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January 28, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-28

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471 *44bir
o--Iqqwp-- a t 14H

Windy, cloudy and cold,
chance of snow

Vol. LXXXI, No. 100 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 28, 1971 Ten Cents

Eight Pages




Atty. Gen. to



Over 100 teachers and students of a Course Mart course
in political action who gathered in Angell Hall last night, de-
nounced a decision made Tuesday by the literary college
Curriculum Committee to rescind approval of six out of the
original 15 sections of the course.
The sections deleted from College Course 327 (issues,
strategies and analysis in political actiona) include those on
repression, corporations, independent political action, youth
liberation, the media, andgay liberation.
Psychology Prof. Robert Hefner, sponsor and coordinator
of the cour e, cla med last night the sections were deleted for
impolitical reasons, adding "The




Theodore St. Antoine
St. Antoin
Law dean
Law Prof. Theodore J. St. An-
toine will be appointed new Dean
of the Law School, President Rob.
bin Fleming announced yesterday
St. Antoine, a well known au-
thority on labor'law, was selected
*rom 30-35 candidates by a stu-
dent-faculty committee appoint-
ed by the Law School faculty. He
replaces Francis A. Allen, who wil
leave July 1. ,
The appointment was made
amid criticism from thesstudents
on the search committee who ob-
Eected to their alleged lack of in-
fluence on the committee's recom-
mendations. The committee was
composed of six faculty members
and two students.
They were pleased with the
choice that Fleming had made
ro among the list, however."We
nd ourselves greatly pleased and
thoroughly encouraged by the ap-
pointment of Prof. St. Antoine,"
the students said in a statement.
"We can say this not only from
the standpoint of his distinguish-
ed record, but also from the over-
whelming level of law student sup-
rt manifested to the commit-
"Despite our disagreement with
the nature of the final panel and
many of the committee's pro-
cesses, the law school, albeit for-
tuitously, has an outstanding new
dean," they added.
M St. Antoine joined the Law
School faculty in 1966. Before,
returning to the University to
teach, St. Antoine practiced law,
mostly at the Supreme Court level.

Curriculum Committee is look-
ing at this course in ways be-
yond the normal."
At a meeting Monday, the
Course Mart Committee reviewed
the proposed sections and recom-
mended to the Curriculum Com-
mittee that the six sections be
Psychology Prof. Ronald Tikof-
sky, secretary of the Curriculum
Committee, said last night that
each section of the course was
"separately examined and evalu-
ated" and that the decisions were
conscientiously made and essen-
tially unanimous.
Last night at a policy board
meeting which is composed of all
teachers of the course and all stu- A
dents who desire to attend, par- ACTRESS JANE FON
ticipants demanded to know the are (left to right), the
reasons behind the rescinding of 'Conspiracy' defendants
permission for the six sections.
The board. approved a motion to
ask the LSA student government/
to replace the three student mem- OPP 0
bers of the Course Mart Commit-
tee, to publicize the deletion of0
the six sections, and to send both
a mass delegation of students and-
small group of the teachers of
the deleted sections to the Curric-
ulum Committee Tuesday to de- By ROSE SUE BERS
mand reasons for the deletion of ,
the sections. "We are saying tol
Sandy Fleming, '71, a student Nixon, 'If you don't stop
member of the Course Mart Com- we will stop the country,'
mittee, explained to the meeting Jane Fonda explained l
that the Course Mart Program to an audience of 200p
has a "tenuous existence," and the Union Ballroom.
that Course Mart bourses must be Fonda spoke as part of
screened very closely -or Course Culture Week program, a
Mart will be eliminated. Chicago 'Conspiracy' d
Fleming attributed the deletion Tom Hayden and John
of the sections partly to a lack of political science Prof. Arcl
information available to the con- fham ast CatCPnl
mittee, while Hefner said that he of the East Coast Cons]
has asked to attend both the Save Lives
Course Mart and Curriculum Fonda urged the predo
l Committee meetings, but had not student crowd to support
been invited, ple's Peace treaty fo
Hefner estimated the number of through the National w
students affected by the deleted Association (NSA) with
sections at between 70 and 80, of __ofVietnam.
the approximately 175 in the
He termed the rescinding of per- In tern
mission for the sections "illegal"
because the University operates
under Robert's Rules of Order
which explicitly denies the right th reatei
to rescind approval of courses al-
lready approvred.

si iton
fe Culi
TEIN She explained
President the proposal requii
the war U.S. set a specifi
sactress plete withdrawal
ast night and that the K
peste in regime be elimina
people n Under the Peopl
a provisional gov
f the Life be formed for the
long with of holding free
.fendants elections in North
iFroines, nam. This provisic
hie Sing- would represent
pLindon jRevolutionary (
piracy to (PRG), the prese
ernment and varic
minantly religious groups.
the Peo- "To the Vietn
rmulated Fonda continued,
Students changing with tI
the peo- drawals. People a
greater rate than

to war emphasized
fu're Week program
that essentially bombers and technology replace prospective jurors for the two
res only that the troops. Black Panthers are black.
c date for coi- "President Nixon is withdraw- Hayden spoke briefly on what
from Indochina ing troops because they won't he saw as progress in Berkeley,
Ky-Thieu-Khiem fight." Fonda asserted. "After the wherean AprigreusiinaBerkeey,
ted. TPeanev seweton"h where an April municipal refer-
e.Tet offensive," she went on, "theyenunwldcie hter o
e's Peace treaty, realized they'd been lied to. Nov endum will decide whether tof
vernment would the brass must make extraordi- commit the city to a defense of
limited purpose nary concessions; there are such passes, Hayden said, Berkeley will
and democ1-atic massive refusals to take ordeis "secede, as a city, from U.S. for-
and South Viet- that they can't do anything. What eign policy," replacing it with
)nal government this amounts to, in fact, is "people's diplomacy."
the Provisional 1mntinv

-lairy'-Torn Stanton
DA speaks at last night's panel discussion on "War Crimes and Repression" in the Union Ballroom. With Fonda
Rev. Phillip Lindon of the East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives, Tom Hayden and John Froines, both Chicago

Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Atty. Gen. John Mitchell announced yester-
day the government would appeal a federal district court
opinion declaring unconstitutional the wiretapping of sub-
versive domestic groups without a court warrant.
U.S. District Court Judge Damon Keith had ruled Monday
that the Attorney General does not have the right to order
electronic surveillance of domestic groups in cases involving
national security.
According to Keith's ruling the government is required
to present evidence that it had gathered through wiretapping
defendant Lawrence (Pun) Plamondon, charged with tne
bombing of the Ann Arbor CIA office in September, 1968.
In addition, Plamondon, along------_ - - -
with fellow White Panthers John
Sinclair and Jack Forest, is charg-
ed with conspiracy to bomb the
building. SG
The Justice Dept. has indicated
that an appeal notice will be filed
by the end of the week. It is not
clear, however, whether the appeal
will be filed in. the 6th Circuit
Court of Appeals in Cincinnati or
with the U.S. Supreme Court.
In any case, an appeal by the
government would delay the start 1 iC
of the trial at least a month.
Defense attorney Buck Davis
commented that if Keith's opinion By CHUCK WILBUR
is overturned in the 6th Circuit(anROETKA OW Z
Court, the defense will appeal to and ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ
the Supreme Court. Student Government Council
Keith's decision, though similar last night called on the Regents
to one made earlier this month by to adopt the major elements of the
U.S. District Judge Warren Fer- proposed University judicial sys-
guson of Los Angeles, is the first tem, urging changes in several les-
opinion to directly confront the ser aspects of the plan.
Mitchell policy of wiretapping on By a unanimous vote, SGC pass-
subversive domestic groups with- ed a resolution stating that it
out warrants, neither endorsed nor rejected the
Government lawyers said that if judicial proposal, but was "will-
the rulings remain standing the ing to go along with the proposed
government would be unable to system" since it appeared to be
eavesdrop on domestic groups acceptable to all segments of the
suspected of subversive activities. University community.
The government has never stat- Drafted by a committee of stu-
ed whether the wire tap was on dents, faculty members and ad-
Plamondon's phone or on the ministrators, the judicial p1an
phone of others with whom Pla- would set up a mechanism for
mondon conversed, trying students and faculty mem-
The main emphasis of Keith's bers who violate University-wide
ruling lay in the distinction be- regulations, such as prohibitions
tween national security cases in- against disruption.
volving domestic groups and those The committee's draft has been
involving unfriendly governments. endorsed either in principle or
"An idea which seems to per- with minor changes by most of the
meate much of the government's faculties in each school and cl-
argument," Keith noted, "is that lege and Senate Assembly, the fa-
a dissident domestic organization culty representative body.
is akin to an unfriendly foreign SGC joined these bodies in urg-
power and must be dealt with in ing the adoption of a potentially
the same fashion." controversial element of the plan
-the use of randomly-selected
e fall-student juries to decide guilt
inderand punishment in ases where a
Fact-f der student is a defendant.
However, it called for a change
h r uin the part of the plan dealing
he rs union with the makeup and powers of
the panel which would rule on.
Fact - finding proceedings be- motions by either the plaintiff or
tween the University and Local the defendant in disciplinary
1583 of the American Federation trials. The motions involve such
of State, County and Municipal sensitive questions as whether to
Employes (AFSCME) continued exclude political testimony sup-
yesterday as fact-finder William porting the defendant's alleged
Ellmann heard presentations by actions.
two more state AFSCME officials. This aspect of the plan has been
William Lucas, an official of a prime target of criticism ty the
AFSCME Council 29,nwhich repre- faculty bodies who have acted on
sents Genesee County public em- the proposal. Most have recom-
ployes, presented cost-of-living ar- mended that such motions be ruled'
rangements, wage s c a 1 e s and on by a presiding judge, who could
health insurance plans for hos- be overruled by two associate
pitals throughout the state. judges-a student and a faculty
Also presenting evidence for the member.
union side was Joe King, a Council However, SOC urged that a sec-
7 representative, who has been in- ond student associate judge be
volved in the negotiations since used on the presiding panel in
they began Oct. 5. King presented cases where a student was a de-
the wage scales and other benefits fendant, and a second faculty as-
which AFSCME employes at West- sociate judge in cases where a
ern Michigan University receive. See SGC, Page 8

Jovernmen t
nt Saigon gov-
aus political and
amese people,"
"the war isn't
he troop with-
are dying at aj
ever as pilots,1

111 Uft,1y.
'Conspiracy' defendant Froines
spoke mainly about the trial of
Black Panthers Bobby Seale and
Erika Huggins, currently under-
way in New Haven. "Bobby and
Erika send their greetings to the
students here," Froines said.
He described the jury selection'
procedure where only 30 of 900

Thus, the Chicago defendant
explained, "We won't be able to
tolerate in Berkeley those who
commit war crimes," citing Uni-
versity of California defense re-
search, particularly in nuclear
weapons, as the primary target.
Hayden urged the adoption of
similar efforts elsewhere. He fore-
cast Ann Arbor as a second po-
tential "semi-liberated territory."
Blasting American imperialism
and the concept of nation-states,
Singham charged that there is no
large difference between "clean-
cut well-dressed bankers going
down to Brazil" and "a rough
cowbo with abig tick.,

s, residents seek action,
n withholding of services

Scott Bass, another student
member of the Curriculum Com-
mittee, said that reasons for the
deletion of the sections were be-
ing collected and would be pub-
lished shortly.
When informed of the decision
of the policy or to schedule a mass
demonstration at the next Curric-
ulum Committee meeting, he said
that, "We're talking about curric-
ular matters, not about politics,"
and termed the action "stupid."
One participant at the policy
board meeting, stating that teach-
ers were not present at the Com-
mittee meetings, charged the de-
letion was a "trial without a hear-

.Harrison case contin
prepares to start deli

By SARA FITZGERALD However, according to Dr. Al residents involved in community
With the threat of a possible Thomas, IRA president, since health action projects and spe- Clergy Caucus, spoke of radical
withholding of services in the near Medical School Dean Dr. John cifically the Ann Arbor Free Calic Caucs, snokeficaly
future, the Interns and Residents Gronvall has indicated he will issue Clinic; Cathoc action, andspecifically
Association of the University Med- a response to the group's non- -"one week of paid time off (in Daniel Berrigan and othemem-
ical Center (IRA) yesterday pre- economic demands within the next addition to currently available va- bers of the East Coast Consipracy
sented a list of 15 economic and few days, "the group will hold any cation time) per year at the re- e Lives a c Catholic
non-economic demands to Medical actions in abeyance. "#quest of individual house staff group, for allegedly plotting to
Center officials and the medical Thomas said that following members for approved community kidnap presidential adviser Henry
school faculty. Gronvall's response, IRA would health action projects; Kissinger.
The demands include salary in- decide whether to proceed with its -"payment by the University of:
creases, a day-care center, mal- job actions calling for a with- the entire cost of Blue Cross-Blue Life Culture Week will continue
practice insurance for work done drawal of out-patient services on Shield, and major medical insur- tonight with a presentation in Hill
in the Ann Arbor Free Clinic, and Feb. 9, and the termination of ance;" and Aud. billed as "an evening of talk,
increased health insurance. non-emergency in-patient services -"free meals consisting of sup- a night of action." The "action""
The IRA had set a timetable by Feb. 23. as outlined in a letter per and breakfast on weekdays .as not specified. Participating
for withholding of services to be- to Gronvall. and all meals on weekend days for will be Mark Lane, Tom Hayden,
gin yesterday with the refusal to Through such a withholding of house staff officers on call when
s i g n administrative documents services, however, IRA will con- they are required to remain in the Jerry Rubin, Sister Susan Cordes
such as Blue Cross forms. tinue to provide emergency and hospital." and Father Phillip Lindon.
essential services to patients.
Medical Center officials would WEEKL
not comment on the proposed ac-f' E L
Lies asjury tinbyIAaa"nwblco"
was declared last night until "pro-
ductive dialogue is reestablished
this difficult situation."roup p c ets
Gronvall told IRA's executive
y ALAN LENHOFF committee yesterday morning that By RUSS GARLAND year extension. The
"the faculty had endorsed the high There is another organization besides the scheduled a nationa
htenaw County Circuit Court will priority of house staff (intern and U.S. Post Office which is not deterred by draft on Feb. 27.
to wade through three days of resident) stipends, but that a rain, sleet, snow or other adverse weather "We're just hoping
dictory evidence to reach a ver- commitment cannot be made prior conditions. says, "but you have b
of a University student charged toureview of the 1971-72 budget." The Michigan Council to Repeal the I can't believe they c
mn Ann Arbor policeman. Budget reviews are not made until Th MiignCucltRealhe Ia'tbivehyc
later this spring. Draft has been picketing Draft Board No. the draft in the ho
Thaddeus R. (T.R.) Harrison, IRA is asking for a base salary 85 in Ann Arbor, every Thursday from just slip by."
ew a brick at Detective Paul L. of $10,000 retroactive to Jan. 1, noon to 1 p.m. since last Nov. 19. The rea- The state group
19, 1970 during a scuffle in front 1971, with $500 increments in son for picketing the board, located near 2,000 signatures oni
ation Bldg. The incident occurred salary for each year of training. E. Liberty and Main, is to collect signa- in Ann Arbor and ot]
Black Action Movement (BAM) The association is also demand- tures on a petition calling for the abolish- Other petitions are
ing a future salary base of $12,00 O --+ .f +,- 4ff"A +-T+,",.



or end to draft

A jury in Was
be asked todayt
seemingly contra
diet in the caset
with assaulting a
The student,
'73, allegedly thr
Bunten on March
of the Administra
during last year's
class strike.

National Council has
al conference on the
it's in time," Kellum
to keep working on it.
ould get a renewal of
pper so fast it could
currently has about
its petitions, collected
her areas of the state.
still being circulated.

replied "Of course, what a silly question."
Another man walked unhappily by say-
ing only "No, I just had my physical."
"We get a lot of people who look at us
like kooks and we have some people who
want to argue," says Kellum. "The longest
argument I ever had was with a veteran
who had been in a German concentration
camp. At one point he told me, 'You don't
know how good you have it over here.'"
Asked what effect the picketers hope to
have, Kellum explains, "Well, I think it's

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