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January 22, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-22

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Ia itij

Cloudy and windy;
snow flurries

Vol. LXXXI, No. 95 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 22, 1971 Ten Cents
illow Run Labs may move to- orth
By DAVE CHUDWIN of 150,000 square feet of floor- former University electrical en- million annual budget from the Wilson added that most WRL when McDonnell Douglas ordered
The University is planning to space. gineering Prof. Keeve Siegel. Defense Department, WRL re- equipment is movable but that two the division transferred to St.
move Willow Run Laboratories The previously undisclosed move A Conductron employe said last searchers are studying the prob- research aircraft used by WRL Louis. The bulk of the firm's 500
(WRL), home of most of the would bring the laboratories do- night that the land and buildings lems of radar, remote sensing and would have to stay at the airport. employes are gone, with only a
University's classified military re- ing practically all of 'the Uni- ' are valued at $2-3 million. It is military surveillance and t a r g e t small housekeeping force remain-
search, to a new site next to versity's $5.6 mililon in classified not clear whether the University acquisition. University o f f icii a 1s declined ing, an employe said last night.
North Campus, the Daily has research to a single location cios- will lease the property or pur- "We would be very happy to get comment as to what they might Conductron was one of the most
learned. er to campus. chase it outright. Willow Run closer to campus," when it is vacated. The University successful "spinoff" corporations
During a secret session this "The Conductron property is be- "The buildings at Conductron said James Wilson, director of the rented the area from the U.S. gov- ever formed by University faculty
morning the Regents will discuss ing vacated by McDonnel Doug- are much better than the build- Institute for Science and Tech- einent for one dollar in 1946. members. Since University re-
purchasing or leasing a 62-acre las and we have been interested in ings where research is done at the nology (IST), last night. ere ir spe in . b .U s
area on Plymouth Rd. which pre- what would happen to it," Vice (Willow Run) airport - the build- IST, which is already housed There Is speculation the Um- search laboratories are not in the
viously housed Conductron Corp., President and Chief Financial Of- ings are much newer and are cios- on North Campus, is an adminis- versity could finance the move to production business, the opportu-
a division of McDonnell Douglas er to campus," Pierpont said. trative unit which manages WRL North Campus by renting to pri-
C o n of Moel o uficerWiuPeLsd1aWhile Pierpont claimed that no and other divisions of the Uni- vate industry the dilapidated nity arises for professors to profit
Corp. which moved to St. Louis night. "We expect to discuss this d eiepont b lanmd at w anrster frt laboratory buildings at Willow Run by their research by setting up
last year. Idecision had been made as to how versity's research effort.
Besides WRL with its 367 em- with the Regents informally." the site might be used, he said "When the University does re- now occupied by WRL. private corporations.
ployes, University officials are re- Pierpont said the University has the University "would hope to im- search, it ought to be part of the Wilson said any move by WRL In November, 1966 McDonnell
portedly considering transfering already had discussions with the prove Central Campus and North educational experience to include would be "unrelated" to WRL's Douglas gained control of Con-
elements of the electrical engi- unidentified owners of the pro- Campus space" by the acquisition. students, which is kind of hard research volume, which has drop-
neering department including the perty. McDonnell Douglas spokes- WRL is now located 17 miles to do when you're so far away ped $4 million in the last three ductron and Siegel and other for-
Radiation Laboratory and Cooley men said the site was leased from from the University on the edge of from campus," Wilson explained. years.
Electronics Lab to the four build- private owners by Conductron, Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti. He said that any transfer would The Conductron site has been who left with him to form the cor-
ings on the site, which have a total which was founded in 1960 by Receiving $4.5 million of its $7 be over a "fairly long time scale." vacant since January of last year poration profited handsomely.

Ten Pages
VP Pierpont

-Associated Press
Defeat for Kennedy
Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) leaves the Senate Demo-
cratic caucus room yesterday after he was ousted as Majority
Whip. See story, page 3.
Local police blasted
or recent drug raids
The Ann Arbor Tribal Council and four other community
prganizations yesterday sharply criticized local law enforce-
ment agencies for their involvement in drug raids on three
Ann Arbor houses Tuesday, in which five people were arrested.
The council, a coalition of youth groups, released a state-
ment in conjunction with Drug Help, Inc., the White Panther
Party, Ozone House, Inc., and Free People's Clinic, Inc.
The statement, released at a press conference yesterday
tisted "recent police actions" that the council opposes, in-

to boycott
Nixon talk
black members of the House
of Representatives announced
yesterday that they plan to
boycott President N i x o n 's
State of the Union address to-
"Your consistent refusal to
hear the pleas and concerns of
black Americans dictates our
decision to be absent," they
said in a letter. "Basic needs
and obligations to our nation
and our constituents h a v e
been ignored by this admin-
The 12 cited specific fights they
had waged with the 'administra-
tion over the voting rights act,
legal aid programs, and the Job
Corps and aid to education.
"Two years ago in your inau-
gural address you promised to
bring us together," they said.
"However, your policies and poli-
tics have divided this nation more
than it ever has been divided. You
have aroused and encouraged the
fears and prejudices of many.
"The divisive nature of this ac-
tion has resulted in pitting the
rural areas against the cities, the
rich against the poor, black
against white, and young against
old. You have failed to give the,
moral leadership necessary to
guide and unify this nation in
times of crisis."
All 12 black representatives are
Democrats. Sen. Edward Brooke,
(R-Mass.), the only black member
of the Senate, could not be
reached immediately for comment
on the boycott. His office said it
was not known if he was aware
of the letter.
The congressmen's letter was
released through the office of Rep.
William Clay, (D-Mo).
"You have shown by your com-
ments on fair housing and school
desegregation enforcement, that
black Americans can look forward
to more of the same from this
administration, call it a 'punitive
backlash' or 'pure racism'," the
black congressmen said.
They complained that the Presi-
dent had refused to grant them
an audience, and added, 'We now
refuse to, be part of your audience
when you deliver your 'State of
the Union' address," which they
added could have little import-
ance for blacks.
Among the blacks boycotting
the speech is Rep. John Conyers
(D-Mich) from Detroit. Conyers
yesterday lost in his bid to de-
feat Rep. Carl Albert (D-Okla) as
Speaker of the House.






Union vote supports
bargaining committee
The membership of Local 1583 of the American Federa-
tion of State, County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME)
accepted the recommendation of its bargaining committee
yesterday to submit the union's contract dispute with the
University to a fact-finder and return to work.
The action ended a two-day strike by 2,600 service
and maintenance employes as workers went back to their
jobs throughout the afternoon.
The vote, 713 in favor of the proposal and 293 in favor
of continuing the strike, came at the most heavily attended



in the

union's history.
Charles M c - --

-Associated Press
Mayor's panel
Members of the 15-member legislative committee of the U.S. Conference of Mayors meet news-
men yesterday. The group criticized President Nixon's revenue-sharing proposals. See story, page 3.
iass-fais system of grading
discussed at Regents mreeting

Cracken emphasized, however,
that the union would still be able
to reject or accept the recom-
mendations of the fact-finder.
Yesterday's action in effect sup-
erceded the union's decision Sun-
day night to continue the walkout
until a new contract was rati-
Many workers returned to their
jobs throughout the afternoon,
but it was difficult to estimate ab-
At University Hospital, absen-
teeism dropped from 71 per cent
during the day shift yesterday to
15 per cent last night, according
to hospital spokesman Lou Graff.
Most of the janitorial workers
returned to the classroom build-
ings and food deliveries to t h e
dorms resumed.'
All dorms expect to be in full
operation today.
Absenteeism where it occurred
was attributed to the late vote to
return to work, which came in
the middle of the day shift. Many
workers did not feel it was worth
coming in for just a few hours.
Though other employes simply
decided not to come to work, there
was no apparent intention of
wildcat striking.
Negotiators for the union and
the University met with fact-
finder William Ellmann for the
See AFSCME, Page 10

Army studies
sheep deaths
GARRISIN, Utah QP) - More
than 1,000 sheep are dead or dy-
ing of an undetermined cause on
a remote ranch in western Utah,
the Utah governor's office said
The area is about 150 miles
southwest of Skull Valley, where
6,400 sheep died in 1968 in a se-
cret nerve gas test at the Army's
Dugway Proving Ground.
The Army at first denied re-
sponsibility for the 1968 sheep
deaths, but~ later acknowledged
that nerve gas sprayed from an
airplane had been the cause.
Of the latest incident, a spokes-
man for the Deseret Test Center
at Ft. Douglas in Salt Lake City
said, "We are looking into the
Deseret Test Center operates
Dugway, an Army testing area for
chemical and germ warfare agents
in the desert of western Utah.
State Veterinarian J a m e s
Schoenfield was dispatched to the
site of the new sheep deaths via
a Utah Highway Patrol plane.
Two veterinarians from the U. S.

--"Unnecessary searches of a
highly questionable nature," one of
which "illegally removed Ann Ar-
bor Argus (a local underground
newspaper) bu s in e s s records,
oney, and equipment;"
-"Excessively high bail;"
-"Illegal confiscation of Mich-
igan Daily films of the arrests"
outside the Argus house, and sub-
sequent "ruin" of the film;
-"The illegal cutting of the
hair of two males prior to release"
--The "issuance of public state-
ments by the police" suggesting
that arrest for hard drug charges
had been made, "although no war-
rant contained such information."
Council members said that a
substance confiscated by police as
uspected heroin was actually or-
ganic sea salt.
Yesterday's statement charges
that the raids severely threaten
See GROUPS, Page 10

Board backs
anti-bias plan
The Ann Arbor Board of Educa-
tion voted Wednesday night to
commit the school system to a
program designed to combat al-
leged racism in the schools, but
declined to appropriate sufficient
funds for implementing the plan.
Included in the program were
plans for an increase in the num-
ber of black employes in the
schools, the formation of a black
curriculum committee, and the de-
velopment of procedures by which
employes considered racist may be
Only $2,500 was committed by
the board. These funds will be
See SCHOOL, Page 10

"I wonder what he's going to
do," Regent Lawrence Lindemer
said yesterday, "when he wants to
get into graduate school, or
when he gets out in the world and
finds it's. all there in dollars and
The "he" to which Lindemer
(R-Stockbridge) referred at yes-
terday afternoon's regental open
hearing was any student who
might graduate from the Univer-
sity with written evaluations and
passes or fails to show for h i s
coursework instead of the tradi-
tional letter grades.
The merits of the pass-fail grad-
ing system was the prime topic of
discussion during the hour-long
meeting attended by seven of the
eight Regents and many top Uni-
versity administrators.

The hearing marked the first
official regental function for new-C
ly elected James Waters (D-Mus-
kegon) and Paul Brown (D-Pe-
tosky) and Regent Gerald Dunn
The Regents expressed a great
deal of interest in the workings
and implications of a pass-fail
grading system, and listened in-
tently as Residential College his-
tory lecturer Kathryn Sklar and
Scott Bass, '71, of the Student
Counseling Office explained it.
A few of the Regents were skep-
tical about the practical value of
any graduing system which does
not compare students against
some standard norm and other
"After all, we are in a com-
petitive world," Lindemer said.
The Regents expressed parti-
cular concern over how graduate
and professional schools, which
generally admit applicants on a
highly competitive basis, regard
non-graded course-credits in mak-
ing their decisions.
"The pass-fail system poses
something of a problem for us
because grades are most helpful
in picking qualified applicants,"
said law school Assistant D e a n
Matthew McCauley. "We are ac-
tually anxious about pass-fail. I
don't want to stand in the way of
educational innovation, but I have

and evaluations accompany the
students' transcripts.
The Regents' interest in the
pass-fail question was kindled by
their visit to the RC last t e r m .
Several RC students expressed
concern that having a primarily
non-graded transcript might jeop-
ardize their chances of being ad-
mitted to graduate school, ac-
cording to Regent Robert Brown
See REGENTS, Page 10

Radicalparty to hold convention

" Bureau of Land Management also
were en route.
Spokesmen at both the Deseret
Test Center at Ft. Douglas in Salt
Lake City and at the Pentagon
said officials were looking into
reports of the dead sheep.
A spokesman for the Deseret
Test Center said only: "We are
looking into the reports. Dugway
Proving Ground has not tested
toxic agents of any type in the
open air since the ban was im-
posed by Public Law 91-121 in No-
vember 1969."
In the 1969 defense appropria-
tions bill, there was a section
banning testing of nerve gas or
other toxic agents without 30-day
- prior notification to Congress.
In Washington, Sen. Wallace F.
Bennett, (R-Utah), said the Army
told him no request had been
made and no tests had taken

Ann Arbor's new radical party will begin
tonight to formulate a platform, create a
functioning structure, and nominate can-
didates for the April city elections, as its
three-day convention opens.
The new party hopes to create a political
force in Ann Arbor capable of "functioning

Workshops to formulate the party's plat-
form proposals will be held all day tomor-
row at the Union. Among the topics con-
sidered will be housing, sexism, community
services, university-city relations, youth cul-
ture, taxes, and the party structure. The
adoption of platform planks is scheduled
for tomorrow.

in which particular races candidates will be
State law currently requires that to quali-
fy for a place on the ballot, new parties must
gather a number of signatures of registered
voters equal to one percent of the votes cast
statewide for the winner in the most recent
Secretary of State election.
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