Thursday, January 7, 1971
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Voman's group critical of
tgreement between HEW,
Harvey stations men
(Continued from Page 1)
ed, but it would probably be
ade very uncomfortable for her
continue working if she tried to
e for back pay."
Jean King, a spokesman for
)CUS on Equal Employment for
Dmen, the group which initiated
e HEW investigation, also voiced
r apprehension with that aspect,
the plan.
"I'm concerned with the ma-
inery for applying for back'
versity administrators who have
previously demonstrated an insen-
sitivity and an unwillingness to
deal fairly with problems of sex
discrimination can only be ex-
pected to serve as .a 'paper com-
mission,'" the PROBE statement{
Dissatisfaction with the settle-;
ment as a whole was summed up
by Clair Rumelhardt, Women's
Advocate in the Office of Stu-
dent Organizations.
a c
tud so ta at t e perso n a "I've been concsrned with t h e
itdisn't ha the persn'University's handling of the whole
nother specific criticism sev- HEW charges and I'm not yet con-
women hive is with the Uni- vinced of their good faith," she
city's commitmient to the cre- said.
n of a commission of women "The affirmative action plan
supervise thebprogram, The has not dealt with the problem in
emisson, to be named this; depth and the fact that the9 Uni-
k, would work with Fedele versity has not tapped he re-
ri, vice president for state sources of women in he University
itions and aplnning. is specifically disturbing," she
We question the selection of added.
ele Fauri for this 'supervis- Rumelhardt pointed out that the
" the PROBE statement said. University still has to present a
hy not a woman?" specific program with timetables
ate last night Fauri said that and specific goals. "So its not
sident Robben Fleming was really settled yet."
ning the commission but that According to Fauri, the Uni-
n confident I could work with versity is "in the process of form-
m and do an objective job." ulating a complete affirmative ac-
It is commendable that the tion plan with time tables and
versity has elected to establish goals."
ommission on women;" added Edna Coffin, a lecturer in Near
ther PROBE statement. "How- Eastern Languages and Literature,
r, no information has been pro- agreed with several women when
ed about the selection procedure she said, "I guess some -correct
membership on the Commis- principles were set, but now I'd
n." like to see some action."
A comrnission selected by Uni- Several PROBE members criti-
cized the University for what they
called the "reprehensible" failure
of the University to release in-
formation during the three month
The University had underplayed
the seriousness of the HEW ac-
tions, said PROBE members.
"It's obvious that the University
discriminates, knows its discrimi-
nates, and doesn't intend to do
anything," said one P R O B E
(Continued from Page 1)
quite a while but decided on this
route," Kearney said yesterday.
"We are interested primarily in
clarifying our role under the con-
However, while Kearney said his
office is seeking "not control of
universities, but better coordina-
tion," he added such cooperation
between the board and universities
would amount to a "quasi veto
Among the board's strongest ob-
jections to University decisions in
recent years has been their op-
position to the University main-
taining its Flint andsDearborn
campuses as "branches." T h e
board favors making the branches
into separate colleges. In addition,
the University has expanded i t s
program at Dearborn to include
a four-year program despite t h e
board's opposition.
Kearney envisions a situation
where universities and the board
would work "closely together" and
where the board's opinion would
have a greater bearing on univer-
sity reouests before the legislature.
He says, however, that schools
would see this as "forfeiting much
of their autonomy" to the state-
eIct' d board.
George Buchnell, rapresenting
the three schools sees the board's
move as an effort "to assume a
role the constitution doesn't give
them - their job-is to assist rath-
er then dictate,"
Kearney considers the conflict
as "the old question of academic
"The Universities and the legis-
lature disagree over control of fa-
culty and student aspects while
the board disagrees with the uni-
versities over control of programs.'
to spy on'
S Continued from Page 1)
that Davids had not been officially
approached by the sheriff's de-
While Brinkerhoff declined last
night to reiterate his previous'
statement, he said he would doubt
that Col. Davids would have made
such a committment.
University President R o b b e n
Fleming said last night he was not'
aware that the sheriff was oper-
ating on campus. 'He's never ap-
proached me about it or anyone
else to my knowledge," he said. but
he added that he would investi-
gate the situation, within the next'
couple of days."
Harvey has stated in the grant
proposal to be presented tomorrow
that, "We have not had an intelli-
gence unit in this department and
we have had to improvise with un-
trained personnel and to rely on
other departments for intelligence
"With campus disorders, civil
disorders and union strikes an in-
telligence unit is de s p e r a t e l y'
needed in this community," the
proposal says.
Mayor Robert Harris has refused
to allow the Ann Arbor police to
participate in such a unit because
of what he terms is its potential!
role in political surveillance on
Harvey accused Harris of "gag-
ging his police chief," when he
was told of the decision barring
the participation of the largest city
police department in the county.
T~he original grant proposal had
included only departments within
Washtenaw County but the action
by the Mayor led Harvey to scrap
it in favor of a tri-county pro-
posal. The command of the squad;
will still be held by Washtenaw
County Undersheriff Harold* Ow-'
Law Prof. Douglas A. Kahn has
been honored for his article on
corporate law which appeared in
the Michigan Law Review.
Kahn received a $1,000 prize
from the Emil Brown Fund, a legal
foundation in Los Angeles, which
cited his "praiseworthy article 'in
the field of preventative law."
Kahn's - article dealt with in-
surance and tax law problems
stemming from the death of a
shareholder in a family business
or a corporation with a limited!
number of stockholders.
T i t 1 e d "Mandatory Buy-Out
Agreements for Stock of Closely
Held Corporations," the article
appeared in the November, 1969,
issue of the Michigan Law Review.
Dr. William J. Horvath, research
physicist at the Mental Health Re-
search Institute, was recentlyI
elected a fellow of the American
Public Health Association.
ings, because, Harvey says, "We
are the ones putting in for the
Harvey's grant application now
includes every police department
and prosecutors office in Monroe,
Washtenaw and Livingston coun-
ties, with the exception of the Ann
Arbor police.
Harvey said yesterday, however,
he believes there will eventually be
cooperation with the Ann Arbor
police if the proposal is approved.
Harvey added he thought the pro-
posal had a good chance for ap-
proval and estimates the squad's
budget would be between $50-
60,000 per year.
Although the sheriff has said
the squad would operate on the
campus of the University, he has
not yet spoken to President Flem-
The only copy of the proposal in
the possession of the University
administration was given to Brink-
erhoff by Mayor Harris.
Harold Sponberg, President of
Eastern Michigan University, could
not be reached for comment last
Bomb call
clears out
city Ibldgs.
Both Ann Arbor City Hall and
the Washtenaw County Bldg. were
evacuated for an hour yesterday
morning due to a bomb threat.
Police Sgt. Wayne Smead said
it was uncertain in which building
the bomb was supposed to explode
or whether a bomb was planted in
The Sheriff's department order-
ed both buildings cleared as a pre-
Police personnel were stationed
outside the entrances to prevent
anyone from entering either of the
Washtenaw C o un t y Sheriff
Douglas Harvey ordered detective
teams to search the County build-
ing after thehtelephoned threat,
but no explosives were found.
Police Chief Walter Krasny sent
uniformed officers and detectives
through City Hall offices and stor-
age areas. Nothing was found
there either, officers said.
Both buildings were reoccupied
after the searches were completed
In addition to yesterday's bomb
scares, a threat was called in to
the Police Dept. Monday night. An
immediate search then revealed no
explosives in City Hall.
we forgot io order our subscr'.plion to
Don't Muke the Same Mistake
Keep up with all the important news, whether it's from
Pnom Penh, Lansing, Washington, or Angell Hall; Dis-
cover the reasons behind the events; Be informed!
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HOURS: MON.-FRI., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
.' .
DailV Of ficial Bulletin Reed College, M.A.T. program f or
secondary school, teaching. Paid in-
ternship, $3150 for three periods daily,
(Continued from Page 2) Cleveland State University, elemen-
Placem ent tary school teacher-training program
for lib. arts majors leading to f u 11
3200 SAB certification with Master's Degree op-
Interview: Jan. 7-U.S. Navy. tion.
Temple Univ., lib. arts grads who
For further info, on any of the below, want to be elem. or secondary school
please contact Career Planning, 3200 teachers. Begin studies June 21. 1971.
S.A.B. In Sept. interns work under c 1 o s e
Colgae University, teaching intern supervision in city or suburban schools
program for college grads; leads to as full-time salaried teachers.
M.A.T. and permanent certification. Educational Synergetics, Inc., has a
Univ. of Pa.. teacher internship in new approach to securing a professional
urban educ., lib. arts grads, leads to position in jr. or sr. college in either
M.A.T. U.S. or Canada; check at Career Plan-
ORGANIZA TION Northwestern Univ., grad. school of
N/l, lf management; M.B.A. program on Chi-
. -- LOfl-ii Uri Ph ri.n rnarnm nn
College Course 329 Organizational}
meeting "Indochina and American'
Foreign Policy". Come to class even
if not registered. Thurs., Jan. 7, 3
p.m., Angell 2029.
"Workshop on Legislative Action for
Abortion Repeal/Reform 1971", Mon.,
Jan. 11, 7:30 p.m. 1040 Natural Resoure-
ces; sponsored by Zero Population
cgo Uampu andPD.porm n
Evanston Campus.
Howard Univ., Dept. of Educ., grad.
studies in student personnel admin;
fellowships and grad. assistantships
are available.
Harvard Univ., fellowships in En-
gineering, applied mathematics, applied
physics; deadline for application Jan.
10, so stop in today for further info.
212 SAB (lower level)
Scottish Country Dancing for men Annuncement
and women. Always open to begin- able for summe
Thursday, ties;application
Iners. Instruction provided. Every Feb. 13 exam, a
Thursday, 7:30 p.m., WAB Gym. exam,
Ageless Science of Yoga - instruc-
tion in the yoga exercises as taught
by qualified instructors. Sponsored by
Self-Realization Fellowing. Call "D a 1 e
after 6 p.m. at 761-9825.
* * * *
Beit-Midrash (College of Jewish
Studies - Hilel) will hold registration
on Jan. 12, 13, 14, from 7:30 - 10:00
p.m. at 1429 Hill St. Courses to be
offered are Hebrew (all levels), Basic
Judaism, Jewish History, Israeli Cul-
ture and more.
Gay Liberation Front meeting, on
Thurs., Jan, 7. 8:30 p.m., Dorm 3-A,
OSO offices, South wing, Union.
UM Folk Dance Club, every Friday
evening, 7:30 - 11:00 p.m. Barbour Gym.
Teaching 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Open to all.
: Appiications avan-
jobs in federal agen-
deadline, Jan. 8 for
.nd Feb. 3 for Mar. 13
m uersl
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Home is where the heart is..
Home is also wherever a
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The Paulist is ministering
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That is the Paulist way. It
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'On Campus Interviews
January 21, 22, 1971A
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