REVENUE SHARING See editorial page Y A& A6P Ifitr tgan ti FEH! High-33 Low-12 Snow flurries, colder Vol. LXXXI, No. 98 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 26, 1971 Ten Cents Ten Pages I i I 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY: $14 requests milion Judgei wiretap rules govt. illegal in i 1 1 ( a i } 1 i 1 t t t a f r t Y. a s c t a i c t fi -' S By HESTER PULLING Stressing a need for building renovation on campus, the University has requested over $14 million in capital outlay funds from the state Legislature for the fiscal year 1971-72 Some $7.7 million of the funds requested are earmarkec for the upgrading of existing buildings and completion o construction already in progress, with the remaining fund going for the planning and construction of new projects. The University hopes to apply the remodeling funds tc some of the main campus older buildings including the - General Library, N a t u r a : Science Bldg., Architecture ' 1 77e1 and Design Bldg. and Univer- U l sity Hospital - all of which are over 40 years old. According to Douglas Sherman 110 !11assistant vice president and di- rector of capital outlay, renova- tion of the General Library is ui le'1lnes "basically a project to really g through and work out problems with the fire safety equipment, tc By LARRY LEMPERT renovate the mechanical and elec- trical systems and the vertical The University has issued a transportation systems. statement on appointment of rela- "It's a general building improve- tives in response to a request by ment which is absolutely necessary the Department of Health, Edu- for the 50-year-old building," he cation and Welfare (HEW) for a added. "written policy on nepotism." Of the new projects planned for According to the policy, "Rela- the upcoming fiscal year, con- tionship by family or marriage struction of an Architecture and shall constitute neither an ad'van- Design building to be located on tage nor a deterrent to appoint- North Campus has received high- ment by the University provided est priority from the University. the individual meets and fulfills While the University has re- the appropriate University ap- quested $3 million for the pro- pointment standards." posed building, the projected cost The statement has been trans- of the construction - to be com- mitted toHEW as part of the Uni- pleted in 1974 - is over $8.4 mil- versity's affirmative action pro- lion. gram to end discrimination against "This project is immediate," ac- women in employment, cording to Sherman, "not just be- According to Vice President for cause it's a new building for a Academic Affairs Allen Smith, unit, but because it will involve the University has not yet re- the vacation of space for hard ceived a reply from HEW regard- pressed academic needs." ing its policy on nepotism. Another high priority is a re- Smith informed the Regents quest for funds to begin construc- last Friday that the statement had tion of a new building for the en- been approved by the University's gineering college. Last year t h e deans and by the Senate Advisory Legislature appropriated $80,000 Committee on University Affairs to the University to complete plans (SACUA), the top faculty body. and working drawings for the pro- In its original request to the ject. The engineering building University to submit an affirma- would be used primarily as a tive action program, HEW asked center for water resources engl- that the University "develop and neering such 'as sanitation re- issue a written policy on nepotism moval engineering, Sherman said. which will assure uniform treat- A third high priority project ment of tandem teams throughout radv for actual construction is a the University and which will not $2 million classroom and office have the effect 'of discrimination building at Flint College - one against the female members of of the University's two branch- uch teams." campuses. Spokesmen from PROBE, a lo- "At Flint the priority is expan- cal women's group last night ex- sion." Sherman said. "They have pressed some dissatisfaction with a tremendous growth problem and he policy as stated. According to thv're running out of space." PROBE, the HEW demands had The most major long-range pro- sked that an analysis of the past .ect still in the planning stage nterpretations of nepotism be in- involves expansion of the Uni- luded, that females who had been versty's Medical Center. Only discrmna aain1st50huad- 500 of the projected $450000 wife teams be retroactively com- needed to complete the planning ensated, and that goals and a is rmouested for this year. imetable be included for achiev- Shem an says he hopes th pro- The University statement bemedicql school, but will increase acilities for paramedical training ins, "In accordance with general and nrovide more in the way of niversity policy, the basic cri- community medicine. It is also to eria for appointment and promo- accommodate the changes in ion of all University staff shall be medicine. of course. and to de- ppropriate qualifications and per- velor new programs in that area," 'ormance." hp added. "No individual shall be assigned A major portion of the Uni- o a department or unit under the versitv's request, some $11.6 mil- upervision of a relative who has lion. s earmarked for Ann Ar- r may have a direct effect on the bor's central camus. Most of the ndividual's progress or perform- funds for the central campus. A9.9 nce," the policy states. come under the general "Nor shall relatives work for the mPrv'a tion division. The remaining ame immediate supervisor," it tl million is earmarked for work ontinues, "without the prior writ- in health sciences facilities. Th en approval of the administrative TTniversity's Dearborn Campus and ead of the organizational unit Flint College have requested $450.-' dean, director, etc.) and the Of- 000 and $2 million respectively. ice of the Vice-President for Aca- Capital outlay reauests from See 'U', Page 10 See ADMINISTRATION, Page 10 CIA bi By GERI SPRUNG A U.S. District Court Judge ruled in Detroit yesterday that President Nixon and At- torney General John Mitchell violated the constitution by authorizing wiretapping with- out a warrant in the CIA bombing-conspiracy case. The court further ordered that the illegally obtained information be turned over for inspection to Pun Plamondon, White Panther Party official accused in the case of conspiracy and bombing of the Ann Arbor CIA office two years ago. With the tapes the dfense would then determine whether the wiretaps have "tainted" the evi- dence of the prosecution. The de- cision puts the government in a difficult position because it had earlier claimed that the t a p e s could not be released in the inter- ests of national security. Should the government continue to refuse to divulge the informa- tion, according to Defense At- torney Neal Bush, it might then be forced to dismiss the case. Basing his decision on the Fourth Amendment guarantee against "unreasonable search and seizure" Judge Damon Keith re- jected the government's claim that the President and the at- torney general have a right to! wiretap without first attaining a warrant as long as, in their opin- ion, there is some domestic threat to national security. "In the opinion of this court", the ruling stated. "the contention of the attorney general is in er- ror; it is supported neither his- torically nor by the language of the omnibus crime act." "Such power held by one in- dividual." the opinion continued, "was never contemplated by the framers of our constitution and cannot be tolerated today." "In this turbulent time of un- rest," the opinion said, "it is often for the established and contented members of our society to tolerate, much less to understand, the con- temporary challenges to our exist- ing form of government." "If democracy as we know it, and our forefathers established it, is to stand," the statement con- tinuel, "then 'attempts of domestic See JUDGE, Page 10 omigtrial -Daily-Denny Gainer Phil Ochs sings at Pan ther defense benefit 12-HOUR CURFEW: -Daily-Denny Gainer Kunstler speaks at Hill Ad. Communist assaults threaten Phnom Penh PHNOM PENH (P) - N o r t h by minority populations of Viet- Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers namese and Chinese. launched a new wave of attacks In fact, many residents of in the vicinity of Phnom Penh Phnom Penh fear a heavy attack last night as a dusk-to-dawn cur- on the city during Tet, although few was imposed upon the tense officials doubt it. Cambodian capital. The capital has been jittery ever The curfew order followed an since the airport raid, and explo- attempt to bomb the South Viet- signs are heard through the night. namese Embassy on a main boule- Some are the result of grenades vard and new attacks at the air- thrown into rivers by Cambodian port already severely damaged by soldiers trying to keep commu- a raid last Friday. nist frogmen from bloving up Last night's attacks, according bridges. to a Cambodian military spokes- North Vietnamese and V i e t man, were fought at the village of Cong troops were reported de- Phmom Prey Khiev, 24 miles from ployed in villages north of the air- the capital, Saang, 18 miles south port. of the capital, and Lovea Sar Kan- U.S. Air Force cargo planes kept dal, 28 miles northwest of the- capital. Meanwhile, terrorism in the capital itself continued. i e r~ a t On Saturday, itwas learned, an1N ew p art office housing immigration records of Vietnamese and Chinese was destroyed by a bomb and on Sun-at sr el day terrorists blew up half of het' lcrsorse city's electric power company headquarters. Early yesterday, North Vietna- By ANDY ZACK mese and Viet Cong troops shelled Ann Arbor's new radical party the airport and attacked Cambo- completed its platform for the up- dian defense positions on the city's coming city elections campaign at edges. a sparsely attended convention Newsmen were allowed in the session Sunday afternoon. streets during Phnom Penh's cur- The meeting produced pro- few hours-6 p.m. to 6 a.m.-but were warned by the military they posals on labor, ecology, housing, werewarnd bythemiliary heymilitarism, sexism, the University, must be particularly careful andmrism, xsmndhe piersity, to halt immediately when ordered racism, taxes and a police review to do so by soldiers, hboard. With only about 30 per- The curfew affected about 99 sons in attendance, however, per cent of Phnom Penh's1? much of the group's discussion million people.~ concerned the lack of community A Viet Cong cease-fire went into interest in its activities. effect early this morning in South In deference to the low attend- Vietnam for the four-day Tet lu- ance, the party postponed its dis- nar new year but the holiday is cussion of party structure until not observed in Cambodia except next Saturday when party mem- f 1 r s t t up the delivery of arms, ammu- nition and other supplies to Phnom Penh. Six C130 transports landed Mon- day with about 120 tons of sup- plies. This was the largest number since flights were resumed Satur- day after being halted because of the destructive attack on the air- port. However, two U.S. 7th Fleet helicopter carriers were withdrawn from the Gulf of Siam, where they had been providing combat sup- port for Cambodia operations. The move came after a 5,300- man South Vietnamese task force ended an operation to reopen See PHNOM PENH, Page 10 Iefense reaction to CIA decision mixed By ALAN LENHOFF Members of the CIA bombing conspiracy defense staff last night discussed yesterday's ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Damon Keith, calling it "very gutsy", but despairing that it was any more than a token move. The ruling by Judge Damon Keith requires the govern- ment to reveal the evidence it obtained by a wiretap placed in the telephone of defendant Lawrence "Pun" Plamondon. Liz Gaines, a member of the trial staff, expressed surprise that the ruling was in their favor, calling it "a courageous decision, a real people's v i c - completes platform attended convention 1 1 ACW , T. * RIAC KHAVISPEEiJCH Be yond the concept of J By LINDA DREEBEN Students must seek positive answers to deal with problems such as white racism, declared Dr. Robert Coles in a lecture at Rackham Auditorium yesterday. "We are told by the President's Com- mission on Civil Disorders that we are racists. Who can or would disagree with that?" said Coles, the first of five speakers in a series entitled "Crisis in American Values" sponsored by the literary college's Program in American Culture. "Rut." he added "we have to an bevond "The dang said, "is the d by secular sair come forth v tions." Thus Coles including a bi lieves "the co answers to pr is not going t that deals witl Branching emphasized th ;er I am objecting to." Coles Sanger of concepts as wielded nts-namely myself-who can with a series of generaliza- , the author of several books ography of Erik Erikson, be- untry must look for positive roblems because the country o move by a static mentality h negative categories." out from white racism, Coles he necessity of placing prob- bers hoped 100-150 people could be attracted to the meeting. The plank on the University charged the school with having "failed to realize the need for greater cooperation and planning with the city." The party's position maintains that the University should be run by a council composed of repre- sentatives of the entire Univer- sity community, including non- academic employes, students, and persons from both the local com- munity and out-state areas. The party's platform on sexism calls for the immediate end to the use of discriminatory pay scales and job , classifications against women, adding that any women who have received discriminatory treatment should receive back pay. It also demanded an end to dis- crimination against women in the housing and credit markets, and the cessation of all "repressive laws governing sexual behavior in heterosexual and homosexual re- lations." On racism, the party demanded that the city more equitably re- district the wards to provide more representation for minority groups. The party also called for the establishment of non-profit retail businesses owned cooperatively by the people of the community and for open admission to all state uni- versities. The party's position on taxation suggested a need for "the most: progressive possible" tax structure and a city income tax. discrimination in unions and in- dustry. The report on ecology proposed that city government "realize its obligation to disseminate pertinent information, and provide money and legal reinforcement for citi- zen environmental action." The housing platform asserted that it is the city's responsibility. to "change the pattern of exclu- sion of low income families." The platform suggested that strict rent control administered by a tenant board would be used to drive the landlords from the housing mar- ket. See CONVENTION, Page 10 tory." Defense attorney Neal Bush ex- pressed similar surprise at the de- cision, but added: "Most people in this country get a fair hearing but they get fucked up in the ver- dict. That's what is happening here." He explained that although the court may be fair in allowing both sides to present evidence, the final decision will come from a jury, which he described as generally being "over-white, over-age, and over-middle class." This he con- tended, is a result of the fact that poor people cannot afford to take time off from work for jury duty. He explained that it has been a contention of the defense that youth comprise a minority group not represented on juries. Poet Al- len Ginsberg and Representative Julian Bond (D-Ga), testified for the defense on this point. The defense also contended that 18-year-olds should be eligible for jury duty because of the new law which enables them to vote in federal elections. This challenge to the jury was denied by Keith. Another motion was made by See PANTHER, Page 10 Manson ConfVLted of murder LOS ANGELES (P) - Charles Manson and three women follow- ers were convicted yesterday of first-degree murder and con- spiracy in the slayings of actress Sharon Tate and six others. The state said it will ask the death penalty for all, The defendants, who staged outbursts during their seven- month trial, sat passively as ver- dicts were returned on the 27 counts against them. After jurors were polled, Man- son muttered audibly, referring to them : "I think they're all guilty." After the verdicts were all in, he shouted at the judge: "We're still not allowed to put on a defense. You won't outlive that, old man" The jury of seven men and five women, who had deliberated 42 hours and 4 minutes since receiv- ing the case Jan. 15, was ordered to return to court at 9 a.m' Thurs- day for the penalty phase of the trial. They will continue to be se- questered. Defense attorneys put on no case, refusing to question women defendants even w h e n they wanted to testify, on grounds they planned to incriminate themselves and try to clear Manson. The attorneys suggested in ar- guments that someone other than the defendants was guilty. They called the state's key witness a drug - deluded liar who testified only to save herself from prose- cution. They said Manson was being prosecuted for his unconventional life style-communal sex and drugs, R~emm mms . ti t: INIVER