SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY 5k igaF 47E aitP PHONE 764-0.558 Vol. LXXX I, No. 83 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 8. 1971 Ten Cents _. _. _. .. . _ .. ...c,,. 'CAN'T COMPETE': Cellar forces SBS cutback By W. E. SCHROCK Student Book Service (SBS) will soon stop selling text- books, a move which the private bookstore's manager attri- butes primarily to the initial success of the new University discount bookstore, the University Cellar. According to Dick Klausner, a book buyer at SBS, "The Cellar's eftec has been critical" to the operation of SBS, located on South University Ave. between Church St. and S. Forest Ave. "We pretty much anticipated the end of text book sales," Klausner said yesterday. Meanwhile, owners and managers of the other private campus bookstores declined to estimate the effect of the Cellar's discount textbook sales on their volume of business. Fleming Harvey's Eight Pages blasts plan g unit ,Job field for grads' .tightening Most said they were unable to assess the impact of the Cellar this early in the current book rush. Sales at the Cellar have been beyond the store's expectations in both new and used text books and other items, including school sup- plies, posters, toiletries, and re- cords. While SBS will end its textbook sales, it will expand its sales of other books, according to N e d EAST LANSING ()P) - Out of Shure, the store's owner. college.and into the ranks of the The Cellar is able to reduce its unemployed: That may be the prices partially through its ex- fate of one college graduate in emption from the four per cent four this summer, according to state sales tax, which all private figures from Michigan State Uni- bookstores are required to, charge. U versity. In addition, the Cellar discounts Campus recruiting, says Jack all text books five per cent, below Shingleton, placement director at the publisher's suggested list price. MSU, is down by an estimated 23 Shure said SBS would begin per cent this year. Only 1,761 in- in February to offer a ten per cent terviewing schedules have been ar- discount on all books. Previously, ranged for the 1971 academic year, the ten per cent discount was of- Shingleton said yesterday, a de- fered only on books costing more cline of 547 from last year when than $3. 2,308 recruiters visited the campus. Some of the employes at the Noting that fewer young people Cellar formerly worked at SBS Nroingn thate feweyou ope, and say that both stores have sim- are going 'into the armed forces,1 ilar philosophies of reducing pric- meaning more are looking f o r es on books. "It's kind of sad," jobs, Shingleton predicted hard said Dave Rock, who worked at times for the graduate of 1971. SBS for 21/ years and is now a He thinks hiring quotas in busi- book buyer at the Cellar. "A lot ness, industry, government and of people including Ned (Shure) education will be off by as much put a lot of energy into SBS." as 25 per cent from last year. While Shure is unhappy about There may be further inflence by the end of his textbook operations, congressional_ approval or disap- he said, "I wish the U' store lots proval of fedeal support for the of luck." supersonic transport airplane pro- Owners of small private book- gram. stores in Ann Arbor, claiming they Engineers and accountants re- receive relatively small profit ceived highest monthly starting margin and incur high overhead salaries, based on averages of last expenses, say they have a dif- June's graduates at MSU: Engi- ficult time in maintaining t e x t neers averaged $885 monthly and book services. Wahr's. on South accountants $860. State St., eliminated its text book Chemists were in third place offerings last winter. # with an average of $823. followed The manager of Slater's, on S. by educators, mathematicians and State St., declined to comment on production managers. his text book sales thus far during But this year, only the account- the current book rush. ants are expected to have ample Both Fred Ulrich, owner of Ul- job opportunities and they will rich's. and Bob Graham, manager have to accept limits on geograoh- of Follet's. on S. State St., declined! ical location and fields of special- to estimate the amount of busi- ization. See CELLAR, Page 8 Chemists, physicists, educators and anyone with liberal arts or general, social science degrees will have to overcome more difficult times than the accountants. eco- nomists, business administrators and others with special vocational ndegrees w in areas like computers, te nursing, metallurgy and civil or chemical engineering. Women do not find the current By ZACH SCHILLER economic condition advantageous Meeting for the first time this to winning equal pay, Shingleton semester, -the Gay Liberation Front notes, although he says employers (GLF) last night decided to post- disagree. pone any further action in sup- "Employers indicate they are port of their attempt to hold a paying their women employes sal- midwest conference on homosex- aries equal to those paid to men uality at the University until the graduates," Shingleton says. He Regents reconsider the proposal. adds, however, that the salary The 30 members attending t h e data he has studied does not bear meeting discussed a 'variety of thisout except in certain business ideas for programs this term, but{ categories. made few concrete plans. t i t i r , r -Daily-Sara Krulwich STUDENT BOOK SERVICE (above) has been forced to suspend textbook sales by the initial success of the University's discount bookstore, the University Cellar which, as pictured below, has been sell- ing at a much higher volume than had been expected. TO SUPERVISE HIRING PLAN: r By JONATHAN MILLER President Robben Fleming said yesterday that he is op- posed to Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey's pro- posal for a special police unit to conduct surveillance of po- litical figures on campus. Harvey plans to apply today for federal funding for the "Intelli- gence Squad." which will, accord- ing to his proposal, investigate or- ganized and syndicated crime, lo- cal traffic in illegal drugs, and people involved in "civil disord- ers, campus unrest. and u n i o n strikes." The squad would cover both the University, and Eastern Michigan University. In a statement, Fleming s a i d that he would "write to the people concerned." with funding Harvey's proposal to advise them of the University's opposition. Reacting to Fleming's statement, Harvey said last night, "I don't care if we get the grant or not, if I want to operate on that campus I'll go ahead and do so." He added that it was Fleming's prerogative to write letters a n d make statements, but declined fur- ther comment. In his statement, Fleming said, "a free society must always ap- proach with reluctance a system which calls upon its members to spy on one another." He warned of the "abuses of surveillance tech- niques on some campuses." However, the president added that "there are times when sur- veillance may seem necessary, but if this is to be so on our campus we believe it should come through the normal relationship between the campus and the city police." Fleming declined last night to specify the occasions such surveil- lance might be necessary. He also declined to comment on Harvey's claim Wedneslay that he has agents already operating at the University. Members of the University's se- curity staff, including Safety Di- rector Frederick Davids, have de- cided to cooperate only with the Ann Arbor police, not the Intelli- gence Squad", according to Flem- in's statement. Harvey had said . Wednesday that Davids had assured coopera- tion with the proposed squad at a meeting with Undersheriff Harold Owings. "last week or the w e e k before." However, Davids said yesterday that he "did not attend such a meeting, I haven't met with Un- dersheriff Owings or anybody from the sheriff's department on this." When Harvey was told that Davids had denied having attend- ed such a meeting with Owings. he retracted his previous statement. John Hayes, chief of the EMU police said yesterday that Owings' had approached him about t h e squad, in which he agreed to par- ticipate.~ However, Hayes said he was not aware of the provisions in t h e proposals for the political surveil- lance of the EMU campus, main- taining that the squad had been See FLEMING, Page 8 President Fleming 70 ATTEND: Radical party holds pyin Commission on appointed by By SARA FITZGERALD The appointment of 12 people to a Commission on W o m e n, established to aid in the achieve- ment of equal employment oppor- tunities at the University, w a s announced yesterday by PresidentI Robben Fleming. The commission, consisting of ten women and two men, will be headed by Barbara Newell, special assistant to the president and former acting vice president for! student affairs. The advisory group; was established as part of the Uni-{ versity's affirmative action plan for ending discrimination againstI women in employment, submitted! to the Department of Health, Edu- cation and Welfare last month. Fleming, who appointed the commission members, has asked' the body to review the University's affirmative action program, and to Women lIem ing examine University policies, pro- cedures, and practices which may discriminate against women. Specifically, the commission has been asked to work with Univer- sity personnel offices to: -Identifyand eliminate em- ployment practices which are shown to discriminate against wo- men; -Encourage the development of recruiting practices which w il1 open job opportunities to women; -Educate employment units about the availability and suita- bility of women for employment at all levels; and -Inform members of the Uni- versity community of their rights and appropriate grievance pro- cedures. The commission will also work with each academic department 1o 9 0 orgamzing session By ANDREW ZACK The recently formed radical political party held an or- ganizational meeting last night in preparation for its upcom- ing convention Jan. 22-24. The 70 people attending the meeting were addressed by members of the party's temporary steering committee, who reiterated the party's plans to participate in the upcoming city elections. They stressed, however, that they would seek to remain a permanent political force in Ann Arbor. The steering committee members discussed the problems the party was having getting a place on the April city ballot. 0 first meeting of term, action on conference According to one member, a ser- ies of special workshops will be{ held on Jan. 28 between coun- selors of University students, and members of GLF to discuss meth- ods of counseling homosexuals. Speaking at the meeting, Peter Denton, a member of the recent- ly-organized radical political par- ty in Ann Arbor, called on GLF members to help the party draw up part of its platform on sexism. Denton also asked GLF mem- bers to participate in the teach- ing of a section of a new Course Mart course entitled Issues, Stra- tegy, and Tactics for Political Ac- tion. The meeting participants present decided to leave the pro- posal up to individual members. The proposed midwestern con- ference on homosexuality has been blocked by President Robben Fleming's denial of University f a- cilities for the conference, because he did not consider the purpose of the conference educational. Late last term, the Office of Student Services Policy B o a r d called upon the Regents not to make educational value a criter- ion for determining whether to allow University facilities to be used by organizations. That viewpoint will be present-a ed to the Regents by Vice Presi- dent for Student Services Robert Knauss at one of their next two meetings. Several participants in the meeting suggested that the pro- posed conference be made na- tinno *.o thar 4than iit f mri,cnt_ cording to one participant, the Eastern Michigan University ad- According to state laws and the Ann Arbor City Charter, the party must obtain a peti- tion with signatures equaling one per cent of the votes cast for the most recent secretary of state election. In addition, the signatures must be col- lected in each of ten counties throughout the state. It was announced at last night's meeting that Dave Goldstein, the party's legal advisor, had pro- posed an amendment to the CityE Charter which would make the one per cent figure applicable only to the voters in the last city elec- tion, and would allow the signa- tures to be obtained in Ann Arbor only. The amendment will be intro- duced at a meeting of City Coun- cil before Feb. 5. The participants in last night's meeting broke up into several workshops, which discussed pro- grams for publicity, finance, re- search on information to be used in campaigns. Bok reported as new head of arvard U. Harvard Law School Dean Derek Bok will be named president of Harvard University, according to a report yesterday in the Harvard Independent, the university's stu- dent newspaper. President Rob- ben Fleming had been included on a final list of candidates for the job. Although there has been no of- ficial confirmation of the appoint- ment, by either Bok or members of the administration, a spokes- man for the Independent s a i d yesterday they had received "suf- ficient confirmation from some- one involved in the decision-mak- ing process." I ministration would not allow GLF assure equal treatment of men and to use its facilities until it be- women in recruitment, employ- comes a student organization, mentand promotion practices. which it cannot do because it has thus far been unable to meet. At the start of the meeting, the activities of other chapters of the GLF all over the country were dis- cussed. Several members had visit- ed cities in different parts of the country over the winter vacation, and briefed the members present about collectives, community cen-l ters and social actiivties of GLF members in the other chapters. Besides Newell, the commission includes Gwendolyn Baker, an ed school lecturer, Jean Campbell,' director of the Center for the Con- tinuing Education of Women, history Prof. William Freehling, Emily Gardner, a statistician in the Office of Staff Benefits, and Edward Hayes, manager of com- pensation plans and personnel in- formation systems. See COMMITTEE, Page 8 New regents BOTH DEMOCRATS present view Paul Brown: Cautious, moderate By MARK DILLEN -e Daily News Analysis k ' The election of two Democratic regents last November provoked much specula- tion within the University community as to whether the administration's stance on campus issues would shift slightly leftward. However, one of the two newly-elected iegents, Paul Brown, has chosen-at least James Waters: S On New approach.? When James Waters took his oath of office Jan. 1, he not inly became one of the youngest men to hold the position of regent at the University, but the second black as well. And Waters' background and political beliefs seem to differ from those of past regents. "I never did agree with all this jive opposing non-violent civil disobedience- a 1