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January 30, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-30

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Sr t!Jzrn

43 A46F

Snow flurries, with
strong, gusty winds

Vol. LXXXI, No. 102 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 30, 1971 Ten Cents
T' f Ul W Iw -TI -i - -T-

Eight Pages



Jury convicts
T. R. Harrison
A Washtenaw County Circuit Court jury yesterday con-
victed Thaddeus (T.R,) Harrison, '73, of felonious assault in
a case stemming from last year's Black Action Movement
(BAM) class strike.
Harrison had been charged with "assault with intent to
do great bodily harm less than murder," after he allegedly
threw a brick at an Ann Arbor policeman during a disturbance
in front of the Administration Bldg. March 19.









allure hits
'U' campus
A power failure yesterday
Sevening plunged much of the
central campus . area into
darkness as an explosion oc-
curred in insulators on an
electrical transformer.
The blackout was caused by a
slight explosion across the in-
%sulators on Detroit Edison trans-
former No. 2, according to Uni-
versity :power plant Chief Engi-
neer Charles McEndre.
An electrical'worker said that
the explosion was probably caused
by concentrations of salt used to
help melt icy roads near the trans-
"This can happen during a wet
spell which is preceeded by a per-
iod during which there was a con-
centration of salt in the air," a
power plant official explained.

The jury, however, reduced the
charge to felonious assault - ap-
parently deciding that Harrison's
action was without intent of great
bodily harm or murder. Harrison
has claimed that during the inci-
dent he was the victim of police
Presiding Judge William Ager
announced that Harrison will be
sentenced on Feb. 19.
Under state law,.felonious as-
sault carries a maximum penal-
ty of four years in prison. The
original charge had a maximum
sentence of ten years.
The jury began deliberating on
Thursday, and announced its ver-
dict at 4:15 p.m. yesterday after
considering the case for almost
twelve hours.
At noon yesterday, the jury in-
formed the court that it was dead-
locked, but Ager ordered the jur-
ors to continue their deliberations.
Defense attorney Morton Leit-
son said that an appeal is being
Evidence presented to the jury
during the trial often appeared
contradictory. Five city policemen
had testified in the case. present-
ing different versions of the inci-
dent. There were disagreements
between them on questions about
where the defendant and the po-
licemen were and what each was
doing at the time of the incident.
The policeman who was hit by
the brick, Detective Paul Bunten,

-Associated Press
Number, please
Alan Phillips walks out of the J.L. Hudson Company in Detroit Thursday with a four-foot telephone.
He purchased it at the company's annual sale hell to dispose of unneeded props and display objects.
The sale ends today.
Rogers pledges U.S. bolnbing
to prevent Viet Cong massing

A Detroit Edison supervisor ex- had said that the man throwing WASHINGTON (P) - Warning
plained the failure differently. the brick was not wearing a hat. the U.S. faces a critical period in
"Wind caused high tension wires However, a photograph submitted troop withdrawals from Southeast
to come together which momentar- by the defense showed that Har- Asia, Secretary of State William
ily caused a slight interruption," rison wore a hat during the inci- Rogers said at a news conferenc
he said. dent. yesterday that the United States
The failure caused electricity to It was also charged that Har- will use airpower in any way nec
go off and on through much of rison had been holding a brick essary in Indochina to prevent
the central campus area for a few when he was wrestled to the Communist forces from massing
ninutes around 7:50 p.m. Lights ground by police officers prior to strength for attack.
were reported out at South Quad, his arrest. Defense photographs Rogers specifically expressed
East Quad, the Union, the Michi- seemed to refute this allegation, concern about a reported large
gan Daily, Cinema Guild, Martha also. buildup of North Vietnamese sup-
Cook and houses on State Street. Other prosecution testimony de- plies in the panhandle area of
Many other University buildings scribed the man who threw t h e Laos which borders Northwestern
were affected only by a slight brick as appearing to weigh about South Vietnam.
flickering of lights. At University 165 pounds. Harrison, according to Rogers repeatedly ,ruled out any
4ospital, emergency power w a s a friend, weighs only 130 pounds. use of American ground forces
Student reaction was generally +ITJ
one of amusement. wo Faur Tr
and ran around. It was black i ' Fa rpmo
"People ran in circles. screamed drnaon.I a lc
ed out for only two minutes at the
ost,"saidPerryBullarda resi- of International Br
"It was kind of funny, people
were laughing, and the looks of By W E. SCHROCK teaching fellow, "I was just
shock on people's faces after the Displays ranging from African checking out China."
first flash were priceless," com- ,talking drums to Chinese egg rolls Although China may be close
mented one junior, "I was light- captured the attention of hun- to one third of the world's popu--
ing matches other kids wire run- dreds of members of the Ann Ar- lation, it is just one of the ex-
fiing around with flashlights and bor and University communities hibits run by the 22 foreign stu
talking about getting candles." yesterday as World's Fair 1971 dent organizations.
"The reaction was typical," said opined with a theme of interna. Other nationalities exhibited a,
a South Quaddie, "no panic, peo- tional brotherhood. the Fair include: Korea, Japan.
ple stayed in their rooms, a few winding around two floors at Israel, Scandinavia, 'Lithuania.
things got thrown around, but that East Quad, booths and displays of Ukraine, India, the Philippines,
was about it." aroundtsut that Latin America the Arab countries.
forignstuent shw te cltualFrance, Ceylon, Greece, Thailand,
"I was sitting in Cinema Guild." diversity of the participants' home Africa, Iran, Pakist hailand,
id Carolyn Atkinson, a senior liv- countries. The Fair will continue Singapore, and Malaysia.y,"
ing in South Quad, .,"people through midnight tonight. i
started making funny remarks, The exhibits were received en- World's Fair 1971 is sponsored
and the lights were off for only thusiastically by the crowds of by the Foreign Students Board
about five minutes." neop'e streaming in throughout (FSB) and is largely the product
The best comment however came the day. "Is this ever extensive; of efforts of foreign students with
from a sophomore in S o u t h it goes through the whole build- assistance by two Americans with
uad: "I slept through it." . in- !" exclaimed one anthropology( University Activities C e n t e r
(UAC) affiliation.
c'a. "' 3 TT~~~~AC ha- n n no + For;,1

g outside of South Vietnam and s f- activity on the ground, yet a time
n firmed the administration posi- when drier weather favors in-
't tion that even there the troops creased offensive operations by
will be out of combat by May 1. Communist forces.
e But when he was asked what the Rogers repeated emphatic de-
s United States view would be of a nials that the Nixon administra-
strike by South Vietnamese troops tion will use ground combat forces
t into Southern Laos, he said it again in Cambodia but said he
g would depend on the circum- could understand the unwilling-
stances at the time. He held open ness of members of the Senate
the prospect that the United! so e bersomte e
e States would give airpower sup- Fre Relatioss Co ie
port to the strikeaccept the assurance because of
0 t.otestie h way in which war has expand-
e The critical period in the Viet- thebefore in Southeast Asia.
namization program was defineds
by Rogers as "between now and! "I think the Senate Foreign
May 1" which he said will be a Relations Committee does live
time of decreasing U.S. combat with memories of the past," Rogers
- - - - -- - -said.

dent Nixon sent to the ne
Congress yesterday a recorc
$229.2 billion spending budge
for fiscal 1972, with plans fo
large deficits which he said
will s t i m u 1 a t e the nation'
slow-paced economy.
Casting aside his pre-electior
advocacy of budget-planning, Nix-
on called his new spending pro-
gram a "full employment budget.'
He said his program will peg fed-
eral spending at the level of rev-
enues which would be expected ir
times of high prosperity.
The planned budget for the fis-
cal year that begins July 1 carries
a deficit of $11.6 billion. Aside
from that, Nixon disclosed the
deficit for the current fiscal year
will reach $18.6 billion, the second
highest in a generation.
The heavier pace of federal
spending enabled Nixon to step up
proposed b u d g e t s for defense
health, welfare, antipollution pro-
grams, reorganization of the gov-
ernment. and his top-priority plan
for sharing federal revenue with
state and local governments.
Tn presenting a budget aimed at
expanding the economy, Nixon
C adopted an economic technique
I used-but not advertised-by some
of his Democratic predecessors.
He assured Congress he is now
an activist "in bringing about the
kind of prosperity that has rarely
existed in the American economy
-a prosperity without war and
without runaway inflation."'As he
pledged earlier, he offered no new
major tax proposals.
The 1972 deficit he projected.
however, may not turn out to be
as large as he planned, Neither
Nixon's revenue-sharing plan nor
his welfare reform legislation has
I excited great enthusiasm on Capi-
tol Hill.
The President said he is using
the "full employment budget"
technique to stimulate the econo-
my without inflation in order to
reach by mid 1972 his goal of full
employment, defined by him as 4
per cent joblessness. The unem-
ployment rate is now 6 per cent.
The full employment budget
idea is in the nature of a self ful-
filling prophecy," he said. "By op-
erating as if we were full employ-
ment, we will help to bring about
that full employment."
This is the budget that will be
in force when Nixon starts his bid
for re-election, if he seeks a second
term, and he crammed it with
key programs of the "new Ameri-
can Revolution" he outlined in his
State of the Union speech last
At the heart of it is revenue-
sharing. Nixon called for $4 bil-
lion in new money for the program
in fiscal 1972 and detailed pro-
posed reductions in a mass of ex.
isting grant-in-aid programs that
also will be diverted to revenue
In all, he called for $13.6 billion!
in shared revenue in fiscaln1971.
Although the first full year of the
program is pegged at $16 billion,
not all of that would be spent
in the 1972 bookkeeping period.
Nixon proposed a new defense
budget of $75 billion, the first
increase in three years - need-
ed, he said yesterday, to maintain
military superiority for pursuing
"the nation's strategy for peace"
through negotiations.
See NIXON, Page 8

-Associated Press
WILLIAM MILLER, doorkeeper of the House, receives President
Nixon's $229 billion budget at the Capitol yesterday. Ronald
Geisler, right, brought it from the White House.
. .
Inflation remains
near 6%c annual ate
WASHINGTON (A) - Americans in 1970 suffered the
second steepest rise in living costs in 20 years to cap two
years of inflation that cut the value of the dollar nearly
12 per cent, the government reported yesterday.
The final report said consumer prices rose 5.5 per cent
last year on top of 1969's 6.1 per cent rise, resulting in the
most inflationary two-year period since the Korean War.
December's rise of five-tenths of one per cent indicated
a renewed upswing in prices of food, housing, automobiles and
medical care.
The result of the year's price---

es theme

Rogers defined U.S. policy to-
wardthe wardin Cambodia in a!
way that appeared to put him in
conflict with statements made by;
Secretary of Defense Melvin

5./N U/ .Y U/L/ There have been reports within4
the Quad residents should pay to that igovelrmenti recent weeks
see the Fair because the Fair was pressing to xpand torities were
paying a rental fee. And a few U.S. involvement in Camboediree d
residents resented the Fair's "tak- thiat the State De tment a sa
ing over our building." eoppsing such pressures.n
However, everyone else was en- Ro gsulhesesc e
thusiastic, and a number f East ogers told the news conference
Quad residents, in addition to that "the United States is not
other visitors, expressed delight in fighting for the defense of Cam-
the exhibits. bodia. The United States," he said,
Nevertheless, East Quad facili- "is fighting to protect the Ameri-
ties "are not ideal," said Wilhel- can forces in South Vietnam."
my. "It is really a hassle some- At another point he said it
times." A good number of Fair of- would be "an adverse development
ficials and Quad residents had to if Cambodia fell to the Commu-,
"pitch in"-acting as guides to a nists . . . so we hope Cambodia
public that was not familiar with survives. "But our objective," he I
the complex dorm layout. asserted, "is not the survival of 1
Also, Wilhelmy said, a numbei the government in Cambodia." k
of foreign students were sleeping Briefly discussing the Middle
overnight because of theft prob- East crisis Rogers expressed en-
lems. couragement at the exchanges so
Last year the Fair was housed! far between Israel and Egypt over

hikes, along with a sharp business
slump that cut hours of work and
earnings, left millions of work-
ers trying to make ends meet on
fewer, shrunken dollars. Another
4.6 million works were out of
Jobs altogether for the worst un-
employment total in nine years.
The report by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics said that although
average earnings of some 45 mil-'
lion rank-and-file workers edged
up $1.03 a week to $122.43 l as t
month, inflation left them about
$1 a week behind in purchasing
power over the year and $2.39 be-
low two years ago despite wage
"For 1970 as a whole, increases
in consumer prices eroded all of!
the $5.17 over-the-year gain in
average weekly earnings," the bur-
eau said.
Although 1970's rise of 5.5 per
cent slackened from the 6.1 per!
cent rise in 1969, the latest report
indicated renewed inflation. Dr.
Joel Popkin, assistant commission-
er of the bureau, said prices rose
at an annual rate of 6.3 per cent!
the first quarter of last year, slow-
ed to 5.8 per cent the second quar-
ter and 4.2 per cent the t h i r d
quarter, but headed back upward
to a rate of 5.7 per cent the final
three months.

Man killed in
LA. bombing
LOS ANGELES W) - One per-
son was killed yesterday after-
noon when a bomb exploded in a
second-floor restroom of the Fed-
eral Building in downtown Los
Angeles, police said.
Officers said the victim, a 19-
year-old janitor was the only per-
son in the room when the blast
went off. He died en route to a
The blast blew a 4 by 5-foot hole
in a wall. Firemen said the explo-
sive was a "high velocity" device
which left little evidence of its
The blast was the third to rock
public buildings in the Los An-
geles area this month. A fire bomb
destroyed a chamber of commerce
office in Palos Verdes Jan. 13
while another explosive device,
heavily damaged the Municipal
Court Building in El Monte Jan. 1.

iu nas sponsored ther Fair i .-.
past years, but is now appears that in the Union. but "the Michigan a Middle East peace settlement,
this year foreign students are Union transformed last year's saying that at least their docu-
moving towards complete controe See WORLD'S, Page 8 ments were "non-polemical."
of the World's Fair program.
Maren Wilhelmy, a German stu-


addition, an attempt was
Jan. 22 to bomb a welfare
in downtown Los Angeles.


dent and a Resident Fellow in the
Residential College, explained that
World's Fair last year was one
of the few big profit-making af-
fairs sponsored by UAC, but that
foreign students received none o'-
the profits.
Wilhelmy said the recently
formed FSB would "use this year'sI
profits to set up a foreign student'
emergency fund". She explained
that foreign students cannot ob-
tain scholarships for spring terir
at the University from their home
countries and can never obtainI
scholarships, loans, or work study
grants from the U.S. government
' To comply with the interna-
tional brotherhood theme, the
FSB had reauested that displavs

r1v A u LT

Profs hIi
An in-depth report on the University
budget by members of the Faculty Re-
form Coalition proposes a method for
achieving next year's budget cuts which
would allow the controversial cutbacks
in instructional costs to be reduced by
In a report which has not yet been
made public, the coalition's Task Force
on Budgeting Processes and Priorities
stong- ri ni7s ac 1 U--.c- arm-



nounced last November. In ordering the
cuts, the administration maintained the
reduction was necessary to free funds for
an adequate increase in faculty salaries.
However, critics maintained that the sal-
ary increase could be achieved without
reducing the number of faculty members,
teaching fellows, and non-academic
staff members in each school and college.
Subsequently, the Faculty Reform Coal-
ition, an organization whose membership
includes many influential professors, as-

In its report, the task force maintains
that cuts in the academic budgets "should
be substantially smaller than those lev-
ied on administrative and other support-
ive services."
"The teaching and academic activities
are the raison d'etre of this University
and should be the last things to be cut,
being reduced if all else fails," the report
The administration, however, maintains
that if the budget has to be cut to free

General Fund," Smith says. "There wasn't
enough time to do a complete job."
In its report, the budget task force pro-
poses that the budget cuts in the schools,
colleges, centers and institutes be held to
two per cent. One per cent of the freed
funds would go into a central fund which
the administration would use to fund
the salary increases, plus other costs. The
other one per cent would remain with the
particular school or college, which would
spend it as it wished.

-~N\*S.C~ -.-

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