ti A4e Sfrihpgn DaUlj Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan -alancin tIcacups Exclusive: Canine drug buster tells all aJin e eohodns 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: LARRY LEMPERT The battle over 327 AS THE LATEST development in the controversy over College Course 327, the literary college curriculum commit- tee has reopened consideration of the six sections dropped from the course. This reconsideration is essential. It is vital that the committee immediately correct the breach of academic freedom that occurred when credit was denied to those sections. When the course mart subcommittee of the curriculum committee deleted the six sections, the reasons given were that College Course 327 was poorly organized, that the section leaders of the six sections (though perhaps qualified) had not been granted formal approval, and that psy- chology Prof. Robert Hefner, the course's sponsor, did not provide, sufficient infor- mation on the six sections. These are not reasons, but rather are bureaucratic excuses. In fact, Hefner was willing and able to give the committee any additional information it requested concerning the section leaders and sec- tions in question. The issue of approval of section leaders was a similar excuse. One of the leaders of an omitted section has been teaching a section in another course mart course for two semesters w i t h o u t submitting the forms he was told he should have sub- mitted for College Course 327. If the Course Mart Committee's only real objections to the six sections were administrative, its obvious responsibility was not to deny credit to the sections, but simply to rectify the matter in conjunc- tion with Hefner. BUT THEY didn't, and the fact that the Course Mart Committee, instead of reconciling the bureaucratic faults of the course, chose to delete six sections points to other reasons for the close attention with which the course was scrutinized. Of the nineteen c o u r s e s offered by course mart this term, only College Course 327 was placed under such close investi- gation and forced through so many miles of red tape; and this happened only after controversy had arisen about the political nature of the course. In light of this, it seems fairly clear that it was the course's focus on, radical political alternatives that made it a tar- get for conservative e le m e n t s in the course mart and curriculum committees. Indeed, some students on the Course Mart Committee have reflected this view by expressing their fear that without the elimination of the six sections, the cur- riculum committee might have investi- gated and eliminated the entire course. This would perhaps have jeopardized the position of the entire course mart pro- gram. THUS, THEY feel a compromise was made to protect course mart. Eighty students were denied a course of their choice three weeks into a fourteen-week semester, and course mart itself was saved for posterity. Or was it? If course mart is forced to abandon such courses because, they are controversial (using the e x c u s e that there are bureaucratic problems) then clearly it no longer serves the purpose for which it was created-to enable students to freely formulate and receive credit for unconventional courses they believe are relevant. Course mart should not have to slide courses such as this one in "under the table" and remove credit at the slightest sign of controversy. Rather, Course Mart Committee s h o u 1 d actively encourage such courses, and work to remove the technical barriers to their approval. THE SIX sections - which have been meeting throughout the controversy- should be granted credit immediately. And the course mart and curriculum com- mittees should renew their commitment that students should and will be allowed to receive credit for courses they create to meet o t h e r w i s e unfilled academic needs. -TAMMY JACOBS HIS HOUSE IS NOT particularly extra- ordinary, just your regulation four walls, red shingled roof, front door and windows on each side. Out front is a small yellow dish with a little water and the bone from a U.S. Choice Grade A Porterhouse steak. I must admit that I was somewhat sur- prised that such an important individual would have such an unimportant looking home. But surprise laid aside, I slowly ap- proached the small house and knocked on the roof. There was no answer. I knocked again. I heard some rustling inside and finally a small black nose peered out. It was the nose of "Bomber," the highly trained German Shepherd who recently made a name for himself by smelling out drugs at Metropolitan Airport and then lead- ing law enforcement agents to those people trafficking in the stuff. After some bureaucratic machinations I was able to set up an interview with the famous canine yesterday. Naturally I was anxious to get his views on Wednesday's training mission at the airport which netted 52 pounds of marijuana, a sizable quantity of LSD, some hashish, and three people. A brown snout and two brown eyes fol- lowed the nose, and with a quick lunge the rest of Bomber appeared at my knees. Our 20-minute interview follows. DAILY: Down boy, down. No dope. BOMBER: You never can tell, you know. Say, who are you and how did you get by my watchdog? DAILY: Well, I'm a reporter from the Michigan Daily in Ann Arbor-you were just there Wednesday-and I talked to Sheriff Harvey's office and then to the Wayne County Sheriff's office and then to 'the Metro Squad and then to your Big Daddy and they said I could talk with you. BOMBER: Very good. I don't talk to just anyone. DAILY: First off I imagine I should say congratulations. That was quite a little sniffing job you did-right through talcum powder. Was it difficult? How long did it take you before you realized there was more there than meets the nose-as it were? BOMBER: Well, we try to do the best we can. After all, this is my job. Let's see now . . . I was trotting in between United's and Braniff's luggage counters in the North terminal when I smelled the talcum powder. This was a training mission, as you said, and I was on my paws, so to speak, anxious -Daily-Jim Wallace to pick -up anything I could. At first I thought nothing of the talcum powder I smelled. I figured someone was traveling with a baby. But as I perused the crowd I saw no one with a baby or even a little kid. I was suspicious. I pulled the officers over to the suitcase with the talcum powder scent-a red plaid affair-and began some serious sniffing. I sniffed around the zipper, around the bot- tom creases, on the sides and only smelled the talcum powder. On top, though, I noticed a small hole. I stuck my nose there. I snif- fed again-whoosh-I was off. Definitely marijuana in there. I barked three times, I wagged my tail, I rolled over. Then they took me away be- fore anyone really noticed. The officers wanted to wait and trail whoever it was that picked up the suitcase..Fortunately, not too many people noticed me or the three policemen with me, at least not the pushers anyway. All in all I'd say it took eight minutes to find the drugs. DAILY: Eight minutes, that's not bad, Bomber. I assume you passed the training mission with flying colors. BOMBER: Listen here, reporter , that training mission was for the officers, not me. DAILY: My apologies sir. To get on with the questions, how did you get into this line of work? BOMBER: Now that's an interesting story. You see, it's in my genes, actually. Not many people know this but Rin Tin Tin was my great-grandfather. And his son, Geronimo, (who also played Rin Tin Tin) was my grandfather. And Geronimo's son, Atilla, was my father. He never got to play Rin Tin Tin, though-was never much in- terested in Hollywood. Instead, he entered law enforcement work. In fact he was flown down special to Selma, Ala. in 1961 and directed the dogs used by the Alabama State Police to keep the marchers there from rioting. DAILY: That's quite a legacy, Bomber. Mighty big paws to fill, as it were. BOMBER: Wait. I'm not through yet. Now my mother was a first cousin to Lassie, their mothers being sisters but I guess she and my mom had, how shall I say, different taste? And my mother's father was the nephew of Sgt. Preston of the Yukon's dog King. So you see, good deeds just naturally run in my family. DAILY: They certainly seem to. I can't resist asking, Bomber. What do you think of the whole youth movement? BOMBER: Well, my father and my grandfather and my great grandfather be- fore him believed in this country and barked to the rooftops for liberty and justice. And I'll bark too. These kids today, why they've missed the boat. No respect for decency, law and order. It even infiltrated our ranks. Just two months ago five Shepherds de- cided to grow their coats and refused to get monthly trimmings. Then two of them wanted to wear love beads instead of dog tags. "Absolutely not," I told them. "You want to be a hippie. you go to somebody else's dog house." You just have to be tough, otherwise we'll have nothing but a bunch of French Poodles running around here. DAILY: Prior to this so-called political work, what did you do? BOMBER: Oh your usual police dog work. I was in Ann Arbor in 1968 in charge of Harvey's police dogs at the welfare sit-ins in September. A little tense there on Hur~on and Main but we kept 'em calm-a few barks while baring the teeth scares the hell out of those students. And just before that Mayor Daley had me in Chicago for the Demiocratic convention. They've got a few Doberman's over there that are dynamite in a crowd, real dyna- mite. DAILY: Your activities apparently aren't restricted to Michigan? BOMBER: That's right. I'm an indepen- dent do-gooder. Wherever there's trouble, wherever they need the laws enforced, be it north, south, east, west or midwest, I'm available. DAILY: That's certainly comforting to know, Bomber. Now tell me, back to this drug business, I imagine you had some pretty rigorous training. You had to get used to telling what marijuana was, I'm sure. How did they do it? Did you have a joint or a brownie or a pipeful? What was the first one like? BOMBER: YAhoooooo! !!! Yes sir, that joint was really something. I remember my trainer, Big Daddy, telling me it wasn't going to hurt, and I just had to try it this once and not worry. And by golly, it cer- tainly didn't hurt. No sir. You know, I don't like to admit this, but I couldn't bark for five hours. DAILY: Have you had any problems since then? BOMBER: Not exactly, except your Chief Krasny really got me confused. DAILY: Why's that? BOMBER: Well, a few weeks ago he was talking about something or other and he said the "heat is on" so I spent four days looking for that damned dog and couldn't find her. I've got to have a little enjoyment, you know, DAILY: Of course. I see that my 20 min- utes is up, and I also see Big Daddy head- ing here with your Alpo. So thank you for your time-and for goodness sake, Bomber, don't get a cold. 4 Letters to. the Daily: LSA gov't on 327 N baku:Nixon's folly IT HAS BEEN OVER two years since President Nixon assured us he had a secret plan to end the war. Since then, there have been periodic announcements of planned troop reductions, interspersed with the invasion of Cambodia, 119 days of massive bombing raids on the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos, "protective reaction" raids on North Vietnamese bases and, most recently, a threatened invasion of Laos. With the Cambodian invasion, Nixon tried telling us what he was doing, and the country erupted in protest. He tried ignoring mention of the bombings and we found out anyway. Nixon got Laird to lie about the air raids on North Vietnam and was publicly embarrassed. Now, in what appears to be a final attempt to do what he wants despite the wishes of the Ameri- can public, Nixon has tried saying abso- lutely nothing until it is all over and we are confronted with a fait accompli. The n e w s blackout concerning troop movements near the Laotian border which ended yesterday gives clear testi- mony to two of Nixon's most glaring de- ficiencies-his arrogance in dealing with No comment NATIONAL SURVEYS of Vietnamese public opinion, which are prepared and analyzed by the United States mis- sion in Saigon, are being used to assist President Nguyen Van Thieu in his re- election campaign this year. Richard Winslow, an American working as an adviser to a Civil Operations devel- opment program, wrote that he was in- formed by two Americans heading t h e agency's "pacification studies group" that "Thieu asked Colby (the American ambassador) to send out the teams to make a study of the people's feelings toward the 1971 Presidential election so that Thieu would know where his strong points were and where he'd have to ar- range something which would make sure the American people and his failure to see the need for a political settlement in Southeast Asia. It is, important t h a t this particular blackout not be viewed as an isolated act by the Nixon administration. Such em- bargoes are fairly familiar to Saigon cor- respondents. For example, the U.S. Com- mand placed a news blackout for 18 days on an American campaign into the A Shau Valley of northern South Vietnam in 1968. The blackout is important as part of a continuing attempt by Nixon to do what he pleases despite his election promise to get us out of Southeast Asia. That is ar- rogance, and the blackout is only t h e most recent and blatant evidence of it. NIXON repeatedly stated that we will respond if the North Vietnamese at- tempt to take advantage of our attempts to withdraw troops. And the North Viet- namese have repeatedly taken him up on his invitation. With their oft-demon- strated ability to fade into the jungle and reappear virtually unscathed elsewhere, the Communists have shown that they can and will continue to fight as long as Nixon rejects a political settlement. By contrast, the President's position is much less secure. While the general pub- lic may be upset by a news blackout, cer- tain members of Congress are becoming absolutely frantic. The pressure for full public hearings on the war are mounting daily. As matters now stand, Nixon cannot af- ford to have his spokesmen, in full view of the nation and the world, either de- clining to say anything of substance or having them talk frankly about how we are becoming increasingly entrenched in the same old quagmire. The alternative to that is to recognize that we have neither the will nor the abil- ity to stop the Communists in their de- termination to win a political victory in Southeast Asia. Despite the continuing senseless loss of life on both sides, Nixon does not seem to be moving in that direc- tion. But his attempts to deceive the American public show where his r e a 1 To the Daily: AFTER CAREFUL consideration we, the students of the LS&A Stu- dent Government find the follow- ing facts to be evident: 1. That our initial statement of policy concerning the status of College Course 327 was made pre- maturely. It is an irresponsible act for any body entrusted with the welfare of its constituency to make prejudgments before testimony from all sides is in .We are guilty of such an act and wish to apol- ogize to the Course Mart Commit- tee. 2. That a f t e r hearing three nights of lengthy and enlighten- ing testimony from all parties con- cerned, we are convinced.that the six cancelled sections deserve re- consideration by the committees concerned because of the former lack of communication between the involved parties. We have made this recommendation to the Dean. 3. That we realize and apprec- iate the accomplishments of Course Mart as one of the most beneficial innovations for better- ing the educational quality and advancing student interests at the University. We would strongly look forward to much closer co- operation and relations between our government and the present student members of the Course Mart Committee. -L.S.&A. Student Government Feb. 3 RC To the Daily: In RESPONSE to Jim Beattie's editorial, "Crisis Threatens R.C.," in last Saturday's Daily, I feel that the RC budget should be cut just as much, if not more, than the other academic outlays because RC classes are much smaller than those in the rest of LSA and larger class sizes will hurt LSA students more than RC students, the class size difference constituting a priv- ilege for the latter. For example, RC language class- es have not more than ten stu- dents, while some LSA sections ap- proach 20. RC is able to offer such small classes because of the rela- tively low salary cost of its in- structors, aided by the current surplus of unemployed graduate students. The lack of research fa- cilities and their expensive equip- ment further lowers the cost of RC; in 1968-69 its salary budget was $244K, or 1.2 per cent of the $18,27K LSA total; RC's approxi- mately 700 students are 4.4 per cent of the 16,000 LSA total. At first glance, this .27 per cent ratio looks favorable, but RC students must take subjects outside RC due to the narrow nature of i t s courses - how many calculus, so- ciogy, psychology, or economics courses does RC offer? THOSE FACULTY who volun- teer their efforts to RC should "ealize that the other 95 per cent of LSA students need them just as much. PC's limited courses serve a limited academic inter- est: more important, its student population has become increas- Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to M a r y Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve; the right to edit all letters sub- mitted. 'S X' 4 " F f F r ,.I' if f g .wv i sd., _ ,y'"' r. r r ,. - .a ,, - ;' ,- ; ,_ ;r 6 - ; - .< , , : ° . , . ,-, _ version of Lloyd and Winchell houses in West Quad from office space to the status of dormitories, A rash move, I believe. The cost of conversion is esti- mated to be between 30 and 60 thousand dollars. The result, if the houses are restored to their form- er condition, will be additional dormitory style housing for about 300 students. Additional costs will no doubt be incurred by the needt for office space to replace that lost in the conversion. Why not simply leave the offices where they are? Admittedly, Ann Arbor needs more housing, b u t 3,000 spaces, not 300; and not dorms, but apartments, without obligatory meal contracts at high P cost. Conversion funds could best be spent on construction or plan- ning of new low-rent University owned apartments, which the Tenants' Union is advocating. Finally, there is some question in the housing office itself, that it can fill the additional space and thereby avoid further financial problems. THE PROJECT should be seri- ously, anot spuriously, considered before being given final approval. -Phil Cherner'72 Member, 1970-71 Univer- sity Housing Planning Committee Feb. 1 CORRECTION The Daily incorrectly attri- buted a letter which it pub- lished Jan. 30 to S. L. Gaud- ioso. The letter was from t h e Interns and Residents Associa- tion of the University Medical Center. The Daily regrets the error. hu ww , 'Victory Through Air Power' ingly more limited in general in- terests, political attitudes, family income, and ethnic background its social environment serves to attenuate what few differences exist when the students enter. RC rejects applicants on the basis of test scores, attitudes, and academic interests, in effect say- ing that it is the applicant's own fault if he cannot fit into its narrow pure liberal arts program. These selection factors and t h e small class sizes make RC stu- dents a privileged elite at the ex- pense of the rest of LSA: the RC budget should by necessity be cut to serve the needs of the people. AND ALL the RC upper-middle class, suburban, often Jewish, mass egalitarian "radicals," w h o are so outraged at the world's in- equalities, had better look at home first. -John B. Scott '72 Feb. 1 Housing conversion To the Daily: LAST WEEK the Housing Pol- icy Board voted to seek the con- People's Peace: Another move against the war By RUSS GARLAND THE ANTI-WAR movement is not dead. It has lived quietly for over a year; picketing 1 o c a 1 draft boards, handing out peti- tions, meeting in moderate-sized conventions. If anything it has only become inconspicous. Those who work for the peace movement now are the hard core, the ones who believe that by doggedly ham- mering away at their enemies they a November 15 vanished. The peace movement became a futile game that wasn't even fun to play any more. Stripped of the mass support they could once command most peace groups are now in search of both funds and purpose. The Uni- versity's chapter of Student Mo- bilization is in debt. It had to get an SGC loan to publish leaflets for its last mass meeting. Fifteen people showed not old hat. The idea that the people of the United States should make peace with the people of Vietnam without working through the channels of the American gov- ernment is unique. Of course it is still an attempt to convince the American government to abandon the war, but it has a twist. Be- fore the anti-war movement was making a direct statement of op- position to the war effort to the U.S. government. The peace trea- which negotiated the treaty plans to circulate it to organizations around the nation from college groups to country churches. HOWEVER, THERE has been no national meeting yet to discuss what to do with the treaty or how to build a mass movement be- hind it. That is the purpose of the national conference to be held at the University this weekend. The conference is intended to invasion. Then temporary re- sumptions of the bombing of North Vietnam. Now Nixon ap- pears to have embarked upon an escapade in Laos. The people who drifted away from the anti-war movement a year ago should have had enough time to think about it by now. If participation in the peace movement often seemed fu- tile, not being involved is ac- complishing even less. No matter what you think about