THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, January 21, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, January21, 1971 r fI WORKERS TO VOTE: 'U', union leader accept end to str ship ;lr Regents to consider 'U' judiciary plan (Continued from Page 1) tion. had been effectively cir- cumvented by the terms of the --Cost - of - livin The union desires t a cost-of-living a their nresent contr, statement. Lil-lbp l uir A University spokesman said University has thw last night however that the Uni- this demand. versity had expected workers to --Free child-care return to work immediately. union wants the Un The statement was worded, vide 24-hour child "with a means of resolving the dren ages three to dispute agreed upon the union has University has turn agreed that its members will re- request. turn to work immediately." -Retirement ag The difference in interpretation has sought a chan between the union and the Uni- employes can retir versity centers around the words, benefits from age 6 with a means for resolving the ever, the Univers dispute agreed upon." maintain the curre The University apparently be- age of 65. lieves that a means has been agreed upon while the union con- -Life insurance. tends that only its membership 70 an employeN can agree to the agreement. $3,000 a year instea Ager met with the two sides in rent $2,000. separate rooms after refusing a University request for a temporary restraining order against the union on the grounds that the walk-out of 2,600 University service and maintenanc employcs"was no ~ causing 'irreperable damage" to S LI1 the University. According to a union spokes- man, the University and the union against are still apart on the following items: (Continued fro (Coutin-ed from Page 1) be taken at the hearings, Ken- Because of this concern, stu- nedy said. ng adjustment. dents asked the Regents to look Also before the Regents is a he addition of into admittance policies of gradu- proposal by the Board in Control djustment to ate schools and investigate the of Intercollegiate Athletics to con- act, while the merits of , the pass-fail grading struct a $375,000 Sports Service s far refused system, Bldg. The proposal was delayed a Representatives from Residen- month at the request of the Senate i center. The tial College-which operates al- Advisory Committee on Univer- iversity to pro- most entirely on the pass-fail sys- sity Affairs (SACUA), the top care for chil- tem-the graduate school and the faculty body. eight, but the law school will meet today with Some faculty had expressed ned down this the Regents. No formal action will concern that the $375,000 the ath- letic department would use for constructing the building might e.The union Students ba be better used in reducing the de- ge in the age partment's General Fund alloca- e and receive tion. Because of budget cuts many 5 to 60. How- 4t schools and colleges feel pressed ity wishes to IJu esfor money to finance their facul- ent retirement ties and programs. By CHRIS PARKS However Senate Assembly 1 a s t From ages 65- Over 40 students blocked Uni- night accepted its committee's re- would receive versity buses yesterday to protest commendations to approve t h e ad of the cur- the "low tactics" of student work- building project. The Assembly ers, as the University worker and appointed the committee last Oc- maintenance strike entered its tober to investigate the merits and second day. faults of the proposed new build- The students, members of the ing. plansAFSCME support coalition, stop- ed u s ad keoaliio o The Assembly accepted the com- ped buses and talked to drivers at ,h sebyacp~ h on " the bus stop on Washtenaw in an mittee's findings that the build- rive effort to get student bus drivers ing would provide needed medical to join the union strike. storage, classroom and locker According to Jack Hamilton of room facilities and would not re- dru 5 the University news service, busesquranloctnfomheg- drug ::= ~ ret::;quire an allocation from the gen- g were running normally yesterday Irlfud with non-union student bus driv- eral fund. m Page 1) ers working overtime to meet the t[ Ann Arbor's Newest Picture Framers Innovative Framing, Reasonably Priced, Done by Experienced Framers and Conservators. FINE CONTEMPORARY MOULDINGS r DRY MOUNTING j RESORATION " 20 ~ ARTISTS DISCOUNT ONE WEEK SERVICE M EGAFRAMES 217 N. Main St. tocross from Post Office) 769-9420 Monday-Saturday 10-5 Monday Evening 7-9 V ~FALL ORENTATIONI 4 WANTS You!l Sign up NOW for FALL Orientation Leader Interviews -Associated Press Canbodian guards with U.S. tank Cambodian in World War II vintage MS armored cars guards a stretch of Highway 4 near Khlong. The American-made vehicles are used to guard the road which leads to the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh. SEEKS SOME CHANGES: i I- Senate Assembly backs proposed judiciary plan (Continued froin Page 1) that this "permits the defendant's ther to prohibit testimony which constituency to indefinitely delay seeks to establish a political basis the proceesings." for the defendant's alleged ac- Scott said he believed SGC would tions, or whether to bar people also propose changes in the draft, from the courtroom who interrupt aimed at making the judiciary en- the proceedings. tirely composed of students when Under the proposal, the panel students are tried before it. would be headed by a presiding "The decision the Regents will judge, who could have consider- have to make is not on the minor able legal training and be selected changes proposed by students and from outside the University com- faculty members, but on the basic munity. His initial ruling on a elements of the original judicial -Health insurance. The union shoulder-length hair when they regular schedule. is demanding Blue Cross-Blue entered police custody, but left Over 15 of the coalition mem- Shield family coverage fully-paid with their hair closely cropped. bers blocked a bus being driven by the University. The University by the driver alleged to have been. has so far offered to pay $26 per County sheriff at the jail said involved in the incident in which month of the amount, and 70 per this was "normal" procedure. a picketer was struck by a bust cent of the increase if rates were We give everybody a haircut who earlier in the day. The group re- to go up needs one," he said yesterday, fused to move, preventing the bus In their final proposal Monday In addition, Connelley said he from leaving. night, the union said they would was put in a cell with no sanitary Within a few minutes officers of accept the $26 contribution by the facilities and without a blanket the University's security force ar- University if the University would or bedding. Connelley said there rived. Col. Frederick Davids asked also agree to cover all of the in- was "an inch of filth" on the the protesters to disperse, charg- crease if rates went up. cement floor of the cell, which ing they were "violating the rights -Longevity pay. The union has Connelley said inmates called{ of the students who wished to offered to accept adjustments in "the hole." He also said he was ride. the amount of longevity pay if the kicked by policemen during his A few minutes later the Ann University would agree to reduce stay. Arbor police arrived and two offi- from six years to five the length;i An officer in the jail denied cers dispersed the crowd. of time an employe must work be- Connelley had been kicked but ad- fore he receives such bonuses. The mitted inmates were often denied University has -so far refused to blankets and that cells often had THE ROSICRUCIAN do so. only a "steel bench" for sleeping. COSMOCONCEPTION Occult textbook for Western World. Correlates religion and science; explains world mystery; -- describes invisible worlds, man and method of evolution, genesis and development of our solar sys- U U tem, astrology as a true science, Christ and His mission. 703 pages. -Paperoid cover $3.00; cloth $4.50. -Write to: The Rosicrucion Fel- FOO wE EiP.Q. Box 713, Oceanside, Calif. 92054. The Daily is anxious to cor- rect errors or distortions in news stories, features, reviews or editorials. If you have a com- plaint, please call Editor Mar- tin Hirschman at 764-0562. at j * OFFICES, 2nd floor Union INTERVIEWS: JANUARY 25-29 7 LATE REGISTRATION FOR BEET IDRASH motion would be subject to t h e review of student and faculty as- sociate judges. During the first six months of the one-year experiment, there would be two associate judges, one student and one faculty member. During the latter six months, there would be three associate judges--two students and one fac- ulty member in trials of students, and two faculty members and one student in trials of faculty mem- bers. Assembly objected to a stip-I ulation in the judiciary which would, in effect, allow the student associate judge during the first six months of the judiciary to veto a ruling by the presiding judge to bar either the defendant or the plaintiff from the courtroom, dV to exclude testimony of a political nature. In addition,; the faculty asked the Regents to keep an equal number of students and faculty members as associate judges for the latter six months of the ex- periment, instead of a 2-1 com- position favoring the defendant's constituency. Noting that q three-member panel of associate judges could overrule the presiding judge by a majority rule, Assembly stated THINK ABOUT A CAREER IN GOVERNMENT L T TALK 'TO plan, ' Scott aaedt ': likeyo PROGRAM OF JEWISH STUDIES All this week at HILLEL FOUNDATION 1429 Hill Street 663-4129 Don't Miss Out! 46 OZ. CAN { HAWAIIAN PUNCH ........ 29c 8 Z.PT. CT. SEALTEST SOUR CREAM . . . . ..19c SCOTT BIG ROLL TOWELS . . . . .89c 1000 SHEET ROLL-WHITE 8 ROLLS SCOTT BATHROOM TISSUE . . . .9c P.F.D. 0L B. PKG. POLLUTION-FREE DETERGENT . . . . 1.19 WHITE-200 2-PLY KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE . . . . . . 19c CHOC., VANILLA, LEMON PUDDING CT. OF 4 HUNT'S SNAK PACK . . . . . .49c 14 OZ. BOTTLE HUNT'S KETCHUP . . . . . . . .25c FAMO 2 LB. PKG. BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX . . .. 19c OZ. PKG. HERSHEY MILK CHOC. CHIPS ....39c Prices Good thru Sat., Jan. 30, 1971 tu&t4 a~rirr zx2( '- f i i ; f 140P *1 I r " p ' i , ' a B ' ,, " , t /, ,, wq L Forest Food Mart Forest at Huron Village Food Mart South U. at Church Suburbia Food & Drug Stadium at Packard We think so. Because honest the homebuilding business. The Alumiframe system is just improvements are always It's light, strong, economical. one example of the fine ideas welcome. Goes-up quick and easy. Won't in aluminum that come from The aluminum 2 x 4 is part of give way to weathering or Alcoa. A company that cares the completely new Alcoa" termites. about tomorrow's world. Alumiframe* building system. And it saves beautiful green Trademark of Aluminum Company of America. And it just might revolutionize trees for the better things in life. An Equal Opportunity Employer COLD BEER AND WINE Package Complete Uniaue Package Liauor I 1 I I I I