Tuesday, January 19, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pone Five Tuesday, January 19, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY UYU 0I Ivu 00*- T 0 ", H Y D E N p H L C H S D A D E E L TUES., JA 19 WED., JA 020O 8:30 p.m. Rm. 126, East Quad 8:30 p.m.' Rm. 126, East Quad THE CIA CONSPIRACY TRIAL Workshop dealing with racy trials. Coordinated staff. the legal aspects of the trial and the nature of conspi- by attorney Dick McMillan and Liz Gaines of the trial WAR CRIMES, THE CIA, AND THIRD WORLD LIBERATION MOVEMENTS Participants will include Chicago Conspiracy Trial defendant Tom Hayden, author Murray Bookchin, Political Science Prof. Archie Singham, Vietnam Veterans from the War Crimes Tribunal, and Fr. Philip Lindon from the East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives. STOP THE CIA CONSPIRACY! II A R E s G H K E N C 0 C K R E L L A K U T L R T U S., JA 21 0 su JA 24 I 0 8:30 p.m. Hill Auditorium 8:30 p.m. Hill Auditorium NEW LIFE NIGHT Among the participants will be author Mark Lane, Tom Hayden, White Panther Party Minister of International Affairs Genie Pla- mondon, David Peel and the Lower East Side, attorney Kenneth Cockrel, Sister Susan Cordes of the East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives, a Vietnam Veteran from the War C r i m e s Tribunal, and others. (Tickets are $1 .50, available t h r u Thursday at the Fish- bowl, at the Michigan Union, & Thursday at the door.) KUNSTLER, OCHS,-& SUTHERLAND Entertainment and speeches by performer Phil Ochs, a c t o r Don Sutherland, and William Kunstler, defense attorney for Sinclair, Plamondon, and Forrest, as well as for the Berrigan Bros. and the East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives. (Tickets are $2.50, $3.00, and $3.50. Available at Fishbowl, U n i o n, and at the door. Series tickets for Thursday and Sunday 50c discount.) M U KR top the onspirac I FREE JOHN, PUN, and JACK, the BERRIGAN BROS, and ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! LIFE CULTURE WEEK SPONSORS: D T E R