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January 28, 1971 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-28

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Page Six


Thursday, January 28, 1971

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, January 28, 1971

3 .
We make
Come ski and see! Enjoy 16
runs, 3 chairlifts, ,-Bar, 10
tows, great nigh't lighting.
Eq iment rentalsExpert
stffo 2 eedstru;-
lessons. Ski patrol on duty
odgssfacilities! New, en-
larged cafeteria. New, ex-
panded bar area and steak
room, Dancing Friday and
Saturda to "live" music.
Ample, free lighted parking.,
For "up to the minute" snow
reports and additional infor-
mation, tele phone (313)
227-1451. Send for free, full-
color brochure. Mt. Brighton,
Brighton Michigan 48116
Our tenth year of helping
people have fun !
U. of M. CALLS, 971-SNOW


Koming Soon *
(The Easy-Does-It Bond)

New wrestling coach

mirrors Bay

Hi-Fi Studio
Receivers, speakers, turntables, and tape recorders
are included in this Special Sale-Make your deal
and save a bundle.
Hi-Fi Studio

121 W. Washington


If ever wrestling coach Rick
Bay or new assistant wrestling
coach Bill Johannesen wish to
be considered for the same po-
sitionsomewhere, they hardly
need to bother with two career
ruOne capsule summary would
be sufficient for both with the.
sketches r e a d i n g: attended
j Waukegan (Illinois) High
School, captain of high school
wrestling team senior year, at-
tended University of Michigan,
captain of wrestling team senior
year, Big Ten champion in
wrestling, assistant wrestling
coach at Michigan.
"I've followed one step be-
hind Bay, ever since high
school," says Johannesen, refer-
ring to Bay's one academic year
edge over him. "When I was in
eighth grade, he was a fresh-
man in high school and I knew
who he was. When I was a
freshman, I joined him at Wau-
kegan West."
Influenced in successive years
For the student body:
Sizes 34 to 46

by two strong wrestling person-
alities, Waukegan's coach Otto
Bay (Bay's father) and Michi-
gan's Cliff Keen, has bred in
Johannesen an attitude and ap-
praisal of coaching philosophies
as similar to Bay's as his ca-
"One of the biggest challeng-
es of my career and a match
which left me with a vivid im-
pression of Coach (Otto) Bay
was a bout for the suburban
league championship in Wau-
kengan," Johannesen recalls. "I
made a mistake, got taken down,
and found myself right on the
bottom. I looked over at Otto
Bay and he was the picture of
calmness, even though his guts
were probably wringing out.
"IT WAS A critical match. I
thought I had my opponent
down in the match, only to have
my fortunes reversed. It's pain-
ful now to envision such a look
as his on a coach's face," says
"I've tried to copy his philos-
ophy and it's failed because I'm
not that type of person. I yell
and shout and get outwardly in-
volved." the 26-year-old Johan-
nesen explains.

er jobs, particularly in the Colo-
rado area. "I wanted anything
in that geographical area, even
graduate counseling, just for a
change of scenery," Johannesen
"THEN RICK called me on
the phone. I wasn't suspicious.
He talked for a while, mention-
ing a few incidentals. Finally I
asked him why he called. He
said, 'How would you like to be
my assistant wrestling coach?'
My wife was in the other room
and must have gotten concerned
over my long pause. I couldn't
comprehend that type of ques-
tion all at once, and asked him
if I could think it over over-
night. Then I called him back
the next day," he notes with a
During his four year absense
from Michigan, Johannesen had
joined the Michigan Wrestling
Club as a freestyle amateur. He
remained in college form, reign-
ing as Michigan A.A.U. champ-
ion in 1968-69.

"I was looking to the 1968
Olympics." Johannesen remem-
bers. "I felt I was in real good
shape. In the regional tryouts,
in my third match, I separated
my ribs and was out of compe-
JOHANNESEN credits part of
his late success to his delayed
entry into the wrestling world.
"There's one difference at least
between Rick and I," he ex-
plains. "I started wrestling later
than he did. I didn't start until
tenth grade, so I didn't begin
to peak until my junior and sen-
ior year in high school."
"Actually I quit wrestling my
freshman y e a r," Johannesen
continues. Coach Bay, that's
Rick's father, had me b e g i n
working out with the varsity.
Those first practices, I remem-
ber coming home w i t h aches
and mat burns. I decided this
wasn't for me and went back to
Coach Otto Bay, also football
coach, asked Johannesen the

next year to give wrestling an-
other try. "I won my first chal-
lenge match. I don't know if the
guy was lousy or if I was lucky.
but I decided, 'Hey, this is for
me.'" Johannesen recalls.
Another difference between
the two Wolverine coaches was
in original career choices. Un-
like Bay, Johannesen graduated
with the objective of a coaching
job. "I wanted to be a coach, as
much like Otto Bay as possible,
especially to developing his emo-
tional control. Another aspect.
which is quite similar to what
Coach Keen does, is concern for
the development of the wrestler
as a person," Johannesen says.
"But I certainly haven't achiev-
ed remaining calm and reserved
in matches."
With both coaches so similar
in wrestling and coaching back-
grounds, it is logical to hear
Johannesen say, "Rick and I get
along real well."
Anything else would come as
a surprise.


Karate: Linking of mind, body


Johannesen, after receiving
his degree in physical educa-
tion and general science from
Michigan in 1966, took a coach-
ing position at Melvindale
(Michigan) High School. His fi-
nal and fourth year; Johannesen
coached his t e a m to a 12-2
mark and a conference champ-
ionship, the first wrestling title
in the school's history.
At this time Johannesen be-
gan informal inquiries into oth-
Billboard 1.
The lacrosse team starts prac-
tice 4:30 p.m. Monday, February
1 at Wines Field. No experience
is necessary; anyone may join.
Contact Bob Kaman,n662-3313

If your aftershave too allur-
ing? Do you feel a need to de- 1
fend yourself? Are you plagued
by built-up tension and internal'
aggression? Searching for a '
new way to express yourself? '
If you are looking for self
defense, peace of mind, physical
conditioning or a creative out-
let, karate might be for you.
"The self-defense aspect of
karate is obvious; it is the ulti-
mate in self defense," says B.
C. Yu, Michigan's karate in-
structor. "An expert can defend
himself against any number of
assailants, but our purpose is
not to create fighting machines.
We are striving for creative,
self disciplined individuals, and
fighting is the most insignifi-
cant aspect of the process."


State Street at Liberty

Developed by a Buddhist monk
nearly twenty centuries a g o,
the martial art is a direct out-
growth of Yoga. One of it s
chief aims is to attain a unity
of the mind and body. This is
done by concentrating both en-
tities on a specific purpose: per-
fection of the art.
To become skilled requires tre-
mendous mental and physical
discipline. Each training session
involves two straight hours of
strenuous activity. It begins
with a brief warm up period,
progresses into dance patterns
and free sparring.
There are six levels of ex-
pertise: the white belt, green
belt, brown belt, red belt, blue
belt, and finally, the black belt.
The individualis tested aon c e
every quarter year to determine
his level of proficiency.'
Only one or two per cent of
those who begin ever attain the
black belt, which requires about
three years of training.
"American society is extreme-
ly naive. They neglect man's
need to release his inherent
'animal instinct,'" Yu com-
mented. He went on the point
out that karate provides an ex-
cellent nondestructive outlet for
these instincts and for the ten-
sions that are supressed in our
daily lives. Thus, is can con-
tribute greatly tol one's mental
health and peace of mind.

Yu, a skilled professor of the
black belt, said that a part of
his job is simply to educate
the public. "Most people don't
know the difference between
judo and karate - actually,
there is very little similarity be-
tween the two."
Judo, a relatively recent de-
velopment, originated in Japan
about a century ago. It is a form
of self-defense similar to wrest-
ling, emphasizing pulling, throw-
ing and grabbing of the oppon-
Karate, in contrast, was de-
veloped in China about two
thousand years ago. From there
it spread to Okinawa and, fin-
ally about five centuries ago, to
Korea where the foot techni-
ques were added to the art. It
then became known as Tae
Kwon Do, which means a com-
bination of hand and foot mo-
Unlike judo, karate empha-
sizes sharp, well defined mo-
tion such as jumping, striking,
and kicking. The instructor
stressed the fact that karate
is to be considered a fine art,
comparable to ballet, rather
than a sport. It combines speed,
grace, power, and coordination,
and particularly in its most ad-
vanced stages, requires a great
deal of creativity on the part
of the performer.

The Law Club Social Chairman has gone crazy-
he's giving away a free ski-weekend at the
Law Club. Lounge Thurs., Jan. 28

9-12 P.M.

A G-G Production


As Taught By




an Oven
Winter Sale
Final Clearance
20--50% OFF
Suits Top Coals Sport Coals
Car Coats Rain Coats Slacks
20-50% OFF
Dress Shirts Robes
C.P.O. Wool Shirts Neckwear

Wednesday evening, January 28
at 8 P.M. in Nat. Sci. Auditorium


FREE BEER from 8 to 9


Now you like the sound of music around, but
not so much that you would want to spend enor-
mous sums of money on equipment-but then
you don't want a second rate system. BSR
McDonald has your compromise solution, the
In this compact music package you'll find our
AM/FM/MPX Stereo Receiver which delivers
20 watts of cool, clean, undistorted music pow-
er. And you'll find we didn't sacrifice sensitivity
for, size, with such features as the Automatic
Frequency Control for drift-free FM and an
Automatic Gain Control that prevents overload-
ing on strong AM signals (thereby allowing dis-
tant AM stations to come in just that much
clearer). The convenient size of our Micro-Mini
Turntable allows for unique placement and it
includes a cue and pause control that makes it
a professional performer all the way. The
Speakers?-Acoustically matched, wide range,
and being enclosed in walnut grain cabinets,
they look as good as they sound. But we saved
the biggest compromise for last in this gift buy-
ing season, we cut the list price 33 %, so you
see - you can compromise yourself on the
RTS-20 AM/FM/MPX Stereo System for only
$129.95. It's great for a gift too! Come and





Hats & Caps

Leather Goods
Sport Shirts






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