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January 24, 1971 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-24

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Sunday, January 24, 1971 I

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sun&y, January24, 1971

ENACT begins action program

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-Associated Press
Hijcker fails
A KOREAN AIR LINES PLANE with some 60 passengers aboard lies in the sea after it was forced
down by South Korean fighter planes. The hijacker attempted to force the crew to fly the plane to
North Korea and he blew himself up with a grenade after the craft was forced down.
Job market tight for seniors

(Continued from Page 1)
ENACT is also working w i t h
other environmental organizations
from around the state to lobby
against the SST in Washington.
A third concern is a proposed
rate increase by public utility com-
panies. ENACT hopes to make
"these industries' activities more
compatible with the environment.
Coordinating their efforts with
those of the Sierra Club, a na-
tional environmental action or-
ganization, ENACT members are
interested with specific aspects of
the utility companies' policies.
"Why do we need so much pow-
er, and why do the utility com-
panies advertise for people to con-
sume more?" Abramson asks.
One ENACT committee is plan-
ning a Life Styles Conference for
mid or late March. "Today, in
America, we stress achievement,
suppress nature, and exploit the
environment," Abramson says.
"With a new ecologically sound
life style, other things would fall
in place," he adds.
Steve Golld, co-chairman of
the committee stresses that t h e
conference will "not be an Arthur
Godfrey fanfare thing, but will in-
volve information exchange.
"Though we know it will involve
speakers from around the country,
we still don't know where it will be
held or exactly when.
Dale Mantey, who is also work-
1 ing on the conference, stresses the
"tokenism of many environmental
- projects." "What we have to dis-
t cuss is reducing consumption and
- lowering energy production.
"After last spring's environmen-
tal Teach-in we were frustrated.
1 New party

Now we are aware but what do we
do?" he says.
Because it owns almost 30,0001
shares of General Motors stock,
the University has been listed as
a target institution by Campaign
Campaign GM is a Washington- ,
based organization that seeks to
make GM's policies more publicly
responsible, by influencing stock-
holders like the University.
"ENACT plans to work along
with Campaign GM this spring,
although it is unclear whether it
will be a campus-wide issue."
Toby Cooper, coordinator of
ENACT's Campaign GM activi-
ties, says, "We may just accomp-
lish as much as we can by work-
ing behind the scenes.
"One thing that might be in
our favor is the two new Regents,"
Cooper remarks. "One of the Re-
gents who has gone now is Otis
Smith, a legal consultant for GM.
So the changeover can't hurt us,"
he adds.
ENACT has also instituted a new
Environmental Consulting Serv-
ice. The consulting service con-
sists of a team of students to in-
vestigate environmental problems
submitted to it.
The crew of students represent-
ing a cross section of the Univer-
sity will begin functioning Mon-
day morning, Abramson reports.
A paid director has been hired
for the service which has already
approved three requests for in-
vestigations, including one on
solid waste disposal.
ENACT is working under a very
tight budget, receiving some funds
from the Institute for Environ-
mental Quality and the School of
N a t u r al Resources, Abramson
Members are considering a con-
cert for February to raise funds.
Since Sept. 1, ENACT has been
co-sponsoring with the Owens-Illi-
nois glass company a glass re-
cycling program. The recycling
system brings in 5000 pounds of

glass a day, recycling coordinat-
or Cricket Breitmeyer says.
At the recycling collection cen-
ter at 221 Felch Street, one half
cent per pound is paid for t h e
"The use of old glass actually
cuts down the heat and t i m e
needed to process the new glass,"
she adds, "besides helping to stop
the waste of resources and end
disposal problems."
"The glass recycling center, for
example, won't change things that
much by itself, but it starts people
thinking. That's what is import-
ant," Abramson comments.
"Last semester we ran on a 'do
your own thing' basis. We spread
ourselves too thin, and just could
not lend our support everywhere it
was needed.
"There's so much to do, it's vital
for everyone to get involved," Ab-
ramson says.
(Continued from Page 6)
in waterfront, canoeing, crafts, drama
and sailing.
N.J. Dept. of Community Affairs have
announced Summer Intern Program,
Sdetails and applic. at SPS, applic. dead-
line Apr. but for law students, Feb.
SHenry Ford Museum and Greenfield
Village, interview schedule available for
working as guides, in food service, as
cashiers or groundsman.
Student Book Service

MODELS 20 and 40
still at ailablle at
Discounts of
$50 and $40

Ann Arbor-East L
618 S. MAIN
"Quality Sound Through Quali

a, sing
t'y Equipmnent"



(Continued from Page 1)
I do suggest that more .considera-
tion be given to what the individ-
ual will do after graduation in
terms of work. What our men and
women do occupationally is prob-
ably the most important medium
for their participation in the af-
fairs of mankind in their later
years," he says.
Reviewing the job market in a
memo to Michigan State faculty
and staff, Shingleton 'reported:
-Salaries for all disciplines and
degree levels will hold firm, with
teachers' pay increasing slightly
and some industries like petroleum
cutting back slightly for Ph.D.s.
-Despite women's lib, the job
and salary picture for women will
not improve substantially.
-Demand for male black grad-
uates-excellent in recent years--
has "f a 11 e n off somewhat, al-
though most male black college
graduates will be able to find em-
ployment upon graduation" if they
widen their horizons and use all
the resources at their disposal.
-For teachers, there is a sur-
plus in some parts of the country
but there will be jobs available in
others. Best off are new teachers
of math, elementary education,
industrial arts, music, physical
sciences and special education. In

surplus are social studies, English,'
men's physical education and for-
eign languages.
-"There will be very limited
opportunities for summer employ-
ment for students this coming
summer and many of them will
not be able to get work."
Locally, the job outlook is bleak.
Ann Arbor has never had much
industry, and according to Water-
mulder, the University research
cutback has caused a minor re-
cession in the city with many com-
panies folding or moving out of
the region. "The best thing a stu-
dent can do is to get out of this
area," she adds.
Watermulder says that the job
market is also very tight in De-
troit, Boston and other major
cities. She mentions San Fran-
cisco as being one good place to
look for work.
Prof. John Young, engineering
school placement director, says
that as of Jan. 5, 16 per cent of
the college's December graduates'
were still seeking employment.
"It's the first time in years we've
had any."
Young cites the problems of
women in securing employment in
engineering fields. "Their best bets
are in research and development
activities, as they. are not as freely

hired for design and application
functions," he says.
He mentions a big drop in de-
mand for aerospace engineers, bu
an increased call for civil engi-
neers, environmental engineers
and water treatment engineers.
Teaching has been one of th
hardest hit job areas. A declining
birth rate has produced less ofa
demand for elementary sehoo
teachers; while a "taxpayers' re
volt" and increased teachers' sala
ries have left secondary schools
unable to hire many new teachers
says Watermulder.
She emphasizes, however, tha
teaching jobs are available i
you're willing to go to the uppe:
peninsula, North Dakota, Wyon-
ing or other obscure places. In
some states, such as Wyoming,a
teaching certificate is not even
required, she adds..
Watermulder says that good
opportunities are also good for
people with special skills such as
speech therapists or people quali-
fied to work with the deaf or blind.
Arthur S. Hann, business school
placement, director,: says that al-
though salaries have been rising,
the demand for people in the fields
of market research, consultini
services, investment analysis and
advertising has been dropping.

615 E.W. 16AM,



------- ------- ...

- - --- -------- -- --- - ----

(Continued from Page 1)
-the police protect citizens
fro mraids by the Washtenaw
County Sheriff's Dept.;
-discrimination against women
in the police department cease,
-provisions be made for trying
officers accused of racism before
a review board. A guilty verdict
would result in the firing of that
The group accepted the recom-
mendation of the child care com-
mittee that there be established
25-30 free day care centers to care
for an estimated 27,000 children
living in Ann Arbor.


I w



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FEB. 26-MAR. 5








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