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February 04, 1971 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-04

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Thursday, February 4, 197 1

TH IHGNDIYTusarbur ,17


CINEMA GUILD announces petitioning for mem-
bership on its board. All interested and qualified
persons ore welcomed. Under-classmen especially








torium lobby.
column there.

interview appointments in Architceure Audi
A sign-up sheet will be posted on the centra




' Michigan's tennis squad comes
under the scrutiny of the public
eye for the first time this sea-
son on Saturday when t h e y
take on a group of alumni rack-
eteers at the newly built Ann
Arbor Racket Club.
This match marks the end of
the long fall-winter condition-
ing practices and the beginning
of full-scale workouts in prepa-
ration for the coming season.
The Wolverines concluded a
successful 1970 campaign with
their third straight Big Ten Ti-
tle, including five singles and
two doubles individual champ-
ionships, and w i t h a twelfth
place finish in the NCAA-
championship matches.
However, this year's contin-
gent is minus four of the top six
singles players of I a s t year's


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group. The number two, four
and six players (Jon Hainline,
Dick DeBoer, and Dan Mc-
Laughlin) have graduated, while
first seeded Mark Conti turned
pro, and is now teaching in De-
Returning from the starting
singles line-up will be Joel Ross,
last season's number three con-
ference singles champion, and
last year's number five runner-
up in the conference, Ramone
But despite the depletion in
the line-up caused by gradua-
tion, Wolverine coach Brian
Eisner is very optimistic, "Last
year we lost our top three and
performed as well as the year
before. And the improvement in
all our people is more advanced
than that of last year."
Eisner stresses competition
and conditioning as he readies
his players for another cam-
paign. These two training as-
pects should prepare. the Wol-
verines for the pressure a n d 1
stress of match play.
IChallenge matches provide the
best means for both the im-
provement and evaluation of a
player's ability. This year's crew
Eisner noted, "is close in abil-
ity, and the competition is forc-
ing improvement."
Eisner sticks to the results ofI
the challenge matches since!
they best reflect t h e player's
ability to win while the pres-
sure's on. "Challenge matchesj
take the personality conflict out
of it. If you can't beat him, you
can't play ahead of him."
As the season advances the
Wolverine mentor must lock in
his final line-up. Eisner com-
piles all the results of the
ious matches to determine who
will play where in the Big Ten
This year's squad sizes up to
be a very hard-working and de-
termined group. Leading the
pack at this stage is an )ut-
standing sophomore from San
Francisco, Dick Raverby. Last
year Raverby sat out almost the
entire campaign with a calcium
deposit in his thigh, but has re-
bounded to become an impres-
sively sound all-around player.
Hanging in there about even
for the second two slots a r e
sophomore Tim Ott and Fresh-
man Kevin Senich. Ott's renew-
ed confidence in his game has
enabled him to become more of O
a thinking player and as a re-
sult he has cut down greatly on
his mistakes. Eisner remarked
that he's learned "to temper his

power and use it to his advan-
tage." His net game has also im-
proved drastically.
A highly touted newcomer
from Cleveland, S e n i c h has
pushed his way into a starting
role alongside Ott. Senich is
a lanky 6-4 power server who is
rated fifth in junior doubles in
the nation.
This year's captain Ramone
Almonte and surprise sopYO-
more Mike Ware are also knot-
ted up for the next two spots.
Almonte has always been a very
fine ground stroker with fluid
controlled arm motion. But he's
been wary of coming up to the

national tournament Ross suf-
fered a case of tennis elbow and
was not able to play during the
fall. But since his return to ac-
tion this term he has come on
strong and is undefeated in
challenge matches. However, he
has not met a n y of the top
starters yet. Eisner believes Russ
is playing as well as last season
despite his elbow injury tnd a
sore shoulder, and should move
A couple other improvement
cases include senior Doug Mc-
Claury and junior Randy Toig.
McClaury has shed some excess
poundage and is playing "far
better than last season." He's
always had a tremendously pow-
erful serve, but now he can run
down more balls and stay with a
volley longer.
Toig has also improved over
last season's performance, but
has lost a few heartbreaker
challenge matches in practice.
Others making the team this
season are Andy Geller. Dave
Donzal, Mike Durst, Bob Ep-
stein, and Ricky Turetsky.
Eisner is searching for some
workable doubles combinations
since the excellent team of Con-
ti and Hainline have left. The
Wolverine mentor looks for two
players who get along well on
and off the court, and who play
well together. We have "to put
good right and left court ser-
vice men together," expounded,
So far the teams look like
Raverby and Ross, Senich and
Ott. and Almonte and Ware.
The weekend's tilt against the
alumni should present a con-
siderable challenge for the Wol-
verines. Listed for action for the
Alumni are Ray Senkowski,
former Big Ten number o n e
singles champ and NCAA run-
ner-up, and 1970 starters Hain-
line, DeBoer, McClaughlin. Har-
ry Fauquier, Canadian Davis
Cupper, will play behind Sen-
kowski and will team up with
him in first doubles.
The match will begin at about
1 p.m. at the Racket Club which
is located on Cherry Hill Rd. in
Eisner hopes the increased
competition will givehhis team
members an edge when t h e y
compete against other schools,
but as he said, "You never real-
ly know until you play."


Tim Ott

Coach Brian Eisner
net until this year. "He's been
playing the finest tennis he's
ever played," commented t h e
Wolverine coach. "He's gained
confidence in his service and his
volley game. He doesn't have
great size but has great quick-
The cinderella story of this
fall's workouts has been Mike
Last season Ware wasadown at
the bottom of the team's hist
and saw very little match ac-
tion. But this season he already
owns challenge match victories
over Raverby (his only loss) and
Ott. Eisner attributes the great
improvement to his more con-
sistent and less wristy serve, his
mental attitude, a n d an im-
proved overhand slam.
Rounding out the top six slots
is junior Joel Ross. In last year's

-Daily-Jim Judkis

kBlcks quit TCU eleven;
Wills seeks managerial slot
By The Associated Press
* FORT WORTH, Tex. - Four black football player at Texas
Christian University.told Head Coach Jim Pittman yesterday that they
are quitting and transferring to Florida State.
"They explained to me," said Pittman, "that they had not been
happy with the social activities the last two years. They said it had
nothing to do with the present coaches or any of our rules."
* * *
" MEXICO CITY - Maury Wills, who made his managerial debut
this winter in Mexico, says he wants to manage the Los Angeles Dodg-
ers. If successful, Wills could become the major leagues' first Negro
The base stealing star, a 12-year major league veteran, who batted
.268 last year for the Dodgers, saw his club the Hermosillo Orange
Growers, clinch the Mexico Triple A Pacific Coast Club championship
Tuesday night in a playoff.
In a telephone interview Tuesday Wills said: "Next, I want to
manage the Dodgers. But I'n afraid I may have to wait a few years
until Walt Alston retires. In the meantime I will continue'to play in the
regular season and,manage minor league teams in the winter."
* ~**
" WASHINGTON - A record price of $30 was announced yesterday
for the closed circuit television showing of the Muhammad Ali-Joe
Frazier heavyweight championship fight at Washington's Hilton hotel, 4
according to promoter Lee Guber.

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Baseball t
NEW YORK (/P) - The way was cleared
yesterday for the inclusion of such outstand-
ing stars of the old Negro baseball leagues
as Josh Gibson and Satchel Paige in Base-
ball's Hall of Fame in a special category.
That became a reality when Baseball
Commissioner Bowie Kuhn announced the
formation of a special 10-man committee
to select the top Negro stars of the pre-
1947 era "as part of a new exhibit com-
memorating the contributions of the Negro
League to baseball."
The first player honored by the com-
mittee will be announced next week with
the anticipation that it will either be Gib-
son, the slugging catcher who has been call-
ed the Babe Ruth of black baseball, or Paige,
the longtime pitching ace of the Kansas City
Monarchs who later pitched in the majors
when he was about 50 years old.
The inclusion of the stars of the Negro
leagues, which began to disappear after
Jackie Robinson broke the major league col-
or line with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947,
comes after a long campaign to have them
But they will not actually be Hall of


black players

However, Kuhn did not see that as any
"I wouldn't call it a compromise." Kuhn
said. "The rules for selection to the Hall
of Fame are very strict and I think those
standards are correct. Through no fault of
their own these stars of the Negro leagues
didn't have major league exposure.
"The purpose here is to recognize the
great contributions made by the Negro
leagues and I think the stars should be iden-
tified and recognized by the public.
Eddie Gottlieb, onetime owner of a Negro
baseball team and a member of the new
selection committee, said the players who
would be recognized would have been of
major league caliber if there had been no
color line at the time they were playing.
"If they were inferior players, the com-
missioner wouldn't allow them to be re-
cognized," Gottlieb said. "They probably
would have been of major league caliber
if they had played in a later era."
According to the rules for selection, play-
ers eligible must have played at least 10
years in the Negro baseball leagues up to and
including 1946. To be elected, a candidate

must receive eight votes from the 10-man
Besides Gibson and Paige, others likely ot
be considered are Oscar Charleston, a center
fielder for the Pittsburgh Crawfords; John
Henry Lloyd, a shortstop for the Lincoln,
N.Y., Giants; Cool Poppa Bell, a center field-
er for the St. Louis Stars; Buck Leonard, a
first baseman for the Homestead Greys, Ray
Dandridge, a third baseman for the Newark
Eagles and Judy Johnson, an infielder for
the Crawfords.
Johnson and Gottlieb are two of the com-
mittee members who will vote on worthy
nominees. Roy Campanella, a Hall of Fa-
mer who was with the Brooklyn Dodgers,
and Monte Irvin, a former player with the
New York Giants, also are committee mem-
The others are: Everett Barnes, a member
of the U.S. Olympic Committee; Frank
Forbes, former Negro league player now a
boxing judge for the New York Athletic Com-
mission; Sam Lacey, sportswriter for the
Baltimore Afro-American; Alex Pompez, for-
mer owner of a Negro team; Wendell Smith,
writer for the Chicago Sun-Times, and Bill
Yancey, former star in the Negro leagues.


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