Sunday, December 12, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five .,. .- III A-AI %-All- ° _et theob doe_ ROOMMATES WANTED ROOMMATES WANTED ONE OR TWO GIRLS starting Jan. 1. ROOM MATE WANTED for winter term. 663-4540. 41Y77 Would share bedroom in modern three man, two bedroom apartment. 1 OR 2 GIRLS. Large apt. in house. Rent $67.50 per month. Call 761-0581. Good location, fireplace. $75-all util- dE76 ities included. 665-0197. 35Y77 _-----------2 GIRLS looking for 2 rmmates to share NEEDED-3rd man for 3-man apt. Own modern furnished apartment on Tap- room, near campus, mod., furn., 4 pan and Hill. Student preferred. Call or 8 mo. Reasonable. 761-2668. 27Y77 after 5, 769-6457. 94Y74 FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE 2-BEDROOM APT., unfurnished, leav- WHOLE HOUSE to rent. 3 bdrm., on ing town, take over lease, all utilities campus. Call after 6:30 p.m., 663-3820. paid, $180. 769-7948. 33077 43C77 2-MAN APT. for sublet, Jan.-July. Call 665-9203. 26077 VACANCIES in 2 bdrm., bi-level, fur- nished apt., $82/month includes dish- ROOM-Quiet, refrig., Jan.-April. 662- washer, utilities, more. 761-7533. 42077 1785, Curt or Paul. 28C77 2 BEDROOM apt. on campus available 2 BEDROOM, central campus, roomy. Dec. 23. $190. Call 761-6958. 14077 Call Donna, 761-7122. 15077 - _ 'ROOM for female. Share large bath & $48-$55 - Large private room for 1 or 2 kitchen. Call 663-6276 between 5 and i6 comfortable, convenient house. 92077 Male or female. Call 764-8533 days, - n m m _. _ 662-8137 eves. 04077 2 SPACES open in modern 4-man apt. close to campus. $65/month. 663-5445. CLEAN, COZY 2-MAN APT. available January 1st. 769-5788. 00077 \- _ --- WINTER TERM EFFICIENCY APARTMENT for rent. - APARTMENTS available now. 4-month e tocampus and down pown. m lease, single liability. Services include 98077 weekly cleaning. University Towers, 761-2680. 70077 2 BEDROOM APT. Carpet, a/c, disposal, -- --__-- and pool. $185. 761-5847. 97C77 2 OR 3 person apt. 4 rooms, all utilities. 605 E. Hoover, 769-0093. 35077 TWO MAN SUITE, two blocks from -------- campus. 715 Hill No. 2. Jan.-April NEW 1 BEDROOM, unfurnished Jan- lease. $150/month-al utilities, kitch- uary-May lease. 434-2830 or 764-9169. en privileges. 761-1457. dC77 50077 CLASSY, CLOSE: 2 or 3 man available MODERN 2 BDRM. furnished apt., near January 1, $65/month. 418 E. Wash- campus available Jan. 1. 1-629-5512. ington. 761-3601. 92077 15077 OPENINGS - North Campus Co-op- CAMPUS, LARGE, furnished, carpeted, starting January. Call Smokey or single and double rooms for girls, in- .Murph. 663-9293. 91077 cludes new refrigerator. 761-1932. 53077 VERY LARGE, furnished, attractive - _ :.. efficiency. Close to campus. Parking. SINGLE ROOM. Kitchen priv. $75/mo. $125/month. Beginning J a n u a r y. 668-8856. 1443 Washtenaw. 46077 Come to 1220 White St., No. 4 eve- - - nings.69C77 2 BDRM. 2-3 man apt. Jan. - Apr., - -close to campus, 405 E. Jeffeirson, Apt. ONE bedroom in -2-man modern apt. 7. 663-6439. - 19077 Good location Dec. or Jan. to Au- - - Wst. 761-4673. If no answer Fri. or SPACE FOR 1 man in cheerful, cleani t. be there Sun. for sure. $100 2-man Hill & Forest, winter term. 24077 Call Bob 761-1367. 11077 1 FEMALE for 3 man apt., beginning MASTER BDRM. in rented 5 bdrm. lux- Jan. 663-5030. 26077 ury home. 2 miles from campus. $75/ _ month. 971-6190 or 763-1454. 12077 EFFICIENCY nice size, location. Full - - - -- Ekitchen & bath. s115/month. 662- ONE GIRL needed for 4-man apt. start- 7812. 35077 ing Jan. 2 Bedroom modern, close to 7812. ___77 campus, 761-8456. 42C77 - - - - - - - - - . _ .. . LARGE, room in modern 4-man. Dish---NE-G-R-----ded r - washer, parking, close to campus. GIL ne d for Can modern 2 men for Jan-April or August. 663- apt. close to campus. Call 668-7687 4583 will help pay for summer. after 5. 99077 38077 WOMAN STUDENTS Winter term. MODERN, Two-bdrm. furnished. apt Room only $275. 761-1472 or 665-8798 I with balcony, convenient bus service (after 6). 15077 to campus. No pets. $240/mo. Lease CAMPUS - 1 block; 418 E. Washington runs to Aug. 25. Phone 662-2952 after modern 1 bdrm. furnished, large. Avi. 4:30 pm. 40077 Jan. 1. Call 668-6906, cCtc TWO MAN, one bedroom apartment, TWO BDRM., furn. apt., 839 Tappan large living room. Modern, campus A/C, parking, disposal. $230. 769-1069 location, 769-7526. 41077 663-5883. 45C73 WANTED: SOMEONE to take over the BRIDGE HOUSE APTS. lease beginning Jan. '72, in one bdrm. Near hospitals and campus. FurnisheC apt. If interested call 663-6624, after 2 bedroom. Available immediately 5:30 p.m. 8377 Moder, all conveniences, undercove OWN bedroom for one girl in large 1662-1862 cCt 2-man, 2-bedroom apt. 2 blocks from -1862. Law .School. $112.50/month. 665-8237. LARGE ONE BDRM. Furnished, A/C 66077 parking, Dec.-Aug. $210/mo. 2-3 men ..- _ -- 901 Oakland, No. 1. 62-8757 or Middle LARGE ROOM for 1 or 2 people, in 3 Management, 663-5883. 80C73 bedroom modern apartment, on cam- pus, $115 monthly, male. 769-4891. 67C77 - ca -IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY MODERN apt. campus, furnished, a/c, disposal, parking. For 1-2 people just two campus apartments Jan-Aug. Call 663-5441. 78077 still available. GREAT 2 bedroom apt. 2 blks. to cam- pus. Available 1/1/72. 763-6234. 79C77 CHARTER REALTY 1011 CHURCH, 2 single rooms for rent. 665-8825 1M~i Kitchen privileges, combination sit- ting-dining room. All utilities, ex- cCtc cept heat, paid. Available end of ~~ December. Call 665-4050 persistently. DETROIT dc77 FURNITURE RENTAL CAMPUS APARTMENTS COLLEGE MARKET SPECIALISTS AVAILABLE now and Jan. 1. One and LOW PRICES two bedrooms from $180. Call 769-8520, FREE FAST DELIVERY McKinley Associates. 0076 ANN ARBOR REPRESENTATIVE TWO MAN apt. in house, good hos- NEIL MILLER pttal and campus location, balcony, garbage disposal. 662-7864. 99075 769-2074 -cCt LARGE room for female over 20 in friendly house. Campus location. SPACES AVAILABLE for Winter term Parking. Inexpensive. 761-1291. 46077 4-month lease at no increase an single liability. Weekly cleaning in TWO bdrm., furnished apt. 839 Tap- cluded. (Come now, avoid Xmas pan, A/C, parking, disposal. $280. rush.) University Towers, 761-2680. 769-1069, 663-5883. 23077 ct FOR SALE-Skis; boots, size 9; Cubco __-_- bindings. Best offer. 763-6424. 36B77 ROOMMATE WANTED - Male - Own I MUST SELL-Heathkit AR-29 FM stereo room at Whitmore Lake. $60/month, receiver-$175, 2 Jensen 3-way speak- option for summer. Call Gary at 761- ers-both for $75. Make offer. Call1 4746. 29Y77 763-6568. 34B77 .EM_- 76-56.-347 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted on cam- BEST BUY-20% off brand new camera. pus, $50/mo., utilities paid, after Dec. Minolta, SR-T 101. 1.7, 55 mm. lens- 25. 769-5135. 30Y77 $210. 769-0178. 4 NEEDED-One girl for 4-man apart- SEWING MACHINE. $35. 761-8123. ment close to campus. All modern 1 I ~14B77; conveniences. Plus the company of three other girls. $75/mo. 769-7136. WANT A BEAUTIFUL GIFT? Get a fi- 24Y77 her optics lamp. Very reasonable -- - --_____ prices. Call Marc, 761-1028. 88B77 MALE GRAD to share very large mo- _ -_Idi---1---- bedroom at 1115 Nielsen Ct., f .._..'-------- - ---- _--.._..___ __ ._ __ 3 SPACES for males in a bi-level 4- mah. $67.50/month. 769-6306. Y77 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS7 RELIABLE 250 Watt Vox Amplifier and Gibson330 Guitar for sale. Call Bill C., 665-0608. 40X77 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Folk, classical, instruments, foreign and domestic. Music, lessons, repairs. 209 S. State, 665-8001, 10-7 p.m. cXtc CLARINET, Normandy, slightly used. $75. Call 663-2070 persistently, 88X77 FOR SALE: Farfisa Organ, Fender su- per reverb amp. Call 761-7606 after 6. 99X77 STEREO AMP and TURNTABLE, La- fayette 85 watt and Garrard SL65 table, used. Call 761-0361 late. 96X77 KUSTOM P.A. for sale. Like new. Call Jonny 662-8683. 44X77 CONCORD MkIV Tape Deck, Auto-re- verse, 1% years old, best offer. Also 25 Sony SLH-180's, half unopened, few others. $4.00 apiece. Joe, 663- 6163. 63X77 USED CARS 1963 JAGUAR Sedan, 3.4 Liter MKII. Exc. mechanical shape, great interior, good body, Call 434-3461 persistently. 37N77 1971 DATSUN 240Z 19,000 miles, 4 speed, rear window defroster, best' offer, 426-3704. 25N77 1971 PINTO automatic shift 100 HP 9,000 miles $1850. Strobos 314 E. Wil- liams St. 30N77 VW BUS. Rebuilt engine. Recently wrecked. All or parts. 761-8123. i 13N77 1965 CORVAIR CORSA. $300. Call before 1:00. 971-8796. 86N77 VW 61 Good running condition. All extras. Call 761-6381. 81N77 '62 PLYMOUTH wagon, economical, runs, looks good. $150. 761-3271. 84N77 I HAVE only one day left to sell my 1970 Maverick. It's automatic, bright red, 23,000 mi. Come or call 2112 Washtenaw, 662-7271 between noonj and 3:30 pm this Sunday. cheap. dN77 '64 IMPALA SS. Auto, V8, FM, Good cond. $350 or best offer. Call Rich- ard, 769-1853. 86N77 '62 PLYMOUTH Fury V-8 automatic, P.S., runs well $150 after 4 or week- ends. 434-2382. 22N77 1960 PLYMOUTH. Runs good but cold natured. $100 or best offer. Call 663- 9010. 56N77 '64 VW Bug, 52,000 miles, mechanically excellent. 764-1132 eves. 40N77 SELLING plane ticket from LA to Det. RAUS on Jan. 4. Cheap. 665-3783. 68Q77 Good luck on your exams!t i' I i t 7 i. 7 r 7 7 7 7 i 7 7 0 7 n ' 7 7 8 7 I. c '3 d Y" r )r :c J, 1. le '3 I TICKETS PERSONAL 38F77 KNEISSL redstars, refinished, $110. 665-2823 93B77 VISIT KITTY'S KORNER HOME-BAKED goodies stand. Sunday, Dec. 12 from 12 noon - 4 pm at Mich- igan Ballroom in the Union. Take home holiday cookies, fruitcakes, bread and nutbread. Gaily gift- wrapped for that extra Christmas Gift. 39B77 ABNORMAL Henke: pro '71, plast. lamin., excel. condit., bag plus tree, $50, high back. 764-2842. 28B76 DOUBLE BED, desk and chair. 434-2830 or 764-9169. 49B77 COLOR TV. Sony portable, like new. 769-5515. 80B77 TRIUMPH, 250cc. 1970 low mileage, per- fect cond., new head & heavy duty valve springs. Bill, 662-8828. dB76 HELP WANTED No. 2. 80. Jan-Aug or $0, no lease. 665-7381. 10Y77 NEED ONE FEMALE GRAD roommate in Hillcott Manor Apts. In Ypsi. $75/ month. 483-2998 after 5:30. 12Y77 OWN ROOM in large house for female grad. $60/month. Call after 5 p.m. 662-9616. 03Y77 ONE GIRL for modern 4-man apt. Jan.-' April. $72.50/month. Oakland and Hill. 665-3411. 16Y77 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 3 bed- room waterfront home at Whitmore Lake. Winter term or longer. 764- 0259, 761-4746. 17Y77 ROOMMATE NEEDED - in house w/4 other women-much privacy-call 663- 8180. dY771 PERSON TO SHARE cozy house on a park at the top of a hill near the sky. Own room, near Madison and, Main. 15 minute walk to campus. Call 761-5323. 85Y77 PERSONAL NEEDED: Spanish Tutor for beginner who wants to learn Spanish for trip ALMOST brand new air conditioner., to Mexico in early February, 2-4 Just used this past summer. Plan times per week until then. Ask for ahead for next year and save money. Dave after 6:00, 769-2520. 53F77 Call 769-8238. dF77 FLYING home? Get 3-5 passengers to- HE AIN'T HEAVY, HE'S MY BROTHER gether, a cab beats a limousine. AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS. TAU (Travel light.) Try Yellow. 86F77 EPSILON PHI, 1412 CAMBRIDGE, - 761-3618. 0F77 SAMEWISE: On your way home from - Mordor stop by Applerose Natural I'LL BE DRIVING out to Calif. for the Foods. 404 West Liberty, and pick up Rose Bowl. Leaving Dec. 23 or 24. some real peanut butter. I'm sick of Planning to return to Ann Arbor by the imitation stuff you get at the about Jan. 10. Two riders wanted for supermarket. Gaffer. 52F77 both ways. Must be willing to share driving and expenses and consider a RIVENDELL, halfway between the side trip or two, Call Andy at 769- Shire and Mordor has the finest 0616 or 663-8178, between 6 p.m. and food in Middle Earth. Applerose Na- 10 p.m. only. dF77 tural Foods, 404 West Liberty, has the 10 p-.--y---finest foods in Ann Arbor. 53F77 SKI COLORADO'S FINEST Two Trips Depart Jan. 3 PANASONIC portable TV. Six months 7 Ski Days-$170-$182 old. $90. 764-0740 persistently. 28077 11 Ski Days-$210-$230 For Info on trip or its "Beginner- TEACHING FELLOW award nomina- Learn to Ski"rProgram, call Cathy, tion forms now available, 1020 Rack- 769-2710. or Brad, 449-2668. 39F77 ham Building. Deadline February 1, --------------- 1972. 59F77 Richard Lee, Inc. ROUND TRIP Det/LA/Det via Saturn Photog.aphy for the Discerning. Airways, a certificated supplemental Editorial, Publicity, Commercial, airlines. Cost $105. Plus $10 adminis- Portraits and Weddings. Call 761-9452 trative costs. Total $115. Based on cFtc pro-rated cost of 250 passenger DC-8 - -- --- jet. Participation restricted to stu- DUMP NIXON dents of U. of M. Phone 761-8530. Come to New Hampshire over Christ- 61F77 mas break to Help Congressman "PETE" McCLOSKEY $100 REWARD mobilize for the New Hampshire pri- For information leading to rental of mary. Mass Meeting Friday, Dec. 17, 6 or 7 bdrm. house for Sept. '72. Call 2 p.m., Room 3529 S.A.B. or Call Andy 663-4583 or 769-3585. 26F77 761-9523; Steve 668-7380; Jackie 769- -- 7146. 08F77 FAR OUT - A train to Rose bowl - -_- --- go, return, stop en route, when and ASTHMA - $10 where you like or take tour. For the need peace-loving men with asthma. individualist. Call 761-9361, 9 a.m. - Short experiment-immediately. Call 9 p.m. for information. 82F77 M.D. 761-9368. 02F77 -___- - -- . Save $190. CELEBRATE END OF CLASSES. Free I'LL DOUBLE your reading speed be- Christmas Party, Monday, Dec. 13. fore finals with the same compre- Rive Gauche, 9 p.m. We will be car- hension. 3 one-hour lessons. Your olling in 5% different languages. $10 back if I fail. Call Michael T. at cF77 761-1457 or 761-6683. dF77 FOR SALE: Goya G-10 guitar. Excellent!-- condition, with case. Call 764-0976. 1965 VW 1500 Notchback, $250. Call 64X77 eves, or weekends 665-5032. 39N77 TEAC Cassette desk, AR turntable, CAMPER - VAN (Ford Econoline, 1963) Kenwood amp. Teac speakers, Koss ^good condition. Call Peter, 769-6557. Pro-4A headphones for sale. 665-2641. dN77 65X77 ~- MG MIDGET 1966 EXCELLENT M E - GIBSON Cherry 330 guitar. FENDER CHANICAL. GOOD BODY. $700. CALL Precision Bass, KUSTOM 200 amp. 3 BRIGHTON 229-8173. EVES & WEEK- PedoENDS. 65N77 SRO's, FENDER Solid State Bassman 7041 watts RMS). Ro or on,dX77 PETS AND SUPPLIES FULL TIME PERSONABLE Secretary. YOUR OWN ROOM - Call 769-5798. Good typing required. Prefer former, dY77 UMTT- ' .UUctnA LyT I at 3X Minh- I i u-m tuaet. iqure at ., me --c AON igan Union or call 763-3241. cH77 ONE FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for ---- ------- -- "'_ - --- U - 2-man on campus. Call after 4:00, BASS CLARINET FOR SALE! Great BEAUTIFUL GRAY CAT needs home. THERE'S A RUMOR GOING AROUND CHRISTMAS ENGAGEMENT? Order -- ---- 2-an o capus Cal afer :00 THA MATHACOOKHASCHAGED spring WEDDING RINGS BY JHAEN FREE ROOM & BOARD 663-0605. 87Y77 deal! Pedler, silver keys, case, reeds, Very lovable. Call 769-0734. 05T77 THAT MARTHA COOK HAS CHANGED eari. Originas take time to make. In lovely home in exchang'e for 10-15 - - etc. I paid $2300, but Ill take any (----- - - - ----,-- ------- .__ery rgnlstk-iet ae hovelyoe nbabyasitting.9 73e for - MALE ROOMMATE needed for 2-bed- decent offer. Call Cliff at 761-2017. MUST give up beautiful adult male Well, Her 21 meals a week haven't 769-7550.eFt room 4-man apt. 665-5435. 94Y77 dX77 cat. Free to good home. Good dis- changed. Her maid and linen service- - ----- ----- - 23H77 rm 4-.-4. Yposition. Unusual markings. % Sia- hasn't changed. Her classic beauty MICHIGAN UNION BARBERS, B I L C E SAE API----- o- iONE MALE to share one bedroom apt. ANN ARBOR FOLKLORE CENTER NEW mese. Call 662-0145. 04T77 hasn't changed. LIARS BOWING. PEN REGL be a fullIan par close to campus. Grad preferred. $70/ AND USED GUITARS, BANJOS, FID- -- - But, Her outlook on life has. Come seeC camera sales persons starting Jan. mo. 668-7505. 90Y77 , DLES, MANDOLINS, DULCIMERS, HOLIDAY kittens, will hold till Xmas. for yourself. You'll love her. -I B touramet Th _r C ms-BOUGHT AND SOLD. ACCESSORIES, Siamese and mnx, all shots, board- THE MARTHA COOK BUILDING ACUd Blad T hF77 72. Call Tim Anderson, 761-0193, the FOURTH MAN wanted for cheap mod- REPAIRS, INSTRUCTION. MOECK ing & stud service, reasonable. 769- A residence for undergraduate and round deadline Dec. 13. Union. cF77 Quarry, Inc. 19H77 ern hi-level apt. close to campus. E AND ADLER RECORDERS. OUR RE- 6271. 45T77 graduate women RINGS, RINGS, RINGS. All different. MAKE MONEY SELLING MICHIGAN Jan.-April. 663-7451. 27Y77 GULAR PRICES ARE AT LEAST 10% SPACES AVAILABLE All orignal. Made special for you DAILY SUBSCRIPTIONS during regis- --- - -- - - LESS THAN LIST ON EVERYTHING. FREE KITTENS - Four black, black & FOR WINTER TERM Jhan 769-7550. CF77 nAIMYsbCIonSmuringJregIFEMALE roommate wanted, grad. or 668-9836. 516 E. WILLIAM A B O V E white, multi colored. 434-2572. 81T77 Call 769-3290 tration. Must be on campus by Jan. working woman $60/month. Call 439- BIKE SHOP. cXtc 20177 If vou are- pregnant and desperate call 10. Commission 'basis. Call Alan at( 7067 or 769-9392. 32Y77 - AKC NORWEGIAN ELKHOUNDS. Ex- -s 700 a.m.-3:00 p.m. - 665-5598 663-3455 or leave message dH77 - --- - ----- - - -PIANO TUNING - Quality and Econ- cellent watchdog, good with children, Planning meeting for the WOMEN'S 3:00 pm.-l:00 p.m. - 662-4157 --.._ - ____----OKAY girls - here's your chance! 2-3 omy." Grad,, U-M, Technician, Nat'l beautifully marked Call 483-5973. CENTER, Sunday, Dec. 12, 2 p.m. 11:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m. - 971-1827 DRIVERS NEEDED for delivery - De- spaces in the sharpest house on cam- Music Camp. artin Tittle 769-0130. Tf 1510 SAB. All women welcome. 95F77 54F77 saeintesapshosoncmMscCm.MriTite76-10547.12 aotroit. area,65. Must have van or stationgY"GaU-,TcninNtl buiflymre.Cl4859 :SLTI WNE om heVpae r rH7s pus. Only $56.25 - a real deal. Call 51X77_ _ Lisa or Sheila, 663-3144. 7077TRANSPORTATION HYPNOSIS - Most people experience BABYSITTER 3:30 - midnight 3 to 4 - ------ - GUIT ARSaps, organs. Fender. bt. E Apothecary's cellar means properly only the limits they set upon them- Bday saweek, n:3weekend, $6/day. 663- NEED 4th female roommate for modern tm 5100. Marshall and Sunn amps stored wine at a reasonable price. apt. 662-3351. 71Y77 Farfisa organ $275, Repo Fender Bass-TWO want ride to and from Floridac selves. Call 7610440. F77 -H - - -- - --- --man $295. APOLLO MUSIC CENTEF ,prefer after Xmas, will share driv- -WAT-ER difference a Wave of the Fu- 4TH female for 2-bedroom modern bi- zz S. Main, Ann Arbor. 769-1400 ing and expenses. 668-7137 or 665- ITALIAN SAUSAGE .. .. 950. WANTED: Models for body painting and ..level on Hill St. Jan-Aug. Call 769- CXtc_ _0219.36G77_(_m-mbedradeshriePc poorpystudio. -Good working -- -Ho- eadeOi,sredtpedrithlianPep-------- -____ 3238.graphy7- ---__ - - _ _.- ---- ndtions. Setu o or 27 ANN ARBOR MUSIC MART. Hme of: 2 WOMEN want ride east: Boston, New Meat Sauce). ODYSSEY-208 West WEDDING INVITCaTN1S 7Mod yte. 769-9539 for interview. 66H77 2 ROOMMATES wanted: (any sex or Gibson, Fender and Martin guitars. York or New Jersey. Leaving Dec. Huron. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. eFc ditional style. Call 761-0942 anytime. combination) to fill 4 person apt. in Name brand Amps always in stock 18, 19 or 20. Will share expenses and ------- ---- job? Call Mr. Joyce 769-9207. 69H77 house near campus. $60. 769-7488. at lowest prices. 215 E. Liberty, 662- driving. Call Joan 761-1238. dC77 WATERBEDS are good for the head. - ?- alr Joyce 769 92_7. -9H7774Y77 in stock, Martin guitars all models. - - -------- - n-- ._.~ ~ Wave of the Fute. cFtc - - _.- ------- - -- - 0 ~cRIDE - Phila. area Pa. turnpike. Share' (eonthFuure. ocPatc Campus. Own room and b ONE roommate to share moderately ----- exp. 1221/ or after. Call David B. (Continued in spacious old home in exchange priced modern campus apt. with two 764-2746 or 663-2585. dG77HOLIDAY POTTERY for 15-20 hrs. a week of babysitting, males moer B mu a4 . wiY7w BUSINESS SERVICES----.--------------. light housework. 663-9885 or 764-2579 . Call Bob at 449-2815. 76Y77 MOTHER AND 4 year old child would SAL E 29H1774TH girl needed, modern apt. ex. ]o- EXPERIENCED typist available for like ride to and/or Montreal an y- ' --- - - - cation. $78/mo. or negotiable. Call home typing. Mrs. Serafin 761-3250. time between Dec. 15 and Jan. 13. SCHOOLHOUSE POTTERY STUDIO 6OARD EXAMS w SPANISH TUTOR for beginner who 763-6620. 77Y77 7477 769-2740. 87G77 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 Mexico in early February, 2-4 times FEM roommate wanted for modern, STUCK IN a ditch? Battery dead? Call IA0 A.M.-4 P.M. KAPLAN TUTORING per week until then. Ask for Dave furnished 3-man. Excellent location, RJ's PLOWING & TOWING, student MISCELLANEOU 4991 WHITMORE LAKE ROAD after 6:00. 769-520. 54H77 $76/month. Call 761-5868. 82Y77 owned-operated. Discount with -M Call761-868. 8277 rnva,_adq71.7 WANTED: Assorted machines and aMAC C SOMEONE to care for 2 pre-school children. About 20 hrs/wk. in our c home. Days and hours can be ar- ranged. 769-1682. 75H77 SITTER needed-gentle, experienced with pre-schoolers, winterterm in my Northwood IV apt. Hours Monday 8:30-12:30 p.m.; Tues. 1:30-5:00 p.m,; Wed-Fri 1-4 pm. 668-7994. 80H77 FACULTY FAMILY desires student; room and board in exchange for babysitting. Car required. 663-7885. c LOST AND FOUND NEED 4th male roommate for mod- ern 2 bedrm-nice group, nice apt. 911 S. Forest. 761-3386 or 668-6906. cY77 TWO female'roommates wanted to share 1st floor house on Tappan. $140 Jan-Aug. 761-0915. 16Y77 4TH MAN for modern apartment, no worries about summer sublet. 1001 S. Forest No. 322. 763-6221. 95Y77I 3 ROOMS available in house. 763-6534. 98Y77 ROOMMATE wanted: For 4-man apart- ment. Jan-April. Call 761-3559. dY77 I~~~~76-6-43.~~~- ~~~- ~~~~ piiances that the irreparable. Chil- INTERESTED IN renting time on IBM dren at the University day care cen- Computer? Minimum time 4 hr. i ter. Used for visual learning experi- monthly. 971-7655. 69J31 t ence. Call 764-3487. 05M77 Trade Up To qaffla0d ANSWER 14 PREVIOUS PUZZLE H UMS TIBER SPA 1. NFJ T R T E E L Y D A N K -W A R S AM! B A N K N O T IE R UE T A PE D OHIO P N A A R R A L T E S T I E D RESIT NEE SOM E R SE T AS SA R K A TE N E LL O G LE A L IBI COO 0L A G E T AP IR K A E DY E S 5 P d D E SIR E D D.A.T.--January Exam Classes Dec. 27 thru 31 L.S.A.T.-February Exam Classes starting Jan. 4 M.C.A.T.-May Exam Classes starting Jan. 8 For information and enrollment Cal Collect (313) 851-6077 n, Cd x- ts GC Desperately need help - lOSt I URGENTLY NEED two girls to sharej Tuesday, male black COCka- room in 2 bedr. apt. $75.00 each a Tuesaymaleblak coka-j month nCall 761-2759 after 7:30cp~m world's finest automatic turntable "Synchronously Powered" 39.95 to 189.95 COMFORTABLE apt. for two., older house, Mary St. available X-mas $155/mo. Suzie 663-9957. 06077 TAKE OVER LEASE-large, beautiful one bedroom apartment - $180 per month. Call after 5 p.m.-763-6988. 11077 MOD. APT. 2 man, 1 bedroom, 1 block from Frieze. $195/month. Take over lease Jan-August. 763-6155. 13077# SUBLET ONE LARGE BEDROOM APT, very close to campus. 665-5570. 09U77 SUBLET, Large 2-bedroom apt. $150. Immediate ocupancy. 217 S. 5th Ave. No. 3. 20U77 MODERN one bdrm. directly on cam- pus. Furnished. 668-6906. cU77 ~r- -- ~- ~~mo~~~~~ CAMPUSLARGE, urnished, capetd, 4TH FEMALE wanted for large 'mod. apt, on Observatory. $55/month. Call single, and double rooms for girls, in- Sue, 662-9851. 31077 cludes new refrigerators 761-1932. NICE, independent ROOM. 1328 Geddes -~~~~ ~ - ~ ~ - Ave. (Forest). Grad. $70. See Xavier, ROOM AND BOARD every day after 6:30 p.m.; or leave message at 665-6248. 42077 ROOM and Board. Graduate Students ------- Only. Main campus location, call BARGAIN CORNER 764-1112. 96E77 WOMAN STUDENTS - winter term, LOOK PRETTY and keep warm In a room and board (3 meals) $625. 761- velvet embroidered robe with a hood 1472 or 665-8798 (after 6). 14E77 poo, grey around the face, 4 mos. old, large reward. Call 761-0767.3 32A77 FOUND: keys, near Angell. Ask at Daily Classified desk. dA77 LOST: Gold colored woman's Bulova wristwatch, between Frieze and P.A. Bldg. Call 764-0913. 28A77 LOST: Woman's gold-faced Omega wristwatch, black leather. If found please call 764-6983. 31A77 FOUND: small tan puppy female. E. Ann & State St. area. Call 761-1783. dA77' FOUND: almost full grown white, ter- rier type, male with black spots, short curly hair in the vicinity of the events building. 663-5775. dA77 LOST, 8 mo old beagle-type puppy, name Mouk, red collar, wanted des- perately, 769-4743. 52A77 LOST BLACK male cat with w h i t e whiskers, paws and throat, near Wil- mot and Elm Friday night, responds to "Simon", call 663-4852 anytime.1 89A77 j 97Y77i ROOMMATE wanted for modern 4-girl apartment, close to hospital. Cheap. 662-6927. 47Y77 WANTED: Female roommate for 3-man; apt. close to campus. $65/mo. Take over in Jan. 665-6898. 02Y77 SHARE 2 BR. FURNISHED APT. WITH MED. STUDENT. $95/mo. AVAILABLE DEC. 15. 971-0711. 46Y77 MONTH free rent! 3 men need 1. Share furnished apt. Available Dec. 17. Cheap. 662-4909. 73Y77 NEED MALE roommate, own bedroom, 4 or 8 mos., modern apt, near Cam- pus. 769-5515. 76Y77 ROOMMATE WANTED for modern 2- bdrm., bi-level apt. near campus. Call after 6 p.m. 665-6550. 20Y77 TWO SPACES open in modern 4-man apt. near the campus. $65/mo. 663- 5445. 55Y77 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted, g r a d student, own room, sauna, tennis, in- door pool, Stadium and Pauline. $117.50/mo. Ca., Pat, day 763-1345 eve- nings. 764-5912. 77Y77 WORKSHOP WESTGATE SHOPPING CENTER 2555 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor 665-3664 16400 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit BR 3-7985 "We Service What We Sell" }. BANKAMERICARD * MASTERS * DINERS i ACROSS 1 Headdress. 4 Get up. 9 Recognize: Colloq. 13 Man's nickname. 14 Mock-up. 15 Third power. 16 Rock 'n rol number: 2 words. 19 First four words of a revived popular song. 20 Colors. 21 Orchestra: Abbr. 22 Goes suddenly: Colloq. 25 Practical wisdom. 30 Wagner of base- ball fame. 31 Round. 32 Exclamations of surprise. 33 Affirm. 34 Unit of weight. 35 Leave out. 36 Insurgent. Colloq. 37 ,Jogs. 38 Garden tool. 39 Textile fabrics. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Coor. '1GalFaue op or a long velvet kaftan with mirror embroidery. Velvet shirts and vests for men. Large selection of hand ma- clothes. GET FROCKER, 211 S. State. cWtc 42 Believer in: Suffix 43 Last. 44 Song by David Guion: 4 words. 51 Familiar words by John Howard Payne: 4 words. s2 Thin, pointed sword. 53 Egg-shaped. 54 Prayer word. 55 Departed. 56 Relative of a drawstring. 57 Number. SAM'S STORE LEVI DENIMS Bell Bottoms .... $8.0 0 Traditionals .... Button Flys.. Super Slims ..... Boot Jeans LEVI CORDUROY (several colors) Bells .......... Slim Fits ....... $7.50 $6.98 $7.00 $7.50 WANTED TO RENTM ROOM. Female. Grad. Hos. Area. 769-I 2359, 662-7095 Grace. 48L76I M. GRAD needs winter sublet/room. L. Straus, 1414 E. 59th St., Chicago. 60637. 51L77 MALE Grad needs campus single apart- ment or efficiency. Preferably unfur- nished. Cheap. Start anytime. Mike, 761-1402. 54L77 SMALL Space To Rent. Need closet size space, lockable, easily accessible en- closure for tools and supplies. Call 769-0880, leave message. 56L77 WANTED: Own room near campus, Jan-April or Aug. Caryl 665-0923. 83L77 OLDER couple wants place to stay Dec. 17 - Jan. 4. Will care for pets, plants, and house while you are away. Call 663-8423 or 662-7115. 03L77 SINGLE APARTMENT wanted near campus. Bedroom, living room, kitch- en and bathroom. Please call 663- 3978. 93L77 To help you select beautiful and meaningful gifts WE'RE OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 11:00 P.M. MONDAY-FRI DAY ARM/Michigan Film Society Orson Welles Film Festival We finally ;have it! only-WEDNESDAY-only Dec. 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 17 DOWN Measures of length. Greek letters.. Moment of crisis: 2 words, Runs easily. Actor Calhoun and others. Notion. Heavy swells. Large dog, orig. inating in Nor. way. Type of lighting fixture., I Stroke in golf. I Comply with. Far off: Comb. form. Alpha Delta... Small pieces of 4 5 6 7 E S4 . hardware. 18 Courageous. 22 Fragment of pottery. 23 Envelop. 24 one: 2 words. 25 Looks sullen. 26 Men's nicknames. 27 ".is an is- land.." 2 words. 28 Rebuke. 29 -..Park. 31 Humor. 34 Diplomatic etiquette. 35 Headgear: 2 words. 37 Where Bobby Shaftoe went: 2 words. 38 Frighten. 40 Tool for boring. 41 Searcher. 43 ". Christmas.' 44 Aspire. 45 Give access to. 46 Leningrad's river. 47 Obsolete Spanish coin. 48 Alaskan mining town. 49 Govt. operatives. 50 Poetic contrac- tion. 51 Regenerated. 8 10t- 1 t5 FRANZ KAFKA'S 41 The vial $8.50 $6.98 13 16 19 2 words.. Pictures. F 2 3 I LEVI FLARES ,Soids, prints and stripes Casual & Dress Flares ... $8.00-$14.00 LEVI DENIM JACKETS I t I Welles' screenplay, direction, production with Welles, Jeanne Moreau, Anthony Perkins, Elsa Mar- tinelli, Romy Schneider. "K is a little bureaucrat, I consider him guilty. He belongs to a guilty society, he collaborates with it." -Welles A massive overwhelming realization of Kafka's F- i i i i i i i i i t8 FOR RENT: Jan.-May. Three bedroom house, $170.00. 15 minutes from Ann Arbor. Preferably trade for nice apart- ment in town. Call 449-4587 persist- ently. dL77 i --- 2I 30 23 20 24 31 34 25 26 Unlined....... $9,00 - I : nn 33~1 35 -r 1-"-l 107 I iI I I