Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: LARRY LEMPERT I 1rH&E W~AS' THEY 1WAT epK A 714 A)AV THEY : raru is- ' a U ANI V. THE k)A Y a c .S i U2L~( -W~FT / I J TC W44 WElA IR I HU Wvi L~OO &UR MwO~: C. A TO p^NP RN College Course 327 r~HE HEATED controversy stemming from the LSA Curriculum Committee's . recent decision to delete several sections of College Course 327 (Issues, Strategies and Analysis in Political Action) ha; blown entirely out of proportion for the same reasons that it started in the first :place - failure in communication by both sides involved. Although it may be hard for some to believe, the problem did not arise impul- sively last week, with the committee's de- cision and the subsequent protest by students and organizers. Perhaps an apt description of the situation would instead be an "extended fiasco." As far back as Nov. 21 - the date the original proposal for the course was sub- hmitted to the Course Mart Committee - "what should by rights have been a simple administrative procedure was already taking the shape of a complex affair .bound to cause hostility. At that time, the Course Mart Commit- tee designated the original proposal un- feasible because of its tenuous content, a lack of a predominant theme to tie the course together, and the fact that it re- quired funding which the unfunded Course Mart program could not provide. In rejecting the proposal, the Course :.Mart committee permitted the course's organizers to submit a revised proposal after the Dec. 3 deadline for winter term course proposals. The revised proposal n was presented Dec. 15 and analyzed in depth by the Course Mart committee on the 18th. The Course Mart Committee has said 'that despite reservations about grading procedure, the nature of the political ac- tions to be taken, the qualifications of the proposed section leaders and other , aspects of the section organization, it felt secure in recommending approval of the .'course without review by the LSA cur- riculum committee, of which it is a sub- committee. c Consequently, the curriculum commit- tee approved the course "in good faith" and it was processed and sent to the registrar on Dec. 21. Except for the waiving of the Dec. 3 deadline, the Course Mart Committee up to this point followed the normal pro- ' cedure applied for all Course Mart cour- ses. But a significant error was made by the committee when it chose not to refer i the proposal to the curriculum commit- tee. Indeed, it was apparent even then on paper the course was very poorly or- ganized, regardless of its educational merits. THE CARELESS approval by the Course Mart Committee led to further prob- lems as the organizers of college course 327 understandably, but mistakenly con- .; cluded that everything was all right with the course. When advertisements in the Daily and leaflets publicizing College Course 327 n appeared at the start of the present term, the Curriculum Committee became dis- turbed at several subtle discrepancies between the ads, the leaflets and the ap- proved proposal. While these discrepanc- ies were no doubt picayune when taken by themselves, they assumed great signi- ficance when considered in light of all that had occurred. The advertisements and the leaflets were obviously changed to attract the in- terests of as many students as possible. Nothing is wrong with that. Even the fact that when taken together, the changes tended to make the course format take a giant step to the left was little more than sensational, if deceptive. Significant, however, was the f a c t that a few minor changes could so affect a course as to make it appear different than it was originally supposed to be. In other words, the discrepancies be- tween the advertisements and the ap- proved proposal, while harmless in them- selves, served to point out the shakiness of the course organization. A thoroughly sloppy procedure, or lack of it, by psy- chology Prof. Robert Hefner, the sponsor, and other coordinators of the course virtually backed the Curriculum Commit- tee against a wall in which the only re- course was to salvage as much of the course as possible, without violating Course Mart and LSA rules. The nrimarv vinlatinn cited hv the dean, in accordance with Course Mart rules. While there was obviously no attempt to deceive the literary college, and de- spite the fact that most of the proposed teachers were suitably qualified, Hefner nevertheless was inexcusably remiss in not obtaining the necessary approval, whatever the reason. CHARGES FROM both sides that actions were taken by the opposition for poli- tical reasons are unfounded. If the Curri- culum Committee deleted the sections for political reasons, it would have been both ineffective and inconsistent: Ineffective because, since the nine other actions were approved, and the Curriculum Committee had previously guaranteed college credit to all the students enrolled in the course, nothing would prevent them from switch- ing into one of the equally "political" sec- tions that were approved, if theirs was deleted. Indeed, such action was endorsed by the committee as the only possible solution to insure that students received a fair deal. Alleged political repression in the class- room was one of the primary reasons the Course Mart program was begun in the first place. Deletion of the sections for political reasons would have been incon- sistent with both past and present Course Mart policy. Several current Course Mart courses are at least as politically oriented as the deleted sections of 327, but w e r e organized and presented to the commit- tee in cohesive manner according to es- tablished Course Mart rules and proced- ure. On the other hand, charges by the cur- riculum committee and other faculty members that the issue is being turned into a political one are equally dangerous. Hefner and his associates are understand- ably concerned that primarily technical matters are preventing a much needed course from reaching students who desire to take it. Hefner, especially, is extremely sincere in his motivations for wanting the course approved in its entirety, just as he was sincere in his motivations in advertising the course and in attempting to treat a potentially inflammatory subject in a rational, scholarly fashion. At certain times he was influenced by some of those connected with the course who wanted to turned it into a political issue, but his gravest mistake was simply a lack of planning, organization and control of the course as a whole. The individuals seated on the Course Mart and Curriculum committees are equally well-intentioned. Generally moti- vated by a concern for approving rigor- ous courses regardless of the political na- ture of the subject matter, most of them have expressed regret that the course could not be approved because of admin- istrative errors on the part of the course organizers. THAT IS WHY impulsive decisions like those made by LSA Student Govern- ment last week to review the status of the three student members on the Course Mart Committee can only denigrate the effort of these students to maintain a strong inerest in matters of LSA cur- riculum - an area which students often gripe about, but are rarely willing to work to change. The Course Mart Committee is at fault, however, for administrative errors of its own. The list of Course Mart rules and procedures must be made more accessible to those proposing course mart courses, so that familiarity will breed good con- tent in the course proposals. In addi- tion, the rules should be reviewed and clarified, and in some instances changed to make them less cumbersome. Perhaps a more expeditious method for obtain- ing teacher approval could be devised, in- stead of relying on the often unavailable time of the executive committee and dean. Finally, the committees must be stringent in sticking to deadlines and cau- tious that no second-rate course pro- posals are approved in the future. This will prevent unfortunate incidents of stu- dents signing up for courses and then finding that they do not exist. For by that time no reasons are adequate. SINCE MANY Course Mart and Curri- r1n1M enmmittea membersexanreed "I T FO FR' TP I ~o 00 NEW! VP k~Wr -M 6 5014 Sc~ceiFVe. CaL A RI~&S ( cto3c1. I Dist. PNblishe.nslJall sydicate College Course 327 strikes back EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a response of instructors and students of College Course 327 to the decision of the LSA curriculum committee to drop six sections of the course. The article was prepared by Irvene Brawer, Beryl Brown, John Cumbler, Bob Hefner, Harlan Himel, Steve Nissen and Fred Rosen. LAST SEMESTER the LSA Curriculum Committee approved College Course 327 - Issues, Strategies, and Analysis in Political Action - to be offered this term. After the term began and the course was underway, the committee decided to re- consider its approval of this course. On Tuesday, January 26, three weeks into the term, the committee decided that only 11 of the 17 existing sections would be ap- proved. Thus in effect, it dropped six sections of a course which had originally been approved as a whole. In order to understand what is at is- sue, it is important to review briefly the history of College Course 327. The course was designed and proposed last summer by a group of grad students and faculty mem- bers who had heard of the proposal for Political Science 300, where students would have the opportunity to study and become involved in electoral politics. They were sensitive to the fact that, as reactions to the invasion of Cambodia showed, students were having growing doubts about the ef- ficacy of traditional politics for dealing with the major political and social issues of the day. Poli Sci 300 was not designed to speak to those doubts. So this group posposed a course that would enable stu- dents to consider, evaluate, and participate in a wide variety of tactics for effecting political and social change. Vice-President for Academic Affairs Al- lan Smith agreed to provide $5,000 for the course (the University provided $20,000 for Political Science 300). Several depart- ments were approached with the proposal. The psychology department was among the few which expressed interest in it, but ultimately they urged "that interested people in the depart- ment - and elsewhere - join in sup- port for the institution of some 'gen- eral education' courses for undergrad- uates. ISAPA (Issues, Strategies and Analysis in Political Action) is an excellent example of such a course. It should receive a college number, rather than a department number be- cause the range of its concerns goes beyond the boundaries and expertise of any given discipline." In October. the proposal was brought to the Course Mart Subcommittee of the college curriculum committee for approval. When the proposal was criticized as being too long, containing too much informa- tion, and not being organized according to Course Mart guidelines, a shorter reor- ganized proposal was submitted. In mid- December the course was approved. AT THE MEETING at which approval was granted, it was suggested by a Course Mart Committee student member that the course be publicized to attract large num- bers of students, since there were facilities to handle a large number, and to fully use the many outstanding teaching fellows committed to the course. At the beginning of the winter term, leaflets describing the course and the topics to be covered by the various sections (each section focuses on social change in a certain area, such as ecology, racism, sexism, etc.) were distri- buted and ads were placed in the Daily. This publicity was the basis of our first conflict with the curriculum committee. First, they charged that the course was advertised as a course in "Political Ac- tion". The name of the course, they re- minded us, is "Issues, Strategies, and Ana- lysis in Political Action". The abbreviation, they said, was misleading. (The course name was abbreviated to save space in the Daily. It was described as a "new course in political action". This is a factual description', not a title.) Second, the leaflets and the Daily ads referred to the sections as "study-action" sections: the proposal had called t h em "work-study" sections. The proposal ap- proved by the curriculum committee h a d clearly stated: "The course requires that each section be involved in an action pro- ject". Third, they objected to the fact that the publicity mentioned that grades would be determined jointly by teaching fellows and students. In response, we quote the pro- posal approved (and presumably read) in December: "Each student will be evaluated on the basis of his work in a group or individ- ual project and his participation in section meetings. Reports of project and study activities will be presented in class and discussed as a basis for evaluation. Beyond these procedures, the specifics of evaluation will be determined by each section leader in consultation with his students". Fourth, the committe objected to t h e topical organization of the sections, as- serting that all students should study all topics. To some extent this is done in the debate portion of the course (weekly de- bates or talks on strategies for social change, attended by all students). How- ever, that is not the primary goal of the sections. Again, we quote the proposal the committee approved: "Work-study sections will be the major site of student participation, providing the opportunity for discussion, study, planning, and the presentation of in- dividual and group reports. Sections will be organized around topical areas (selected by the teahing fellows) such as race relations, urban problems, the role of the military, or the nature of the large corporation." WHAT ALL OF this amounted to, they said, was "pandering" to the political in- terests of the students, and therefore they were reconsidering their approval of the course. We first learned of these objec- tions on the afternoon of January 12, five hours before the first meeting of the course. A motion to rescind credit for the course was made in the curriculum com- mittee meeting on January 12, and tabled to January 19. In spite of this, 200 stu- dents decided to proceed. One week later the curriculum com- mittee met to discuss the matter. The two course co-ordinators attended that meet- ing and attempted - despite a hostile tone and many personal insults - to demon- strate that the course was indeed being taught as originally proposed and approv- ed by the committee. Prof. Robert Hefner and course co-or- dinator John Cumbler met with the Course Mart Committee on January 22. In two- and-a-half hours they attempted to ex- plain the nature of the 17 sections and the qualifications of the Tis. Extended dis- cussions of some of the sections left only one or two minutes to present some of the others. (8everal faculty members were anxious to end the meeting as it passed 6 p.m.) At no time were the course co-or- dinators informed what was at issue or what the criteria for evaluating the sec- tions were. On Tuesday, January 26, the curriculum committee accepted the recommendation of the Course Mart Committee that only 11 of the sections be approved, and stated that no further discussion of the smatter was possible;' the issue was closed. No reasons were given for rescinding approv- al of six sections; indeed, the six sections that were not approved were not even mentioned in the report. The sections dropped are: a section on corporations and imperialism taught by a group of six people including a grad stu- dent in economics, a grad student in busi- ness administration, and a PhD candidate in political science; a section on M e d i a taught by a student already approved to teach another Course Mart course plus a non-student writer with a BA; sections on youth liberation and repression, each taught by an accredited and experienced high school teacher; a section on Inde- pendent Electoral Politics taught by an. ex-graduate student well-known on cam- pus for his politics, allegedly vetoed by the Dean; and a section on racism and sexism from the standpoint of gay liberation, taught by an undergraduate who is a member of GLF and who has previously been approved to teach. No reasons have been given for drop- ping the sections. One student member of the Course, Mart Committee said that his reasons (but not necessarily the Commit- tee's reasons) often included lack of in- formation about the course or instructor, but all information requested has b e e n supplied. Furthermore, our requests for further discussion (perhaps we can an- swer or accommodate ourselves to their objections -- but we don't know what they are) have been flatly refused. CAN ANYTHING justify this sort of treatment? The members of the Course Mart and curriculum committees seem to be making up the rules as they go along. A course already approved in December must now be approved again section by section. Com- mittee members have 'proudly' stated that they don't operate by Robert's Rules, "we just make 'em up as we go along." This attitude has enabled them to consider three separate motions to rescind credit for the course (one was defeated with one positive vote, the other two just evaporat- ed), and then allegedly vote partial ap- proval for something earlier approved as a whole. Standards for approval are not being uniformly applied. Most Course Mart courses are approved on the basis of a brief paragraph. For this course, more and more information has been demanded, with no clear criteria to be met or limits on the questioning process. The only reason mentioned has been lack of information, when all of the informa- tion requested has been given. This is not a reason, it is an excuse. What are the real reasons why these sec- tions were dropped? Is it because the Uni- versity cannot tolerate courses designed to serve the interests of students rather than narrow groups of faculty or administrators? Is it because they cannot tolerate a course in which students participate in decisions concerning what shall be studied and how and on what basis grades shall be given- thereby challenging the traditional preroga- tives of teachers? Is it because some faculty feel threatened by the existence of a Course Mart course that attracts and accomnmodates as many as 200 students? Is it because this course is likely to present, among others; radical al- ternatives to present approaches to contem- porary problems and to challenge the ef- ficacy of the two-party system? Is it be- cause this is the largest and most successful course of this type? Or is there something else about intra-university politics involved about which we know nothing? This university purports to be a place with sufficient freedom to tolerate the teach- ing of all views-including the unpopular and the radical. It purports to be a place with sufficient flexibility to permit innova- tions in teaching methodology, with enough breadth of vision not to sacrifice the needs and interests of students to the whims, pre- judices, and narrow class interests of cer- tain faculty or students, and with a suffici- ently open mind to allow-indeed, to encour- age-a variety of approaches to a variety of issues. THE ACADEMIC freedom of all in the university community requires vigorous de- fense whenever it is attacked. The students and teachers of all 17 sections of College Course 327 urge the support of everyone in the effort to assure that the injustices visited upon them are rectified, that their rights are recognized, and that their needs are served. There is no good reason for the rip-off of these six sections. They should be imme- diately reinstated! '0i 4i S 4 .0 Letters to the Daily: More ons Tiao-yu-tai To the Daily: MR. JOHN GISSBERGS letter of Jan. 30 on the Tiao-yu-tai incidents shows a definitely mistaken sense of priority. The principal issue that Mr. Siak tries to emphasize in his article on Jan. 28 is not "a careful examination of the implications of a continued Chinese and Japanese rejection of the international prin- ciples asserted in the treaty the 1968 U.N. Convention" (as Mr. Gissberg's says) but rather the preservation of Chinese sovereign- ty. Even if Mr. Siak's main point Director of Graduate Studies, De- partment of Political Science). We believe, if any other country at- tempts to take the state of Michi- gan away from the United States, American would be more con- cerned about such transgression than they would if the United States did not sign an international treaty comparable to the 1958 U.N. Con- vention on the Continental Shelf. As to Mr. Gissberg's question on the thoroughness of our research efforts, we suggest that he should come to our next meeting during which he would be informed of the --.-n -c of ,,. - m ri.) di A ile ism and imperialism are the issue. Even if oil had not been discovered on the Tiao-yu-tai islands, we would still have been, equally in- sistent on Chinese rights. -Univ. of Mich. Action Committee to protest Japanese aggression ag ains t Tiao-yu-tai Islands Feb. 2 1938 again To the Daily: T.TETT DI In THINK when I glee and gusto of 1938. It is a song that no civilized human being has ever sung, played, requested, or applauded, and surely not since 1945, not even in Germany: the "Horst Wessel Lied." For those who have forgotten or never knew, this was the official marching song of the "Sturm Abteilung (S.A.)," Hitler's brown- shirt hooligans. It. has no meaning or nostalgia other than that. It has nothing to do with oom-pah traditions, Oktoberfest, Fasching, beerhall camaraderie, old Ger- man university towns, or restau- rants named for them. It is purely When I registered my fury with the management and asked if the "Horst Wessel Lied" was standard fare in the band's repertoire, I was told that it had been requested. I suggested that there are some re- quests that need not be honored. Response: it doesn't reflect the management's views; we only played it because we were asked to. And at my back I heard the echo of that blood-chilling refrain - "I was only following orders." FOR YOUR FUN and frolic, my fellow townspeople, you may, on any weekend, and at your simple romict tt th nrne ifa glasnf