Subscribe to the Daily- Phone 764-0558 ELECTORAL COLLEGE: A RELIC OF THE PAST See Editorial Page Yl r e giilt ta ~IAd& BITTER Low--5 High-2p Partly cloudy; no snow Vol. LXXXI, No. 82 Ann Arbor, Michiga'n-Thursday, January 7, 1971 Ten Cents .. Groups blast Uprogram with HEW By TAMMY JACOBS Members of several women's groups yesterday heavily criticized the agreement between the University and the De- partment of Health, Education and Welfare on an affirmative action program to promote equal employment opportunities for women. Although some women had specific complaints about the University plan which ended the three-month dispute be- tween HEW and the University, most of the women contacted expressed the feeling that the plan "looks good on paper," " but they were skeptical about end results. The dispute arose on Oct. 6 when HEW charged the Uni- versity with discriminatory practices toward women and de- Harvey admits Eight Pages to undercover men spying at 'U', EMU -Associated Press Grad fine *$100 for disruption By GERI SPRUNG The executive board of the grad- uate school has announced it accepts the finding of its board of inquiry that Peter Denton, grad, is guilty of classroomedisruption. The board imposed a fine of $100 as was recommended by the board of inquiry. In addition, the executive board ordered that "Denton be notified that any further infraction of any University or graduate school rule involving disruption or physical interference with others in the University will be grounds for ex-' pulsion." Denton said yesterday the ac- tions taken by the executive board were "just what I expected." "The University is trying to in- timidate people from doing the same thing in the future," he added. manded that formulate a the University corrective pro- gram. Since then, according to an in- formed source, at least $3,924,000 in contracts had been withheld from the University. The contract ban was lifted as of the agree- ment last week. The University plan includes a commitment by the University to pay back wages retroactive to any woman paid less than male em- ployes in comparable job cate- gories. In a statement released yester- day, a local group, PROBE into the Status of Women at The Uni- versity of Michigan, expressed dis- satisfaction withathe University plan. PROBE is a coalition task force of women which has been researching the conditions of wo- men connected with the Univer- sity. A point of disagreement between the University and HEW is HEW's claim to jurisdiction over admis- sions to doctoral programs which provide employment opportunities) for teaching and research assist- ants. The University claims there are no doctoral programs in which ad- missions relate specifically to job opportunities. The dispute has been submitted to HEW Secretary Elliot Richard- son and both id,e have a oreed to -Associated Press Washington slows down With Congress finally adjourned, President Nixon visits the Western White House yesterday. (above) But some government officials remain in Washington yesterday as defense officials (below) ap- pear at a session of the congressional joint economic committee probing the economic issues in the U.S. military assistance programs. AUTONOMY QUESTION: Ed. in board in tervenes e lawsuit ', Stat By JONATHAN MILLER Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey claims he presently employs undercover agents for the surveillance of students at both the Univer- sity and Eastern Michigan University. It was also learned yesterday that the sheriff has electronic surveillance equipment, including two television units, which are. available for campus use. Harvey told a Detroit Free Press reporier of the existence of under- cover agents on the two campuses yesterday afternoon, but declined last night to confirm or deny his earlier statement. "We will continue as we have always had, with undercover men on both univ~ersity campuses," he is quoted in today's Free Press. Harvey said yesterday he will probably infiltrate agents into militant students groups, such as Students for Democratic Society, if a grant proposal for federal funds to be presented tomorrow to the Washtenaw County Law and Justice Planning Board, is approved. Although a highly reliable source in city hall said that Harvey wants the money to buy electronic wiretapping and bugging devices, the Free Press quotes the sheriff as saying, "We don't have to buy it, we already have it." The Free Press says Harvey wants the money to be spent n- stead on other equipment, such as radios and cars. Harvey also said yesterday that Col. Frederick Davis, director of safety at the University, had as- sured his cooperation with the "intelligence squad," proposed by Harvey at a meeting with Under- sheriff Harold Owings. The proposed squad w o u I d focus its attention, Harvey had stated, on organized and syndi- cated crime and narcotics as well as student unrest, civil disorders and union strikes. Although Col. Davis is out of town and has not been available for comment, James Brinkerhoff, Director of Business Operations at the University had said Tuesday See HARVEY, page 8 d during eviction spokesman for Long Shore Apart- ments. . But Emerson, who has lived at the address for over two years, claims she has not defaulted on the rent, and has even paid her rent for the current month. She says she is being evicted because the apartments consider her to be an "undesirable character," due to her involvement with BEDL and WRO. Emerson says the apartment owners are practicing "economic discrimination" because she is a welfare mother, and alleges that the rent at the apartments was raised by 15 per cent to discour- age minority groups and the otherwise economically deprived, Aside from Bryant, the eviction was peaceful, as friends, mostly members of BEDL, WRO and the AATU, loaded her possessions into vans and station wagons. Emer- son and her daughter stayed with Harvey talks to students By MARK DILLEN disruptive acts, and a rule requir- ter, according to Phillip Kearney, He said he wouldn't pay the fine. abide by his decision. ing professors to teach a specified Director of the Board's higher "They can just try and get the The PROBE statement blasts theI The state board of education has igpoesr otahaseiidDrco fteBadshge money, but they're not going to University stand, saying "clearly entered the complex legal battle number of hours education division. Under the 193 get it," he said. graduate fellows are essentially between the Legislature and t h e Responding to these latest re- constitution, the board of educa- University Vice Preident ad employes of the University and state universities-a battle likely strictions, contained in last years' tion was charged with "coordinat- Dean of the Gradute School employment is such an integral to put the question of University bill alloting funds for state uni- mg all state educational institu- part of the Ph.D. programs that autonomy in the lap of the state versities, the three universities in- tions. However, the constitution Dton Spurr said yesterday to t is difficult to understand the Supreme Court. tensified their efforts to seek a gives each universities' regents Denton will not be permitted to University's reasoning in stalling At stake in the ongoing dispute court ruling on the amendments "control over funds." register until he pays the fine. Iths issue." is the ability of the state schools constitutionality. "We (the board) had been con- Denton was charged with dis- The statement calls the Uni- to control how their state funds Meanwhile, the board had been templating requesting attorney rupting Prof. Bernard Galler's versity stand an "open public ad- are spent, free from the restric- contemplating legal action to general Frank Kelley's position for computer science class during last mission of discrimination against tions legislators have placed upon determine their role in the mat- See UNIVERSITY, Page 8 spring's Black Action Movement women by the University. them in the past. strike. Citing the University commit- In a ruling Dec. 17, Ingham The c ament to achieve salary equity for County Circuit Court Judge Mar- oT Truhtcasore gra Dton was m ales and females in the same v in Salmon ruled the board had BiiEDLj ofiial arrestei brought before the graduate schoolm- job classification, the P R 0 B E the right to enter the suit, filed board of twnquint whichbws omstatement charges that the Uni- by the University, Michigan State 1 posed of two student members versity "neatly sidesteps the prob- University and Wayne State Uni- apponte by radate sseblye are righits w ork er (GA) and three faculty members ant inequity in the University's sponse to the first in a series of appointed by the executive board present salary structure-that is. restrictions placed on the use of *of the graduate school. females are systematically hired state appropriations to universi- By BOB SCHREINER He was arraigned in 15th Dis-' SGC blasts Harvey on survellance plans By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN Student Government Council last night condemned Wash- tenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey's request for federal funds to build up an "Intelligence Squad." The request for political surveillance of University stu- dents, Council stated, is opposed to "the objectives and prac- tices of a free society." "People in the county must seriously look at what Sher- iff Harvey is doing," said SGC Executive Vice President Jerry DeGrieck. "Under the guise of fighting organized crire and violence he is attempting to set up, with federal funds, a surveillance system to be used against students and workers and other political threats. O At the hearing last September into job classifications beneath1 Lenton charged that the board of their training and abilities." inquiry was "illegally constituted" Arlene Fabrizio. a secretary in and should dissolve itself because the Office of Student ServicesI It was not appointed until lastI April when the charges had been filed. Under graduate school rules, he claimed, the board of inquiry should have been appointed at the beginning of the winter term. GA declined to "affirm or deny" the jurisdiction of the board since they had had no control over thej rules which called for its estab-' Olishment. Counseling Office. illustrated the point by saying that here are no male secretaries, so that no secre- tary could prove discrimination. "The plan sounds good on pa- per." Fabrizio said, "but I'll believe it when I see it. First you've got to find a woman eligible to bring suit against' the University for back pay. Then she has to be brave, enough to do it-she wouldn't be See WOMEN'S, Page 8 ties. In addition to the original argu- ment over whether state universi- ties have exclusive control over how state funds are spent in the expansion and initiation of uni- versity programs, the suit c o n- tains sections on more recent legis- lative amendments to appropria- tions acts that sought to control "internal" questions. Among those restrictions were: an amendment limiting the use of state funds for out-of-state stu- dents, a provision withdrawing funds from students convicted of' Washtenaw County Sheriff's De- trict court yesterday morning, where he stood mute to a charge puties Tuesday nmght forced the of assault and battery. Trial is eviction of a welfare rights worker scheduled for Feb. 1 at 9 a.m. and her daugnter from their Bryant, presently out on bond, apartment, and arrested H a n k was the only person arrested dur- Bryant, vice president of the Black ing the proceedings. Economic Development L e a g u e Kate E m e r s o n, member of (BEDL) for allegedly assaulting a BEDL and the county Welfare; Police officer and resisting arrest Rights Organization (WRO), was during the eviction proceedings. ordered Monday to vacate her one Bryant was taken to county jail bedroom apartment at 519 Lang- after the scuffle with a sheriff's shore Drive because she has been deputy in which he allegedly without a lease since July 31, and struck the officer toward the end allegedly agreed to leave the of the eviction proceedings. premises Jan. 1, according to a This is clearly repression and must be fought." Council moved to prepare a leaf- let explaining the sheriff's activi- ties "in an effort to mount and organize support against the Intel- ligence Squad." The report which led Harvey to request federal funds maintains that "with campus disorders, civil disorders and union strikes, an in- telligence unit is desperately need- ed in this community." SGC acknowledged a need "for an effort to stop the flow of hard drugs in the county," which Har- vey cited. Its motion also charged that "the aim of Sheriff Harvey's 'Intelligence Squad' far exceeds those objectives and interferes with the supposedly guaranteed rights of free citizens." In other action, Council criti- cized the procedures for establish- ing a county Public Defender's. office. SGC charged that tht selection process, conducted solely by "three white conservative lawyers" pre- cludes participation by "those the Public Defender is supposed to serve." Council requested that the Wol- $130 rate hike aske for dorms, By GERI SPRUNG The Residence Hall Rate Com- mittee Tuesday recommended to the Housing Policy Board an in- crease of $130 per student in dor- mitory rates for next year, The committee, composed of two members of Student Advisory Committee on Housing, two re- presentatives of Inter House As- sembly and two members of the housing office, also proposed an increase per student of $65 for Baits Housing, $60 for Fletcher Hall and $67 for Oxford Hous- ing. The proposed new rates are pro- jected to cover the increase in sal- aries of service and maintenance employes, as well as to meet ris- ing costs. The Housing policy board will be meeting next week to consider the recommendations. Their de- cision is subject to the approval of the Office of Student Services policy board and the Regents. In order to reduce student costs, the rate committee recommend- ed that residence halls discontinue hnth the hnt nd onntinental PRODUCT OF STUDENT PRESSURE 'U' Cellar begins sale of discount books By CHUCK WILBUR The University Cellar, the student-controlled University bookstore, has begun buying and selling tex books this week. The Cellar, located on the ground floor of the Michigan Union, opened in the fall, selling sup- plies, posters, and records. Organizational prob- lems, according to spokesmen, prevented the store from offering textbooks until this term. 1hpr, k,.athnr T1pginv ,,nirht.4 annA - I Most other items are discounted by 15 per cent, with records sold at one-third discount. According to University Cellar manager, Den- nis Webster, student patronage of the store has been good. "Reception has been better all along the line than we had anticipated," Webster said, adding that the Cellar has had trouble keeping certain items in stock due to the great student demand. "iiL o"oL"Iri uJ 1"aay. *"n,' """ verine Bar Association, a black will be looking for a new place to law students' group, be allowed to1 livhe eviction occurred after participate in the screening. "As Sheriff Douglas Harvey refused a the student government at the request to postpone the eviction University," it added, "we see the+ proceedings for 24 hours, which need for the inclusion of student1 would have enabled Emerson's views.' lawyers to attempt to obtain an SGC voted last night to con-1 injunction to halt the eviction no- tinue its support of the Univer-+ tirp sity's service emoloves. local 15831 momemans