ead ~4er tawat Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Army spying: Symptom of a larger disease ) Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: LYNN WEINER Electoral college: A reic of the past +t TUESDAY President Nixon criticized Congress for not acting on a number of important proposals. "This Congress will be remembered and remarked upon in history, not so much for what it did but for what it failed to do," the Presi- dent said. While the same comment might apply to Nixon's leadership (or lack of it), the chief executive was correct in assailing Congress for failing to bring to a vote such important legislation as a constitu- tional amendment to change procedures for electing the President. Sen. Birch Bayh of Indiana along with a number of other senators and repre- sentatives led a valiant effort to get Con- gress to approve a proposal f o r direct popular election of the President. T h e measure passed the House but a filibuster by a minority of the members of the Sen- ate prevented a vote on Bayh's proposed amendment in the upper chamber. One of the first priorities of the new Congress, when it convenes at the end of this month, should be electoral reform. The present electoral college system is outmoded, unfair, undemocratic and dan- gerous. Under it the voters in each state select electors equal to the number of senators and representatives the state is entitled Ito jn Congress. The electors meet in their state capitals and elect a President, the H O u s e of Representatives making the choice If no candidate receives a major- ity. THIS SYSTEM is outmoded because the writers of the Constitution did not en- visage the rise of political parties. In- stead of knowledgable electors choosing Editorial Staff MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN. Editor STUART GANNES JUDY SARASOHN Editorial Director Managing Editor NADINE COHODAS Feature Editor JIM NEUBACHER A. Editorial Page Edtor ROB BIER......... ..... Associate Managing Editor LAURIE HARRIS .. . . Arts Editor JUDY KAHN Personnel Director DANIEL ZWERDLING....... .. Magazine Editor ROBERT CONROW ..... .... .. Books Editor JIM JUDKIS........... Photography Editor EDITORIAL NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Lindsay Chaney, Steve Koppman, Pat Mahoney. Rick Perloff. NIGHT EDIORS: Jim Beattie, Dave Chudwin, Steve Koppman, Robert Kraftowitz, Larry Lempert, Lynn Weiner. DAY EDITORS: Rose Berstein, Mark Dillen, S a r a Fitzgerald. Art Lerner, Jim McFerson, Jonathan Miller, Hannah Morrison. Bob Schreiner, W. E. Schrock. EDITORIAL NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Lindsay Chaney, Steve Koppman, Pat Mahoney, Rick Perodf. COPY EDITORS: Tammy Jacobs, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapoport. ASSISTANT NIGHT' EDITORS: Juanita Anderson, Anita Crone, Linda Dreeben, Alan Lenhoff, Mike McCarthy, Zack Schiller, John Shamraj. Geri Sprung, Kristin Ringstrom Gene Robinson, Chuck Wilbur. Edward Zimmerman. Sports Staff ERIC SIEGEL, Sports Editor PAT ATKINS. Executive Sports Editor PHIL HERTZ .. Associate Sports Editor LEE KIRK.................Associate Sports Editor BILL DINNER .. Contributing Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: William Alterman, Jared E. Clark, Richard Cornfeld, Terri Fouchey .James Kevra, Elliot Legow, Morton Noveck, Alan Shack- elford. Business Staff IAN G. WRIGHT. Business Manager PHYLLIS HURWITZ CRAIG WOLSON Administrative Adv. Mgr. Sales Manager VIDA GOLDSTEIN . . . ............. Staff Coordinator MARK WALP'ISH.....................Personnel AMY COHEN...................Finance Manager among the best men of the country for President they have become mere robots, automatically voting for the candidate of their party. The electoral college method is unfair because by tradition all the electoral votes of a state are given to the candi- date who receives a plurality of the pop- ular vote in the state. The result of this unit rule is that votes of thousands of citizens who cast theft ballots for the minority candidate in a state are not included in the final tally for President, effectively disenfranchis- ing them. The present system is undemocratic in that it weighs t h e votes of people in smaller states more heavily than those in larger ones because each state is giv- en two added electoral votes to corres- pond to the two senators each state is en- titled to. For example, one of California's electoral votes is equivalent to more than five times as many popular votes as one of Alaska's. EVEN WORSE, the electoral college al- lows a candidate with fewer votes than his opponent to win the Presidency. This occurred in 1824 when Adams "de- feated" Jackson, in 1876 when Hayes "beat" Tilden and in 1888 when Harrison was "elected" rather than Cleveland. The electoral college system thus per- verts the election process, making it even more difficult to get a President who is democratically elected by and responsive to the people. Direct popular election of the Presi- dent is the only proposed change of the system insuring that every vote cast by a citizen goes to the candidate of their choice, every vote counts equally and the candidate who receives a plurality wins. The plan, as presented in Bayh's Sen- ate Joint Resolution 1, provides that ev- ery citizen vote directly for President and Vice President and the candidates who have the most votes win as long as they receive 40 per cent of the popular vote. If no candidates receive 40 per cent of the total vote a runoff would take place between the top two contenders. The 40 per cent provision was added to make sure the winning candidate would have an adequate mandate from the people to govern. I The runoff situation would occur rare- ly, if ever, because only once in Ameri- can history, in 1860 when Lincoln ran, has a President received less than 40 per cent of the ;popular vote. And French ex- perience with a Presidential runoff has demonstrated this feature could w o r k well if required. WHILE OTHER PLANS presented to re- form the electoral college solve some difficulties of the system, direct popular election is the one proposal that is sim- ple, fair and democratic. For a democracy to work the people must have faith not only in the leaders that govern them but also in the process by which these leaders are selected. The Congress should take quick, affirmative action when it convenes to scrap the an- tiquated electoral college and replace it with direct popular election of the Presi- dent. -DAVE CHUDWIN By TED STEIN [N THE WAKE of John O'Brien's terrifying revelations about army surveillance of over 800 ci- vilians in Illinois, including such elected officials as Senator Adlai Stevenson and Congressman Ab- ner Mikva, a political outrage is building over what appears to be a dangerous fissure in the consti- tutional foundation that protects our personal freedoms. O'Brien, a former military in- telligence agent, said he was a "domestic spy for the army", and detailed his involvement in a sur- veillance operation that had tar- geted not only public officials but also such men as Rev. Jesse Jackson, a leader in the Chicago black community and Op ration Breadbasket director; Rev. Francis Lawlor, leader of Chicago South- west Side anti-integration b l o c k clubs; W. Clement Stone, insur- ance tycoon, and Henry De Zutter and Morton Krondracke, report- ers for the Chicago Daily N e w s and Chicago Sun-Times respec- tively. According to O'Brien, his spying activities involved "collection of information pertaining to indivi- duals and organizations decreed by the Army to be subversive in nature." This list included people who were outspoken against the war or who are critical of govern- mental policies either foreign or domestic. As public officials, law- yers. journalists, philanthropists, or just private citizens, these peo- ple agitated for change. O'Brien and the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit in Chi- cago seeking to stop the Army's domestic surveillance, but Tues- day. U.S. District Court J u d g e Richard B. Austin dismissed their request. Austin said there was no likelihood of a U.S. military take- over or the possibility that any constitutional liberties had been violated. He referred to the court hearing, which relied heavily on O'Brien's testimony, as a "Com- edy of Errors" and "Much Ado About Nothing." DESPITE THAT D E F E A T, O'Brien still has some support. Eloquent voices in both houses of Congress have responded to O'Brien's allegations by condemn- ing the tactic of sying on civil- ians employed by the military. -- w....- lnst- _....- ...... i f i rm i lliii ll4.www- =e' .. 4A YO N E tT -...--iY t; EFECThJE ME~-LA CCAMA~4(I4A.I I Mr, a . t i' 1 1J kkn A i~ 1 x I tsm. The xegtse, S and Trihune 5yndiumr iQ c etl! LDS.l .liSf.C s "'F F I I fr~ ist«r "tjdica l+ "F7'MIY' t " ment has responded. President Nixon and Secretary of Defense Laird have denounced the army's domestic spying. Laird has order- ed a comprehensive investigation by Feb.s1 of military intelligence activities. But this "in-house review" will be little more than bureaucratic housecleaning, and cannot possi- bly be as convincing to critics of the military as a public congres- sional investigation, even if the DOD investigation were to ex- pose the entire situation. What is needed is a far reach- ing review designed not only to reveal those responsible for t h e invidious growth of military sur- veillance. but also to insure that future generations of Americans will not witness a similar violation of constitutional freedoms. Sus- picion and mistrust of government cannot be tolerated in a free so- ciety. But even the total exposure of army spying on civilians cannot be enough if we fail to under- stand the context of the times which produced such a situation. Increasingly, the A m e r i c a n public has come to accept the re- striction of its personal liberties as a "necessary" evil to our pro- gressive, technological society. Vague notions about the massive and intricate workings of gov- ernment are cited as reasons for accepting what amounts to "limi- tations" in freedom. Government agencies assume that they alone have full information, and there- fore only these agencies canmake proper decisions. THE MILITARY in particular has become so clandestine in its operations that even itsnhighest ranking officials, including t h e President, who is designated con- stitutionally as its commander-in- chief; are unaware of what it is doing in all sectors. The cumber- some machinery of the military. which consumes the "lion's share" of our budget and is so instru- mental at present in the unfold- ing of our foreign policy, must be brought under the strong ari steady oversight of both the Con- gress and the executive branch of civilian government. Senator Ervin and Congress- man Mikva in the Congress are spearheading drives to thoroughly investigate army spying and be- lay the suspicions brought on by the most recent flurry of allega- tions. But the challenge of pro- tecting Americans against t h e constitutional violations inherent in army snooping must be accept- ed by the whole of civilian gov- ernment. It must begin immed- iately to make inroads into both the problem itself and the condi- tions which produced it. All of the terrifying implications of spy- ing - the intimidation of elect- ed officials; the encouragement of mutual distrust between citi- zens; the spectre of an army "in business for itself", an army which scorns the electoral process and constitutional safeguards and in general. the restriction of the free flow of ideas in a demo- cratic society must be purged from American society. t Amp Sen. Sam Ervin (D-NC) has, for the past five years, collected con- vincing evidence on police a n d military surveillance. He said the Illinois incident of army spying only reinforces his belief that this country is becoming "a police state." Ervin heads the Senate Subcom- mittee on Constitutional Rights, and will chair public hearings next month aimed at investigating all secret files on citizens held by government agencies - files to which the individual in question has no access. This, Ervin told the New York Times, constitutes an abrogation of constitutionally protected liberties and leads to- ward the Orwellian "Big-Brother", state. The army's surveillance of civilians is only a part of a larg- er picture, he said. In the House of Representa- tives, Congressman Abner Mikva, one of the civilians who O'Brien said was spied on by the Army, has brought to his colleagues' at- tention the diie threat to a demo- cratic society posed by army sur- veillance of civilians. In a special interview with The Daily, Mikva said that "clearly the military has been running away from us since I World War II, and for this rea- son, the recent incidents of army surveillance cast grave doubt on the actual power of the civilian government to control the mili- tary." Mikva fears the nightmarish possibility of the "army running itself" can become a reality. "Army spying may actually con- vince a small handful of military personnel that their information gives them the power and the right to control civilian govern- ment," he said. "The persons responsible for this usurpation of civil liberties must be rooted out," he added, "and safeguards installed against such a situation arising in the future." Mikva said he hopes that t h e thorough investigation by t h e House of Rtpresentatives that he proposes will reveal that the Illi- nois incident was an "operation within an operation" reflecting "the actions of a small group of military officers drunk with power and resources." For Mikva, Army surveillance of civilians is a symptom of a larg- er, more basic underlying di- sease-"swollen budgets and un- limited resources for the mili- tary." AS A RESULT of pressure from legislators like Mikva and Ervin, and the allegations by O'Brien, the executive branch of govern- 9,. Letters to The Daily Court appeal To the Daily: THE UPCOMING appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court of t h e case of three U-M graduate stu- dents who were denied the right to vote in Ann Arbor is an ex- tremely important one. Two ad- ditional aspects of the case need to be emphasized: First, the case is being hand- led by Mr. Arthur Carpenter, a local attorney who has already won two landmark decisions in the Supreme Court, the most recent of which required Michigan pub- lic schools to provide free text- books to all pupils. Second, Mr. Carpenter has pro vided free legal services in carry- ing the case through the courts so far, and has offered to continue to do so; however, the mechanics of carrying an appeal to the Supreme Court are very expensive and in- volve costs other than legal fees of approximately a thousand dollars. Unless this money can be raised by voluntary contributions, the case cannot be continued. AN AD HOC committee h a s been formed to solicit funds so that this important case may be continued. Anyone who would like to contribute money or help with the committee is urged to contact one of the undersigned. -Jerry De Grieck, '72 763-3241 -Walt Scheider 1016 Woodbridge 663-3846 -Jerry Rees 521 Scio Church Road 663-1150 Jan. 6 Bookstore fee To the Daily: EARLIER THIS term I wrote the Board for the Student Book- store concerning the $5 student bookstore assessment. So far, the only reply I have received is a hold credit notice. Is it standard practice on this university to ig- nore everyone except blacks and radicals? The questions I raised then are still valid andsarerrepeated here in hopes that the board may de- cide to reply to them. First, as I understand it, the decision to levy $5 fee on each student was made by a vote of the student body several semesters ago. It seems to me that the assess- ment should have been collected during the same semester in which the vote was taken. This would 'ave placed the assessment square- ly on the shouldersnof the persons who authorized it, not on those of us who arrived here this semester. SECONDLY, ALTHOUGH the assessment is supposed to be re- fundable, the initiative for obtain- ing the refund is left entirely to the individual student and he is eligible for the refund only after withdrawing from the University. This means that it will be two, three, four or more years before most of us will be eligible and, in the case of an entering freshman who plans to eventually do grad- uate studies here, it could be eight years before he becomes eligible for a refund. Does the board really expect students to remember sev- eral years hence that they are due a refund? I wonder if the board didn't de- liberately plan to extort $150,000 from the student body. I believe that the $5 assessment should be refunded automatically to e a c h student when he leaves the Uni- versity or at the end of two years, whichever comes first. ALSO, ALTHOUGH the board prefers to call the $5 an assess- ment, it is really a loan from each individual student to the student bookstore. I was under the im- pression that it was normal prac- tice to pay interest on a business loan but apparently the book- store does not intend to do that. Furthermore, I wonder if it might not be considered an unfair business practice to use an interest free loan extorted from the stu- dent body to gain an advantage over your competitor. FINALLY, I would like to clear up a point concerning the sale of textbooks. I wish to know if the bookstore is going to carry text- books for graduate courses which may attract only ten to 15 stu- dents each semester as well as books for the more popular under- graduate courses. Since the $5 assessment is being applied indiscriminately to every student, I would like to propose that the student bookstore commit itself to stocking textbooks for every course offered by the Uni- versity. If you feel that this is not practical, then I believe that any person who cannot obtain books for at least half of his courses at the student bookstore should have his $5 assessment refunded im- mediately. -Richard E. Crowell Grad. Vietnam To the Daily: THE UNITED STATES did not attack North Vietnam to free prisoners of war. A country that has murdered millions to s a v e face does not act out of a gut feeling f o r people. The United States took this action to t e s t whether public opinion will toler- ate a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam. The purpose of such an invasion is to subvert the Vietna- mese Revolution the most success- ful people's revolution in A s i a. This invasion can only be stopped by a nationwide outcry on the scale of last spring's Cambodia re- sponse. It is no accident t h a t Nixon acted just before Thanksgiving vacation, hoping that turkey and suburbia would de-energize the movement. This cannot be allow- *r Palm Springs: Lots of style, no content By HANNAH MORRISON THEY WEREN'T dreaming of a white Christmas-as though that kind of weather would've been possible in a desert resort. Despite a series of unusually chilly, overcast days, the good life continued in Palm Spring, Calif. There were more stars on the ground -what with Red Skelton, Elvis Presley, Sinatra Jr., Liberace etc. - than could be seen on a clear desert night. Their aura illumined the town in many ways - including the six banks and twenty-three country clubs. The most prominent holiday display could be seen at Liberace's home, a Spanish-style ranch which cost a million dollars to restore. There was a bevy of lights and glittery Santas at every angle but the crowning glory was a life-sized portrait of the artist-with a vest that lit up at night. "He must've paid G.E. plenty to install extra power for this," one native chuckled. Behind the lights, tropical shrubbery and model-city streets is a sense of unreality. There are no slums in Palm Springs and virtually no blacks-except the few hundred clustered at the city limits. Indians are the richest people around, because every other square mile in the area belongs to them; according to federal law, anyone who wishes to use their land must pay rent. The air is always pure and fragrant, the vista awe-inspiring. As one tourist said, "Here I look up the street and see mountains. At home all I see is A&P." THIS IS THE playground of the rich and famous, built on the backs of the American lower class. Those who have spent their lives accumulating fortunes by stepping on others come here to retire. In the little time left, they are frantically trying to regain youth and health. Their search is both sad and amusing. Picture a middle-aged woman struggling to ride a bicycle. For people like her, over-sized tri- cycles with baskets have been developed. Men in their sixties can be seen on the tennis courts: oh the wonder of pot bellies and wrinkles worKing together to whack that ball! Their wives, hairdos impeccable, gossip on the sidelines. Golf is the biggest sport here, but even that has been emasculated. The caddy is no more. Instead electric carts are used to speed up the game. The most common method of beautifying the body is to adorn the exterior. The streets are lined with clothing and jewelry shops filled with the latest, most extravagant styles. Between them are the res- taurants and ice cream parlors, the other alternative. Many residents elect both. The result: flabby women in exquisite attire intended for their grand-daughters. A SECOND PROBLEM is where to show it all off. Except for the movies and clubs, the town closes down by 10:00 p.m. So the few places open are packed with well-dressed people. At night, the odd rminae maro " iri pn ith v c~ vri'k As onena tive compolained. I A 1t4 a Th ST9 Om ) t t f1 AMTMeot. .UPGVT 1) \ { ttf fI i , 1 + \ d . 1 r AMP2 AR (4OLV K6 (T~ ROR fv 111 Vy'-, SOO fe4C , I t-Gia-u W " Rq73- w L4Wr IF Tiff~ CF. rV .4 p c (trfk I