See editorial page
CJ r
Low-3 below
More high winds, flurries
and sheety coverings of ice
Vol. LXXXI, No. 99 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 27, 1971 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Harvey asks $92,000
for intelligence squad
Sheriff Douglas Harvey hasj
applied for a total of $92,061 of
l federal and county money for
his proposed "Intelligence
Squad" and he intends that
$36,785 of the money be spent
on surveillance equipment.
x . The grant application will comeE
before the executive committee
the Washtenaw County Law and
Justice Planning Board today at
a 2 p.m. meeting at North Campus
The equipment which Harvey
intends to purchase for the squad
r f includes an electronic bugging de-
vice costing $1,700. The device, a
Bell and Howell SK-7 Surveillance
Kit, is for use "inside buildings,"
= ' ryaccording to the budget attached
rF' rto the proposal.
Harvey also intends to buy:
-Four air conditioned "surveil-
lance vehicles" at a total cost of
-Four multi-channel radio sets
at a cost of $5,600;
Housing board
passes $137
dorm rate hike
The Housing Policy Board ye st e rd ay recommended
an increase of $137 per student in dormitory rates for next
year. Also approved were an increase per student of $65 for
Baits Housing, $60 for Fletcher Hall and $67 for Oxford
The proposed new rates are projected to' cover the in-
creases in salaries of service and maintenance employes, as
well as to meet rising costs. Final approval must be given by
the Regents.
Incorporated into the new rate is the elimination of both
hot and continental breakfasts as part of the contract. In-
stead, an a la carte program would be instituted which would
allow the students to purchase -
Sheriff Harvey
-Daily-Jim Judkis
Judiciary committee
completes final draft
Completing nine months of deliberations, the Committee
on a Permanent Judiciary (COPJ) last night agreed on the
text of a manual giving detailed procedures for its proposed
campus judicial system.
The manual of procedure and a final text of the proposed
bylaw on disciplinary procedures will be sent to the Regents
later this week. They are expected to meet with committee
members at a special meeting to consider the plan but will
not formally vote on it until their regular February session.
The judiciary plan provides for a randomly selected, all-
student jury, in cases where
FacL finder students are defendants, to
decide guilt and punishment.
Disciplinary hearings would be
h presided over by a lawyer from
r outside the University com-
munity and student and fac-
State - appointed fact - finder ulty associate judges.
William Ellman yesterday consid- The manual of procedure in-
ered further evidence as efforts to cludes details such as the compo-
resolve the contract dispute be- sition of interviewing boards ,to
tween the University and Local initially set up the system, re-
1583 of the American Federation quirements for notifying defend-
of State, County and Municipal ants of charges, procedures for
Employes (AFSCME) continued. carrying out hearings, rules for
Ellman, a Detroit attorney, instruction of juries and grounds
heard testimony yesterday from for appeals.
AFSCME local presidents from The manual also provides that
Grand Valley State College, Fer- complaints must specify the maxi-
ris State College, Wayne State mum penalty sought, degrees will
! University, Central Michigan Uni- not be granted until proceedings
versity, Eastern Michigan Univer- against a defendant have closed,
sity and Michigan State Univer- and that no hearings take place
sity. until similar charges in state or
Ellman has said he hopes a set- federal courts have been disposed.
tlement can be reached within two In the case a defendant cannot
weeks. be found, the manual states, hear-
The fact-finding hearing ad- ings may not be held. The court,
journed early last night and is however, would be able to con-
scheduled to resume at 2 p.m. to- tinue hearings in the event that a
today. defendant failed to appear after
The University and AFSCME being served with a complaint.
agreed to recommend to the Re- The judiciary plan has already
gents and the union membership been approved in principle by
respectively that the suggestions Senate Assembly-the faculty rep-
of the fact-finder, appointed by resentative body-and the facul-
4 the Michigan Employment Rela- ties of the public health, social
tions Commission, be accepted. work, architecture, education, en-
The fact-finding process follows gineering, library science, literary,
a two-day strike last week by the music, nursing and pharmacy col-
2,600 member union. leges.
-Four $800 "portable radios;"
-Two WVS-1000 Model con-
cealable transmitters and receivers
at $750 each;
-Two concealable Sony TC-40
tape recorders, at a cost of $280;
-Four S o n y TC-70 "surveil-
lance recorders" at a cost of $70
-Four pairs of "low light cap-
ability" binoculars at $160 each;
-One Canon 16 m.m. movie
camera, "with zoom lens, re-
chargeable batteries and case," at
a cost of $1,250;
-Twenty-five rolls of color
film (including processing) at a
cost of $275;
--Four typewriters at a total'
cost of $900; and
-Four wristband surveillance
cameras, manufactured by the
Tessiua company with 35 m.m.
f 2.8 lenses. The camera is half-
frame and includes a wide angle
lens and flash unit with adaptor.
Eachecamera costs $165.
The budget also asks for $52,276
for the payment ofone lieutenant
and two "deputy investigators" for
the squad and $2,000 for training
the men in "intelligence, surveil-
lance, narcotics identification and
financial investigatory techniques.'
The squad will, according to the
grant proposal, focus its activities
on the gathering of intelligence
on organized and syndicated
crime, the narcotics traffic and
"campus unrest, civil unrest and
union strikes."
See HARVEY, Page 8
--Daily-Jim Judkis
All the lonely people
Although a few popsicled individuals seemed to en boy yesterday's wind and snow, most students wan-
dered with a grim determination to classes that took on a new meaning: warmth and dryness. See
editorial page and look outside your window for further comment.
hard drug use in city
Events of Life Culture Week
continued last night as a panel of
community people led a discussion
with an audience of 50 in the
Union Assembly Hall about drugs
and drug abuse in Ann Arbor.
Life Culture Week began last
Sunday night with a benefit to
raise funds and draw attention to
the CIA conspiracy trial under-
way in Detroit. Although the
benefit was originally intended to
end Life Culture Week, it served
as its kick-off when the rest of
AAUP polls faculty re
" "
collective bargaining
By DEBRA THAL Noticeably unhappy about the
The local branch of the Ameri- University's alleged failure to keep
can Association of University Pro- faculty salary increases in line
fessors (AAUP) is currently poll- with inflation, many faculty mem-
ing faculty members on the pos- bers have for several months been
sibility of forming a collective bar- actively considering organizing
gaining unit for faculty negotia- into a collective bargaining unit.
tions with the University. "Economic problems have forced
Information packets being dis- faculty members everywhere to
tributed to faculty members con- re-examine collective bargaining,"
tai a letter from Wilbert Mc- says McKeachie's letter. The fail-
Keachie, president of the local ure of recent appropriations to
AAUP chapter and chairman of keep up with inflation and the
the psychology department, asking very recent drastic cutbacks in
for faculty reaction to collective funds allotted to the University
bargaining and informing them of have hurt us much.
r~o1(01nm 93nte in f 11111c7 l la tcc arh o f 1110 f r o C
the Week's activities were post- The other panel members, in-'
poned until this week because of cluding Leni Sinclair of the White
a two-day strike by University Panther Party, Dr. Edward Pierce,
dorm and maintenance workers. M.D., and Lynn Rosenfield of
While blasting the use of hard Ozone House, likewise emphasized
drugs, the panel and the audience the need to bring the hard drug
generally condemned both the at- user into the community and
titudes and methods of community eliminate the cause of his addic-
drug prevention programs. tion.
"Instead of ostracizing the hardI. Both Rosenfield and Sinclair
drug users from the community,"' recommended that hard drug users
said panel member Matt Lampe of ought to be helped individually.
Drug Help, Inc., "we have to bring They especially emphasized the
these people, who were on the need for a new peer group of the
edges in the first place, into the former addict.
center." Criticizing their past attitude to-
ward the junkie, all the panel
" t members agreed that rehabilita-
tion cannot work with scare tactics
or a "Turn the Junkie In" policy.
Pierce, commenting on the use
of methadone to replace heroin
P OSS1 1 11 addiction, admitted that this pro-
gram is not completely clear yet.
The body becomes acclimated to
gaining major increases in wages opiates after a period of use, ex-
and state civil service employes plained Pierce, so it is possible
have been promised substantial for a long-time addict to func-
raises, accentuates . our distress," tion normally when he is on hero-
the letter continues. in or methadone, as long as the
While the debate over collec- supply is there.
tive bargaining has come only re- Tonight's activities of Life Cul-
cently to this campus, faculty ture week will include discussions
members at other universities have entitled "War Crimes", "The
demonstrated more interest. CIA", "Third World Liberation",
"Nationally the AAUP has over and "Movements and Peoples'
a very few years moved from Peace Treaty".
coolness toward collective bargain- Tomorrow night Tom Hayden,
ing to a nattitude of very great Jerry Rubin, Ken Cockrel, Genie
individual i t e m s normally
available for the continental
In eliminating breakfast, 26 full-
time employes would have to be
laid off. Concerned that all these
employes might not be able to be
placed in other University jobs,
the board decided that non-stu-
dent workers would be hired be-
fore students to man the a la
carte lines.
To further guarantee that all
workers laid off could still find
employment, the board included in
the rate increase $5 per student
as funds to cover jobs that might
be created for these workers.
Along with the elimination of
breakfast, the board approved sev-
eral measures designed to cut stu-.
dent costs. Maid service was elimi-
nated from the resident director's
apartments and less expensive
china will be purchased in the
The board further decided that
food service would be eliminated
from Newberry altogether and
that Barbour's facilities would be
enlarged to also serve the women
in Newberry.
In conjunction with this deci-
sion the board had recommended
last week that Barbour, which is
now primarily an upperclass and
graduate women's dorm, be opened
to all classes. After receiving
strong objection to this move by
the residents of Barbour the board
decided to continue Barbour's sta-
tus as an upperclass dorm.
Other policies the board de-
cided to continue were providing
optional meal contracts for non-
residence hall students, continuing
the $100 application-deposit fee,
and not allowing students to break
their dorm contract in order to
move into either a fraternity or
Tom eet the need for increased
student housing, the board has
recommended that Lloyd and
Winchell Houses in West Quad,
currently faculty offices, be re-
converted into student occupancy.
Recognizing the continued press
on the funds available for educa-
tional staff, the board has formed
a committee composed of two res-
idence hall staff, two representa-
tives selected from Inter-House
Assembly and two representatives
from the board to recommend
educational staffing philosophy
and allocate funds each year.
T h e s e recommendations were
based on a report submitted by
the Resident Hall Rate Commit-
tee. The committee, composed of
two members of Student Advisory
Committee on Housing, two ::ep-
resentatives of Inter-House As-
sembly and two members of the
housing office, spent s e v e r a)l'
months studying the problem of
dorm financing.
The Housing Policy Board,
composed of eight students and
three faculty members, directs the
policy of the Housing Office. All'
actions taken by the board are
subject to review by the Office of
Student Services Policy Board and;
approval by the Regents.
asks troop
WASHINGTON (A') -- Senate
Democratic Leader Mike Mans-
field said last night the No. 1 U.S.
goal in the next two years should
be to get out of Indochina and to
withdraw troops from Europe.
"The time has come to work
harder to get the President to
specify a withdrawal schedule for
troops from all of Indochina-
lock, stock and barrel," Mansfield
said in a broadcast interview.
"We should hold hearings, lay
out the story and bring the situa-
tion to the attention of the peo-
ple," he added.
Speaking for the Democratic
party, the Montana senator was
interviewed by reporters from four
networks on a national television
program billed as "A Conversation
with the Senate Majority Lead-
The interview was broadcast live
over the National Education Tele-
vision network stations and taped
for release over Mutual Radio and
NBC, CBS and ABC television.
Mansfield said he will introduce
a resolution calling for withdrawal
of substantial numbers of U.S.
troops from Europe. He said about
half the U.S. troops should be
brought back and European na-
tions should be encouraged to pro-
tect themselves.
The interview was not billed as
a Democratic reply to President
Nixon's State of the Union mes-
sage Friday night, but Mansfield
was questioned about sweeping
legislative proposals recommended
by the administration.
He agreed with Nixon that there
are too many federal agencies "top
heavy with administration and of-
, Mansfield defended the senior-
ity system in Congress, saying it
has "worked remarkably well" over
the years. Committee chairmen
are chosen on a seniority basis.
However, he said, it might be
well to overhaul the system by set-
ting age limits for senators.
Mansfield said he had hoped
that Speaker of the House Carl
Albert would be tapped as the
Democrats' spokesman, but that
Albert suggested he appear in-
The television image of Mans-
field, a 67-year-old former col-
lege professor, has been described
as professorial.
The scene for the broadcast was
Mansfield's majority leader office,
a few steps from the Senate cham-
interest. A number of chapters
have been supported in their cam-
deveiopments in iaculty collective
bargaining around the country.
Radical party to seek s
Thne tact that, at the same
me *dt LL'dL dULIU ~d~iepaigns for recognition as bargain-
time, powerful unions have been
ing agent," the letter says.
"In particular," it continues,
"such recognition has been achiev-
ed at three campuses of Rutgers
University in New Jersey, at Oak-
land University in Michigan, and
U D ~~o r t at several other institutions...
pport In New York State, the AAUP is
now seeking to represent the fac-
ulty in the whole State University,
of New York system."
Plamondon, Mark Lane, Sister
Susan Cordes and Father Philip
Lindon of the East Coast Con-
spiracy to Save Lives, and possi-
bly Dick Gregory will participate
in a discussion in Hill Auditorium.
Groups to discuss people's
Daily News Analysis
When the open convention of
Ann Arbor's new radical party
recessed Sunday for the week,
it was on a note of disappoint-
Leaving consideration of the
key subjects of party function
and structure along with selec-
tion of candidates for city of-
f i c e until another session
scheduled for Saturday after-
noon, those in attendance ex-
day afternoon, the number was
down to 30.
"Any convention of this kind
is alienating," says steering
committee spokesman Bob Neff.
"Some people came Saturday
night, and found that the con-
vention was tedious work Peo-
ple have unrealistic expectations
if they expect a mass base to
appear at a meeting of this
But beyond that, what Neff
calls the "general malaise"
Within the last year, faculty at
both Oakland and Central Michi-
gan Universities have unionized
under the state Public Employees
Act of 1965. And CMU's first
round of collective bargainingI
won its faculty a 15 per cent salary
increase for the 1970-71 fiscal)
At Eastern Michigan University,
the AAUP chapter has obtained
the number of signatures reauired
The University will soon be the scene of a na-
tional student-youth conference on a "People's
Peace Treaty."
The conference, scheduled for Feb. 5-7, has
been called to discuss a "people-to-people treaty"
between the United States, North Vietnam, and
South Vietnam. Conference organizers expect ap-
proximately 2,500 people to attend.
The conference is being sponsored by the Na-
tional Student Association (NSA), the Midwest
Coordinating Committee for the Peace Treaty,
and Students for the Peace Treaty, a group of
TTniversity stuepnts whn arganizing the nn-
"discussions to secure the release of all American
prisoners," an end to the "imposition of the Thieu-
Ky-Khiem regime on the people of South Viet-
nam," and the formation of a provisional coali-
tion government to organize democratic elections
without the presence of foreign troops.
"The Vietnamese proposed this treaty with the
intention that special interest groups could write
their own preambles," says Brian Spears '71, a
spokesman for Students for the Peace Treaty. He
views the treaty as "an idea that can catalyze
anti-war efforts."
Spears also emphasizes that the upcoming na-
tional onnffrence is nnly a nnfereneo nn the