THE CONVICTION OF T. R. HARRISON See editorial page 1Mw rigau 47Iaiti CRYSTALLINE high--13 Low- -5 Continued cold, chance of flurries Vol. LXXXI, No. 104 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 2, 1971 Ten Cents Black admissions: Meeting new student i (EDITOR'S NOTE: Last spring, the These difficulties facing enter- tion Movement (BAM) and the "Much less has been done in The central structure conceived it is an attempt to bring together University committed itself to achiev- ing black and other minority sta- University last spring. the area of supportive services," by Maddox would be named the the main administrative and sup- Fall, 1973. This article is the second in dents - described by Gilbert Mad- Through special admissions pro- reported Vice President and Dean Black Student Center. Although portive departments that deal a series examining the University's ef- dox, director of special academic cedures, orientation programs, ti- of the Graduate School Stephen it would be open to all minority with Opportunity students under forts to fulfill the agreement.) projects - pose a major challenge nancial aid, academic and person- Spurr to the Regents in October. students, Maddox points out chat one roof," he explains. By DAVE CHUDWIN to the University's commitment to al counseling, tutoring, career Maddox, who directs the under- most of the University's Oppor- The first of these components Second of a three-part series 10 per cent black enrollment by guidance and study-skills pro- graduate Opportunity Program for tunity students are black and they would be a new office of special "A minority student is not al- 1973-74. grams, the University would aid minority students, developed his have special needs which he says services to administer the center, ways assimilated into the Univer- The major thrust to solve these minority students in adjusting to plan after meetings last fall with are not met by existing services. maintain communication with the ity community. He comes with difficulties so far has been a pi- University life and insuring their black students. Now before Fleming and t h e schools and colleges on the prob- certain suspicions, he has doubts oneering effort by the Coalition academic success. "We have to develop a more sven University vice presidents, lems of blacks and develop an In- about his ability to perform, he for the U s e of Learning Skills "Our theory has been that with comprehensive and more exacting the plan faces considerable oppo- ter-university council to coordi- encounters certain forms of isola- (CULS) to meet the needs of black help and perhaps a somewhat re- supportive services system to pro- sition from some administrators nate information and activities for enontendcertainformsofsubole-nstduced program these students can vide a total educational environ- and faculty members who consider pre-college in-state blacks. ion and certain forms of subtle students at the University. make it here," President Robben ment which is far more supportive it separatist in nature, who object The office would also establish racism. In the planning stages, however, Fleming explains. of blacks, chicanos and American to having functions transferred a Detroit office to offer admis- "He comes from an educational is a- far-reaching proposal by After the EAM settlement the Indians," Maddox says. from existing offices to the new sions financial aid, counseling, or- system which has n o t prepared Maddox to centralize and expand University took steps both to hire The proposal includes a contro- unit, and who claim that Mad- ientation and study improvement him even though he has the same services and personnel dealing more admissions recruiters and to versial provision for existing Uni- dox is trying to consolidate these services. potentialities as all other students, with minority students into a sin- increase financial aid budgets. versity departments and offices to services under his control. "Rather than attempting to He brings w i t h himself certain gle unit. However, because the supportive "contribute" personnel to the nw Under Maddox's proposal, the bring vast numbers of students to values, lifestyles and cultural ci- The concept of supportive ser- services concept is untried and ex- unit, continuing to pay them but Black Student Center would con- campus, we will bring campus to ientations different from those he vices was a key feature of t h e perimental, progress thus far ap- relinquishing responsibility over tain offices for all services requir- them," Maddox says. "We would encounters at the University." agreement between the Black Ac- pears to have been slow. their work. ed by black students. "In essence See SEEKING, Page 8 Eight Pages nee ds Gilbert Maddox AIKEN STATEMENT: U.S. troops Negotiators for ' union mass on Laotian border WASHINGTON (R) - Specu- lation that the United States and South Vietnam have been fx; massing troops on the Laotion border to invade Laos was con- firmed by the U.S. State De- partment yesterday, according, sto a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.) said the troops have been massing "for a large operation we might be un- dertaking." Aiken's statement was the first U.S. acknowledgement by an American official that a massive offensive in northwestern South Vietnam might be under way. The senator's report was fol- lowed by S e n a t e Republican+ Leader Hugh Scott's statement that no U.S. troops would be al- lowed to cross the South Vietnam- ese border. Aiken and Scott made their statements to newsmen. Aiken said he was assured no U.S. soldiers would cross into Laos. Aiken, senior Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee, said he was told of the troop building Friday, but said the mys- tery operation has since b e e n shrouded by what he called "the tightest censorship since W o r 1 d War II." At news conferences yesterday Senate and Defense Department - spokesmen refused to discuss the possibility of such an operation, rumored in Saigon for several days. Pentagon spokesman Jerry W.j Friedhaim reported again a stepupG in movement of major N o r t h Vietnamese units into Laos. But he refused comment on the re- Lports that South Vietnamese soldiers, aided byhU.S. airpower, are preparing a major assault -' against enemy supply lines. reach accord on contract EmploOyes to vote on ratification Saturday By SARA FITZGERALD Negotiators for the University and Local 1583 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Em- ployes (AFSCME) last night reached agreement on a new contract, 11 days after the end of a strike by the 2,600 member union. Details of the settlement, however, will not be released prior to a ratification meeting scheduled by the union for Saturday. The settlement came at about 7:30 p.m. following five hours of meetings in the Detroit offices of fact-finder William Ellmann. Negotiations between the two sides had been con- ducted yesterday morning and Friday. The University had -Daily--Tom Gottlieb Socialist lasts 'sexist' society Linda Jenness, a member of the Socialist Workers Party who opposed Lester Maddox in the 1970 Georgia gubernatorial race, speaks here last night on the relationship between the capitalist class structure and sexism in society. ONE DEAD: eChi canos riot in LA after anti-war protes T Q A ~f V VO D1 1 r iv~" ~r~il fnl~xrn 7 v cnf -Associated Press" COUNTER-DEMONSTRATORS picket the Winter Soldier investigation of alleged U.S. atrocities in Vietnam in Detroit Sunday. The picketers were halted by police for not possessing a parade permit. Lob ANGELE w--The rioting whiic followed a peaceful Friedheim and State Depart- Mexican-American anti-war demonstration Sunday, leaving ment press officer Robert J. Mc- one chicano dead and more than 40 other people injured, was Closkey were equally tight lipped called "spontaneous" by a Mexican-American leader yester- on whether a news embargo has been imposed in Saigon on possible day. new Indochina war operations. P Roaslio Munoz, head of the Chicano Moratorium Com- "I have no comment on a n y- mittee which sponsored the rally, said the violence was per- thing certainly that's been em-E haps set off "by the sheriff's firing squad tacts." He said bargoed by Gen Abrams for troop" deputies fired without first trying to break up demonstrators safety and security," FriedheimI ith tesaid, referring to Gen. Creighton wi ear gas. W. Abrams, U.S. commander in But Federal Marshal Gaylord Campbell blamed "agita- South Vietnam.| tors" for the rioting. However, he said, during t h et past four months enemy infiltra- t Campbell, who had assigned deputy marshals as observers See U.S., Page 8 1 Call for inquiry follows t ales of war atrocities By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN as February, 1969, as well as ac- who said they "would swear to and MARK DILLEN counts of numerous alleged Ameri- everything said," told of torture, Special To The Daily can war atrocities. murder of civilians, and inflated DETROIT - S e n a t o r George| The three-day investigation, body counts. McGovern (D-SD) and Rep. John sponsored by Vietnam Veterans Michael Linter, stationed in Conyers (D-Mi) yesterday request- Against the War, draws to a close northern South Vietnam, testified ed an immediate congressional in- today. Its agenda thus far has in- that during March 1968, his com- vestigation of charges made by cluded recitals of alleged Ameri- pany crossed the Laotian border Vietnam veterans at the Winter can war crimes, racism, and en-! .ti. Soldier Investigation here. vironmental plunder throughout Although the Pentagon has de- Ovr60pol amdteIndochina.j nied that during this operation I Over 600 people jammed the htroops crossed into Laos, Gordon New Center Howard Johnson's Sunday's testimony centered on Stuart, a corporal in the same ballroom yesterday and Sunday atrocities and testimony that often company, said U.S. soldiers went to hear testimony confirming contradicted Pentagon statements at least two miles" along route American activity in Laos as early of battlefield reports. Veterans 922 into Laos. "We did operate in Laos, ,hough HOG DAY the Pentagon won't admit it," said Stuart. "We called in B52's to give us support, but we lost at least 50 f E per cent of our men inside Laos." Prof. H. Pfeiffer of the :_acial Scientists for Social Responsibility y testified in the Sunday afternoon hearings. Not a veteran of Viet- BOHIY The Ground Hog Club, a select group of nam, he toured Cambodia before I in top hats and tails Punxsutawney's 9600 citizens, are entrusted the American incurision of last k up Gobbler's Knob with the task of recording the results of the May and showed slides of ecologi- early this morning, to ground hog's annual appearance. If Punxsu- cal destruction of that nation. Ac- earo th hole o tawney Phil surfaces and see his shadow, cording to Pfeiffer 180,000 acres til around the hole of r of Cambodia had been sprayed by the nation's official Spring is near. But should he not see it, the United States a year before six more weeks of winter are imminent. U.S. troops entered. These spray- "G HAfter the Club has recorded its findings, ings destroyed one-third of the Ground Hog Capital it marches back down Gobbler's Knob- Cambodian rubber, which when this way celebrates located in the heart of Punxsutawney- and combined with similar sprayings Ly. prepares to feast on roast ground hog with in South Vietnam, permanently 6 leading south into all the trimmings. killed 6.2 billion board feet of been scheduled to begin pre- senting its evidence to the fact-finder during yesterday's session. Ellmann has said continually he "wanted to create an atmosphere in which the parties could reach agreement themselves, rather than just handing down his recom- mendations." He described the new contract as an "equitable settlement for all concerned." According to a University spokes- man, union attorney George Maur- er made statements during Fri- day's meetings which indicated some movement on the union's part. James Thiry, manager of employe and union relations, then contacted; union president Char- les McCracken concerning the ap- parent movement, and the nego- tiating sessions this morning were subsequently arranged. McCracken said last night the bargaining committee will unani- mously recommend that the union ratify the contract at the Satur- day meeting. However, the union membership could still vote to re- ject the contract settlement. Jack Hamilton, director of Uni- versity relations, said last night that ratification by the Regents was assured as "They have given the University bargaining team the authority to reach agreement without their final approval." The University and the union agreed to submit to fact-finding on Jan. 20, following an unsuc- cessful attempt by the University to get an injunction served against C ouncl 'delays vote on pot'law By CHRIS PARKS Mayor Robert Harris last night postponed consideration of Ann 'Arbor's proposed marijuana ordi- nance, citing the absence of "cru- cial" councilmen from the meet- ing. The proposed law is a city ordi- nance which would have the effect of lowering the penalty for the possession of marijuana in Ann Arbor from a felony to a misde- meanor. It was also disclosed at the meeting last night that state sen- ator Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Ar- bor) has asked state Attorney General Frank Kelley for a ruling on the constitutionality of the pro- posed ordinance. Although Kelley was unavilable for comment his office reported that the matter hasn't been taken up yet. City attorney Jerold Lax said he felt the attorney general's rul- ing could easily "go etiher way." The move by the mayor sparked sharp debate in the council w i t h councilman James Stephenson (R-4th ward) questioning the mayor's power to make such a move. Stephenson also charged that the postponement was an at- tempt by the mayor to "lobby" councilmen Weaver and Weber who were absent from the meet- ing. Mayor Harris said he has the power to "make the agenda", and said he could also "unmake it." He said if the council over-ruled his postponement and defeated the ordinance in the absence of the two councilmen, he would merely reintroduce the ordinance at the next meeting. Stephenson said then that due to the mayor's stated intention of ? reintroducing thee matter if it was defeated, he would agree t o allow consideration of the ordin- of Sunday's rally, told news- men: "We observed the rioters s t a r t this thing. Sheriff's deputies showed unusual restraint even in protecting themselves." Sheriff's spokesmen said a s c r e a m i n g mob of youths ran from the site of the rally of 5,000 to Whittier Boulevard, the main street of the nation's largest Mexi- can-American community. Vastly outnumbered, deputies facing the mob fired shotguns in self-de- fense, the spokesman said. Nine persons were hit, one fatally. Authorities identified the dead man as Gustave Montag, Jr., 24. Looting and burning continued past sundown. Fifty-six structures were damaged or burned in a 45- block area. GROUND] Weathermen se By RIC Several men dressed began their annual tr in Puxsutawney, Pa.,e keep their sunrise vig Puxsutawney Phil,t groundhog. Punxsutawney, the of the World," int Ground Hog Day, toda Billboards on US-36 .eu. {: