Sunday, December 1 2, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven WOj Coming JANUARY 29 Doc, Severinson an his featuring FRIDAY'S CHILDREN IN CONCERT WITH The U. of }. M RCHING SATURDAY, JAN. 29, 1972 I Oman Sell Yours ot S LATE RS D~aily fiiafhllti S U N D A t , I e_ 6 ' L. k + gL Day (T~ Ii 'PV Centerl' ni C-,l a Va o Ev' id'110011 tart 1Fair: non;,- 1tiroi.I2- pn Family Ree ti(' Pr r:ii,.~'a1' ,o ulty, staff,, 11(1 ma:idanc it l Sports Bldg.taO ii t~,I:1-5:1 a :Music SChol:Liieraa hirs' Chiristmnas ('oi"C"! iill Andi i FailTetnCase n School of Publioc Healith: Alam HEW, "The Use of Policy Aal=, i Iit -il hath; Priorities for the 1973 eltilBdget," Pub. 11th. Auci., 4 P01 < lewo Seso aea Their brand-new PLUS- SALE ENDS SAT., Dl McCARTN EY----WINGS .....35 RO TEST - IT RE. .. 35 OVER 25,000 IP'S, OVER 300 LABELS IN STOCK RO"TW.TwCUE ..3 Q___i WTMSCHANFOR SPECILYL .r ISS I, ,. 4, S. atH S5 .5 " d 59 "r 4 \{ 4 ' a