et S 4igan aitfly Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan friday noring Stories you might have missed by da-siel zvwerdling f 4, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: LYNN WEINER Sk, ECOLOGISTS were surprised to read a report, published Jan- uary 15 in the Los Angeles Times, that eleven days of gushing crude oil from Union Oil's Santa Bar- bara platform in Jan. 1968 and months of continued leakage thereafter "d i d almost no per- manent damage to animal a n d plant life or to the beaches." The report noted that although some sealife like algae were ob- literated, this was really due to an increased number of people on the beaches. Investigators also blamed a decrease in sealife on heavy rains in the Santa Barbara area, which they say washed pes- ticides on nearby orchards into streams, which carried the toxins into the ocean. The $150,000 investigation was funded by the Western Oil and Gas Association. * * * THREE DAYS after the report, two Standard Oil tankers collid- ed in San Francisco Bay, pouring two million gallons of oil over a fifty m i l e stretch of California coastline. Only three per cent of the birds covered with the gook are expected to survive. But not everyone is very worried. Dr. Ar- nold Schultz, a University of Cal- ifornia consultant to the Alyeska Pipeline Company (which is build- ing the Alaska pipeline), told the campus paper, "The water w a s pretty polluted anyway." * * * IF YOU READ the Detroit News, you're living in the world of U.S. government newspeak: it's as if President Nixon himself lays out the front page. Yesterday afternoon's top lead read: "Pullout of AF combat un- its in '72 is planned." The story began: "All U.S. Air Force com- bat u n i t s are to be withdrawn from South Vietnam by the end of 1972, leaving only advisers and technicians, if the air war is suf- ficiently Vietnamized by then, military sources said today." Now, that might be interesting if the government hadn't b e e n saying the same thing for more than a year. If you had glimpsed the New York Times, The Wash- ington Post, even the Detroit Free Press yesterday, you would have seen another lead story: White House sources announced t h e President will request "new crash program" for military and eco- nomic aid to Cambodia; and Sen. John Stennis, following a briefing with Melvin Laird, said the U.S. may be sending ground troops to Cambodia after all - "relaxing" the Congressional ban. The Detroit News ran the Sten- nis-Laird story on page 18. Far- ther down in the front page lead, the News merely added: "Mean- while, the sources said, the United States is conducting the heaviest bombing campaign of the war in Laos and Cambodia . - . "The sources also left open the possibility that even after all American squadrons are pulled out of Vietnam, the United States will continue to provide air support for its allies in Indochina from bases in Thailand and f r o m aircraft carriers of the 7th Fleet. "The sources said that up to 500 U.S. warplanes from the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps b re making daily raids on North Viet- namese troops and supply routes in Laos and Cambodia." WHAT AN enterprising lad, 10- year-old Donald Sasen of Spring- field, Mass.! He didn't make the Boy Scouts last year (he's too young) but did "his civic duty", last week according to the As- sociated Press, when he turned in his babysitter for smoking pot. Here's how it happened: last year. Donald smelled a burning joint at a state police demonstra- tion in a county fair. Then, he saw an anti-marijuana ad on TV. So he knew for certain that "the babysitter and her three male' companions weren't smoking plain old cigarettes in the bathroom Saturday night." Donald pulled an undercover job. He paid his 9-year-old brother Joseph one dollar he had earned shovelling snow, to grab the cel- lophane bag filled with weed, on the bathroom medicine shelf. Brother Joseph was scared, so he gave the dollar to brother Mi- chael, only 5. Mike snatched the bag and gave it to Donald, who ran lickety split to a drug store and called the police. The law came! Narcotics officers, who busted the pot-smoking young- sters for "a variety of narcotics laws violations." When Mrs. Madeline Sasen re- turned home, she was surprised. The 16-year-old babysitter was "the last girl I would have ex- pccted to do something like that," noted the acute Mrs Sasen. "Sh~e comes from a very strict family," THE UNIVERSITY administra- tion has a remarkable knack for co-opting political victories by its opponents and trumpeting them as its own-especially after it has bitterly fought against them. President Robben Fleming won the year's award for political acumen when he testified last summer on national television before the Commission on Campus Unrest-- boasting how the University had made a historic commitment to increased black enrollment. He forgot to mention that students, faculty and non-academic workers virtually shut down the Univer- sity for a week before the admin- istration would concede to BAM demands. Now the University is stealing the scene again. Last weet 's Uni- versity Record, the administration propaganda tabloid, ran a lively feature on the University Cellar. It quotes enthusiastic students who just love to shop there be- cause it carries all their needs and is the cheapest store in town, be- sides. The article mentions that the University Cellar was set up by the Regents-perhaps that's technically true. But remember the LSA building takeover, the early morning riot police bust with M-16's and dog corps, and 107 persons arrested? Incidentally, the University won't even allow its departments to do business with the store. For example: When staff members submit purchase orders for Xerox- ing, one of the University's largest clerical needs, they can't fill the orders with the Cellar which charges only 4 cents per copy. In- stead, the administration permits orders only from its own Xerox service-at 10 cents a copy. 4 I ii Letters to The Daily "Dress Right . . .!" Ques ions of inhumanity SEVERAL RECENT events powerfully il- lustrate a strain of callousness and cruelty in contemporary America. The court martial trial of L i e u t. William Calley, accused of the premedi- tated slaying of 102 Vietnamese civilians at Mylai, has painfully brought to public attention the inhumanity that American fighting men in Vietnam are capable of. The incident has catalyzed the type of introspection a nation in our position must undergo, if we are to have any ser- ious hopes of retaining a belief in the sacredness of human life. Calley's defense arguments contend that the guilt for the massacre must be assign- ed to others higher up in the military pecking order. A private in Calley's unit has strengthened this defense by testify- ing that Captain Ernest Medina, Calley's immediate superior, had told the men of the platoon that they should destroy everything, including women and child- ren, at Mylai. Medina, according to the private, had left no doubt in the minds of the men that he wanted the target No comment COLONEL former Wednesday 57. JACOBO Arbenz Guzman, President of Guatemala, died in Mexico City at the age of village demolished and its population an- nihilated. The defense, however, has not been content with merely implicating Medina. It has also accused Colonel Frank , Bar- ker, Colonel Oran Henderson, and Major General Samuel Koster, the men who comprised the military chain of com- mand above Medina, of being fully aware of the devastation going on during the Mylai operation, and of giving tacit con- sent to it through their continued silence. DOES THE CHAIN of command create the type of mindless, unquestioning obedience which made the holocaust at Mylai possible? Has the Vietnam War itself so affected American soldiers that they are incapable of maintaining a hu- man perspective? Or does the pattern of this callousness have counterparts in the United States? The recent attempt of a Lithuanian sailor to defect to the United States brings the lesson of Mylai closer to home. The incident occurred early in December, when a crew member of a Lithuanian ves- sel leaped to a nearby Coast Guard cutter. The cutter's commander denied him tem- porary asylum, as he watched a board- ing party from the Lithuanian v e s s e 1 beat the defector, and drag him off the ship. This betrayal of one man's belief in America's willingness to offer a home to refugees makes more evident a wide- spread disregard for the ideals on which this nation was originally founded. More recently, a local incident similarly illustrates this pattern of behavior. The captain of the steamship Sylvania was convicted of negligence last week for fail- ing to help two men who were drowning when he passed them in the Detroit Riv-, er last November. Capt. Burris Wolters, whose operating license will either be suspended or revok- ed, explained to the Detroit Free Press that if he had attempted to pick up the men, he "would have endangered his ship and crew in the swift current". The inquiry board found the excuse un- convincing. If any rescue attempt was feasible, according to their decision, it should have been made even though there might have been some risk involved. The importance of these three news items, strung together because of their similarity in what they tell us about our- selves, by now is evident. The Mylai slaughter is not an isolated act of in- humanity perpertrated in wartime. If it were, we could understand though not condone it in the context of the dehu- manizing brutality of war. Thank you To the Daily: AMONG THEIR excellent awards in Sunday's feature, t h e Daily editors neglected crowning themselves with the Chicago Tri- bune "Victorious Tom Dewey" Ed- gar for their headline asserting, some time ago, that Mayor Harris would not seek a second term. -Edward G. Voss Jan. 26 Surveillance To the Daily: THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed at a recent meeting of the Faculty Reform Coalition. THE FACULTY Reform Coali- tion strongly supports the recent statements by University Presi- dent Robben Fleming criticizing impending efforts in the county to establish an intelligence squad beyond University control which would operate on this campus. Nothing will undermine the op- enness of our community, a n d erode trust between students, fac- ulty, and administration more rapidly than clandestine surveil- lance of regular campus intellec- tual and political activities. We urge the University admin- istration to take all measures nec- essary to insure that police ac- tivities on the campus remain un- der firm limits and control. -George Lakoff Prof. of Linguistics -Richard Solomon Prof. of Political Science Co-chairman, Task Force on Dissent and Academic Freedom Hospital To the Daily: THERE WERE several inac- curacies in your article last week about cigarette sales in the Uni- versity Hospital. Galens Honorary Medical So- ciety is not to be confused with the store that bears the organi- zation's name. Galens Society is a group of 40 Junior and Senior medical students who perform various service and philanthropic activities, among which is the an- nual Tag Day fund drive, the pro- ceeds of which are earmarked for projects at the Childrens Hospital. Money contributed by the Soci- ety for projects such as student loans, the Free Peoples Clinic, Inc , a foreign study fellowship, e t c., comes from several other sources: individual donations p r o c e e d s from our annual "Smoker" (ad- mittedly an ill-advised name for our spoof of medical school and hospital life at Michigan), as well as profits from the Galens Store. It is true that prohibition of cigarette sales (a policy that we have unanimously endorsed f o r several years) will eliminate a substantial portion of our income, but it will by no means curtail our activities. In the future, The Daily is in- vited to contact us for any infor- mation regarding the Galens So- ciety. -David R. Stutz, med. '71 President, Galens Honorary Mledical Society Jan. 26 Kunstler To the Daily: I WENT to the Daily editorial office Monday afternoon offering my services to write on Sunday evening's program at Hill Audi- torium. I went out with an appre- hensive feeling that Kunstler's talk would be treated with the same laziness - or ennui in those so young? - as was Jane Fonda's talk at the Union Ballroom 1 a s t December. (She had delivered to a well-receiving audience an ear- nest and moving talk, ordered and cogent. The Daily writer dismissed it as "hysterical" self-indulgence of an ego-tripping celebrity.) I was told I would be gotten in touch with if something was needed. It was. Bad enough that those of us in Hill Auditorium Sunday n i g h t should have to sit through thirty minutes of masturbatory musical drivvle while Bill Kunstler stood in the back waiting to talk. Then in Tuesday's Daily Richard Leh- feldt devotes one paragraph to Kunstler and nine to the musical part of the program, which was, I agree ,at b e s t incidental. I wonder, though, why Lehfeldt complains that Ochs' vehicle, the protest song, is "virtually a thing of the past." Are we above it now? Beyond? Or perhaps only schlep- ping behind once again.) May I carry some of Kunstler's words the Daily overlooked. "The people in power have only one thing to fear: a population angry enough to move . . . a Woodstock becoming political - demanding that all the empty promises have meaning or that we start all over again . . . We must pick up the power in the streets. . . You must be at that trial in Detroit. If not you are lying to yourselves by being here tonight. When t h e chains settle around your should- ers you will have no one else to blame but yourself. The c h a i n has started: preventive detention bill; no-knock bill; exhorbitant bail; welfare inspectors breaking into homes: You reach that trans- cendental moment when the abil- ity to resist suddenly ends. Then you are in for the horror that life can be when it goes mad. We must stay together - no radical, no liberal, should be destroyed with- out us being there in the streets with our bodies . . . Let no brother or sister be ripped off by the sys- tem without a fight. Let them iso- late out no one. That is how the Third Reich and Greece and Guat- emala did it. One by one." The importance of his referral to the recent trials (CIA, B o b b y Seale, Berrigan brothers) is that he sees them as a "triumvirate of the future" and is imploring us to try to stop their bludgeoning sweep over t h e country. I told him that CIO Conspiracy T r i a 1 Defense Attorney Neal Bush had said to a seminar on legal action a few hours earlier that he pre- dicted in five years there would be no jury trials. Kunstler said. "That may very well be. But I can't give up now because of what might be in five years. If [Bush] is right we'll all go to the ovens together. But the blood still runs." I hope it doesn't run more in the man Lehfeldt described as' "slightly stooped, tired, maybe even aged" than in his reviewer. Definitely it ran in what Lehfeldt carelessly called "the somnalent masses . . . that low-key[ed] eve- ning. Perhaps Lehfeldt sat it out, but the audiences gave Kunstler a standing ovation and his power- to-the-people salute was met in kind. -Mary Hope Secretary, Institute for Social Research Jan. 26 The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any- one who wishes to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. Thevigilant viewers who guard our eyes By MARK DILLEN Dirty, Dirty, DIRTY! Objectionable, Objectionable. OBJECTION- ABLE! Bad Taste. Bad Taste, BAD TASTE! LAST CHANCE TO SEE THE DIRTY, OBJECTIONABLE; BAD TASTE PICTURES!!! IT HAPPENED in a public place. City Hall, in fact. On the second floor in the Ann Arbor Art Association's art gallery. Three photographs on the wall across the hall from the City Council chambers. Untitled numbers 1, 2 and 3 by Roger Humphries. On'Dec. 15, the AAAA put them up but some ladies thought they should have been rated X. They thought they were dirty. Ring. The ladies soon started calling in. Just a few, but enough to matter. "The man has no clothes on!" "The baby is smoking a cigarette!" "Why, it looks as though those kids are smoking a - a joint!" "Would you hang those things in your living room?" Indeed. But what can you do to preserve the moral integrity of the community? How can you stop the spread of bad taste? Protect the youth! As the twig is bent . . . you know! Write the papers and call the radio stations! Mobilize public opinion! But mobilize they could not. City Administrator Guy Larcom did nothing about it. "It happens every once in a while," said he. "They're splendid pictures - every one of them." INDEED. Three or four ladies come to a City Council meeting. The mayor wants to reduce the penalties for having marijuana. Leave the meeting. Take down those pictures - those dirty, objectionable bad taste pictures. But look out! Here comes Mr. Larcom. He takes the pictures and puts them in his office for a couple of days. "They were nice ladies," says he. "They said they were just going to take them down to the po- lice station . . . I believed them. The pictures are back up now." Send in one more letter, Mrs. Sally Irene Harrison. "Our city is unbelievable," says she. Those pictures should not have been there .. it is a shame for the young people of today to be so lax in their be- haivor." But what about the other oft-voiced cliches of your generation, Mrs. Harrison? Haven't your peers contradicted their rhetoric with their acts? For it must be only a small minority that insists on spoiling everything for the rest of us law-abiding citizens. Just a few rotten apples that keep us from enjoying our depravity. Just a few who try to impose their will on the Great Silent Perverted Majority. HUMPHRIES' three dirty, objectionable bad taste photographs are on sale at $30 apiece. If you hurry you can still see them - today is the last day of his exhibit. After today you'll have to go back to the Fourth Ave. Adult Bookstore for your fun. But little old ladies beware, lest you be tempted on this last day to protect the public morals. Be- side the pictures there is a small card which reads: "The photographs in this show are the private property of the artists. Anyone removing them without permission of the artist and the art association will be prosecuted." Indeed. At 4 Arbenz was elected Guatemala's Pres- ident in 1951. His opposition to foreign economic interests and his expropriation of United Fruit Company holdings earn- ed him the nickname "The Red Colonel" in the United States. Arbenz expanded and deepened the land reform program begun by an earlier government, broadened Guatemala's re- lations with Communist nations, and clashed with powerful interests in Guat- emala over his plan to build a railroad from the nation's capital city, in the west, to the Caribbean coast. Accused by his domestic opponents and the State Department of leading Guate- mala toward Communism, Arbenz' was overthrown in 1954 by a right-wing mili- tary coup and a U.S.-backed invasion of exiles. SPEAKING TO A New York Times cor- respondent the following year, Ar- benz said, "I am completely sure that my government was following the correct path. Its program was not invented by any politician. It was an anti-feudal, anti-imperialist program, good not only for Guatemala but for all of L a t i n America because it corresponded to the Joe Hill position on radical party To the Daily: THE JOE HILL collective wants to respond to the Daily news analysis January 27th concerning the radical alternative party con- vention. The author of that article was blind to what really went on during last weekend's sessions and misinformed his readers. Be- sides perceiving the convention incorrectly he also took it upon himself to give, by implication, an inaccurate interpretation of our collective's position. After read- ing his article, one might suspect he attended a different conven- tion than the rest of us. The article states that argu- ments took place "between those who emphasized the need to bring new people who are not commit- ted radicals into the party and those who insisted the party should be openly radical in its stances." This was not the basis of disagreement and views like this only distort the real political question at hand. Similarly. Eric Chester's statement that certain people were "trying to close the party into a very narrow circle." also serves as a convenient at- ing the party. Honesty does not include radical viewpoints being squelched in an attempt to set up a liberal front to lure constitu- ents. It was in this matter that our collective criticized certain elements of the convention as op- portunist. If people are willing to resort to such tactics then they should renounce their democratic rhetoric. ANOTHER POINT which our collective feels should be exam- ined is the question of democracy among the convention partici- pants. We believe the party should democratically determine its politics and platform on the basis of the political views of the convention participants. This can only be done through free and honest debate. Some, however, who had already decided their stand on certain proposals felt justified in intimidating any speaker who did not support im- mediate acceptance of those pro- posals. Subtle commentstlike "bor- ing and irrelevant" acted as an attempt to discredit opposition without having to respond to the ternative. But this must be done honestly and democratically. The party should take political posi- tions that meet the needs of the people, that present real a'terna- tives and real solutions to people's needs. WE DO NOT feet that all our political thought must be adopted by the party. Our participation is based on the ability of the party members to freely discuss the questions at hand. If that dis- cussion results in us being in the minority-fine. If we are right-- that the basic needs of people can- not be met in this society-then events will prove us so. And if free discussion is maintained, then all involved will be able to take a clear look at those events and come to the appropriate conclu- sions. This is what we mean by developing overall analysis. And such understanding is the basis of our unwavering faith in the people. Free discussion guar- antees people will reach the con- clusions which will best serve their interest. The crucial auestion facing this .4'