MORE ON THE 327 CONTROVERSY See editorial page Ji 4i~r~ igau :4Iaij~ SNIZZLE Iigh--36 Low-l9 Cloudy *-ith occasional rain and snow Vol. LXXXI, No. 107 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 5, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages U' union settlement revealed By SARA FITZGERALD "Highlights" of the tentative contract agreement between the University and Local 1583 of The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) were re- leased yesterday by union officials. Details of the wage package will be released today. The agreement, which must be ratified tomorrow by the locals' membership, calls for a three-year contract, with pay increases retroactive through January. Under the proposed contract, there would be no changes made in the life insurance, retirement, or longevity plans of the old contract. These were areas of major contention whent an impasse in negotiations was reached Jan. 18, the night -the strike by the 2,600 member U.S. Laos confirms offensive; blackout ends Li erties AL un'it backs. gay rights By ZACHARY SCHILLER The Senate Assembly Civil Li- berties Board yesterday af- firmed the right of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) to hold a mid-West conference on homo- sexuality at the University. A request last April by GLF to to hold a fall conference was veto- ed by President Robben Fleming, who said it would not be "clearly educational in nature and direct- ed at people who have profession- al interest in the field." Fleming was not available for comment on the action of the board last night. The board said in a statement' issued yesterday that the G L F should "be accorded the same freedom granted other c a m p u s groups" and be permitted to hold the conference. The statement affirmed "that it is not a sufficient reason to, withhold a University platform that a speaker addressing a Uni- versity audience may express an obnoxious idea," and that "the treatment of homosexuals in our society is not consistent with the professed ideals of individual free- dom." Dr. Donald Rucknagel, chairman of the board, said they had been working on the question since last summer, and that the final state- ment was supported by a con- sensus of the 16 member board. The statement was not speci- fically intended to affect the pol- icies of the University adminis- tration, Rucknazel added. He did not know if it would have such an impact. Jim Toy, a member of GLF, said he "welcomed" the board's state- ment.,"Every person in this com- munity should examine the op- pression laid upon Radicalesbians and the Gay Liberation Front by; the University administration " he said. "If one member of a body suffers, the others suffer equally with it." "The Senate Assembly Civil Lib- erties Board is to be commended for its reasoned stand," Toy con-I cluded. The Radicalesbians had no com- ment on the statement last night., The Board's statement stressed' the need for the University to re- main open to ideas from a diverse spectrum, however controversial they might be. "If we are to pre-l pare students to live in a free and1 open society where controversy in the pursuit of truth is tolerated,1 we must have a free and open University where the same values+ are espoused," the statement de- ] clared. i i union began. The union alsoh rescinded its demands for a child care center.z The union apparently also dropped its demand for a cost of I living clause in the economic package. The University agreed to pay $26 of Blue Cross-Blue Shield insur- ance costs picking up and in- creases, but not to contribute more than 75 per cent.of the total cost. The new contract includes a 5 cent an hour shift premium f o r, workers on the midnight shift and r. a 20 cent an hour premium f o r employes who do not get two con- secutive days off each week after. working five straight days. The union agreed to allow any A NEWS EMBARGO in parts of Indochin individual who was previously a bA nsedAGineasfIndthi union member back into the un- being transmitted until yesterday In the ion. to the Laotian border. Below, South Vietna New items in the contract in- offensive was confirmed yesterday by U.S elude a safety committee, made up ----- - - of union and University officialsC and tuition refunds for job-re- COLLEGE CO.URSE 327: lated courses. A University source said yester- day University officials had notr released details of the contract in order to provide union President L ACalsM~aknwt oetm Charles McCracken with more time to prepare his "selling job." { Union officials agreed when ten- tative settlement was reached Mon- 'Studt the contract to the membership at From Wire Service Reports A six - day news blackout from parts of Indochina ended yesterday, allowing U.S. offi- cials to confirm the massive sweep of 50,000 South Vietna- mese t r o o p s, provided with American air s u p p o r t, into Cambodia and Laos. While a number of international news agencies have reported that the Laos invasion has already be- gun, the Associated Press quoted Saigon and U.S. officials as saying that the invasion force is still at the northwest border of South Vietnam, pointing toward Laos. The South Vietnamese troops are accompanied by 9,000 Ameri- can troops, but officials insisted that the U.S. contingents will re- main in Vietnam in the event of an invasion. The officials admit- ted, however, that unrestricted American air power will be used to aid invading South Vietnamese - troops. In Washington, Secretary of De- fense Melvin Laird said the six day news embargo, which ended at 3:30 a.m. yesterday, was im- posed by Gen. Creighton Abrams, commander of U.S. forces in Viet- nam, "to protect American lives." -p Laird refused to discuss specific military operations, but said that the invasion had not yet occurred, and whether it would take place.- or not "is a matter the President will have to decide." HR The Cambodian phase of the controversial escalation of the war has been under way for over a week, with 10,000 South Vietna- mese troops pushing into the Fishhook section of the neighbor- ing country. The drive into Cambodia was -Associated Press na prevented these photographs, taken last Sunday, from above picture, U.S. troops rest in Khe Sanh on the way amese soldiers march toward Khe Sanh. The Loatian S. officials. lisputed panel class D OFFICIAL: iI' (il I f two ratification meetings scheduled at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. in Hill Ad. tomorrow. Other clauses of the tentative settlement include:? -The University shall not dis- criminate, intimidate, restrain, or coerce any employe with respect to his union activities; -1200 hours of sick leave can be accrued instead of the previous 800. Employes, with five days notice to their supervisor, can use sick time for preventive medical care; See AFSCME, Page 8 Ci COUn( liberalized By CHRIS PARKS Daily News Analysis Two councilmen who missed last Monday's City Council meeting may cast the deciding votes on Ann Arbor's controversial proposedt marijuana ordinance. The ordinan1ce would make it a misdemeanor to possess mari- juana in Ann Arbor, leaving the city free to prosecute under either l city law or the state statute which defines possession as a felony. The proposed law, first intro- duced at Council's Jan. 18 meeting, has gone through a series of post- ponements and is now slated for a first reading and public hearing at the council's next meeting, Feb. 8. Enacting the proposed law, ac-' cording to City Attorney Jerold Lax, would probably mean that of- fenders possessing small amounts, of marijuana or not suspected of By BOB SCHREINER the tail-end of its two-hour weekly sections on repression, corpora- described by U.S. officials as sim- The literary college curriculum meeting, the decision came after a tions, independent political action, ilar to last year's invasion, which committee voted yesterday to "re- volatile discussion with 20 persons youth liberation, the media nd was aimed at screening American consider" the status of the six associated with the Course Mart ' gay liberation. troop withdrawals. However, other sections d e 1 e t e d from College course, including its sponsor, psy- The review of the sections by sources saw both the Laos and Course 327 (Issues, Strategies and chology Prof. Robert Hefner, and the curriculum committee will run !Cambodian invasions as an effort Analysis in Political Action). several teachers and students of concurrently with an inquiry into to cut off the Ho Chi Minh trail In passing the motion to re- both the deleted and approved the issue of College Course 327 and thus prevent troop and supply consider, the committee reversed sections. begun Wednesday by LSA Dean buildups in South Vietnam and its earlier position that the mat- The final outcome of the re- Alfred Sussman and the executive Cambodia. ter was "irrevocably and unnego- view, tentatively scheduled for committee. The Ho Chi Minh trail runs down tiably closed," and reopened the sometime next week, will affect The executive committee has al- through Laos and Cambodian and possibility that the six sections about 80 of the 175 students en- ready heard testimony from Hef- has been the main avenue for in-+ may be granted college credit. rolled in the course-the number ner, and will hear from represent- filtration of North Vietnamese Passed 4-2 by the committee at who signed up for the deleted six atives of the curriculum commit- troops and supplies into South Viet- _- - --- ----------- -tee, its course mart subcommittee m and LSA Student Government nam. S tet d fternonm.n Laird credited the news blackout Cd eCid e oMondayaftern ,forthe fact that the offensive has ~i1 tc tateCollege Course 327 was not on been accomplished thus far "with- bt Hennd yteday's mee out a single casualty attributed to e e reset fom te strt.Afte 50enemy combat." Laird apparently bu e n r a d 'h t e s w r n m o b t " L i d a p r nl present from the start. After 50 m eant no fatalities. The U .S. Coin- m TI Rana pToposa minutes, Hefner stood and asked w v mand announced three men had the committee to consider answer- ben wouned ing questions concerning its rea- been wounded. being dealers would be prosecutecl ly's opinion, but stressed he was sons for approving only nine of the Meanwhile, in a speech prepared under the city's law. "not taking sides." He had sup- original 15 sections in the course for a New York political dinner, Lax aidhoweerSen. George McGovern (D-S.D.) Lax said, however, the decision ported a proposed state law which proposal. S Georescden (D-,rDh) on which law to use in any given he characterized as "very close to The committee o t e dtunani- than ending the war "has succeed- incident would ultimately lie at the what the city wants to do," Burs- mously to take up the matter and than ending t ar "h suce discretion of the arresting officer. ley added. Hefner expressed his confusion ed in extending it across the face dis are t tedf the possibility thet C uy reaeover the status of the course. He of Indochina." Lax admittedCouncil presently appears evenly charged that it had seemingly "I dislike getting my informa- these discretionary powers could divided on the ordinance, with been approved on both Jan. 19 tion from the Russians, the French be used to persecute certain politi- councilmen Robert Faber (D-2nd and 26 by the curriculum commit- and the Japanese," complained cal and minority groups, as the ar- ward), John Kirscht (D-1st ward), tee, first in its entirety and then Senate Majority Leader Mike. resting officer would not be legally: Nicholas Kazarinoff (D-third ward) only in part. Mansfield (D-Mont.) as irritationI bound to abide by any guidelines in' and Henry Stadler (D-5th ward) in He was informed the committee in Congress mounted over the gov- choosing which law to use. favor. Councilmen Jim Stephenson had approved the course Jan. 19 ernment's continued silence. Senator Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann (R-4th ward), Lloyd Fairbanks (R- only in so far as it guaranteed Asked about U.S. commitments Arbor) has asked state Attorney 5th ward), H. C. Curry (D-1st college credit to all students en- to Thailand in case the war spills General Frank Kelly for a ruling on ward) and Joseph Edwards (R-3rd rolled in the class. At the same the border, Mansfield said, "It is the proposed ordinance. Bursley ward) opposing it. time, the committee said, it had my understanding - I can't prove said he asked for the ruling to "pre- Tswarned that each individual sec- it - we do have a pretty good vent confusion" which might arise The crucial votes therefore are See LSA Pag e 8 nmmitment tn the Thais" R post o (HRD Hu Slaugh In ter sai his pos sitatin and M How Eu nter firing called political By ALAN LENHOFF obert H. Hunter charged last night that his dismissal from the f assistant director of the city!Human Relations Department ) was politically motivated. unter has been fired from his job by HRD Director James C. hter. a statement issued yesterday, HRD Director James C. Slaugh- d, "Mr. Hunter was no longer performing the required duties of sition in an efficient and responsible manner, therefore neces- g this regrettable action. It is in the best interests of the city r. Hunter to detail no further his release from city employment." 'ever, Hunter said last nlght that Mayor Robert Harris "wants city employes who operate depart- ments in meaningless ways and who cause no embarrassment to his political ambitions and to him as a paid representative of the University on City Council." Har- ris is a law professor at the Uni- versity. Hunter emphasized that "action will be taken" to contest his dis- missal, although he declined to speculate on when it might occur or what the action would entail.' Harris denied last night that Hunter's dismissal was a result of any action taken byl him but de- clined to comment further on the matter until he has had a chance to speak to Slaughter. In four and one half years of working with the city in the hu- man rights field, Hunter has of- ten been the center of controversy at City Hall because of his radical views. Most recently, a dispute arose See HUNTER, Page 8 GA elects officers Jana Bommersbach was elected president of Graduate Assembly Wednesday night, as the body se- lected its officers for the new year. Bommersbach, who is employed on the University Record, views GA as "a representative organiza- tion of graduate students working for the interests of the post-bacca- laureate community in co-opera- tion with other student organiza- tions, councils and interest groups." Mary Cadwell was elected ad- ministrative vice-president, John Berg, executive vice-president and Sam Posner, treasurer. Tom Pacansky was elected to the position of recording secretary with Dick Laton as corresponding sec retary. if the laws were passed and de- clared unconstitutional in the courts. Bursley warned the city (it would be "wise to wait" for Kel- See BOARD, Page 8 I' Mendel queries counter culture those of councilmen Robert Weav- er (R-2nd ward) and Roy Weber (R-4th ward). Weaver is out of town and unavailable for comment. Weber says he is "still on the fence" on the issue. AlthoughMayor Harrisdeclined to speculate on how the voting would go, he said he "thinks it wil pass if everyone is there" MondayI night. The Mayor would cast the decid-1 ing vote in case of a tie and is known to be strongly in favor of the law. Ann Arbor police chief Walter Krasny has expressed general op- position to the law. He stated at Council's working session January 26 he had "strong reservations": over the law, and said he felt 'THREATEN PIGOCRATS' or ~ t, ar i Vlllllll{J111C11U Vti Vlla. 1L1W1J. Lawyer speaks on repression By SUE STARK "Though we may be alienated from the world, still we must re- main wedded to it," was the conclusion reached by history professor Arthur Mendel in a critique of the Counter Culture last night at Hillel House. He defined counter culture as that segment of society which seeks to escape the values of the counter culture's rejection of society as a macune that pro- cesses an individual to fit a specific function. He drew an analogy between man and so- ciety and a cell and a body - the organism being higher than the species. "Certainly the counter culture is noble and dramatic in its ef- forts to exalt the individual to By KENNETH SCHULZE Denouncing racism, sexism and oppres- sion in what she called "an American pro- stitute society," black lawyer and author Florence Kennedy yesterday called upon all college students, and University law stu- dents in particular, to seek legislative re- form instead of violence or mass demon- strations. "We have to be self-preservative," warned Kennedy in her speech at the Law Black Panthers suffer more governmental repression than similar, "anti-establish- mentarian" bodies like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). "We think the toughs in this country are SDS, the Panthers, the Weathermen. But they're nothing compared to the KKK in lawlessness and violence. They speak when- ever black people get on the move." Kennedy blasted "the tit focus of many Americans" and explained that black mili- :..:..,...., ..., .:............:. aaoa a ::.. ., :.rr ::::: ..,:Y :