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January 27, 1971 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-27

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Wednesday, January 27, 1971 op

TH-MC IG N DAL Wednesday. .a-u-ry-2-.-'-9-1-

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arvey requests $92,000 for
°reation of intelligence squad

Party seeks support

(Continued from Page 1)
Sheriff Harvey has denied that
the primary purpose of the squad
is to engage in political surveil-
lance on the campuses.
Harvey told a Detroit Free Press
reporter he did not intend to use
grant money to purchase bugging
equipment. "We already have it,"
he said two weeks ago.
The executive committee will

make a recommendation on the
proposal to the full meeting of the
board next week and the board will
then recommend acceptance or re-
jection of the request to the coun-
ty board of commissioners, which
is being asked for $23,015 towards
the cost of the proposed squad.
The board will also forward re-
commendations to both Region
One of the Criminal Justice and

People's peace group
plans meeting at 'U'

(Continued from Page 1)
The conference will also discuss
means of implementing the treaty
and attracting national publicity
to it. Some treaty supporters have
discussed a possible national dem-
onstration during May.
According to Spears, May is
significant because it is the an-
niversary of last year's Cambo-
dian invasion. Furthermore, he
explains, it marks the start of the
rainy season in Vietnam when
ground action is difficult and U.S.
forces attempt to regain lost ter-
ritory through air offensives.
Finally, it is the beginning of
Senator asks
legi sl ature to
ick Regents
LANSING (P) - A Republican
state senator wants to abolish the
elected governing boards of Mich-
igan's "Big Three" universities and
replace them with seven-member
boards named by the governor.
Sen. Robert Davis of Gaylord
said the appointed-board system,
with appointments subject to Sen-
ate confirmation, "would be much
more responsive to the public"
than are the elected boards.
The University's Regents, the
Trustees of Michigan State Uni-
versity, and the Wayne S t a t e
University Board of Governors are
presently elected by the people of
the state.
Davis said he would propose a
constitutional amendment to
change the system.
Such a proposal would require
a two-thirds vote of both house
and senate before it could appear.
on thesgeneral election ballot for
a decision by Michigan voters.
A similar proposal failed in the
Michigan Senate last year.
Davis said that under his pro-
posed system, board members
would serve staggered four-year
terms and not more than four
members would be from any one
political party..
Davis noted that other institu-
tions of higher learning supported
by state tax funds are operated by
separate boards whose members
are appointed by the governor.
"This is a much better system
and, in the interests of consist-
ency and of more responsive con-
trol of the institutions, boards of
the three largest universities
should be named the same way."
Davis said.

the period during which the
Thieu-Ky regime must consolidate
its position if it is to win the fall
elections, Spears adds.
He says it is important for the
people of the United States to
show support for the people of
Vietnam at such a critical time.
However, "We see demonstra-
tions as a negative form of imple-
mentation of a treaty we would
make," Spears says. He mentions
programs such as information ex-
change between scientists of Viet-
nam and the United States as
more positive form of action.
The conference schedule calls
for an evening plenary on Friday,
Feb. 5, with several Asian schol-
ars speaking. Saturday afternoon's
agenda includes workshops to dis-
cuss the treaty.
Saturday evening will feature a
multi-media cultural event. Sun-
day will commence with a large
plenary session followed by re-
gional meetings.
The organizers of the conven-
tion say they have had no diffi-
culty in obtaining University fa-
cilities for the convention. Spears
said they had been afraid of trou-
ble since permission was denied to
hold the conference at Kent State
University and the National Coa-
lition Against War, Racism an(
Repression, one of the major sup-
porters of the treaty, has been th
target of much FBI investigation.
"Another reason I think there
will be a lot of surveillance if not
repression is because of the veryb
idea of the treaty itself," says
Spears. "The US government does
not want to see a resurgence of the
anti-war movement."

Law Enforcement Planning Coun-
cil of the South Eastern Michigan
Council of Governments and the
Michigan Commission on Law En-
forcement and Criminal Justice.
Applications for $64,046 of fed-
eral Safe Streets Act money for
which the sheriff is applying must
be cleared by all these bodies, prior
to the acceptance of the proposal.
University President Robben
Fleming has openly opposed the'
squad, as has Mayor Robert Har-
ris. Harris has refused to permit
the Ann Arbor police to cooperate
with the squad.
The squad has the support,
however, of over a dozen other
law enforcement agencies in
Washtenaw County, Livingston
County and Monroe County.
The operational command of the
squad will be in the hands of
Washtenaw County Undersheriff
Harold Owings, although the
scope of the squad's activities is
Objections to the squad have
centered around fears that it
would engage in political surveil-
lance on campuses in the area.
The Faculty Reform Coalition,
a group of faculty at the Univer-
sity, was the most recent group to
censure the idea for an "Intelli-
gence Squad." At a recent meeting
they urged the University admin-
istration "to take all measures
necessary to ensure that police
activities on the campus remain
under firm limits and control."
The Ann Arbor Model Cities
Policy Board passed a resolution
last week condemning the pro-
posed squad and student leaders
at the University and Eastern
Michigan University have also
made known their opposition to1
the idea.
Three physics professors have
been awarded a $310,900 grant to
continue their research in ele-
mentary particle physics.
The one-year grant was award-
ed by the National Science Foun-
dation for work by Profs. Law-
rence W. Jones, Michael J. Longo
and Oliver Overseth.
The three professors will con-
tinue their high energy physics
experiments designed to probe the
nuclei of atoms. Their work, sup-
ported by the Office of Naval Re-
search for a decade, has been un-
der NSF sponsorship since 1969.

(Continued from Page 1)
"If we're going to have a sub-
stantial base, a lot of people are
going to have to do an awful lot of
work," said one of the convention's
organizers, expressing a typical
And it is on this question of
drawing new people into the party,,
rather than on any of the plat-
Through 85
years of life
and music
(Continued from Page 2)
many of the late sonatas of
Beethoven are too intimate for
the concert hall. He still won-
ders, in fact, whether the Ada-
gio of the Hammerklavier was
too personal to have worked on
those occasions.
Most of our discussion con-
cerned music, but it did contain
a number of amusing, and some,
hilarious incidents of Rubin-
stein's career, which he re-
counted with humour and relish,
and with insight and keen
judgement as well. The story of
the Russian ambassador's (or
some such high official, he
counted for little in the story)
wife who was photographed
with Rubinstein in successive
stages as he approached to em-
brace her, and was finally re-
warded by her ample bosom
jiggling beneath him when he
was able to get almost close
enough to do the deed, was par-
ticularly close to his heart.
This same Russian ambassa-
dor's wife ended our discussion;
Rubinstein was to play a Chopin
program in Newark the very
next day, and a few days later
in New York, a recital which in-
cludes a Schubert sonata, the
Ravel Valses Nobles et Senti-
mentales and works of Brahms,
Schumann and Liszt. He will un-
doubtedly take time to celebrate
his 85th birthday tomorrow. We
all wish him well.

form planks themselves, that the
most lively debate and the most
important division became evi-
dent in the convention.k
In the middle of the discussionI
Saturday night of the platform
plank dealing with local transpor-
tation, a participant charged the
convention was approving "re-I
formist" planks. The party mem-'
ber proposed the meeting stop con-
sidering its approaches to spe-
cific local problems and rather
focus its attention on a revolu-
tionary "national and interna-
tional" overview.2
This argument was countered by
those who claimed that by ad-
dressing specific issues radicals
could best hope to reach people.
"You don't reach people merely
with ideology," said Peter Den-c
ton, "you reach people on the ba-
sis of things they understand and
are concerned with."
Though the convention returned
to its agenda after half an hour!
of debate on this question, the ar-
gument continued, on and off the
convention floor, between those
who emphasized the need to bringc
new people who are not committed
radicals into the party, and thosee
who insisted the party should be
openly radical in its stances.
Members of both groups came
away from Sunday's meeting lessI
than satisfied with the directionE
the party appeared to be takingt
in its deliberations so far. A mem-
ber of Joe Hill collective, several
members of which were promi-
nent in the latter group, calledr
the tone of the meetings "oppor-
tunist" and criticized what he felt
was the convention's failure tc2
present a clearly revolutionaryt
overview in the platform.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m., f the day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. Items ap-
pear only once. Student organiza-
tion notices are not accepted for
publication. For more information,
phone 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Graduate Faculty Meeting: Rackham
Amph., 4 p.m.
Botany Seminar: Dr. M. Pall, Reed
College, "The Regulation of Amino
Acid Transport in Neurospora," 1139
Nat. Sei., 4 p~m.
Engineering Interdepartmental Sem-
inar: Dr. M. O'Neill, Univ. College Lon-
don. "Some Problems in Electrocapil-
lary Instability," 229 W. Engin., 4 p.m.
Physics Seminar: T. Greytak, MIT. "A
Bound State of Two Rotons," P&A
Colloq. Rm., 4 p.m.
Chemical Engin. and Biostatistics
Lectures: B. Carnahan, "The FORTRAN
IV Programming Language-I", Nat.
Set. Aud., 7:30 p.m.
School of Music: University S y m -
phony Orchestra, T. Alcantara, con-
ductor, Hill Aud., 8 p.m.
University Players: 'Timon of Ath-
ens," Trueblood, 8 p.m.
General Notices
Usher Positions still available f o r
some performances ofti"School for Wiv-
es," Jan. 26-Feb. 7; U-M students sign
up in Professional Theatre Program
office, Mi. League, Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-
1 p.m., 2-6 p.m.; bring I-D card.
Regents' Meeting February 19: Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands by Thurs., Feb. 4.
Department of Geology and Mineral-
ogy Journal Club, Thursday, January
28, 1971. Dr. Thomas Gibson, U.S. Na-
tional Museum, "Species Diversity - Re-
cent and Tertiary Patterns of Foramini-
r.....+ om .- 1-of1 1 4.- A..P.Lite B g . .1-4

131 S. University



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Eric Chester, a member of In- free, 3:30 p.m. Lecture 4:00 p.m.
ternational Socialists, several e
whose members were prominent on Speech Prof. Bruce E. Gron-
the other side of the argument beck has been awarded a Horace
criticized what he called "tryiiig Rackham School of Graduate
to close the party into a very nar- Studies Faculty Research Fellow-
row circle," and that sort of stra- ship and Supporting Grant. Gron-
tegy could put the party in dan- beck will spend May and June in
ger of becoming "another socialist England, carrying out a research
sect." Chester said a primary pur- project entitled "The National
pose of the new party should be to Campaigns for Public Support in
the Regency Crisis of 1788-89; A
draw in people previously active Case Study of Early British Popu-
in liberal Democratic politics. lar Rhetoric."






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(By the author of Rally Round the Fla, Boys... Dobie Gillis... etc.)
Down Memory Lane Without a Paddle

4 ::- >>
f ::-. :,,:, :


For the student body:

T yV

_. I
:F :::..; I,,,.
,.i ,+> . ,.
i 1
f. : > ',,.

Memory can best be described as that function of the brain which
deserts you during an exam. Today, therefore, let us take up mnemon-
ics, or little tricks to aid the memory.
As you know of course, mnemonics is named after Mnemon, the
hero of possibly the loveliest of all the Greek myths. It tells how the
Athenian youth Mnemon fell in love with the wood nymph Ariadne,
and she with him. Indeed, so oblivious were these two to everything
except each other, that one year they forgot to attend the festival of
Demeter, the goddess of bran. Well sir, naturally Demeter got pretty
wroth, and to make sure the lovers would never forget again, she
changed Ariadne into a finger and Mnemon into a piece of string.
A lovely myth, as you can see, and as you know of course, it's
been the inspiration for dozens of richly romantic books, plays and
operas, including La Traviata, Deerslayer and The Joys of Yiddish.
But I digress. Mnemonics, I say, are little tricks to aid the mem-
ory. For example, here's how I learned my Zip Code-72846. I broke
it into two smaller groups of digits, each with a special meaning. Like
this: 72-846.
See how easy it is now? The first group of digits, 72, is, as you
know of course, the number of days in the gestation cycle of the larger
marsupials, like the oryx, the bushy lemur and the Toyota. And the
second group, 846, you will instantly recognize of course as Dick Tracy's
badge number.

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But some people say that mnemonics, useful though they may
be, will soon be replaced by a far better memory aid. In fact, say they,
we are on the verge of a fantastic new breakthrough. Recent experi-
ments have definitely proved that memory is carried in the brain cells
by the sub-molecule called RNA. Therefore, say they, as soon as sci-
ence learns how to synthesize RNA, all we'll have to do is swallow a
teaspoon of it and-presto!-instant memory.
(Incidentally, if you're wondering what the initials RNA stand
for, I forgot. I do recall, however, what DNA stands for. When the
eminent biochemist Alfred J. Sigafoos was isolating DNA back in
1960, he carried on experiments of such incredible delicacy you can
scarcely believe it. Why, do you know that he was actually dissecting
tissues only a trillionth of an inch thick? That's why his fellow lab
workers named the stuff DNA-for "Don't Nudge Alfred.")
But I digress. Some people, I say, believe that science will soon
decode RNA. But others are doubtful. How can anybody decode RNA,
they ask, when they can't even figure out the brewing formula of
Miller High Life Beer?
It's true, you know. Miller High Life is absolutely unique. No
competitor has ever been able to duplicate it. Oh sure, they've tried.
In fact, they've been trying for 115 years. And that's how long they've
been failing because from the very beginning Miller's brewing formula
has been a secret known to only one man on earth-Miller's chief
brewmaster-and he never tells it to another soul until, on his death-
bed, he whispers it into the ear of his eldest son.
Take, for example, the current chief brewmaster at Miller High
Life-Heinrich Lockjaw the XIIth. A veritable tomb is Heinrich the
XIIth. Believe me, he's been offered plenty to divulge the formula.
And I don't mean just money; I mean treasures far more precious-
the Mona Lisa, the Elgin Marbles, Belgium, the only existing skeleton
of Charlemagne as a boy, the original manuscript of Tile Joys of Yiddish.
But Heinrich the XIIth just keeps shaking his head, determined that
the secret of Miller High Life shall be his alone until, with his final

t i (tU 444,16rlrtnaiT



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