. Please talk. 05F29 call 971-0476. 97T32 - ANOTHERpFAMOUS Pappas Coney Is- land. Open 24 hours. Breakfast serv- ed. 510 E. Liberty. 54F31! The Center for Afro-American and Af- rican Studies invites you to its lec- ture series - BLACK PERSPECTIVE ON EDUCATION IN THE 70's. Prof. Cedric Clark, Dept.,'of Psych, Stan- ford Univ., will speak on BLACK PSYCHOLOGY AND THE MASS ME- DIA, Tues., Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly Room, Michigan Union. 76F30 Sue Lyons plays LOLITA this weekend with Peter Sellers and James Mason. 8 and 10:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday-I Sunday at 331 Thompson St. For info 761-9751 (ARM). LOLITA this week- end, 77F26 CHINESE TUTORING on campus. Na- tive born, speak English fluently. Ne- gotiable rates. Call 662-0289. 46F30 UAC BRIDGE: Last date to enter Feb. 9. No admission after that time. For info call Chuck at 663-7289 or UAC office. F30 HELP I want to go to BOSTON over Minutes to SCHUSS MT., Spring break. Will share expenses, SHANTY CREEK, BOYNE .driving, and company. BRIAN, 764- 1634. FB Windward Shores Motel-on Torch Lake ATTENTION EX-YFU EXCHANGE reservations: 616-377-4801 evenings STUDENTS, interested in YFU re- 97F7 turnee's Club? Meeting Feb. 10, 8:00, UNIVERSITE ACTIVITIES CENTER E Lounge, for information call 764 presents EUROPE $159.00 SUMMER: DETROIT DEPARTURES CAOO7 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/8 $159.00 T N GHT 9 P.M . CP049 D-Ams-Lon-D 5/6 - 6/6 $179.00 CA008 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/24 $159.00 CP071 Det-Ams-Lon 5/15 - 6/6 $189,00 CA009 Det-Lon-Det 5/15 - 8/15 $199.00 21 & OVER CA001 Det-Lon-Det 6/28 - 8/28 $219.00 CA002 Det-Lon-Det 6/29 - 8/26 $219.00 CA010 Det-Lon-Det 7/2 - 8/19 $219.00 CA051 Det-Lon-Det 8/1 - 9/1 $219.00 W6064 D-Caracas-D 5/2 - 5/30 $169.00 SOUTH AMERICA {SUMMER: N.Y. DEPARTURES AT095 NY-Frankfort-NY 6/11 - 8/10 CA04 Bost-Lon-Bost 5/14 - 8/13 $199.00 C 1030 N.Y.-Lon-N.Y. 6/26 - 9/1 $209.00 CA013 N.Y.-Lon-N..Y. 6/29 « 7/30 $209.00 REGISTERD 6PERSIAN KITTENS fo sale.434-0456 91T31 LOST AND FOUND TONIGHT Phase I plays jazz TOMORROW NIGHT the RFD Boys play bluegrass All at LUM'S, North Campus, 663-1740 04F27 $25.O REWARD! Return mink fur to GAY COMMUNITY DANCE 8:00 p.m. Daily. No questions asked. 86A29 tonight at Unitarian Church, Wash- __- - - tenaw at Berkshire. 90F27 REWARD. Dropper glasses and watch in -_ -.._ -_--..- _ orange and purple cloth bag on S.U. Peter Sellers may be playing himself, nna . .W.,,,- .-..-.. t. l Ol%-- 7.. -T. - - -- 1Dtt &AI ICAA' AI lfPLCC 4,.,Ul !PU MU ICALMDS., nar asntnaw Hep! 761-7657. James Mason plays. Humbert Hu-W'ESLTIG IM!- 72A7 er, Se yos lay LLIA hium W WE'RE SPLITTING, WILMA! A E A72A27 brtSue Lyons plays LOLIT A thiRAD , 331 we loved the food and the atmos- A parmn s- LOST: Dissertation. Whoever mistook a Thompson St. For info 761-9751 (ARM in the and those utterly insane prices STARLITE DRUMS - 4 drums, cymbal, brown briefcase in the hallway, Cellar LOLITA this weekend. 08F27 Sn B r Goo hou aily high-hat. $230 now; best offer. 769- Bookstore, please return my disserta- Snack Bar. Good hours, too. Daily A7269. 81X29 tion and documents to Dept. of Geo- GUITAR LESSONS: Experienced teach- except Sunday from 7:15-4. But, you're Df - -- - - --_._.____ ___ graphy, U-M. 61A27 er. $2.50/lesson. 761-3865. 85F32 not our type. WILBUR'S THE ONE! FOR SALE: Epiphone steel-string gui- ®___. 39F30 tar. Excellent condition w/case. 769- LOST: Large black male dog. Looks RUFUS DUFUS-You'll be maah sweet A PA RTM EN TS 7340 persistently. 47X29 Labrador, called Fagin. 764-1067. til the cows come home, 83F27 ZPG NEEDS helpers for Abortion Re- 63A28 --- form Bucket Drive Feb. 9 and 10. Call FEMALE. Modern Apartment. Available - -- ---- WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod or tra- Patty, 764-1762 or Patsy, 764-9635. 545 Church immediately. Near campus. Garage. REWARD for info leading to return of ditional. Special designs. Do your own 37F27 761-8073, 88X29 man's brown leather coat, taken thing. Call 761-0942 anytime. 80F40 - - 76117600- from Phid House Oct. 25, 1970. Call - --- OZONE HOUSE needs places for people JBL Lancer 99 Speakers, 3 mos. old, 971-5612 after 6 p.m. 69A62 to stay while they are passing through Ctc cost $500, now $350; unused Empire G-Ann Arbor or trying to get themselves - --- - - 999 VEX cartridge, cost $80, now $45. LOST: Man's beige jacket with red lin- SIGN-UP NOW FOR ALL-CAMPUS together. If you have a spare room, LARGE ROOM for male behind South 668-7241. 08X29 ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769-7656. SINGLES INTRAMURAL TOURNAMENTI bed, or nice warm floor, call 769-6540. Quad.With refrigerator. Grad pre- - w d UNION LANES F27 33F30 Quarrd. 6/o76-168C2! BOSE 901 SPEAKER with pedestals, !__---___ __rd $__m_ __-__ ___ 2_ equalizers. New $535. 5 mo. ago. $425. WANTED TO RENT STAMP SHOW. PIONEER HIGH 769-5025. 57X29 --WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod or SCHOOL. 9:30-6 p.m. SATURDAY., 2 BDRM. FURN. units on campus. - - ----- WANTED NOW: Apartment for mature Traditional Special designs Do your FREE. 23F27 avail, for fall. McKinley Assoc, 663- OLD TWO PICKUP, Gibson solid body girl graduate, Call 764-4288 after 6 6448. 15Ctc electric guitar. Cheep, cheep, cheep!! p.m. 99L29 own thing. Call 761-0942 anytime LOVE'S ALCHEMY and SALMAGUNDI 1. .-.--- -~ Call Austin at 662-6035. XA :.--____-.-_99.3.;cosmic music. For the side shov, _______ _ HOUSE or APT. for use as woman's - ~~~- -~~-dancing ladies, smiling gents, and as- Arbor Forest DYNACO AMPLIFIER - SCA 35-$80. I center. 769-7558. 65L29 PHOTOGRAPHY dancin les, mling gends, an b. For ISTNCTIE ad INORML po- ,sorted freaks. Markley, Friday, Feb. Pair Utah 12" 3-way speakers-$80. ---.- - - For DISTINCTIVE and INFORMAL por- 5 75c P27 21X27 FOR FALL-Married couple looking for traits by Richard Lee, Inc. call 761- ugus Occupancy All _o ... . house, half-house or rent near cam- 9452. All types of Photography han- . RADIO, TV, HI-FI REPAIR. Antenna - pus. Call 769-3383 after 6 p.m. 41L29 died, except passports! Ugh! ! Ftc 1 0% OFF Sumptuous 4-man units in installation. REASONABLE. 769-6250. - - -- -- --- ---- -On everything! Student Book kService. mod ern secu ebidg. on campus XD $50 REWARD for info leading to the EUROPE from $185 Round Trip. Em- Ftc --d--n------- -. On Campus rental of 4-5 bedroom house. Call ployment opportunities (U.K.) Dis- ------ Shown by appt. Call 663-6052 OLD TWO PICK-UP GIBSON electric 662-8683. 97L29 counts, Travel service, Low Car Hire solid body. Almost cheap! Call Austin ---- --- - --- - - ----- - _ rentals for Members. Anglo American at 662-6035. XD $25 REWARD for information leading Association, 60A Pyle St., Newport, 27C29 __-__ .to rental of 3-5 bedroom house. Call I.W., England. Ftc For the student body - - - IHARMON KARDON 210 stereo receiver Dave, 769-2264. 84L28 1 OR 2 GIRLS immediately-Spacious and Allied 12" speakers. $400 new, -------- - -- --------------- Smelling is free at THE INDIAN'S apt. Call Maria before 5 p.m., after now $250. Call Russ, 761-8023. 67X27 WANTED TO RENT for Fall - 3-4-5 PAINTBRUSH, and a flower doesn't 6. 769-7185 45085 bdrm. house, near campus. Please ; cost much more. Located in the Uni- ELECTRONIC REPAIR call 665-8163 anytime. 8608 versity Cellar selling flowers, plants, 41h MAN WANTED for 4-man, two- T.V.. stereo, radio. Call Ed Dunn, 769- and containers, beginning Monday, bedroom modern apt. near campus, 9159 between 6 and 9 p.m. Jtc NEW CARS February 1. 55F27 med. center. $66.25/mo. Call 665-7501. _ _________ .R__ _ Administrative and Travel Services by Students International UAC Travel, 2nd floor Michigan Union 763-2147 or 769-5790. 2Fte MOTHER NATURE KNOWS HOW TO GET STUFF CLEAN! A line of completely organic (made from soybeans) fully bio-degradeable (within 7 days) products are available -and much cheaper per usage than anything on the "market." General cleaners, dishwashing and laundry stuff, shampoo. Call 769-7761 for info, samples. Ftc WEDDING INVITATIONS - Various colors and designs. Do your own thing. Call eve., 665-5478. 47J8b IL F Stanley Lounge BAITS I, NORTH CAMPUS LADIES 25c, MEN $1 Contemporary Directions 191 PRESENTS The Michigan Contemporary Directions Ensemble SALE lg Denim Bells Button and Zipper Front $4*77 JACK'S STORE 118 E. Washington St. Ann Arbor, Mich. SAM'S STORE LEVI DEN IMS Bell Bottoms.....$8.00 Traditionals . . . $7.50 Button Flys......$6.98 Super Slims ... ....$7.00 LEVI CORDUROY Bell's ...... . :. . 8.50 (several colors) Slim Fits ........$6.98 LEVI STA-PRESS SLIM FITS Five Colors......$7.50 LEVI SLIM FITS Five Colors ......$5.98 LEVI FLARES LOOK ING Why not tell people what you looking for? Tell them cheaply, effectively in Daily classifieds. 0557, 11 a.m.-2 p 'm., 764-0557, tc HARMONY Elec. Guitar and good am- NEW MG-B ROADSTER, bronze yellow, AT MARTY'S plifier. 66 watt Heathkit amplifier. factoroy-equipped AM-FM stereo ra- You'll find the very latest fashions- Call Mike, 662-3353. 56X11 dio and Motorola 8-track tape deck. such as the "Cincuenta Flare" by are ~ ~ - Brand new, 2500 miles. Call 761-0009. "Farah." It's 100% Polyester. yet WORLD FAMOUS MARTIN GUITARS 51V27 MARTY'S MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING complete stock 310 S. State St. 764- CD68 Let's trade Apollo Music Center 322 S. Main-Ann Arbor USED CARS GIRL NEEDED-Sublet 2-man apt. Call 769-1400 WANT TO BUY a used car but afraid Nancy, 764-1544. 93C27 X16 of not knowing what you're getting? '64 VW with account of all ills past 1 MAN to share luxury apt. Convenient SALE - Dulcimers $50, Zithers $35. and present. $250. Jim, 763-1614. 92N31 location. 761-2069. 10Y75I Bowed Psalterys $24. CLARK GAIEN- - -- __-- - - NIE - MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MA- '65 MUSTANG FOR SALE: ExcellentI OWN ROOM in house With darkroom. I KER. 1715 Dexter Ave. 668-6869. Xtc condition, recent engine overhaul: $54. Prefer thru Aug. 761-3525. 89C24 --------- $800 or negotiate. 662-8131 after 10 - - -.- HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO p.m. 69B28 4'2 MO. LEASE in professional frat. Instruments and accessories, new and - - $70/mo. from Dec. 20-2250 Fuller Rd. used. Lessons, repairs. 209 S. State, 761-0825 after 6. 21079 665-8001. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X Ftc WHY BUY mass-produced wedding bands? Have yours personally design- ed. White or yellow gold. Reasonable prices. Call Jhan. 769-7550 after 4:00. F79 LOST-in Reference Room or between G.L. and Union: gold and orange hat with pompom. Sentimental value. Re- ward. 769-5120. 11F PARKING SPACES for rent on E. Uni- versity. Call 769-7975. CC ALBERT Good times Friendly people Great Place to Live 665-8825 Ctc SUBLET SUBLET MAY-AUG. Own bedroom, fem.; pool. near Island Park, 662-9387. 87U32 WANTED FOR SUMMER: 2 bedroom, 3- 4 girl apt. or part of house. Must be air-conditioned. Want to pay less: than $40-month /person. Call Pat, 769-' 0756 persistently. UD HELP WANTED SUMMER JOBS ARE TIGHT Chicago area. $160-$200/6 day week. Must start May 1. Work outdoors/ pnysical labor. Info and application write Daily Box 18, include AA ad- dress and phone, winter address. 75H31 WIFE (and husband) - operate tourist home by hospitals-live on premises -age 22 plus. Must be available 2 full years. Write details of personal background. PO Box 433, AA 48107. 67130 LOOKING FOR A JOB? Talented or experienced or interested in a particular field? Try placing a Michigan Daily "BUSINESS SERV- ICES" or "PERSONAL" ad-and help a job find YOU. HDtc EXTRA $: would you like to draw graphs for dissertation? Call: 764- 5093 anytime. 10X27 I I is m;,