ht THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 2, 1974 it THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 2, 1 9* BLACK ADMISSIONS: U.S. massing troops on Laotian border Seeking to meet student needs Bedford: Acting, real estate, living (Continued from Page 1) like to hold orientation meet- ings at the Rackham Bldg. in Detroit to help parents under- stand the problems their sons and daughters will encounter.' Another major component of the Black Student Center would be comprehensive counseling fa- cilities to offer advice in a num- ber of areas the proposal states. The plan asks that two or three underclass and one upper- class academic counselors be as- signed to the center. In addition, associated counselors specializ- ing in dealing with minority stu- dents would be designated in the schools and colleges. "This would be an attempt to identify some of these persons who are particularly responsive to Opportunity students," Mad- dox says. In the area of personal coun- seling, the plan requests the Bureau of Psychological Services and the Mental Health Clinic to each "contribute" one of their counselors for a half-time ap- pointment at the center. "In specific cases it would re- quire the counselor to be of the same ethnic background," Mad- dox says. "Blacks feel more com- fortable with blacks-members of the same group would better understand each other." In addition, a financial aid counselor would be assigned full-time to d i s c u s s budget problems with students and to review aid policies concerning minority students. To help students find jobs after they graduate, the pro- posal calls for a vocational counselor to provide placement and careers guidance. Another person would be assigned to help find summer and part-time jobs for Opportunity Program stu- dents. Finally, a full-time housing counselor, the proposal states, would aid black students in find- ing housing before coming to campus and to assist dormitories in placing minority Resident Advisors. A third major component of the Black Student Center would be a media-production center to produce materials for orienta- . tion, training and other parts of the program. "It would assist in overcom- ing the tremendous communica- tions gap among student organi- zations and in the various de- partments," Maddox says. "It would also keep the larger com- munity of parents, legislators and the media aware of what is going on as far as the Oppor- tunity students." An additional component of the center would plan and eo- ordinate summer programs for entering freshmen and transfer students and aid schools and colleges in establishing similar programs. The proposal also asks for a person to be assigned half-time to seek money from the federal and state governments, founda- tions and alumni sources. The Black Student Center would also include physical fa- cilities for black organizations, a conference room and the of- fices of associated programs such as CULS. "It's an attempt to consolidate the offices the students encoun- ter on a day-to-day basis in one area," Maddox explains. Maddox justifies separating services for black and minority students because "these are stu- dents with unique lifestyles and problems which I don't believe normal departments can handle in the same fashion as for the average student." Maddox adds the consolida- tion plan is not "an entirely difficult thing," claiming it could be accomplished with ex- isting personnel and facilities. As to charges of "empire- building" Maddox says, "I en- countered all kinds of personnel difficulties in coping with edu- cational institutions and I will do everything within my power to assure that no other student will encounter the same ob- stacles that I did merely because they are black, chicano, Ameri- can Indian, Puerto Rican or come from a lower economic class." Whether all or some of the proposed Black Student Center is approved by the University's executive officers, CULS will continue its quiet efforts to aca- demically aid entering minority group students. "The coalition has taken the lead here," Maddox says. "They are teaching students how to learn in a group setting where they can be supportive of each other." A leaflet describes CULS as a "program of black people and other people in the University who have experienced the cp- pressive effects of racism and exploitation and are determined to constribute to changing those effects through improving and using their skills." A unit of the literary college, CULS works with minority stu- dents across the University. Describing CULS as a "very enthusiastic group," Alfred Suss- man, acting dean of the literary i college, says that the program will have an important effect on the college's counseling effort in general. Among CULS' programs are study groups which supplement regular sections. Taught by up- perclassmen and graduate stu- dents, the study sections review course material and study skills and relate the course content to the experience of the stu- dents. Another major CULS effort is to improve study skills through group effort. These review items such as note taking, preparing for tests and doing library re- search. Also included is a read- ing improvement program. In some courses CULS has es- tablished separate Opportunity P r o g r a m recitation sections which minority students may enroll in. "They're special only in the sense that we hope the teaching is better." CULS Director J. Frank Yates says of the sections, explaining they are only for four or five courses. "Everything we do is voluntary. We see where students have been hav- ing difficulty in the past, where they (the sections) would be something useful." William Fenstemacher, assist- ant to Spurr, insists that the standards for these sections are the same. There are however some University administrators who would prefer not to sepa- rate Opportunity students from the rest of the student body. "Philosophically there's a lot of space for argument. I'm a little worried about classes being totally black, but that's not the case," Fenstemacher says, de- fending the sections. "The needs of the students have to be dealt with-they have certain needs for study skills and these are incorporated in the classes." CULS also attempts to help students find employment and publishes a mimeographed bul- letin of job possibilities, Yates says. "We try to gather information about opportunities for gradu- ates, places they might work- black organizations and white firms that are trying to change," Yates explains. In the area of counseling, CULS uses upperclassmen and graduate students to help stu- dents. "We try to augment reg- ular counseling with our own," Yates says. In addition, there are special- ly designated counselors for minority students in the regular literary college counseling office, who have more latitude than usual. "There are special guidelines like dropping later than the normal date and special advice on the number of hours a stu- dent should take," Fenstemach- er says. Yates emphasizes that CULS is trying to do more than just adapt minority students to the present University environment. "It requires bending at both ends," he says. "The way these programs evolved, the people said 'Some- thing is wrong with the kid, he has to fit into the way things are going.' This says that the University has been doing things right., It's not recognized that the University has an obligation to change," Yates explains. TOMORROW: FINANCIAL AID (Continued from Page 1) tion along the Ho Chi Minh Trail has increased, and the Pentagon has revised its estimate of the number of North Vietnamese troops in Laos from about 65,000 to 70,000. The number of N o r t h Vietnamese in Cambodia has in- creased as many as 10,000 to be- tween 50,000 and 55,000 troops. The North Vietnamese units were described by Pentagon sources as logistic troops whose movement usually precedes a combac assault. In Moscow Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin was quoted by Tass as saying "an outrageous in- vasion of the southern provinces of Laos is under way." The Soviet news agency quoted the government newspaper Izves- tia as saying an invasion of Laos had been carried out by South Vietnam. Meanwhile, reports from the Laotian capital of Vientiane said the Pathet Lao and their North Vietnamese allies were threaten- ing attacks against two key points in Laos. Two regiments of the North Vietnamese 312th Division have returned to northern Laos after a six-month absence and apparent- ly are preparing for an attack on Long-Chang near the Plain of Jars, the Laotian Defense Min- istry reported. Other military sources in Laos said the Com- munist forces appear to be ready- ing an attack in the southern part of the country. There has been speculation for several weeks that South Viet- namese troops supported by U.S. planes would drive into Laos in an effort to sever the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a network of jungle paths and roads used by the Commun- ists to funnel troops and supplies from North Vietnam into Cam- bodia and South Vietnam. Day after day, the American war! planes have been hammering at the trail with tons of bombs in an effort to cut the flow of sup- plies. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.), said a South Vietnamese invasion of Laos supported by American planes would be an extension of the war. He said at the appropriate time he would back legislation to bar use of U.S. airpower for logis- tics and combat support in Indo- china outside of Vietnam. Although congressional restric- tions bar use of American ground troops in Cambodia or Laos, U.S. Secretary of State William Rog- ers stressed Friday the U n i t e d States will use unlimited airpower throughout Indochina, as neces- sary, as the troop withdrawals continue. BULLETIN DAILY OFFICIAL The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN f orm to Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before 2 p.m., rf the day preceding pub- lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Items ap- pear only once. Student organiza- tion notices are not accepted for publication. For more information, phone 764-9270. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Day Calendar Computer & Comnunic. S. Lecture: Dr. R. Weinberg, Kansas State, "Com- puter Simulation of a Living Cell," 2009 LSA, 4 p.m. Placement (Continued from Page 2) great place to leave," but he loves New York-he "under- stands the dirt." New York isn't like California (Los Angeles) a plastic Disneyland with stupid French pavillion homes that seem to have no place on the coutnry-side and unchanging sea- sons. Bedford is an actor. He doesn't want to ever have to take three week parts in a touring com- pany of Forty Carats or play a guest appearance on a TV series or become a quiz show personal- ity. To avoid this he has develop- ed a real estate business, which he runs himself, near the area of his country home. It gives him an escape from New York and the acting world into the rural quiet atmosphere of his Dutch stone house. * * * Sschool for Wives, with Brian Bedford, and other members of the Phoenix company, will con- tinue at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre through February 7 be- fore opening in New York. Wed. & Thurs., Feb. 3 & 4, Camp Tamarack, Detroit Fresh Air Society, Ortonville. Brighton.-9:00-5:00. Openings include cabin counselors, specialists in waterfront, arts and crafts, nature campcraft, tripping, dramatics, dance. puppetry, counselors for pioneer and outpost camping, unit and asst. unit supervisors, caseworker, nurses, truck- bus driver, cooks asst. ANNOUNCEMENTS New Jersey Dept. of Community Af- fairs have announced their Summer In- tern Program. Details and application at SPS, 212 S.A.B. Application deadline April 1, but for law students, Feb. 15. .. CLIP AND SAE.. LOW COST, SAFE, LEGAL jABORTION', IN NEW YORK SCHEDULED IMMEDIATELY (212) 490-3600 I PROFESSIONAL SCHEDULING SERVICE, Inc. 545 Fifth Ave., New York City 10017 I There is a fee for our service. Cook County Dept. of Public A i d , Chicago, Ill. Summer Trainee Program in Social Work announced for sopho- mores and junior. Details and applica- tions available at SPS. /N- 0 ra0 a lost~ueo;tY ri1 Congressmen call for inquiry into Indochina atrocity charges 4 (Continued from Page 1) human life. James Duffy, who said he piloted a Chinook helicopter in the Army Air Calvary "near the perimeter of Ahn Ke" said his or- ders were to "shoot any 'gook' that moves." "My mind was so psyched into killing gooks that once I shot into a group of peasants,"said Duffy. "We'd fire on a sniper in a vil- lage but we'd return fire until we ran out-often setting fire to huts." Unlike Sunday, when members of two right-wing groups, Break- through and the Edmund Burke so- ciety, marched outside the site of the investigations, there were no visible protests yesterday. This may have been due to the sub-zero temperature, observers said. The title "Winter Soldier Investi- gation" alludes to Revolutionary War pamphleteer Thomas Paine's comment on "the summer soldier and sunshine patriot who in this crisis shrinks from the service of his country." At the POW workshop, Virginia Warner, mother of a POW, charged that families of POWS "have been used to help gain support for the !wax." "I wish . . . I had never urged anyone to write to Hanoi," she said, adding "I never wanted Viet- nam bombed. I am not proud that my son helped to bomb Vietnam and I don't want any more Vietna- mese people killed." The panel as a whole urged GI's to list as beneficiaries of their $15,000 GI life insurance policies groups such as the Black Panthers and their own group of anti-war veterans. Specialist Fourth Class D a v e Dorey, scheduled to testify today said that he was disappointed by Sunday's hearings. "They're trashing GI's," he said. "By tell- ing war story after war story," he explained, "they setting them- selves up as individual soldiers in- stead of bringing out the real problems of U.S. foreign policy, of economic imperialism and blind obedience." Dorey said that al- though he "doesn't think the hearings will end the war," they have "good propaganda value." He commented that he was only "partially pleased with the peo- ple who appeared to testify, charging that "too many of them came to tell war stories to teach others and the press instead of do- ing something constructive." Dorey, active in' GI Movement, a group which seeks to organize malcontents among the armed forces, promised that his testimony today won't consider simply "specific atrocities" but c o u 1 d concentrate on the 'broader is- sues.' After the hearings, D o r e y hopes to "return to Alabama and keep working with the enlisted men." Although the organizers of the Investigation were veterans, many non-veterans worked yesterday, helping with telephone answer- ing, registration, feeding the vet- erans, assisting the press. Today's hearing will include re- presentatives from the 1st, 4th and 9th Infantry Divisions and a medical panel. The hearings are partially fi- nanced by actress Jane Fonda and author-lawyer Mark Lane, as well as the Vietnam Veterans against the War. All those testifying pre- sented certificates of honorable discharge to the press. The Veter- ans group as a whole claims a membership of over 5,000 with over 100 members scheduled to testify by the conclusion of the Winter Soldier Investigation. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE 212 S.A.B. (lower level) Interview, sign up by phone or person. in NOTICE: CINEMA GUILD announces petitioning for mem- bership on its board. All interested and qualified persons are welcomed. Under-classmen especially encouraged. SIGN-UP for interview appointments in Architceure Audi- torium lobby. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the central column there. AUSTIN DIAMOND 1209 S. University 663-7151 Try Daily Classifeds 11 Weathermen seek Punxsutawney Phil OVER 25,000 LP'S, OVER 300 LABELS IN STOCK snm WATCH FOR SPECIAL SALE ITEMS CHANGING WEEKLY * to1iscount records For the student body: I (Continued from Page 1) Punxsutawney Phil. "They just pick out any old ground hog," he says. "If Phil were just one ground hog he would be well over 100 years old." When asked about the feasibility of a 100-year-old ground hog, Pro- 'fessor Lay was adamant. "A 100- year-old ground hog?" he asked. "Why, it's very rare for a ground hog to reach the age of seven. Very, very rare!" Last year on Ground Hog Day, Punxsutawney Phil did not ap- pear. Sparks asserts that the chosen ground hog for the year had bitten the keeper the night before. and escaped. But, despite this rumored cor- ruption and fraud, Punxsutawney continues to perform the rites and ceremonies that are a part of their most important day. And people continue to flock to the small town to witness the spectacle. "It's easy to get there once you're in Pennsylvania," Sparks says. "Punx'y is a little south of Weed- ville, north of Indiana (Pa.), a bit west of Bell's Mills, and due east of Sprankle's Mills. You can't miss it. No way." Zoology Prof. Robert E. Beyer. could only ask, "What's a ground hog?" when asked about the ani- mal. "All I know," he said, "is that they're frozen in the ground." If Professor Beyer is correct, Punxsutawney Phil may well not show again this year. Of course, he may also bite the keeper. TV R ENTA LS $10.50 per month NO DEPOSIT FREE DELIVERY AND SERVICE CALL: NEJAC TV RENTALS 662-5671 1235 S. UNIVERSITY .0 300 S. STATE ! ANN ARBOR, 668-9866 665-3679 MICH. LEVI'S GRAD COFFEE HOUR this THURSDAY CORDUROY Slim Fits ......$6.98 (All Colors) Bells .........$8.50 DENIM STORE HOURS: Both Stores Mon.-Fri.-9:30-9 Saturday--9:30-6 Sunday-Noon- deLIVErin The ollies moving finger 2 99 1,1 Bush Jeans Bells. Pre-Shrunk Super Slims. $10.00 $8.00 $7.50 ... $7.00 4-6 P.M. CHECKMATE State Street at Liberty Rackhzm Bldg. on sale thru Thursday 2-4-71 - - NATIONAL STUDENT-YOUTH PLUS 18 Specially Low Priced Top Hit Records CONFERENCE LIST SALE DL QI G. Harrison-All Things Must Pass ...... 11.98 7.18 3.59 LIST 4.98 Q J. Taylor-Baby James............. SALE 2.99 8.97 J. Lennon-Mother 5.98 5 Woodstock......................14.98 A*W*& IL I A N% I= AWk R I !=1 /w R !m ' , /% !m I I