See Editorial Page
Sw iP ut
Mostly fair,
and cold
Vol. LXXXII, No. 77 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 12, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pag
es plus Advertising Supplement
With an eye toward
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article can-
eludes the series on the University's ath-
letics department.
"Don Canham is doing a good job,
but the Job isn't worth doing. He's
made Michigan number one in the
Big Ten. So what?"
These words of David Mildner, a
former student member of the Ad-
visory Committee on Recreational,
Intramural, and Club Sports
(ACRICS), express the feeling of an
increasingly vocal minority who be-
lieve University priorities in relation
to athletics are badly out of line.
Believing that recreational sports
have step-child status, and that the
varsity program has strained the
boundaries of amateurism, they say
"so what?" to the University's rising
athletic prominence.
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The group consists mainly of stu-
dents and faculty members who are
interested in participant sports.
"This is a university, not a sports-
fest," Mildner says. "There ought to
be facilities for the average student
and faculty member who likes to play
Others complain that varsity sports
have gotten too big. With large
amounts of time, money and per-
sonnel going into producing winning
teams, some persons close to the ath-
letics program charge that the Uni-
versity has put itself in a position of
almost "hiring a professional team."
Claiming that meaningful change
is not possible within the present
athletic system, a number of people
have put forward plans for restruc-
turing the University's sports estab-
The most far reaching of these
proposals, from a report by a sub-
radical reorganization of the entire
athletic program.
Under the proposal, "full ride"
ahtletic scholarships would be lim-
ited to football and possibly basket-
ball as these are the only sports
whose gate receipts cover the high
cost of such grants.
Further, part-time faculty or even
student coaches, rather than full-
time professionals, would be hired for
minor sports such as track, basket-
ball, gymnastics, etc.
Such cut-backs, if put into effect,
would cut scholarship costs roughly
in half. They would also chop ex-
penditures for salaries and wages
which - at over a million dollars per
year - make up the biggest item in
the athletic department budget.
The funds thus saved, the ACRICS
report says, could be spent to bol-
ster the sagging
"We believe," the report sta
"that the claim of the 200 or;
intercollegiate athletes upon avail
funds, while deserving, is less t
the claim of the many thousands
students who must now suffer
adequate facilities."
Mildner, a supporter of this b
proposal, would go even furt
however. While stating he "woul
touch football or basketball beca
they make money,' he proposed 1
the athletic department "bring
others down to the club sport lev
Such a move would reduce
minor sports to an informal R
with limited travel budgets and
unteer coaches. According to M
ner's rough estimate it woulds
the department $500,000 per y
recreational r
un or ro fit
fro- This, he says, would be enough for
theahtletic department to build the
tes, much talked about Intramural Build-
300 ing.
able Another proposal would remove all
han intramurals and club sports from the..
s of control of the athletic department
in- and place them under the auspices of
the Office for Student Services.
asic There has been some support for
her, such a move in the past and it was
dn't supposedly under consideration by
ause the Board in Control of Intercolle-
that giate Athletics three years ago when
the a successor was being sought for the
vel." retiring Fritz Crisler.
all With its present budgetary situa-
evel tion, however, some feel the Univer-
vol- sity would be unable to successfully
ild- finance the program.
save According to the report of a spe- RUGBY PLAYERS competing on
ear. See 'U', Page 8 muddy fields.
of ACRICS, calls for a
Regents to
India advances; E.
Thursdaymeeting attempts
"S }.::i;{,.}: . ."4,:..-}'~ : i"{...FF:: By GENE ROBINSON
U.N. surrender bid
Tenants file
landlord suit
Hall Management, the owners of some 500
housing units in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti
area, has offered to give their tenants back
the increased amount of money which the
management received from raising rents
this year. The tenants had charged their
management with violating President Nixon's
If you are a senior, this is your last
student Christmas. Unless, of course, if
you work on The Daily. To give some of us
a chance to graduate on time, The Daily
will not publish during study days and
examination period. We will be back for
breakfast on the morning of Jan. 13.
wage-price-rent freeze imposed last August,
and have filed a suit with the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS).
After investigating the rent rates of their
apartment units last year, the tenants of
939 Dewey St.-an apartment building with
12 units-found that seven of the 12 apart-
ments had their rent rates increased from
$5 to $30 a month.
When the tenants questioned Hall Man-
agement, the apartment building's owner,
why they increased the rent, the manage-.
ment's attorneys White, Bell and. Carter,
sent the tenants back a form letter saying
that the guidelines did not apply to their
See TENANTS, Page 12
The Regents will open their Thursday aft-
ernoon meeting to the public during their
Dec. 16-17 me.etings - an unprecedented
move which will allow students and faculty
members to. attend the traditionally closed
discussions of top University affairs.
According to Secretary of the University
Richard Kennedy, the open meeting was set
by President Robben Fleming and his ex-
ecutive officers. He added that the Regents
have the power to again close the meeting
if they so desire.
Although the Regents have heard reports
from faculty members and students during
past Thursday afternoon sessions, the Re-
gents have never held public discussions
other than their brief Friday morning pub-
lic sessions.
Each month the Regents meet for some
14 hours of closed meetings during the
two-day meeting period. Fleming has said
that- many of the things discussed by the
Regents in Closed sessions "could be dis-
cussed in the middle of State St."
Fleming has also suggested opening the
Thursday night sessions, saying that the
more opened meetings could increase public
confidence and trust in the board.
The Regents are scheduled to discuss
the possible opening of more meetings this
Topics of discussion at the open Thurs-
day session will include the Overberger re-
port on the position of vice president for
research, with the Regents expected to take
action at their Friday public meeting to
extend Research Vice President Geoffrey
Norman's appointment, scheduled to expire.
Dec. 31, until a successor is found.
Fleming has previously announced that
due to a lag in the proceedings to find a
new vice president, Norman has consented
to remain if the Regents will temporarily
.extend his appointment.
The Regents will also discuss at the
Thursday meeting Gov. William Milliken's
recent hearings on the state budget, the
possibility of increasing educational oppor-
tunities for Vietnam veterans and alterna-
tives to the present provisions for campus
security involving the payment of funds
to the city for security assistance.
No action on the classified research is-
sue is on the Regents' agenda other than
the vice presidency for research. However,
Fleming will meet with the Senate Advisory
Committee for University Affairs (SACUA)
on Wednesday to check on the progress of a
the body is preparing.
Proprietary research is research done for
industrial companies, and the results of
such research are often undisclosed.
The Regents had been scheduled to vote
on Senate Assembly's resolution to restrict
classified research this month, but appar-
See REGENTS, Page 7
Leinon and Ono:
The crowd roared
There was something in the
air at Crisler Arena Friday night
-and it wasn't just a mood of
togetherness. About 15,000 peo-
ple spent an entire night and
some of the following day taking
part in a sort of "super benefit"
for the imprisoned founder of
the White Panther Party, John
But despite adamant declara-
tions from the Rainbow People's
Party that the show was a bene-
fit for Sinclair and not to be
dominated by any two persons,
the throngs appeared to be fever-
ishly anticipating the arrival of
John Lennon and his wife Yoko
Yet for 15 minutes, Lennon was
there. He sang three quick songs,
including the "John Sinclair
Song" ("Gotta, Gotta, Gotta set
him free . .").
"Apathy is nowhere," Lennon
said to the people. "So the flow-
er power didn't work. We gotta
start over." And then they were
(See story, Page 2)
-Daily-Robert Wargo
Local merchants un worried by
impending rush of new drinkers
By The Associated Press
Indian soldiers were reported advancing on
the East Pakistani (Bangla Desh) capital
of Dacca last night, as anapparent sur-
render offer by East Pakistan's military
governor was blocked by the Pakistani gov-
British informants said information reach-
ing them indicated Maj. Gen. Forman Ali
Khan made a formal approach to U.N. repre-
sentatives on behalf of the military gover-
nor-apparently an admission of his forces'
desperate position.
The surrender attempt, however, was halt-
ed by a declaration by Pakistani President
Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan's government
that the governor's approach to the United
Nations was not authorized.
The governor in Dacca had reportedly
offered to surrender under the following
-The Pakistan army would surrender only
to the Indian army.
-The East Pakistanis would have no offi-
cial dealings with the Bangla Desh guerrillas
fighting for an independent East Pakistan.
-All. West Pakistani civilians must be
evacuated'to West Pakistan.
-Arrangements must be made for a
phased evacuation of the Pakistani army.
-The handover of the administration must
be to those representatives of East Paki-
stan's Awami League who were elected to
the National Assembly last December, but
have not been able to take their seats.
In Dacca, however, the Pakistani military
commander for East Pakistan Lt. Gen. Ama
Niazi told newsmen yesterday, "Gentlemen,
you will see my dead body, or alive I'll go
forward."The statement reduced hopes for
surrender before Indian troops reached the
Although describing their position as
"grim" the Pakistanis said they had made
no proposals for evacuating their troops, say-
ing only, that they were making "najor
diplomatic moves."
While one Pakistani government spokes-
man said, "We believe we are not without
friends," he, did not indicate whether he was
expecting military assistance from the Paki-
stani's major ally, the People's Republic of
Further, the Pakistani government has
asked President Nixon for "substantial
amounts of military equipment and sup-
plies," according to Sen. Frank Church.
Basing his statements of what he char-
acterized as "usually reliable sources",
Church said "The President is said to be
giving this request serious consideration."
Film unit hit
by Cinema III
On Monday night, Central Student Ju-
diciary, (CSJ), will hear charges that the
Orson Welles Film Society illegally used the
name of a rival film group to obtain a movie.
The charge, brought by Steve Rosen, '72,
a member of the Cinema II film organiza-
tion, claims that Orson Welles bought the
movie, 'Woodstock', using Cinema II's name
and some other address.
According to Victor Gutman, '73, director
of student organizations, the distributor that
Come January 1, every eighteen-year-old
in the state can wistfully put aside his fake
I.D. and enter any bar with full authority
to order a drink. Will these young people
burst the seams of local drinking establish-
ments, push aside older patrons and change
the city's drinking patterns?
Most bar owners say that the new group
of enfranchised drinkers will hit the town
hard for the first few months of the year
and then slowly dribble off to a steady level
of customers around March or April.
All local businesses expect some kind of
increase in customers, with some bars and
taverns expecting more than others. Quite
naturally, bars which have a young clien-
tele now expect the largest increases.
"We may lose a few of the older custom-
ers, who may want a quieter, less crowded
atmosphere, but we don't expect the 18-20
year olds to take over completely," says
Bruce Fearer, manager of the Village Bell
on South University.
Retail package liquor dealers do not ex-
pect to be affected as much as the bars.
The manager and owner of Village Corner,
Rick Shear, expects only slight increases
fleyns: New ACE head examines post
in sales. Shear says the bars will be af-
fected more than stores because young peo-
ple always had people over 21 to buy for
Most people, including law enforcement
officials, feel that the 18-20 year olds will
react responsibly to their new drinking
rights. Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Kras-
ny says he foresees no problems whatsoever
with law enforcement, and has no plans for
increasing patrolling and investigating
"We expect the kids to be responsible and
to use common sense," says the chief, "I
have confidence that they will handle this
The only real problem with the numbers
of new drinkers is New Years Eve itself.
Technically speaking, local restaurant and
bar owners cannot serve the 18-20 crowd
until midnight, which may create minor
problems. Many young people plan to make
reservations and jam the local restaurants
and bars early in the evening, yet will not
be able to drink until midnight.
In an attempt to alleviate this problem,
Gov. Milliken and the Legislature have been
trying to move the date forward a few
weeks so that young people may drink le-
gally before midnight January 1.
The proposal is presently 'buried' in a
Undoubtedly one of the most sought after educators in
the country, psychology and education Prof. Roger
Heyns is on the move again - this time to head the
prestigious American Council of Education (ACE).
Seven years ago Heyns left his post of vice president
for acadeinic affairs here to assume chancellorship at
Berkeley, leading the California University through six
tumultuous years of student protest and activism.
institutions might have and organizing efforts to solve
these problems," Heyns says.
In addition to improving the relationships between the
federal government and educators on a national level,
Heyns will focus on educational reform within university
communities. Heyns places a high priority on improving
the status of undergraduate education and stresses a
need for greater diversity in teaching methods.
"Professors too often tend to pick one method-some
pedological approach-and apply it to everyone," Heyns